Jacksonville Jaguars

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Halloren részletes jegyzete a vasárnapi meccsről:

Jaguars Insider

Carolina quarterback Cam Newton dropped back to pass 37 times Sunday against the Jaguars, who aware of his athleticism, didn’t dare send more than five rushers except for one snap.

That play was costly.

Leading 17-9 with 8:37 remaining, Carolina faced third-and-8 from its 19-yard line. Stop the Panthers and the Jaguars would get another chance to tie the game.

At the snap, the Jaguars rushed six, including linebacker Paul Posluszny and free safety Sergio Brown, which left the middle of the field wide open.

“We’re going to be a team that’s going to be creative in how we try and attack the quarterback and create some pressure,” coach Gus Bradley said Monday.

One huge problem: Nobody got to Newton, who left the pocket in 3.25 seconds for a 10-yard scramble. It was part of 15-play drive that consumed 8:07 of the clock in a 20-9 Panthers win.

Translation: The Jaguars’ defense may have done some good things – first-quarter red zone stop, an interception and only three yards allowed per carry – but they couldn’t get off the field when it mattered. Carolina’s three scoring drives lasted 14, 12 and 15 plays.

Here is the rest of our recap:

When the Jaguars had the ball

* The skill position snap-count leaders were WR Allen Hurns (64), WR Allen Robinson (60), TE Marcedes Lewis (49), WR Rashad Greene (43) and RB T.J. Yeldon (42).

*The Panthers rushed five or more on 26.1 percent of QB Blake Bortles’ drop-backs (12 of 46). Bortles was 5-of-10 passing for 31 yards against pressure.

* Carolina’s five sacks: LB Luke Kuechly unblocked on a delayed blitz (2.50 seconds), DE Charles Johnson overpowered LT Sam Young (2.69 seconds), DE Mario Addison broke free from RT Jermey Parnell (3.19 seconds), LB Thomas Davis on a delayed blitz (3.31 seconds) and Johnson manhandled Young (2.44 seconds).

* One issue with the Jaguars’ protection plan. Why leave Young on an island? On the first sack he allowed, the Jaguars had two interior double-teams – why not keep a guard close to him to help out?

* Aside from injuries, the first-team offense didn’t face any adversity in the preseason. They did Sunday and didn’t handle it well. Following Bortles’ interception returned for a touchdown, the Jaguars went five-and-punt (Hurns couldn’t make a 20-yard catch on third-and-6) and three-and-punt. The second drive summed up the day. Johnson beat Young for the sack, Johnson beat Lewis to limit Yeldon to a one-yard gain and Addison had the clean-up sack.

* Bortles’ passing map (22 of 40): Behind line of scrimmage – 7-of-8. … 1-5 yards downfield – 9-of-14. … 6-10 yards – 2-of-6. … 11-15 yards – 1-of-2. … 16-or-more yards – 2-of-10. Bortles’ deep passes were completions of 27 yards to Robinson and 24 to Hurns, but also drops by Robinson, Greene and Hurns.

* To suggest the Jaguars’ offense lacked balance is foolish. Take away the first-half two-minute drill, the game’s last drive (also hurry-up) and all third-down snaps and the Jaguars called 16 rushes and 19 passes. The stats will be skewed because of end-of-half situation and falling behind by two scores.

When the Panthers had the ball

* The Jaguars rushed five or more on six of Newton’s 37 drop-backs (16.2 percent). Newton was 4-of-5 for 55 yards and the aforementioned scramble against pressure.

* Both of the Jaguars’ sacks came on four-man rushes. DE Chris Clemons used a spin move to school LT Michael Oher in 2.95 seconds and LB/DE Dan Skuta went outside-and-then-inside to beat Oher in 2.94 seconds.

* I booked the Jaguars for nine missed tackles – three by LB Telvin Smith, two by SS Johnathan Cyprien and one apiece by Skuta, CB Davon House and CB Demetrius McCray. Missed sacks were by Davis and DE Chris Smith.

* Each Jaguars defensive linemen played at least 14 snaps, ranging from 62 for Jared Odrick to 14 for Davis. Seven linemen made appearances during the first four plays. The first pass-rushing group were Clemons/Smith at end and Odrick/Davis at tackle.

* Carolina’s longest play was a 37-yard catch and run by WR Ted Ginn. Posluszny blitzed, leaving the middle of the field open and Ginn got a step on House. He gained 22 yards after the catch and another nine after House first tried totried to tackle him.

* One personnel wrinkle by the Jaguars came on a third-and-11 play in the third quarter. FS James Sample came into the game as the sixth defensive back to join three DL and two LB. That allowed Cyprien and Colvin to blitz. Smith stopped RB Fozzy Whitaker for a 2-yard loss.

Special teams

* P Bryan Anger averaged a 4.33 seconds of hang time on his five attempts (46.2-yard gross and 37-yard net). The Jaguars gave up a 37-yard first-half return to Ginn. Anger’s sub-par punt was a 37-yard attempt to the Panthers’ 19, missing a chance to back up Carolina.

* K Jason Myers missed a 44-yard field goal and an extra point attempt, the first Jaguars PAT non-blocked miss in eight years. Both of his kickoffs were touchbacks – 3.59 and 4.16 seconds, respectively.

* KR Corey Grant provided a bright spot with his 40-yard kick return, which tied for the longest in all of 2014. K Graham Gano’s attempt was 5 yards into the end zone, but Grant showed good awareness – the hang time was only 2.91 seconds so he knew he had time to take it out.
Snapszámok játékosonként
OFFENSE (67 snaps)

QB: Blake Bortles 67.

RB: T.J. Yeldon 42, Denard Robinson 16, Bernard Pierce 8, Corey Grant 2.

WR: Allen Hurns 64, Allen Robinson 60, Rashad Greene 43, Bryan Walters 12.

TE: Marcedes Lewis 49, Clay Harbor 32, Nic Jacobs 7.

OL: Zane Beadles 67, Jermey Parnell 67, Stefen Wisniewski 67, Brandon Linder 67, Luke Joeckel 39, Sam Young 28.

DEFENSE (71 snaps)

DL: Jared Odrick 62, Tyson Alualu 48, Chris Smith 39, Chris Clemons 38, Roy Miller 31, Abry Jones 26, Michael Bennett 19, Ryan Davis 14.

LB: Paul Posluszny 71, Telvin Smith 71, Dan Skuta 45.

DB: Sergio Brown 71, Davon House 71, Johnathan Cyprien 71, Aaron Colvin 50, Dwayne Gratz 46, Demetrius McCray 7, James Sample 1.

Alualu nem volt bent FBként - booooooooooooooooooooooo
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Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 042 — Jaguars fan
egy hiánypótló cikk:

: )
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
PFF értékelés a meccsről - volt náluk jobb Poznál. O-falember az illető, de nem Linder!
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Lee és Marks edzeni fog a héten, nem tudni mit jelent ez a vasárnapi státuszukra nézve. Greenenek nincs agyrázkódása. Joeckelnek kificamodott a bokája, nem tudni még mennyire komoly. Colvin megpróbál edzeni a héten, neki a válla fáj. Yeldonnak egy kisebb bokasérülése van.

Mai "kitörölhetjük vele a valagunkat' stat:
A Jaguars D az 5. legkevesebb yardot engedte a 28 pályára lévő csapat közül. És az általuk bekapott 13 pont sem rossz elsőre. Kár hogy, Blake, Myers és az O nem élt a felkínált lehetőséggel...

Szerkesztette: iktriad
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Ppistike Jacksonville Jaguars 732 — i'm batman
Azért a D line tett hozzá pozitív élményt is, őmiattunk talán van miért megnézni a meccset. Poz-t még mindig hálás dolog látni és szerencsér Telvin is átmentette a tavalyi lendületét.
Ha nem az offensről kapnánk a pontok javarészét, akkor láthatnánk a fényt a csalagút végén... csak kicsit olyan ez már mint a magyar foci, ahol majd minidg jövőre leszünk jobbak...
több mint 9 éve
gabokocka Carolina Panthers North Carolina Tar Heels 25 301 — Keep pounding
Ugye én ellenfél szemmel néztem, szóval nyilván picit másként látom mint Ti, de számomra semmi olyat nem mutatott Bortles, ami alapján felmerült volna bennem, hogy valaha franchise QB lesz. A rövid passzokat meg tudja oldani, de amint mélyebbre kellett volna passzolni, borzasztóan túldobált mindenkit, jó példa volt erre a redzone, ahol konkrétan többet passzolt a lelátóra, mint a pályára. Nyilván a csapat többi részében is van hiba bőven, de egy 1/3-as QB-tól azt várnám, hogy csináljon olyan dolgokat, amire csettintek, hogy ez igen, lehet belőle valami. Nos én egy ilyen jelenetet sem láttam. Lehet takarózni a fallal, az elkapókkal, de sztem ő kevés lesz.

Ron Rivera: We were trying to make them systematically beat us.
több mint 9 éve
undisputedly Seattle Seahawks 11 938 — SuperBowl Champions 2013/2014
Egyszerre volt a meccsetek a Hawkseval, így csak a számokat láttam. Bortles mennyire volt gyenge?
Két hibája eldöntötte a meccset a Párducok javára, egyiket visszahordták, másikat a 20 yardoson ajándékozta el, abból meg FG lett. És kb ez történt a második félidőben...

A pálya széle felé szinte nem is volt jó labdája, a jobb kiemeléssel maximum pár cheerleadernek lehetett volna azokból elkapása. A pálya közepe felé dobált szépeket-gyorsakat. Ameddig volt vakoldali tackle előtte, addig nem is feküdt hátán olyan sokat, érezte a zsebet, szépen "csalt" magának időt. Én ennél jóval-jóval többet vártam tőle.
Ez szomorú. Hétvégén megnezem majd a reklammentes verziót, kivancsi vagyok.
több mint 9 éve
Ppistike Jacksonville Jaguars 732 — i'm batman
Kicsit olyan érzésem volt a meccs alatt, mintha egy elsőéves egyetemi csapat kapna egy gálameccset egy pro team ellen.. Blake nem értem miért parázza túl a dolgokat... ennyire nem lehet nagy a nyomás rajta... lehet pszichomókust kellene váltania... Amit leginkább hiányolok már évek óta, hogy nincs egyetlen izomember sem, aki képes megtenni 5 yardot, úgy hogy le tudjon rázni magáról pár védőt (akiknek ugyebár az a dolguk, hogy rákapaszkodjanak és adják az ellensúlyt). Ügyes gyerek Arob meg Hurns meg Denard is, de kb attól kettétörnek ha rájuk néz valaki... Fel kellene tölteni izommal meg testsúllyal kicsit a csapatot végre. Greg Olson továbbra is egy kretén... ennél uanlmasabb playcallt nehéz lenne kitalálni (hiányoznak a trickplayek, azokon legalább lehetett szórakozni a vereség ellenére).
Persze nyilván trend egy vesztes meccs után #jómagyarosan egyből telehányni a fórumot, de azért e nélkül is látszik, hogy teher alatt is nem férfi, hanem nő a pálma.
BTW Joeckel értem, hogy rohadt lelkes és sérülten is visszamegy, de a stábnak lehetne annyi esze, hogy leültesse a padra inkább ilyenkor, mint, hogy összeroggyon egy pushtól, csináljon egy méretes holdingot a sérülés miat, amint bukjuk a firstdownt...
Vannak itt bajok a fejekben és nem csak a játékosokéban azt hiszem...
Ja és Mercedes for president! (valami távolabbi államban léccciköszi)


Szerkesztette: Ppistike
több mint 9 éve
Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 042 — Jaguars fan
Egyszerre volt a meccsetek a Hawkseval, így csak a számokat láttam. Bortles mennyire volt gyenge?
Két hibája eldöntötte a meccset a Párducok javára, egyiket visszahordták, másikat a 20 yardoson ajándékozta el, abból meg FG lett. És kb ez történt a második félidőben...

A pálya széle felé szinte nem is volt jó labdája, a jobb kiemeléssel maximum pár cheerleadernek lehetett volna azokból elkapása. A pálya közepe felé dobált szépeket-gyorsakat. Ameddig volt vakoldali tackle előtte, addig nem is feküdt hátán olyan sokat, érezte a zsebet, szépen "csalt" magának időt. Én ennél jóval-jóval többet vártam tőle.
több mint 9 éve
undisputedly Seattle Seahawks 11 938 — SuperBowl Champions 2013/2014
Egyszerre volt a meccsetek a Hawkseval, így csak a számokat láttam. Bortles mennyire volt gyenge?
több mint 9 éve
Maka Jacksonville Jaguars Tulane Green Wave 2 757
Sok jelét nem mutattuk a fejlődésnek, de az első hetet kár túlreagálni. Ami tény, hogy ennél gyengébb WR állomány és secondary nagyon nem lesz már, ami picit kurva nagy vészharang.

Ha meg két-három meccsenként csinálunk egy touchdown-t, szerintem menjünk rá a kettesre.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A BCCn az ott közellenségnek számító Poz lett az MVP. LOL A tejes flakonos Marcedes kép is üt rendesen:
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Rashad Greenenek agyrázkódása van. Luke Joeckel megy MRIre ma. Championship.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
2 TE felállások nagyon hasznosak, de jöhet inkább helyette a három LT-s, mert Youngnak lövése sem volt.

Blake annyira félt az INT-től, hogy megcélozta a lelátót. Amint újra pálya irányába dobált, jöttek az INT-ek. Hát ez csodás!

Futás úgy néz ki, hogy rendben van. Yeldon 14 yardos futásánál a fellépő Wis osztotta ki a kulcs blokkot Kuechlynek, látványos volt.

Blake kórház passza a vége előtt 55 másodperccel nagyon hiányzott...

Ezt a secondary-t ilyen passrush mellett olyan ocsmányul megtépázzák majd az irányítóval és potens elkapókkal bíró csapatok, hogy fájdalmas lesz odanézni.

Ha tippelnem kellene, akkor azt mondanám, hogy bye week előtt elköszön az edzői stáb jelentős része, sokat nem fejlődött a csapat.
Sam Young borzalmas volt. Van rosszabb Joeckelnél. Luke mankókkal járt a meccs után, de azt mondta, hogy szeretne játszani a Phins ellen.

Pickek: Az első szörnyű volt, ez tény. A másodiknál viszont a bírok benéztek egy csúnya szabálytalanságot. De mivel nekünk fújtak az 1. félidőben nem lehet egy szavunk se.

Secondary: osztom a félelmedet. Remélem tudunk ott javulni, mondjuk Samplelel.

Ha ez a rossz teljesítmény folytatódik, akkor Gus és még páran félthetik az állásukat már év közben is.
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Egyáltalán nem ment labda a tight endek felé, amit nem is értek. Ahogy azt sem, hogy a nagyjából okésan működő futójátékot miért nem használtuk többet és miért kellett 40-et passzolnia Bortles-nek, aminek legalább a harmada egyébként olyan homály volt, hogy sírt a labda. A védelemből nekem a legnagyobb kérdőjel Jared Odrick, akit megváltóként kezeltek sokan mikor ide igazolt, de sea preseasonben, se ma nem láttam tőle semmit.Clemons meg edzeni ugyan nem akar, de meccsnapon azért még mindig rendben van.
Tökéletesen egyetértek TE ügyben. Se Harbor, se Marcedes felé nem ment labda se! Akkor minek volt fent 2 TE sokszor?... Odrickban dettó egyetértek, egyelőre csak a hajával tűnik ki. Houseban sem látom egyelőre az 1. számú CBt. Colvin meg megsérült meccs közben. Meglepetésre Skutanak volr pár jó megvillanása.
A futás érdekes volt, mert néha 1 yardokat mentünk előre, vagy azt se, aztán hirtelen Yeldon vagy Denard elért 1-1 1st downt. Nagyon inkonzisztens volt a futásblokkolás. Yeldon néha elveszettnem tűnt, néha viszont elég szép dolgokat csinált.
több mint 9 éve
Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 042 — Jaguars fan
2 TE felállások nagyon hasznosak, de jöhet inkább helyette a három LT-s, mert Youngnak lövése sem volt.

Blake annyira félt az INT-től, hogy megcélozta a lelátót. Amint újra pálya irányába dobált, jöttek az INT-ek. Hát ez csodás!

Futás úgy néz ki, hogy rendben van. Yeldon 14 yardos futásánál a fellépő Wis osztotta ki a kulcs blokkot Kuechlynek, látványos volt.

Blake kórház passza a vége előtt 55 másodperccel nagyon hiányzott...

Ezt a secondary-t ilyen passrush mellett olyan ocsmányul megtépázzák majd az irányítóval és potens elkapókkal bíró csapatok, hogy fájdalmas lesz odanézni.

Ha tippelnem kellene, akkor azt mondanám, hogy bye week előtt elköszön az edzői stáb jelentős része, sokat nem fejlődött a csapat.
több mint 9 éve
npetiii Jacksonville Jaguars 372 — Jaguars fan
Egyáltalán nem ment labda a tight endek felé, amit nem is értek. Ahogy azt sem, hogy a nagyjából okésan működő futójátékot miért nem használtuk többet és miért kellett 40-et passzolnia Bortles-nek, aminek legalább a harmada egyébként olyan homály volt, hogy sírt a labda. A védelemből nekem a legnagyobb kérdőjel Jared Odrick, akit megváltóként kezeltek sokan mikor ide igazolt, de sea preseasonben, se ma nem láttam tőle semmit.Clemons meg edzeni ugyan nem akar, de meccsnapon azért még mindig rendben van.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A mazochista klub újra szélesre kitárta kapuit.
Myers. A WR dropok. Blake picksixe. Sam Young (akiről jött vagy 3 sack 1 félidőben, de jó hogy ő maradt és Pasztor ment...)A D baromságai. Ahhh.
Az idei év is ugyanolyan szar lesz, mint bármelyik. Bassza meg.
Az első meccs alapján könnyen elképzelhető

Gabbert > Tebow > Luke McCown > Stephen Morris > Henne > Bortles
Megnéztem volna a másik 5 úriembert mire ment volna ma.. Plusz szerintem minimum 5-6 drop jött a WRektől.

Rookie receiver Rashad Greene had a slow start and he missed a catch that could’ve scored the first touchdown of the game. However, he dropped it. He redeemed himself with only seconds to go until halftime, scoring his first NFL touchdown.
Speaking of drops, Allen Hurns had a nice-looking catch for about 10 yards and then fumbled the ball near the Carolina 20 yard line. Allen Robinson had a difficult time today. He dropped more than he caught.
Jacksonville Jaguars - NFL - Csapatfórumok | Bowl.hu
Magyarország első számú amerikai futball oldala

De Bortles a fő probléma, ugye?... Rosszul játszott, de a többiek is vastagon benne voltak ebben a vereségben.

Ja Marcedes ma játszott?
több mint 9 éve
npetiii Jacksonville Jaguars 372 — Jaguars fan
Az idei év is ugyanolyan szar lesz, mint bármelyik. Bassza meg.

több mint 9 éve
mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 101 — Chalk Dawk fan
Gabbert > Tebow > Luke McCown > Stephen Morris > Henne > Bortles

több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Úgy tűnik 2 szar kickerünk volt idén... És a szarabbik maradt itt. Myers 4 pontot hagyot a táblán.

Joeckel megsérült, A coverageben szar Poz picket szedett. Dropolunk bőszen, Blake meg néha Jaxson DeVuille felé dobál, de azért összességben nem vészes.

Ja és a zebrák eddig nagyon velünk vannak.
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Hoppá: Cann és Bowanko a 2 egészséges inaktív nálunk! Gerhart nem játszik.
Jaguars inactives: Marks, Thomas, Branch, Lee, Gerhart, Cann and Bowanko. Surprised by both Cann & Bowanko.
Tyler Shatley a csere RG, a csere LG és a csere C is egyben...

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Még egy cikk a szezonnyitó elé a legfontosabb emberről, akin a szezon múlhat - ennyi mindenre kell Bortlesnek figyelnie egy meccsen

Jaguars QB Blake Bortles enters season confident he's prepared, ready to lead

When he started learning the offense, they were teaching.
When he reeled off the new play calls, they were critiquing.

When he was on the practice field, they were watching.

And when he talked about the parts of the game plan he favored, they were listening.

The two constants in the football life of Jaguars quarterback Blake Bortles since April have been new offensive coordinator/play caller Greg Olson and new quarterbacks coach Nathaniel Hackett.

Hired by coach Gus Bradley in January to elevate Bortles’ production and that of the entire offense, Olson leads the way and Hackett is at his hip. If Bortles’ play befits that of a former No. 3 overall pick, the Jaguars can begin to dig their way up to respectability.

Heading into Sunday’s season opener against Carolina, the vibe is positive. Bradley wanted an experienced quarterback teacher — that’s Olson. He wanted a position coach familiar with said coordinator — that’s Hackett, who worked with Olson seven years ago in Tampa Bay. The trio has spent hours in an EverBank Field bunker establishing a rapport and rhythm.

“The transition has been easier than I thought it would be,” Bortles said. “The thing that makes it the easiest is how Oley and Nate work together. Nate is on the same page as Oley and sends us the same message. It’s like talking to the same guy.”

Said Olson: “It’s a good relationship and it’s an open relationship. Earning his trust has been critical to the growth process.”

So where did Olson and Hackett start with Bortles? Upon their arrival in late January, Olson and Hackett blended together a list titled, “What does a quarterback have to think about during the game?” It is split into two parts: Mental process pre-snap (19 items) and mental process post-snap (13 items).

“Nearly 40 things in 40 seconds,” said Hackett, who joined the Jaguars after two years as the Buffalo Bills offensive coordinator. “Blake has done amazing.”


1. Down and distance. … 2. Yard line. … 3. What’s the personnel coming onto the field? … 4. Are there 11 players on the field? … 5. Listen to the play call. … 6. Communicate the play call and include any checks/alerts and know which cadence to use. … 7. Why did the coordinator call this play? … 8. What is the defense’s potential tendencies against this play? … 9. Break the huddle.

Looking at the list in front of his locker last week, Bortles said several of the opening tips are self-explanatory, like making sure he has 10 teammates on the field.

But when he gets to Nos. 5 and 6 …

“The thing that’s the hardest and the thing that people take for granted is the communication part,” Bortles said. “People skip over that. You have to get the call through the headset and half the time, you can’t hear.”

Bortles said the vocabulary carry-over from last year is, “less than half.”

A protection call of “76,” last year is now called “2 Jet.”

In one play call, what was called “Train,” last year is “Trips,” this year.

And Olson uses the bird family, like “Sparrow,” “Falcon,” and “Crow.”

“He’s huge into birds,” Bortles said.

Hackett provided a type of play call: Trey Right Zip Fake 14 Naked Left F Side.

And that doesn’t even include the post-call instructions Bortles will hear via Olson through the head-set — watch for this, be aware of that, etc.

“Blake’s starting to spit the plays out quicker than when we got here and that’s a big part of learning a new offense,” Olson said.

Said Hackett: “He’s probably one of the best in speaking the play to the huddle. I’ve been shocked.”

There are mistakes, though. Last weekend, Bortles received the Monday practice script and read the plays enough times to think he was prepared.

“I was like, ‘Cool, cool, cool,’ but the first play on the field was wordy and I messed it up,” he said. “So I told Nate, ‘You say the call in the meeting room and I’ll say it back to you.’”

For Olson, a key installation point is No. 7. Before a player can ask why a play is being called, Olson explains why it’s in the playbook.

“You try to be a teacher and that’s important when you’re installing a new system,” he said. “Today’s players, they want answers for why you’re doing something. It’s important for us to explain it.”

The play is called. Time to get to the line of scrimmage.

10. Is everybody aligned properly? … 11. What’s the defensive front and does that mean pressure is coming? … 12. Who’s the middle linebacker and where is he? What calls need to be made due to his location? … 13. Where are the safeties? What calls need to be made due to his location? … 14. Communicate the protection to the offensive line (and receivers if needed)? … 15. The play clock is now at 15 seconds. … 16. Defense shows coverage. … 17. Who’s the No. 1 receiver? … 18. Footwork. … 19. On the road, loud stadium impact snap count?

Bortles was on-point this preseason with No. 10. The Jaguars rarely appeared to scramble because players didn’t know where to line up and he didn’t have to race to get the snap.

“He’s been great with his tempo, getting in and out of the huddle,” Olson said. “[Playing the Giants], first time on the road, silent snap count, no hiccups — that was a good part of the process.”

A vital part to the Jaguars’ offense being functional this year are Nos. 11 and 14. The Jaguars allowed a league-high 71 sacks last year and should expect a steady stream of pressures until they prove things can be blocked.

The Jaguars feel they’ve upgraded the line with right tackle Jermey Parnell and veteran center Stefen Wisniewski. Just as important, though, has been Bortles’ progress in deciphering pressures and knowing when to fight for another play by throwing the football away.

“He’s been more dialed in on that,” Olson said.


1. At the last second, take eyes off defense to secure snap. … 2. Begin drop-back and look to see if linebackers are pressuring (which would trigger throwing to “hot” receiver). … 3. Is the safety pressuring? … 4. Shift eyes to other safety. … 5. Continue progression. … 6. Decide whether to go to outside receiver. … 7. By the time third foot hits, convert to a hitch step. … 8. During hitch, aim throw. … 9. Will strong wind impact throw? … 10. Follow through with throw even if getting hit. … 11. Pass is completed, immediately run to new line of scrimmage. … 12. Took a hard hit. You OK? … 13. Mental process starts over.

This is when Bortles will show if the work has paid off. Can he find the “hot” read? Can he figure out when a defense is sending extra pass rushers or just bluffing? Can he ignite a down-field passing game?

Ideally for the Jaguars, Bortles will go through this check-list 70 times a game.

“If you asked me to write them down, I wouldn’t get them all,” he said. “But I’m doing all of those things without really knowing it.”

Relayed that comment, Olson nodded in approval.

“He shouldn’t have to think about it,” he said. “The game should slow down and you’re reacting to that list, not thinking about it.”

What the Jaguars have thought about since last season ended is how to score more points. Their 15.6 average was the NFL’s fewest and they reached 25 points in just one game … with the help of two defensive touchdowns.

With Olson and Hackett leading the way, Bortles fueled expectations with a turnover-free preseason. Although the regular season will present regular challenges – disguised blitzes, myriad coverage looks and adversity, Bortles has achieved a new level of confidence and comfort even though so much is new.

“I’m pumped,” he said. “I feel really good and I think we’ve got a really good group of guys and have created a bond and a brotherhood. We’re excited to go play.”
Jó lenne ha Bortles a Lions vagy a Steelers elleni teljesítményét tudja ma hozni. Jó lenne legalább miatta bizakodni a meccs után!
több mint 9 éve
mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 101 — Chalk Dawk fan
Szerintem 4 ponttal nyertek

Bortles 3 TD 1 INT
Hurns 60 yard, 1 TD

több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 486 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
GAMEDAY! (=avagy mindenki keresse meg otthon a korbácsát, és csapdossa meg magát vele, hogy szokja a fájdalmat és szenvedést ami ránk vár idén is. LOL)

Ez a videó majd hangulatba hoz mindenkit. Ja és tessék bekészíteni egy kis hideg elemózsiát a gép elé, hosszú hsz lesz ez.

Kezdjünk Halloren jegyzeteivel a meccsel kapcsolatban:


Carolina’s Greg Olsen caught 84 passes for 1,006 yards last year. In the playoff loss at Seattle, he lined up at 10 different spots of the field (tight end, slot, receiver, backfield, etc.). But he’s mostly a tight end – 56 snaps in a two- or three-point stance. Strong safety Johnathan Cyprien improved in coverage last year, but he’ll be wearing a cast to protect a broken finger. That could be factor in how physical he can be against Olsen at the snap.


The Jaguars allowed an NFL-high 71 sacks last year and they would be naïve to think Carolina won’t test them early. Panthers defensive coordinator Sean McDermott worked for years under late Eagles blitz-master Jim Johnson and is sure to have some pressures ready regardless of the down and distance. It will be up to quarterback Blake Bortles to make the right call and up to the line to block it up.


The Jaguars’ first-team defense gave up rushes of 8, 16, 8, 11, 10 and 41 yards in the preseason. Carolina ranked seventh in rushing last year (127.3 yards per game), but had only seven rushes of at least 20 yards (tied for 20th in the NFL). The Jaguars’ front seven, plus Cyprien, will need to be on-point with their run fits and tackling.


When the Jaguars run

Should we be ready to see the T.J. Yeldon Show? Or the T.J. Yeldon and Co. Show? Probably the latter. Yeldon was limited to one preseason game because of a sprained finger and carried eight times for 10 yards. Expect Denard Robinson to have a regular role and Toby Gerhart (if healthy) to handle short-yardage. The Panthers’ defense, though, is tough to crack even without Star Lotulelei anchoring the interior. Carolina was 16th against the run last year.


When the Jaguars pass

Quarterback Blake Bortles had a strong preseason, completing 65 percent of his passes and posting a 93.8 passer rating (no turnovers). But he won’t have tight end Julius Thomas (broken hand) for at least three games. Still there should be optimism about the Jaguars’ passing game because of the development of Allen Robinson and Allen Hurns. Carolina’s top pass rusher is defensive end Charles Johnson (8.5 sacks last year), but he missed the entire preseason with calf and neck injuries.


When the Panthers run

Jaguars defensive tackle Sen’Derrick Marks has been a consistent run stopper for two years but remains out after an ACL injury in last season’s finale. And the depth has been tested by Ziggy Hood’s foot issue (on injured reserve). Cam Newton rushed for 539 yards last year, but the running game will revolve around Jonathan Stewart, who averaged 4.6 yards per carry last year. The Jaguars have some questions to answer in this department.


When the Panthers pass

Can the Jaguars get a consistent four-man pass rush? We’ll begin to find out against a Panthers offensive line that has a new — and iffy — left tackle in Michael Oher and a center (Ryan Kalil) who sprained his knee two weeks ago. Plus, Carolina is without top receiver Kelvin Benjamin. No matter. Tight end Greg Olsen is elite, and the Jaguars have given no indication they’re going to send extra pass rushers to fluster Newton.


Special teams

The Jaguars are young throughout their roster, but especially on special teams. Punt returner Rashad Greene, kick returner Corey Grant and kicker Jason Myers will all be making their regular season debuts. Greene (left) showed elusiveness, Grant speed and Myers leg strength during camp. Of the three, Myers is the biggest question because he’s the kicker and you never know how he’ll react under pressure the first time around. The Panthers’ return unit is anchored by veteran Ted Ginn, who handles both punts and kickoffs.

Ez a 4-1es arány a Panthersnek nem jósol sok jót nekünk mára....

Talán viszomt profitálhatunk Dan Skuta jelenlétéből, aki jobban ismeri a Panthers offenset, mint a Jags többi védője.A 2011es Panthers meccsből csak Poz és Alulau maradt a Dben nálunk pl...
Newton hasn’t faced the Jaguars since the 2011 season, the third start of his career and his first victory (16-10). Few of the Jaguars’ defenders have experience going against Newton.

Linebacker Dan Skuta is the most familiar. Skuta faced Newton twice in the 2013 season when he played for San Francisco. The 49ers held Carolina to 10 points in both meetings.

In the two games combined, Skuta had a sack, two pass breakups and a tackle for a loss.

The Jaguars signed Skuta this offseason to man the strong-side (Otto) linebacker spot.

“I had some of my best games against them, so I’m excited to get back out there and get after it,” Skuta said. “I’m familiar with them and understand the way they work, so I’m excited to play them.”

Bradley has mentioned Skuta as a potential Leo as well in obvious passing situations.

“Getting a good rush on Cam is important, but we [the 49ers] focused on not letting him out of the pocket much,” Skuta said. “That’s what we talked about then and it’s similar now.”
Colvin szeretné, ha Gonosz Tebow felé dobálna ma:
Asked if he expected Carolina to challenge him early, Colvin said: “I’m not sure. If they do, then they’ll pay for it.”

Boom. That’s the kind of confidence the Jaguars need after finishing tied for last in the NFL with six interceptions.
Aaronból amióta elkezdett játszani nálunk, csak úgy süt a magabiztosság, szerintem egyébként ő az 1. számú CBnk, nem House.

Olson azt mondta, hogy Julius kiesésével is marad a 2 TEs variáció (elsősorban Marcedesszel és Harborral), de ne csodálkozzunk, ha több 3 WRes felállást is kipróbálunk. Tehát Rashad Greene ma kiveheti a részét a meccsből!

Egy kis keret összehasonlítás a két mai csapattal kapcsolatban

A few interesting roster-building nuggets about the Panthers and Jaguars:

■ The Jaguars have 15 unrestricted free agents on their roster and 19 players who have appeared in a game for another team.

■ The Panthers have seven unrestricted free agents on their roster and 21 players who have appeared in a game for another team.

■ Where Carolina and the Jaguars differ is their veteran presence. The Panthers have 10 players age 30 or older, compared with only four for the Jaguars (Posluszny 30; Chad Henne 30; Lewis 31 and Chris Clemons 33).
Marrone szerint Brandon Linder az egyik legjobb támadófalember, akivel ő valaha dolgozott!
Right guard Brandon Linder has a fan in new offensive line coach Doug Marrone, who said: “Brandon is a strong, tough kid. I see him as one of the better players I’ve coached in my career and yet he’s only in his second year. It doesn’t seem like [he’s that young].”
Az FTU ma megjelentette egy nagyobb írást Shao fia Tonyról. Az megvan, hogy neki köszönhetjük, hogy Corey Grant hozzánk került?

Two examples of what Khan, 32, does: Last year, he supplied coach Gus Bradley with data on how explosive plays increase the chances of producing a touchdown drive and also the importance of winning defensively on first down.

And during the final day of the draft in May, general manager Dave Caldwell told Khan to find a possible undrafted player who could return kickoffs.

Khan and analyst Kellen Blumberg delivered Auburn’s Corey Grant, who had the top “Speed Score” of any running back available (122.1), which incorporated a player’s 40-yard dash time (Grant’s was 4.26 seconds) with his weight (205 pounds). Big-and-fast is better than small-and-fast.

Khan reached out to Grant’s agent to gauge his interest and convince his client to sign. Grant signed, made the team and will return kickoffs against Carolina.

“Tony understands what we want and he communicates his [findings] really well,” Caldwell says. “For us, we try to be clear with what our needs are, but we also don’t limit him. We say, ‘These are our specific needs, but feel free to bring anything to light that you feel we’re not addressing.’ It’s a great system of checks and balances.”

The majority of Khan’s role with the Jaguars is compiling detailed reports for Bradley and his staff early in a game week. But he also dabbles in personnel evaluation, which led him to scouting Grant.

Yes, Khan is a part of ownership. But no, people with the Jaguars say, he doesn’t flex those figurative muscles.

“I tell the team, ‘This is the owner and he’s got great information,’” Bradley says.

Says Mike Stoeber, the Jaguars’ assistant director of football technology: “Yes, he is the owner, but when he comes into a room, he’s there to work. He’s the first one to say, ‘I’ll do that. I’ll jump in,’ when something needs to be done. This is his passion and you get excited to work with anybody who can dive into it like he does.”

Khan admits, “I couldn’t have walked in and started a department like this had I not been my father’s son. But I think we have one of the best analytics departments in the NFL and we utilize it from top to bottom as well as anybody.”

A key characteristic for any manager: Knowing what you don’t know. Khan leans on the Jaguars’ coaching staff to learn more about strategy and concepts. He has met with general managers like the Houston Rockets’ Daryl Morey and the Oakland Athletics’ Billy Beane to absorb their expertise in team-building and how they use the numbers. The goal is always finding out how to improve.

“Tony is a very savvy business person and he has a very clear vision,” says Rafe Anderson, president of TruMedia Networks, the company Khan bought in February and provides its 50 clients in various sports with analytics. “He has a unique ability to lay out his objectives in a way that is easy to understand.”


Khan’s first job was as general manager for BioAlternative, one of his father’s companies. Based in Covington, Ind., it concentrates on biodiesel research, development and production.

“What I definitely took from that experience is being really, really process-oriented,” Khan says. “We were doing something nobody had ever done — a lot of people had tried to make biodiesel from used cooking oils, but not in the volume we were trying to make it and especially using the process we were trying to use. It was experimental and we had to make changes to the process and improvise along the way.

“It was a lesson to me to be extremely diligent and really detailed-oriented.”

As Tony earned management experience at BioAlternative, Shad Khan was displaying his own diligence in pursuing ownership of the St. Louis Rams. The process peaked in February 2010 when Khan struck an agreement to buy 60 percent of the Rams. But then-minority owner Stan Kroenke exercised his right to match the offer and assume full ownership.

Even though his father was denied ownership of the Rams, pro football statistics in general and the work of the Football Outsiders group in particular became Tony’s obsession. The Football Outsiders almanacs have a permanent home on the bookshelves of his Jacksonville office and the 2010 edition has lost its back cover and looks like it’s been through a car wash.

“When we were working on the Rams sale, I was focused heavily on football and I never took my eye off of that,” Khan says. “I wanted to transition out of BioAlternative and was ready to [enter the NFL]. The last couple of years there, I was working on football stuff most of the day and was ready to start a [statistics] department.”

Because he had been vetted by the NFL, Shad’s deal with the Jaguars developed quickly. And when the sale was approved, he saw the value in starting an analytics department.

“He saw this was the way to go and the work I was doing was different than what most teams were doing,” Tony says. “When we went to see the Rams and then the Jaguars, it was clear it was something they were lacking.”


Khan started work with the Jaguars in July 2012 and everything about the experience, relocating to a new city, entering the world of pro football, being the owner’s son, meeting resistance from holdover employees, was different and difficult.

“There was definitely a fair amount of push back,” recalls Daniel Adler, who was the Jaguars’ director of football research in 2012-13 and is now a consultant while he attends Harvard. “It was certainly frustrating for Tony that they owned the team and he couldn’t flip a switch and get everybody on board. A trying year, for sure.”

Khan had an instant connection with director of football technology Mike Perkins, and Stoeber, who joined the team in 2011.

“I tried to do my best to teach him as much as I could about the business,” Perkins says. “But he was beyond his years as far as knowing how things worked and we just hit it off with a football connection. He’s a guy who knows the game and knows the history of the game.”

Says Stoeber: “I loved working with Tony from Day One and he was a perfect fit from Day One. Just being around Tony added a new sense of energy and importance to some of the things we were doing because he has such a passion for the game. Not only does he study the statistics, he studies the game and why the pieces fit together and how they fit together.”

Khan says 2012 was used to build a staff and foundation for how analytics would be used. Following the 2-14 season, Shad Khan fired general manager Gene Smith and interviewed four candidates. Tony was present and involved in every interview and each general manager and head-coaching candidate was told of the Jaguars’ commitment to analytics.

“I was very open to it,” Bradley recalls. “I heard Jacksonville was very good in analytics and it was something I liked and felt could be a huge deal if we could take it to the next step.”

During the game-plan process, Khan and his staff build a report that he presents to Bradley. The Jaguars keep the details of the reports confidential, but it includes opponent’s play-calling tendencies, a self-scout of the Jaguars’ play-calling and clock management.

“Dave and Gus are open to collaboration; it’s not like they’re making all of their decisions based on analytics,” Khan says. “I’ve tried to build a relationship with them to gain their trust and every year, I think they’ve bought in a little more and given me more responsibility.”

Says Bradley: “It’s been really good. He may bring up 10-15 things and I’ll go back and look at them and say, ‘These things have value, these things maybe not so much.’ But I’ll explain why. We’ve gotten more and more on the same page as we’ve gone on.”

Caldwell and Bradley’s offices are about 50 steps from Khan’s two-room office. The main room is non-descript save for shelves filled with football instruction manuals and books written by or about Don Shula, Lou Holtz, Vince Lombardi, Mike Ditka and Pat Riley, among others.

The adjacent room has a conference table with several leather chairs facing a giant television screen that allows Khan to chart game video.

For anybody around him who likes football, Bradley’s term of endearment is, “They’re all about ball.” Khan certainly qualifies.

“I love the draft process. I love the regular season. I love preparing for the games,” he says. “I just love football.”

Says Bradley: “What I love about him is just like we want players who love football and are passionate about football, we want [non-players] who also love football. Tony has an unbelievable passion for analytics and that’s awesome.”
Az is durva, hogy ennyire besegít Gusnak a mindenkori ellenféllel kapcsolatban az előkészületekben, igaz Bradley nagyon szelektív, hogy mi fontos azokból a pontokból, amit Tony elé tesz, és mi nem. Hú, mi lesz itt, ha Tony egyszer a csapat tulajdonosa is lesz és nem csak 1 alkalmazott (és egyben a tulaj egy szem fia)....

És a végére itt az első Jaguars -Panthers alapszakasz meccs videója 96 szeptemberéből:


Érdekesség, hogy az azóta CBS elemző Steve Beuerlein már a Panthers QBja volt ekkor, hiszen egy ével korábban, 95ben ő volt a Jaguars kezdő QBja a legelső meccsen. Mellesleg a Jags simán nyert akkor. Mind a 2 alakulat konferencia döntőt(!) játszott utána abban a szezonban (és mindkettő el is bukta azt).