Washington Redskins – Philadelphia Eagles

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Gege55 Philadelphia Eagles 1 110 — Trent Cole Fan

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evergreen Philadelphia Eagles 1 582 — Wentzylvania

“He played like a freakin’ Hall of Famer. I don’t know how many passes he missed, but he managed the game, got the ball to his receivers, got the ball to the running backs." - Cameron Heyward on Carson Wentz
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mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 041 — Chalk Dawk fan
HAJRÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ.!!!!!!!!!!!!! ÍGÖÖLSZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Öcséd muslicás bora bekészítve?

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ano92 Philadelphia Eagles LSU Tigers 5 306 — Robert Griffin III && Tom Savage && DeShone Kizer fan
HAJRÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ.!!!!!!!!!!!!! ÍGÖÖLSZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Höri Indianapolis Colts West Virginia Mountaineers 32 136 — bútor