NFL eredménykövetés NFL eredménykövetés - 1 aktív topik

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6 feliratkozó

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Soldados Pittsburgh Steelers Penn State Nittany Lions 12 174 — Defense wins the Championship!
remélem nem volt még, nem tudtam pontosan hova tenni

The Stiff Arm Tiller
Fantasztikus videó.

The best franchise in the National Football League! Six-pack in SIXburgh! Thank you, Chief!
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gsn 3 548
remélem nem volt még, nem tudtam pontosan hova tenni

The Stiff Arm Tiller
Köszi JJ, bár szerintem rosszul tetted, hogy ide tetted, hiszen ez az egész fórum legkevesebbre becsült topikja. Itt aztán kevesen fogják meglátni.Szabler
:rolleyes: Ne kezdd már te is ezt a dolgot, mintha JJ-t olvasnám pár évvel ezelőttről. 😛

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
remélem nem volt még, nem tudtam pontosan hova tenni

The Stiff Arm Tiller
Köszi JJ, bár szerintem rosszul tetted, hogy ide tetted, hiszen ez az egész fórum legkevesebbre becsült topikja. Itt aztán kevesen fogják meglátni.

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r.baggio Washington Commanders Vanderbilt Commodores 61 928 — no es importante
remélem nem volt még, nem tudtam pontosan hova tenni

The Stiff Arm

"Nincs igazság és nincs emberiség. Csak igazságok vannak és emberek." - Szerb Antal
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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Legújabb feltöltésem. Walter Payton nagy napja!

1977 Week 10 Chicago Bears - Minnesota Vikings (NFL Films Game of the Week)

Part I:
Part II:

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Még nem olvastam hosszabb interjút tőle, de tényleg ilyen furcsa a stílusa, mint ami ebből lejön?F.Schleck
Csonka egy eléggé magának való, nem kifejezetten szószátyár ember. Azt eddig én sem tudtam, hogy már annyira régtől fogva Alaszkáról álmodozott, de ez is elárul valamit természetéről. Hiszen valószínűleg nem az emberek társasága iránt érzett olthatatlan vágya terelte az északi végek felé.

A bemásolt interjú mellett van egy rövid videó is, amelyben legemlékezetesebb meccséről kérdezik. Hát az sem hosszabb fél percnél, és gyakorlatilag semmi olyat nem mond, amit egy a focitörténetben picit is jártas érdeklődő ne tudna már.

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Schleck New England Patriots Oregon Ducks 11 271 — ʞɔǝlɥɔS
Még nem olvastam hosszabb interjút tőle, de tényleg ilyen furcsa a stílusa, mint ami ebből lejön?

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Behind the Bronze: Larry Csonka (from Pro Football Hall of Fame)

Hobbies: I hunt and fish all the time.

Last Book You Read: I'm currently reading Sh*t My Dad Says.

Favorite Movie: Groundhog Day.

Favorite Music: Well, I was born in the Elvis era so '60s and '70s rock-n-roll and Elvis in the late '50s. And, I even like a few songs that Sinatra sang.

Favorite Food: Natural.

Favorite Current NFL Player: Oh, I don't watch that much ball really. There are a couple of power running backs I like. Peyton Hillis with the Browns is one.

Favorite NFL Team as a Child: Well, at different times I liked different teams. I watched the Browns year in and year out. But, I liked the Giants with Y.A. Tittle. I actually got to see the Browns and Marion Motley play. I don't think I have one favorite anything!

First Job: I took care of milk cows. I was a worker on a dairy farm.

One Person Who Influenced You Most: Probably my granddad.

Did you have any pre-game rituals/superstitions? Yes. My pre-game ritual was to watch all the other people who had pre-game rituals and laugh at them. Shula, Kiick… we had so many that did things the same way, particularly in the undefeated season, I got tickled watching them. We had fans that did the same thing, that wore the same clothes. It was nuts, made no sense at all.

Was there a reason for choosing No. 39? Yeah, it's what they handed me.

Toughest Opponent: I don't think I could ever single down to one toughest player. I played in the era of Nitschke and Butkus and people like that. Dwight White of the Steelers. I was always very glad that I didn't have to face our defense – Manny Fernandez, Bill Stanfill, Jake Scott. Later on I went to another team and had to play some of them and I learned how tough our defense was, one player at a time.

Most Influential Coach: Don Shula.

How would you spend time during the offseason? I would spend my time during the season, any moment I had off that I could get away with changing my attention span off of football, I would dream about hunting and fishing in Alaska. And, then in my offseason, I would try to go to Alaska as often as I could.

What makes you most proud about your Hall of Fame career: The accomplishment of my teammates to put me in the Hall of Fame.

When did you realize you had a Hall of Fame career? You know, I never really thought about it until I retired from football. I did think about it after I retired. Of course, you hope it's something that you would get nominated for but I didn't really think about it during my tenure as an active player.

If you could do your Enshrinement Speech over today, what would you change? I think I would talk more about how I miss the huddle.

Your greatest accomplishment outside of football: Being an Alaska resident.

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Még néhány érdekes cantoni relikvia.

Walter Payton cipői, amelyekben 1984-ben túlszárnyalta Jim Brown all-time futórekordját

Ugye nem kérdéses, hogy kinek a fejfedője?

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Tegnap volt 40 éve, hogy a Saints-es Tom Dempsey beverte 63 yardos, máig rekordnak számító mezőnygólját a Lions ellen.

Íme egy kép a "csonkalábú" Dempsey egyik spéci lábbelijéről, amelyet Hall of Fame-ben őriznek.

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Az elmúlt hét a Today in Pro Football History blogon.

November 1. 1959: Jim Brown’s 5 TDs Overcome 4 Unitas TD Passes as Browns Beat Colts.

November 2. 1975: Terry Metcalf’s 3 TDs Lead Cardinals Past Patriots.

November 3. 2002: Brad Johnson Throws for 5 TDs as Bucs Beat Vikings.

November 4. 1962: Sonny Randle Catches 16 Passes for 256 Yards vs. Giants.

November 5. 1995: Expansion Panthers Stun Defending-Champion 49ers.

November 6. 1934: Eagles Roll Up 64-0 Win Over Cincinnati Reds.

November 7. 1948: Buffalo’s Running Game Prevails Over Brooklyn’s Passing Attack.

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Nem annyira régi idők focija, de az elmúlt évtized egyik legjobb meccse volt a Ravens és a Seahawks 2003-as összecsapása. Erről a tavasszal én is írtam ide az oldalra, és most íme a derbit bemutató NFL Films produkció. (Ezúttal csak Sabol mondókáját vágtam ki!)

The Wright Stuff, NFL Films Game of the Week - 2003 Week 12 Seattle Seahawks@Baltimore Ravens

Part I:
Part II:
Part III:

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Behind the Bronze: Sonny Jurgensen

Hobbies: Golf. I play a lot of golf but at my age it's getting sneaky short and I'm playing less and less.

Last Book You Read: I'm reading Matterhorn right now. I do a lot of reading, a lot of Daniel Silver, Grisham, that type of stuff.

Favorite Movie: My granddaughter's got me watching Sound of Music every time I visit her. She's only four!

Favorite Food: Italian.

Favorite Current NFL Player: You know, being an old rag-arm you like to watch quarterbacks operate and their efficiency, how they apply themselves to the game and their passion for the game. So, you'd have to say it's Peyton (Manning).

Favorite Athlete in Another Sport: It was Michael Jordan for a long time because he was from my hometown.

Favorite NFL Team as a Child: Redskins

First Job: I worked for the Coca Cola Company. I worked during the summertime in high school and delivered Coca Cola to the beaches. During the Fourth of July Weekend, we'd push 1,200 cases of Coca Cola up and down the boardwalk.

Favorite NFL Stadium During Your Career: Yankee Stadium was very special.

One Person Who Influenced You Most: I guess my mother and father did more than anyone else. As far as coaches, my high school coach Leon Brogden was a big influence on me as far as teaching me the fundamentals. He was a great coach because he was a three-sport coach. I played baseball, basketball, and football for him.

Did you have any pre-game rituals/superstitions? No, not really. I didn't go to the pre-game meal so I'd just have a baloney sandwich or something in the locker room with the equipment man.

Was there a reason for choosing No. 9? I had 18 at Duke and I just got half of it!

Toughest Opponent: It's difficult to pick one out of all of them. I think it had to do with teams that you played and defenses that you faced as a quarterback trying to move the football on them. Obviously, the "Steel Curtain" was very good because of the talent they had defensively. The New York Giants were the same way in my career, also the Cowboys.

Most Influential Coach: Lombardi. Out of the nine head coaches in my 18 years, he was by far the one. He was an offensive coach. I hadn't had him a week and to me it was very understandable why Green Bay was successful. He was the only coach of the nine who simplified the game of football. Every other coach had a tendency to complicate things, get a lot of verbiage of calling plays and how to read defenses. His system was by far the simplest and the most successful. It was fun to play the game and Bart Starr had told me that I was going to love this guy, and he was right. Paul Hornung said that and Max McGee said, they all did.

What makes you most proud about your Hall of Fame career Just to have the opportunity. I think you just have to be fortunate to be in the right situation at the right time. Of course, you have to do your part.

How would you spend time during the offseason? I had to work. We didn't make any money. I did construction work; I worked for a sporting goods store. I threw 32 touchdown passes in '61 and was making $14,000.

When did you realize you had a Hall of Fame career? I did not ever realize that. I just played the game.

Did you consider anyone other than Edward Bennett Williams as your presenter? No. I felt he was the reason I ended up in Washington and he was a very special person in my life.

If you could do your Enshrinement Speech over today, what would you change? I'd probably talk more about the people who helped me. I think everyone tries to do that. But, you try to simplify it and put it into as few words as possible.

Your greatest accomplishment outside of football: I am a grandfather of eight. I've been married 43 years, being a good father, and being a good person. That's what it's about for me.

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier

1987-ben Halloween napján jött létre az NFL történetének egyik legnagyobb trade-je, amelynek kulcsfigurája, az 1980-es évek sztárfutója, Eric Dickerson volt.

Erre és ligatörténet legnagyobb játékostranzakcióira emlékezik a következő cikk:

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Q&A with John Elway

"John Elway, the former Denver Broncos quarterback who won two of the five Super Bowls he played in, was enshrined into Pro Football’s Hall of Fame in 2004. Elway, 50, owns two steakhouses in Denver and three auto dealerships in California. He is also helping to promote the Topps Gridiron Giveaway, in which collectors can win vintage Topps football cards and memorabilia.

When people talk about the great quarterbacks of all time, John Elway, Dan Marino and Joe Montana are always mentioned. How do you compare yourself against them?

It’s like comparing apples to oranges because we all played in different systems and were asked to do different things. Obviously, Danny had the great numbers in Miami, but he was never able to win a championship. Joe didn’t pass for a lot of yards but had the four Super Bowls and three Super Bowl Most Valuable Player awards. I was kind of in the middle. I didn’t have Marino’s numbers, but I won two Super Bowls, and I had better numbers than Montana, but he won more championships. I’m just tickled to be in the discussion, especially with those two guys.

The N.F.L. has changed some rules to better protect quarterbacks and wide receivers. If these rules were in place when you were playing, do you think you would have thrown for even more yardage and touchdowns?

Obviously, it opens up the passing game, so guys like Marino, Montana and myself all would have done a lot better, and with more protection, we probably would have been able to play longer. But the funny thing is that when I came into the league, Jack Lambert said that quarterbacks wore skirts. I can’t imagine what they are saying about quarterbacks now.

Growing up, who was your favorite quarterback?

I was a Roger Staubach guy. I grew up in the state of Washington and somehow, I migrated to the Cowboys. I think they became my favorite team because of the way Staubach played and how he carried himself off the field; he was a great role model.


What was the toughest defense you faced?

The 1985 Bears defense. At that time, not only did they have great personnel, but they had that 46 defense, and nobody knew how to block it. They were very talented with guys like Dan Hampton, Mike Singletary, Wilber Marshall, Steve McMichael and Richard Dent.


What current quarterback reminds you of John Elway?

Brett Favre, just because of the arm strength and his taking chances on the field like a gunslinger, which I was more of early in my career. Also, his decision-making has improved over time, as mine did. Ben Roethlisberger would be the next guy because he moves around in the pocket, makes big plays and has played well in big games.

Roethlisberger idolized you as a youngster, which is why he wears No. 7. Are you disappointed in him?

I’m disappointed for him that he put himself in that situation, and that he had to learn the hard way. He knows that is not the situation he wants to be in or the legacy he wants to leave, so I feel sorry for him and hope he has learned from all of this.


Would you like to own an N.F.L. franchise one day?

That would be high on my bucket list, no question. Now that I’m 50 years old, it would be something I would like to do with the last 10 or 15 working years of my life. Denver would be nice because that’s where I played, but I would definitely look at other opportunities."

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Én, aki még csak ismerkedik a régi nagyságokkal, minden tiszteletem fejezem ki a munkásságod, tudástárad előtt Szabler.
Nagyszerűek az írásaid, cikkeid.Chrisdol
Köszi, de én csak közvetítek! 😊 Ezután is igyekszem minden a témát illető minél több információt megosztani a honi fociszerető közvéleménnyel akár cikkek, akár hsz-ek formájában. Az információk tárháza pedig szerencsére kimeríthetetlen.

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Törölt felhasználó
Én, aki még csak ismerkedik a régi nagyságokkal, minden tiszteletem fejezem ki a munkásságod, tudástárad előtt Szabler.
Nagyszerűek az írásaid, cikkeid.
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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Köszi Szabler! Sok ilyet minél több HoF-playáról.Soldados
Ahogy megjelennek, hetente egy, bemásolom vagy belinkelem ide.

Eddig a következők voltak:

Jack Ham
Jack Youngblood
Randall McDaniel
Charlie Sanders
Willie Lanier
Joe DeLamielleure
Dave Wilcox

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Soldados Pittsburgh Steelers Penn State Nittany Lions 12 174 — Defense wins the Championship!
Köszi Szabler! Sok ilyet minél több HoF-playáról.

The best franchise in the National Football League! Six-pack in SIXburgh! Thank you, Chief!
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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Behind the Bronze: Mel Blount

Hobbies: I have a lot of hobbies. I love riding horses, I love to fish, and I love taking walks through the woods.

Last Book You Read: Family Matters by Reverend Victor J. Grigsby.

Favorite Food: I grew up on a farm so I love vegetables.

Favorite Current NFL Player: Troy Polamalu

Favorite Athlete in Another Sport: I love to watch Tony Parker.

Favorite NFL Team as a Child: Baltimore Colts.

First Job: The first job I had was working at Metro Glass in Elizabeth City, New Jersey. I was a freshman in college and I went up there in the summer to spend some time with my sister and I got a job there.

Favorite NFL Stadium During Your Career (other than Three Rivers): I always loved the Coliseum out in Los Angles. It was big but I enjoyed playing on that grass.

One Person Who Influenced You Most: My high school coach and his name is Jimmy Thacker.

Did you have any pre-game rituals/superstitions? No, I never had any pre-game rituals. I thought just being prepared was enough. And, I would go to chapel service before every game and then go out and play.

Was there a reason for choosing No. 47? In college, I was No. 48 and when I came to the Steelers that number was taken. So, the next number was 47. But, when I got to the Steelers I really wanted to wear No. 48.

Toughest Opponent: Probably Earl Campbell. He was just a dynamic athlete with a lot of speed and a lot of power. He was just a great football player.

Most Influential Coach: Jimmy Thacker who really influenced me in high school and made me believe I could play football. And, obviously right behind him would be Chuck Noll.

How would you spend time during the offseason? A lot of off-seasons I would go back down south because I lived down there. Then, later in my career I spent my off-season doing community work.

What makes you most proud about your Hall of Fame career: The journey. The journey itself makes me proud to wind up at this place.

When did you realize you had a Hall of Fame career? I never realized it. I don't think any player comes into the league and plays to get to the Hall of Fame. I think it's something that just happens with your body of work. Even when you're out of the game for five years, you're still not sure you'll wind up here.

How did you learn of your Hall of Fame election? I learned of it through a phone call from a Hall of Fame committee member. It was a chilling experience; it just sent chills through your body. It's really quite an honor.

Did you consider anyone other than Dan Rooney as your presenter? No. Because I watched Dan take over that team. He was just starting to run that team in the 1970s and he just did a great job putting it together.

If you could do your Enshrinement Speech over today, what would you change? I don't think I would change anything. The Hall of Fame speech is something that you speak from your heart. But, that said, I think I probably would mention or give credit to more people. I think all of us would do that if we could do it again.

Your greatest accomplishment outside of football: My boys home is something I'm proud of to help families having trouble with their kids. It really reaches out to the community.

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Deny 5 832 — Z-O-U!!!
ide írom, mert talán ehhez kapcsolódik legjobban. szóval elég sokat olvasgatom most Faragó Ricsiék féle NFL könyvet, és hát nem mindenhol a legélvezetesebb, márpedig Szabler miatt, akinek a cikkeiből egy csomó dolgot már megtudtam, és így a nagy végkifejleteket könyvben már tudom 😀 Szóval Szabler, elrontottad az olvasás élményét 😀
Na jó, nem ám, ez is inkább dicséret, és tisztelet az előtt, mennyit tudsz az NFL történelméről.deny79
A könyv remek alapmű az NFL hagyományaival, egykori csillagaival ismerkedőknek. Bocs, hogy elszúrtam a szórakozásod 😊, mindazonáltal bízom benne, hogy a könyvet forgatva olyanok is kedvet kapnak a témában - és cikkeimben 😉 - való elmélyedéshez, akik eddig nem tették.Szabler
Nyugi, semmi gond, könyv miatt rengeteg cikkedet (vagy részletét) olvasom el újra és újra, ha pl. csak említenek valami érdekeset, de említés szintjén, amit te teljesen kivesézel.
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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
Főleg Grafinak és visinek!

1984 New England Patriots @ Cleveland Browns.

A teljes meccs megnézhető a youtube-on, de akinek nincs ideje rá, itt a finálé!

17-16-os Patriots vezetés, de két perccel vége előtt a Browns saját 29-eséről indíthatja akcióját.

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
"Vince Banonis, a former Lions center, Detroit sports star and three-time NFL champion, died Saturday at Providence Hospital in Southfield, the Lions announced today. He was 89. A cause of death was not given.

Before Banonis played for the Lions in 1951-53, he was an all-state center for the 1938 Detroit Catholic Central city championship team. He also earned All-America honors as a senior linebacker and center for the University of Detroit in 1941.

Banonis was a fourth-round draft pick of the Chicago Cardinals in 1942 and was an all-pro and captain on Chicago’s 1947 NFL championship team.

In 1951, the Lions traded offensive lineman Jack Simmons to Chicago for Banonis, who played on Detroit’s NFL championship teams in ’52 and ’53."

(Az 1953-as bajnok Lions támadóegységének tagjaként a középső sor közepén 51-es mezszámmal.)

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Szabler 1 360 — Tristero Courier
ide írom, mert talán ehhez kapcsolódik legjobban. szóval elég sokat olvasgatom most Faragó Ricsiék féle NFL könyvet, és hát nem mindenhol a legélvezetesebb, márpedig Szabler miatt, akinek a cikkeiből egy csomó dolgot már megtudtam, és így a nagy végkifejleteket könyvben már tudom 😀 Szóval Szabler, elrontottad az olvasás élményét 😀
Na jó, nem ám, ez is inkább dicséret, és tisztelet az előtt, mennyit tudsz az NFL történelméről.deny79
A könyv remek alapmű az NFL hagyományaival, egykori csillagaival ismerkedőknek. Bocs, hogy elszúrtam a szórakozásod 😊, mindazonáltal bízom benne, hogy a könyvet forgatva olyanok is kedvet kapnak a témában - és cikkeimben 😉 - való elmélyedéshez, akik eddig nem tették.

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Deny 5 832 — Z-O-U!!!
ide írom, mert talán ehhez kapcsolódik legjobban. szóval elég sokat olvasgatom most Faragó Ricsiék féle NFL könyvet, és hát nem mindenhol a legélvezetesebb, márpedig Szabler miatt, akinek a cikkeiből egy csomó dolgot már megtudtam, és így a nagy végkifejleteket könyvben már tudom 😀 Szóval Szabler, elrontottad az olvasás élményét 😀
Na jó, nem ám, ez is inkább dicséret, és tisztelet az előtt, mennyit tudsz az NFL történelméről.