Texas Longhorns

4 feliratkozó

2 napja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
részben örömteli, ám nagyobb hangsúllyal csalódottság volt a sec nyitó mérkőzés a missisppi state ellen. öröm volt, hogy megugortuk azt a gúnyolódó headline-t vereség esetén ahol a felirat "welcome in the sec" lett volna, viszont igencsak lesújtó volt (az első négy ellenfelünket 190-22 pontarányban győztük le), hogy a playoff-ba várt és top csapatként számon tartott longhornsnak a bulldogs nagy falat volt, eképp az erőviszonyok jobban tisztázódtak, ám még a no 2. spot is magas véleményem szerint.

az MS run heavy offense-el fárasztotta a védelmünket, és azt gondolom, hogy egyébként jól állták a sarat a srácok. offense oldalon már bőven akadtak problémák, amit én nem a játékosokban látok, hanem a sarkisian-ban. egyszerűen nem jó gameplan-el készült és sokszor ugyanazt a gyenge játékot erőltette (pl. screen), amit bizony a bulldogs szépen le is védekezett.

tavaly a rb jaydon blue jobban tetszett - idén mintha kevésbé lenne olyan robbanékony, talán némi tömeget is felszedett (cj baxter kiesésével vette át a kezdő szerepet), illetve ezen mérkőzésen két elvesztett labda is a nevéhez húzható: az eddigi karrierje során 131 kísérletből 4 fumble-e van, és összeshasonlításképp bijan robinsonnak volt hat az 539 kísérletből, míg r. johnons & brooks duónak kombinált 631 labdacipelésből mindössze 1(!). ennek nyomán padra is került és helyét wisner vette át, akit én agilisebbnek, és jobb field vision-al rendelkezőnek gondolok.

sajnos igen sok volt a szabálytalanság, összesen 8 (5 OL, 2 TE, 1 WR) 65 büntetett yardétrt, ennek nyomán buktunk egy TD-t és egy másik FG-t, ahol végül sarkisian döntött úgy, hogz inkább mégis neki megy 4&3-ra. természetesen incomplete lett - ahelyett, hogy pontokat szereztünk volna.

manning, a második kezdő mérkőzésén (habár már ewers tudott volna játszani), fantasztikus volt. rendkívülien jól érezte a nyomást, és a hosszú passzokban jeleskedett ismételten (persze ha elkapó nem hibázik). 31 kísérletből, 26-ot sikerült átadnia sikerrel (86.8% - újonc rekord) 3 total TD mellett. amiben még fejlődnie kell véleményem szerint, hogy a játékot megnyújtsa és bátrabban próbáljon megiramodni.

épp jókor érkezik a bye week, hogy kiküszöböljük a hibákat, októberben az oklahoma-val nyitunk és a georgia fogja követni. mindössze másodjára fordult elő az elmúlt 50 esztendőben, hogy back-to-back 5-0-val rajtoljunk.

Penalties and miscues plagued Texas on Saturday

Oh me, oh my, where did I even begin with this section?

This was easily the sloppiest game thus far this season when it comes to instances of this team shooting itself in the foot and making things harder than they needed to be. False starts, holding calls that wiped away big plays, bad ball security, missed tackles, and bad run fits. Those are things that will get you beat by more quality opponents down the road and it will be something the coaching staff will for sure be highlighting over the bye week.

Eight penalties for 65 yards for the day and while they didn’t cost Texas the game, they were responsible for hindering the offensive operation at times and leading to drives stalling out. If Texas cleans that stuff up they probably score 45-plus points again on Saturday.

Jaydon Blue... Bro, brother, broham... This was supposed to be a showcase year for you. Putting the ball on the deck twice and giving the opposition short fields is not how you reward your coaches in your expanded role. You could tell how the coaches felt about the case of fumbleitis, because we immediately saw increased usage by Quintrevion Wisner and Jerrick Gibson. Speaking of Wisner, that kid runs with some anger and I like it.

I wouldn’t want to be some of these guys in film session tomorrow. There is going to be several feet being applied to asses collectively on Sunday afternoon.

Colin Simmons might be him

Texas might have them one in Colin Simmons. We had already seen the flashes leading into this matchup, but he was an absolute menace on Saturday. No. 11 was flying around the yard all afternoon and he absolutely stuffed the stat sheet for the Longhorns with seven total tackles, three TFLs, two sacks, and a forced fumble for the true freshman from Duncanville.

The Metroplex has produced some monsters off the edge over the years — guys like Myles Garrett and Von Miller immediately come to mind. Simmons might be in the same mold as his predecessors by flashing game-wrecking ability five games in and he is only going to keep getting better.

Speaking of Miller and Garrett, Miller had two sacks and four TFLs as a true freshman at Texas A&M, while Garrett went super nova with 14 TFLs and 11.5 sacks. Simmons is already ahead of Miller’s pace and now he will look to track down Garrett.

The defense piled up sacks and negative plays

It wasn’t the most sound game by PK’s defensive unit, but one thing that can’t be debated is the amount of times the Texas defense created havoc in the offensive back field.

My guy Vernon Broughton had some big shoes to fill this year and he has responded accordingly. His hat trick (strip, sack, and recovery) of Michael Van Buren was one of the plays of the game and it returned momentum back to Texas after the fumble by Blue just before.

The Texas defense notched six sacks and 11 TFLs on the afternoon and that was despite Lebby trying to play keep away with the football and running ball 50 (!!!) times during regulation.

The Texas defense needs to tighten some things up over the bye week when it comes to run fits, but they definitely made life hard all afternoon for whoever the Bulldogs put under center.

For better or for worse Sark is always aggressive

One thing you can never accuse Sark of is lacking aggression. That was never more clear than when he opted to take points OFF the board on Saturday and try to convert a fourth down.

I am all for being aggressive pushing the envelope at times, but this particular instance seemed a tad too aggressive for my liking considering you already had points on the board and the offense had been a little inconsistent.

On top of being very aggressive in that moment, I wasn’t in love with the particular play call/read that was made by the quarterback. If you are going to go for it in that moment, I would have liked to see something a little more high percentage dialed up there.

This could be a quibble for some, but this was something I noted in game that stuck with me until now.

No. 1 Texas wins ugly against Mississippi State: Three things we learned

Texas can shore things up on both sides of the line
One of the biggest questions about Texas when the move to the SEC was first announced was its ability to play in the trenches of the SEC. While it appeared that the Longhorns had made the requisite moves to prepare themselves for the conference, their debut gave them plenty to coach going into the bye week.

Offensively, Texas surrendered two sacks, seven tackles for loss, and had just 10 yards on the ground through the first quarter. The line also struggled with the little things that turn out to be big — getting flagged for false starts/illegal snaps, plus three holding calls that erased chunk plays. Defensively, the Longhorns struggled with some of the looks and quick adjustments from Jeff Lebby’s offensive scheme and gave up six rushes of 10 yards or more, including the Bulldogs’ only touchdown of the game, a 12-yard scramble by quarterback Michael Van Buren in the fourth quarter.

Texas has options in the backfield
Jaydon Blue, the explosive playmaker who ran for 124 yards and three touchdowns a week ago, lost two fumbles and struggled with consistency. When Texas needed to grind out yards, Quintrevion Wisner received the lion’s share of the carries. Twelve of his 13 attempts came in the second half and seven came in the first quarter — three of which converted for first downs.

The former consensus three-star prospect finished the game with 13 carries for 88 yards, both career highs, averaging 6.8 yards per carry and seeming like the featured back when the Longhorns needed one. Blue, despite his struggles, averaged six yards per carry and a score, with plenty of room to work in the bye week.

Texas can create true havoc in the backfield
Texas finished the game with 11 tackles for loss and six sacks in the matchup, led by freshman Colin Simmons, who once again appears to be ahead of schedule. Six sacks is the most by a Texas team under Pete Kwiatkowski and the most since recording eight against Iowa State in 2016.

In the contest Texas nearly doubled their sack total on the year and were one off the season-high 12 tackles for loss against UTSA two weeks ago. If the Longhorns can continue that trend, it will lead to success for them as they continue through SEC play.


Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
4 napja
zacknorb Green Bay Packers Cincinnati Bearcats 11 454 — Kinek mit intézett a kormánya
Sources: QB Ewers not likely to play vs. Bulldogs
Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers is not expected to play against Mississippi State on Saturday, per sources, as the Longhorn staff is expected to sit him out in order to be fully healthy for their game against Oklahoma on Oct. 12.

Valszeg megint Manning time
15 napja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
16 év után AP poll #1
What the world looked like the last time Texas was #1


RedCup Texas on Instagram: "Life moves pretty fast #texas #hookem #texaslonghorns #atx #austin #utaustin #texasfootball #numberone"
8,199 likes, 31 comments - redcuptexas on September 17, 2024: "Life moves pretty fast #texas #hookem #texaslonghorns #atx #austin #utaustin #texasfootball #numberone".

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
16 napja
nagir New York Giants Michigan Wolverines 7 827 — Bla, bla, bla
16 év után AP poll #1
És Manning lesz a kezdő QB, bár Ewers sérülése nem súlyos
Nagyon várjuk...😉😁

ETO, A.C. Milan, Winnipeg Jets, Liverpool F.C., SF Giants, Chicago Bulls, Vale 46, MvG, Senna, Lance Armstrong, Stephen Hendry, Mike Tyson, Boris Becker, Tiger Woods FAN!!!
17 napja
r.baggio Washington Commanders UNLV Rebels 61 839 — 258. §
16 év után AP poll #1
És Manning lesz a kezdő QB, bár Ewers sérülése nem súlyos

"Nincs igazság és nincs emberiség. Csak igazságok vannak és emberek." - Szerb Antal
17 napja
zacknorb Green Bay Packers Cincinnati Bearcats 11 454 — Kinek mit intézett a kormánya
16 év után AP poll #1
1 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
na, hat, 52-0. mikor sikerült becsatlakoznom az első negyedben akkor éppen egy rossz szériában volt a csapat és úgy láttam nincs még meg az összhang a teljesen új elkapósor és QE között (mitchell, worthy, whittington, TE sanders mind mentek a draftra, ugye - lehet nézni őket már vasárnaponként), és lett egy csúfos INT is, azonban később csak összeálltak és nagyon szép képet mutatott a D# és O# egyaránt, teret egyaránt nem hagyva a colorado state-nek hogy érdemben támadjon. No persze nem tudjuk milyen erőt is képviselnek az FBS MWC diviziojaban.

fun fact: utoljára 2004-ben volt shutout, akkor a north texas ellen győzdelemeskedtünk 65-0-ra. és igen, az évben a michigan ellen is diadalmaskodtunk a rose bowl-ban 38-37-re. 😛

következő mérkőzés: szeptember 7., ann arbor, michigan. 5,5 pontos favoritkét vagyunk az no 9. wolverines ellen.

néhány game note:

Texas dominated all phases of the game

This game played exactly the way you wanted if you are Texas fan. The Longhorns were the superior team in every way and it played out like that once the live bullets started flying. Texas controlled this game from start to finish and they were never once threatened by Colorado State.

The offense marched up and down the field and finished drives, the defense frustrated Brayden Fowler-Nicolosi and the Ram offense and forced two turnovers, and aside from one hiccup the special teams took care of business.

Much like we saw last year, this team played hard from the opening whistle and until triple zeroes hit the clock, and you could see the urgency from the reserves to try to preserve the shutout late.

Overall, I was very pleased with how Texas went about their business on Saturday as they get tuned up for their matchup in Ann Arbor.

Texas is in great shape at the quarterback position

We got to see plenty of both Quinn Ewers and Arch Manning on Saturday, so Longhorns fans were able to see both the present as well as a glimpse of the future of their quarterback room.

Ewers and Manning combined to go 25-of-33 passing for 355 yards through the air with five total touchdowns between the two gunslingers. That’ll work.

Ewers did have one hiccup early in the contest when he tried to make a late decision to throw when climbing the pocket and it resulted in a tipped pass and interception. From there on he was locked in and in control of the offense and was able to get an early shower once the lead was in hand.

Texas has two legit quarterbacks that can operate this offense. Having some insurance in form of a guy like Manning is big plus both for this season given that Ewers has missed in both seasons as a starter. If Manning had to log significant snaps, I think offensive brain trust would be very comfortable with No. 16 under center.

Texas was perfect in the red zone

This was a big issue for the Texas offense last year, so this was definitely something I was watching closely today.

The Longhorns made SEVEN trips into the red zone on Saturday and all seven trips resulted in a touchdown. I know it is only Colorado State and that the competition will get much stiffer, but that is much improved efficiency for the Texas offense in the red zone and a very encouraging early sign this season.

I am not expecting them to be perfect in the red area every week, but if they are consistently finding ways to finish they will be in the catbird seat in their fair share of ball games this year.

Texas’ depth at the offensive skill positions were on display

Texas had to reload at the offensive skill positions after graduating majority of their production from 2023. Coming into this season, Sarkisian and his staff had to answer how they were going to replace guys like Xavier Worthy, Adonai Mitchell, Ja’Tavion Sanders, and Jonathon Brooks.

Texas had a lot of new faces make their Longhorn debut on Saturday and what stood out the most to me was how everyone up and down the depth got in and contributed in some way, shape or, form. Eleven different receivers recorded a reception on Saturday from Ewers and Manning and the trio of Jaydon Blue, Tre Wisner, and Jerrick Gibson fared well to open up the season in their increased roles following the injury to CJ Baxter.

Isaiah Bond got the most targets amongst wide receivers on Saturday, but it was Matthew Golden who found the end zone twice in his Longhorn debut. One game in, it looks like Texas may have done well once again in the transfer portal.

Texas may not have that big-body receiver like they had in Mitchell last year, but they have dudes who can run and most importantly separate. The Texas skill has a chance to have another big year despite heavy turnover.

Texas was able to get reserves plenty of snaps and kept their starters healthy

For awhile it seemed like Texas could never put teams away that would allow them to get their reserves and younger players valuable live reps. They are finally getting back to where they are able to impose their will on opponents and guys experience that will prove valuable down the road.

Players like Manning were able to get almost an entire half of snaps on Saturday because of how they were able to consistently manufacture offense and the defense continuously held up their end of the bargain and got the ball back to the offense.

On top of getting guys up and down the roster chances to play, Texas exited this matchup without any injury issues. Blue caught a cramp and was held out for the remainder of the game, which was the right call given that you fly to Ann Arbor next week and you didn’t need to get him hit anymore at that point.

Szerkesztette: Ventura

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
1 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
Ma este, magyar ido szerint 21 órakor kezdorugas @ colorado state - immáron a várva vár sec konferenciaban, igaz a konferencia nyitó mérkőzés szeptember 28-an lesz. Míg erre sor kerül, szeptember 7-en a tavalyi szezon bajnoka, a Michigan wolverines ellen készülhetünk fel ezzel a merkozessel.

Hook’em! 🟠\m/🐂


Szerkesztette: Ventura

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
1 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
Épp most olvastam én is a hírt. Habár én számomra jobb játékosnak tűnt jaydon blue, mint baxter (2023. no1. Rb) tavalyi szezonban. Most meglátjuk mihez kezd a kezdő pozicioval.

Blue flashed last season in a row that increased following the injury to Brooks, breaking off a 69-yard touchdown run in the blowout win over Texas Tech and finding the end zone again against Washington in the Sugar Bowl. The 65 carries by Blue in 2023 racked up 398 yards and three touchdowns in addition to 14 catches for 135 yards and a touchdown.

Sources: Texas sophomore tailback CJ Baxter injured the LCL and PCL in his right knee and will require surgery. He will miss the 2024 season after suffering the injury in camp on Tuesday.

Szerkesztette: Ventura

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
1 hónapja
zacknorb Green Bay Packers Cincinnati Bearcats 11 454 — Kinek mit intézett a kormánya
Sources: Texas sophomore tailback CJ Baxter injured the LCL and PCL in his right knee and will require surgery. He will miss the 2024 season after suffering the injury in camp on Tuesday.
1 hónapja
🤘 gaben 🤘 Chicago Bears Texas Longhorns 8 102 — Deion Sanders for president!

" Szeretem a jeget, hagyjál békén. "
3 hónapja
zacknorb Green Bay Packers Cincinnati Bearcats 11 454 — Kinek mit intézett a kormánya
5 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
Nem csak hogy idén iskolarekordot ment a draft pick, am ez az elso, hogy két egymást koveto évben longhorns runningback került kivalasztasra elsonek:
2023 - bijan Robinson (Atlanta falcons) (1/8)
2024 - jonathon brooks (carolina panterhers) (2/46)


Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
5 hónapja
zacknorb Green Bay Packers Cincinnati Bearcats 11 454 — Kinek mit intézett a kormánya
5 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
tegnap este magyar idő szerint meg esett az orange-white spring game egy kb. teljesen új elkapó sorral és hijjas védelemmel. a show középpontjában természetesen ki más lett volna, mint arch manning, aki meg is szolgálta az eddig iránta mutatott érdeklődést (a név kötelez). errpl raktam be alulra a twitter-video bejegyzest. 355 passzolt yard, 25-ből 19 sikeres átadás és 3 TD került a neve mellé (illetve a vége előtt egy haoil mary-nél INt az end zone-ban). ewers mindössze néhány szériát kapott.
---  www.burntorangenation.com/2024/4/20/24136022/arch-manning-texas-longhorns-orange-white-game-analysis ---

ewers fogja nyitni a szezont a sec-ben, ám mint a törtéenelm mutatja könnyen sérül, ez valószínűleg idén sem lesz másként, úgyhogy rideg matematikai valószínűség számítás szerint manning-et nem csak garbage time-ban fogjuk látni.

a másik meglepetés az újonnan érkező trey owens, végül ő nyerte meg a "mérkőzést' az orange team-nek az utolso perces TD-jével, s forditottak 34-28-ról.

nem tudni a védelem mennyire képviselt erőt, ám sweat és murphy hiányát nagyon meg fogjuk érezni (kiváncsi vagyok melyik csapathoz és helyen kelnek el most a néhány nap múlva esedéskes drafton): "Murphy and Sweat weren’t just the highest-graded defenders for the Longhorns last season, according to PFF — they were the highest-graded interior defensive linemen in the entire country while also accounting for nearly 3,000 combined snaps in their careers.'' am sarkisian is kifejezte aggodalmát az ügyben: “I think obviously the depth on the defensive line is not where we need it to be and so hopefully we can address that,..”; “We don’t have enough bodies — there’s not enough big humans, I mean, it’s simple math,” - said Sarkisian.

Texas Orange-White Game: Three key takeaways

1. The quarterback room is stocked

After years of uncertainty at the position, the Longhorns are heading into their third consecutive season without much controversy at the quarterback position.

Quinn Ewers is entrenched as the starter for the Longhorns, playing just one series in the exhibition before ending his day early. But it’s not just the stability at the top that feels different for Texas — Steve Sarkisian has stocked the quarterback room and has Texas in prime position moving forward.

The group was headlined by former five-star quarterback Arch Manning, who ran with the first team offense following Ewers’ exit from the game. On his first play of the game, the offense ran play action and the defensive back got caught looking in the backfield an out of position, setting Manning up with an easy connection to DeAndre Moore Jr. for a 75-yard touchdown. Manning didn’t slow down, connecting on two more touchdown passes — including a go-ahead score running the two-minute drill — to finish the day with 355 yards and three touchdowns.

The reason Manning’s touchdown wasn’t a game-winner was thanks to the effort of QB3 Trey Owens, who connected with fellow early enrollee Ryan Wingo for the game-winning touchdown to cap off a 281-yard, three-touchdown day for him. Even walk-on Cole Lourd, the fourth-string quarterback, looked good and got in on the touchdown action, meaning that the only quarterback who didn’t throw a touchdown was Ewers, who only had one chance to do so.

2. The wide receivers will be fine

While it looks like Ewers and Alabama transfer Isaiah Bond will need to work some more on their timing in the summer, the talent is clearly there in the room and the production will likely continue. We may not see someone get the lion’s share of the yards like Xavier Worthy has in years past, the group overall looks fast, explosive, and able to attack the ball.

Bond was on the receiving end of the go-ahead touchdown from Manning, showing the top-end speed that became part of his brand in high school, while also making contested catches look easy. Wingo also flashed what made him one of the most coveted recruits in the country, showing off athletic catches, soft hands, and route running that is quite advanced for someone who has not been on campus for a full semester yet.

It wasn’t just the newcomers though who flashed their talents — DeAndre Moore, Jr. and Johntay Cook II both showed their development and value to the offense, with Moore showcasing his speed while Cook made contested catches in traffic.

Cook had a few solid catches, including a pair of first-down conversions, showing an ability to attack the ball in the air.

3. Questions remain about the trenches

You can interpret the first score of the game in two ways.

The defensive line lost two of its key disruptors and found a way to reload with more disruptive talent or the offensive line had a breakdown that led to the quarterback’s downfall. The answer is probably somewhere in the middle, especially given how the game played out, but it’s hard to overcome the first impression.

The line’s ability to keep a clean pocket played a bit role in Manning’s success on the day, combined with his ability to climb back into said pocket to create time and make throws. That unit kept things clean for the quarterbacks, leading to big offensive plays.

That could have the inverse implication from the opening play.

Edge players like Colton Vasek and Colin Simmons started to flash as the game went on, but it’s hard to judge the efficacy of edge rushers when the quarterbacks wear non-contact jerseys and the officials have quick whistles.

Szerkesztette: Ventura

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
5 hónapja
🤘 gaben 🤘 Chicago Bears Texas Longhorns 8 102 — Deion Sanders for president!

Hihetetlen eddig az idei éve!

" Szeretem a jeget, hagyjál békén. "
8 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
az, hogy ewers visszatér és sarkisian szerződést hosszabbított, volt még egy két fontos esemény amit mindnképp meg kell említeni.

jeff choate (2021-23, Co-DC és LB edző) lelépett a nevadahoz head coach-nak, helyét az arizona wildcats DC-je, johnny nansen (2022-23) veszi át, s pete kwiatkowski mellett szintén Co-DC ( /LB edző szerepkörben fog mozogni).

"In 2022, the Wildcats forced 16 turnovers, an increase of six from the year before as Arizona won four more games, the third-largest win improvement in program history. During Nansen’s second season as defensive coordinator, Arizona finished fourth in the conference in scoring defense at 21.1 points per game, fifth in rushing yards per attempt at 3.6 yards per carry, and sixth in passing yards allowed per game at 239.7. Arizona went 10-3 and finished the season with a 14-point Alamo Bowl win over Oklahoma thanks in part to six turnovers forced by Nansen’s defense, which recovered three fumbles and came up with three interceptions."

Nansen has a history as a high-level recruiter, serving as the primary recruiter for five-star linebacker Palaie Gaoteote IV in 2018 and as the secondary assistant when USC landed five-star cornerback Adoree’ Jackson in 2014 and top-50 prospect Ronald Jones in 2015, a Texas target out of McKinney North. Nansen is credited as the primary recruiter for 14 other four-star prospects in his career as an assistant.

Arizona credited Nansen with helping to land the No. 2 class in the Pac-12 in 2022, a group that included Rivals five-star wide receiver Tetairoa McMillan, the first five-star prospect signed in school history. In 2023, the Wildcats landed former five-star linebacker Justin Flowe from the Ducks.


illetve a JN-el karöltve érkezett arizonaból a korábbi texas - köztiszteletben álló DB edző, duane akina, igaz, 67 esztendősen már csak analyst pozícióba. ettől függetlenül mindneképpen erősítés, mert a secondary elég gyatra, amit penix prezentált is a CFP semifinal-ban.

"Akina joined Brown’s staff as the defensive backs coach in 2001, a position that he held in various capacities until 2013, including titles as associate head coach and three years as the co-defensive coordinator. During that time, Akina helped establish Texas as DBU by producing a litany of standouts in the secondary — three Thorpe Award winners, six more finalists, 12 All-Americans, and 41 NFL players, seven of whom earned All-Pro honors."


+1 infomráció,

saban visszavonulásával az alabama WR isaiah bond a távozást választotta, s nem is gondolkodott sokáig, egy vizit alkalmával már alá is írt hozzánk (5* transfer, posztján az első, overall-ban a második legjobb játékos), aki prospect-ként 2022-ben georgia állam 6-ik, míg nemzeti szinten a 43-ik legjobb játékos volt.

szükségünk is lesz az erősítésre - immáron a sec-ban - a három kezdő lekapónk egyaránt elment a draftra (ad mitchell, worthy, whittington - sőt még a TE-nk is), így nagyon megvékonyodtunk a WR poszton.

"As as sophomore, Bond finished the season second on the Crimson Tide’s receiving list with 688 yards and four touchdowns in just his first season as a full-time starter while leading the team with 48 catches."

Szerkesztette: Ventura

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
8 hónapja
kapitnono New Orleans Saints Ohio State Buckeyes 8 982 — WHO DAT!!!!
Oficiál, ewers visszater meg egy evre. Kivancsi leszek manningre lep e valamit.

Elleneben DL coach, bo Davis lelép az LSU-hoz, ami nem jó hir. A recruitingnak sem.
Szerintem nem nagyon volt kérdés, hogy visszajön-e. A kérdés inkább, hogy milyen éve lesz, és marad-e esetleg még egy évet a mostani után is? Mert akkor Manning tényleg dobbantani fog jövőre, ha Ewers marad még azután is.

8 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
Oficiál, ewers visszater meg egy evre. Kivancsi leszek manningre lep e valamit.

Elleneben DL coach, bo Davis lelép az LSU-hoz, ami nem jó hir. A recruitingnak sem.

Szerkesztette: Ventura

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
8 hónapja
🤘 gaben 🤘 Chicago Bears Texas Longhorns 8 102 — Deion Sanders for president!
Ilyen töketlen védelmet!

" Szeretem a jeget, hagyjál békén. "
9 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
Penixet kár spy-olni, nem az a sztereotípiákat erősítő fekete scrambler, sokkal inkább zsebirányító, max 1-2 futása van kényszerből egy meccsen.
sajnos megtapasztaltam.

szomorú vagyok, hogy végül ennyi esély után vereséget szenvedtünk, ám mégis inkább elégedett. a szezon előtt kíváncsian vártuk, hogy eljutunk e big12 döntőbe, amely a sooners ellenni vereséggel távolabb került. a játékhetek előrehaladtával voltak kétséges mérkőzéseink, amelyek WTF-el illethetők. Nagy pontszámú leolvadások, s red zone issue-k (mely statisztikában igencsak alul teljesítettünk, a 87. helyre volt elég). S mint láthattuk az utolsó másodperceket égetve, ez is lett a vesztünk a rájátszásban, ahol 4 kísérletből már nem sikerült a TD.

a washington passz játék félelmetes magasságokban jár. az irányító és elkapói tökéletes összhangban játszanak. penixnek a pass rush sem okozott gondot - igaz meglepett, hogy nem tudta a védelem azt generálni, mint előzetesen vártam. igaz a texas secondary nem volt erős, ettől függetlenül centire pontosan dobta a WR-ek kezébe a labdát, s láttunk 'hú-ha' play-t.

Washington was wildly explosive in the passing game, with 296 of their 430 passing yards coming on plays longer than 15 yards, including 58 on those two touchdown passes. All of that adds up to one of the worst all-time outings from a Texas defense, ninth-worst all-time, and the worst since Joe Burrow’s 471 passing yards back in Week Two of 2019.

erre számíthattunk tulajdonképpen, és pontosan ez a forgatókönv is történt: rommá dobáltak. a félidőben mégis döntetlen volt a mérkőzés állása - még a fent említett ellenére is (úgy éreztem akkor, hogy simán elhúzhattak volna előttünk), melynek oka, hogy szerencsénkre a huskies erőltette a futójátékot, amiben mi viszont dominánsak voltunk a szezon során.

Számomra negatív meglepetés volt, hogy egyszerűen három negyed át a passz játékunk nem igen létezett. a futójátékunk acélos volt, azonban mégis összesen 18-szor kapott labdát baxter és blue akik 7.1 és 6.6 átlaggal futottak, így ellensúlyozni lehetett volna a sikertelenséget és talán több lehetőséghez jutott volna az offense, szerintem.

DE, egeszen elkepesztő volt látni, hogy az 5 play 29 yardos harmadik negyedes teljesítményünk után, a negyedik negyedben 34-21-es állásnál mégis sikerült megtolni a szekeret, mint az offense és mind a defense oldalon. az meg már egészen csodával határos, hogy a washingtonnak már csak pörgetnie kellett volna az órát, erre 47 másopderccel a vége előtt megsérül egy washington játékos.

egy nagy whittington és blue elkapással el is érkeztünk a nagy lehetséges football töténelmi pillanathoz.

elhiszem, hogy lehet kritizálni a 4&11 - 00:01 - 13 yard - "one last chance" szituácót, de nem tudjuk már meg ----  www.youtube.com/shorts/Ip0tTSVN1z4

örömmel olvasom a longhorn nation fórumokat is, hogy általánosságban elégedettek a szezonnal. én is ezt érzem. amolyan "lost, but won" feelingem van. big 12 bajnok csapat, rájátszás résztvevő, és egy majdnem miracle. 3 esztendő alatt felépült egy csapat és az erdemények érkeztek. jövőre pedig sec.

akarva akaratlanul charlie strong (2014-16 texas hc) búcsú szavai jutnak eszembe, miután kirugták: "The cake has been baked. All you have to do is put the icing on it and slice it." - nos, éveket vártunk rá, s közben még volt egy tom herman is. : - )


u.i.: hajrá washington a nagy döntőben!


Szerkesztette: Ventura

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
9 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
Xavien worthy megy a draftra. Hamar elillantak az esztendok. : - (

2755 elkapott yard - 14.0 atlagosan, 26 td

Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
9 hónapja
dancogo Minnesota Vikings San Jose State Spartans 2 046 — Big Penix Energy
a tavalyi alamo bowl-on alulmaradtunk a washingtonnal szemben egy TD-val, ám azért kapásból hiányzó volt robinson és ro-jo (draft miatt), s végül 18 kísérletből mindössze 51 yardot tettünk meg, ezzel sem segítve a támadójátékot.

idén brooks-t nem látom olyan nagy kaliberű játékosnak, ám mögötte braxton és blue megfelelő cserék (és véleményem szerint jobbak is), így itt nem látok problémát. ellenben a secondary-nk jelentős kétségeket ébreszt bennem, ennek nyomán arra számítok, hogy loholhatunk a pontok után, hogy mérkőzésben maradjunk.

egyébként remélem anthony hill rá lesz spy-olva penix-re, mert #0 kiváló volt millroe (alabama) ellen, s hiányoltam is, hogy oklahoma mérkpzésnél hanygoltuk a stratégiát: gabriel meg is szerezte futva a first down-okat,melyel végül behúzák a mérkőzést.

"Listed as a linebacker, the 6-foot-3, 235-pound Hill has popped up everywhere while becoming a full-time player. He can fit the gaps as an inside 'backer, slide to an outside spot with coverage duties in the flat, or thrive on the edge, where he uses his blend of pure speed and explosive power to terrorize opposing offensive tackles. The five-star recruit from Denton ranks second on the team with 63 tackles, second with five sacks and fifth in tackles for losses with 7½."

Penixet kár spy-olni, nem az a sztereotípiákat erősítő fekete scrambler, sokkal inkább zsebirányító, max 1-2 futása van kényszerből egy meccsen.

9 hónapja
Ventura Miami Dolphins Texas Longhorns 8 989 — FIRE GM Chris Grier 👞💥🚪
a tavalyi alamo bowl-on alulmaradtunk a washingtonnal szemben egy TD-val, ám azért kapásból hiányzó volt robinson és ro-jo (draft miatt), s végül 18 kísérletből mindössze 51 yardot tettünk meg, ezzel sem segítve a támadójátékot.

idén brooks-t nem látom olyan nagy kaliberű játékosnak, ám mögötte braxton és blue megfelelő cserék (és véleményem szerint jobbak is), így itt nem látok problémát. ellenben a secondary-nk jelentős kétségeket ébreszt bennem, ennek nyomán arra számítok, hogy loholhatunk a pontok után, hogy mérkőzésben maradjunk.

egyébként remélem anthony hill rá lesz spy-olva penix-re, mert #0 kiváló volt millroe (alabama) ellen, s hiányoltam is, hogy oklahoma mérkpzésnél hanygoltuk a stratégiát: gabriel meg is szerezte futva a first down-okat,melyel végül behúzák a mérkőzést.

"Listed as a linebacker, the 6-foot-3, 235-pound Hill has popped up everywhere while becoming a full-time player. He can fit the gaps as an inside 'backer, slide to an outside spot with coverage duties in the flat, or thrive on the edge, where he uses his blend of pure speed and explosive power to terrorize opposing offensive tackles. The five-star recruit from Denton ranks second on the team with 63 tackles, second with five sacks and fifth in tackles for losses with 7½."


Texas Longhorns, 2023 Big XII Champion
9 hónapja
🤘 gaben 🤘 Chicago Bears Texas Longhorns 8 102 — Deion Sanders for president!
"Sarkisian has a policy that prohibits players who have entered or plan to enter the transfer portal from remaining with the team while the process plays out.


Sarkisian, rightfully, reportedly offered Murphy the opportunity to stay with the program through the end of the season. But Murphy decided he needed to leave to maximize his value in the portal."

A női röpicsapat meg bejutott a vasárnapi döntőbe, ahol megvédheti címét

Még mindig túl vannak öltözve 😀

" Szeretem a jeget, hagyjál békén. "