Green Bay Packers - Washington Football Team
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Hát persze 😀

Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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így mindegy 😊
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Savage bazmeg...
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úgy is vastagok voltunk secondary-ben, ja nem

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ez sárga is volt, a hátán repült
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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Persze h a ligautolsó WTF defense ellenünk indul be...Korán van még... Chiefs ellen is második félidőben betliztünk igen csúnyán

Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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Nagyon hiányzik Myers a fal kozepen...
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Persze h a ligautolsó WTF defense ellenünk indul be...
I... don't care... John.
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hát ha falunk nem kapja össze magát kemény meccs lesz ez , jo lesz már ha Bakh vissza jön
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ez így nem reményteli, remélem jobban koncentrálunk
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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Stokes bazmeg mi volt ez a légyhessegetés???udvarias akart lenni
újonchiba, majd kinövi
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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CrazyTerry 😁
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vigyük már le ha oda érünk..
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Terry baby <3

Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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Stokes bazmeg mi volt ez a légyhessegetés???
I... don't care... John.
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na ez gyors vót
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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így volt felrajzolvaFogjuk rá!😊
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így volt felrajzolva

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Első drive-nak jó.
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Ha nem harmadikra, akkor negyedikre.

Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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minő TD!
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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Fabatkát se adtam volna érte.Harmadikra? Úgyis beszopjuk.

Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
több mint 3 éve
Fabatkát se adtam volna érte.