Jacksonville Jaguars

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peterk2005 udvari bolond Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 23 685 — The only discipline that lasts, is self discipline
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tesztüzem 😊 de a méret az impozáns!Húsrágó
Szerintem ebből már versenyt csinálnak a franchise-ok. Nagyon jók ezek a hatalmas kijelzők, de ez az ultraszéles, teljes kapu mögötti lelátót átölelő kijelző már funkcionálisan nem ad pluszt. Esetleg még talán, mint extra reklámfelület? De ezt is kétlem, nem hinném, hogy behozza az árát.

“Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing.” (Peyton Manning)
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A National Football Post Jaguars szezonelőzetese:
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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Az nfl.com a tavalyi év 50. legjobb játékának P. Manning pick6-ét (by Poz) választották. A videó után egy jó két perces elemezés van a szokásos játsszon-e Bortles vagy nem kérdéssel.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ha már az eredményjelző mérete szóba került.

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Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 040 — Jaguars fan
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tesztüzem 😊 de a méret az impozáns!
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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Bortles a draft előtt azt hitte Clevelandbe fog majd kerülni.

Az FTU Sherrod Martin eddigi offszezonjáról és keretere jutási esélyeiről - szerintük Martin lehet az idei Will Blackmon:

In battle for roster spot, safety Sherrod Martin has experience on his side

Jaguars safeties Johnathan Cyprien, Josh Evans, Winston Guy and Chris Prosinski have a combined total of 37 starts in their careers.

Safety Sherrod Martin has started 36. That experience is Martin’s ticket to making the team.

Martin, 29, will be one of the most intriguing players to watch when training camp opens July 24. The Jaguars signed him on Dec. 30, the day after last season ended.

Jaguars general manager Dave Caldwell has liked Martin’s abilities for years. While Caldwell worked in Atlanta’s front office, the Falcons narrowed their choices to Martin and safety William Moore with the 55th overall pick in the 2009 draft. Atlanta chose Moore, who has become a Pro Bowl player.

Carolina took Martin four picks later, and the Falcons faced him twice a season.

Caldwell took no risk in signing Martin to a one-year, $780,000 contract with no guaranteed money.

Martin’s story is reminiscent of Jaguars cornerback Will Blackmon. Like Blackmon, Martin was out of the league for an entire season recovering from a serious knee injury.

Blackmon has triumphed with the Jaguars, enjoying a productive season last year and positioning himself as a safe bet to make the 53-man roster this fall.

Martin, 6 feet 1 and 200 pounds, could do the same.

Martin recorded 199 tackles with seven interceptions, four forced fumbles and 20 passes defended in his four years with the Panthers. Playing in the final year of his rookie contract, Martin tore ligaments in his right knee against Kansas City and was placed on injured reserve on Dec. 4, 2012. He was three months away from free agency. More than a year passed from the time of his injury until he had another chance in the NFL.

“It was a blessing to get the opportunity to perform,” Martin said. “It was way too long an offseason last year watching everything from the couch. I spent a lot of time in the gym with a therapist working out trying to prepare myself.”

Martin’s knee is at full strength, and he competed in the Jaguars’ offseason program until a groin injury kept him out of the final four practices. He’s expected to be fully healthy by the start of camp.

The Jaguars were able to find a gem in Blackmon and are hoping to harness the same hunger in Martin. He could give the Jaguars some valuable experience as a reserve. Last season, the Jaguars had three starting safeties — Dwight Lowery, Cyprien and Evans — miss at least one game with an injury.

“He’s very hard-working, internally driven and very grateful for this opportunity,” Jaguars coach Gus Bradley said. “He performs like he’s not going to miss this. Any time you have guys like that on the team, it’s good. His experience really adds to the locker room.”
Nem esélytelen a dolog, hisz Prosinski és Loston nem éppen az a leküzdhetetlenen konkurencia kategória.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Kijött Prisco idei "overrated/underrated" listája
Jacksonville Jaguars
Overrated: G Zane Beadles ­­-- He's a solid player, but was he worth all that money? He was the weak link on the Broncos' line last season. I get he's an upgrade in Jacksonville, but that's a lot of money to pay for that.

Underrated: DT Sen'Derrick Marks --­­ He played way too many plays (946) last season, and he wore down at times. But he was really good when he was fresh. They need to cut down on his snaps this season.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ha már QBk, Gus a Rookie Symposiumon (ahová minden draftolt újoncunk elment és Gus előadást is fog tartani /vagy már meg is tartotta) Hennet dicsérte.

"I think it's been out there that our beliefs and our feelings is that we feel so strongly about Chad and he's going in, I think the team has really rallied around that," Bradley said from the NFL Rookie Symposium. "Now, it has provided an atmosphere for Blake to really go out there and ask a lot of questions and gain a lot of information from all the quarterbacks that are in.

"He's doing a really good job, he's having more good days than days that maybe he's struggling, like all rookies have," Bradley continued. "We're very excited about his development."
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peterk2005 udvari bolond Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 23 685 — The only discipline that lasts, is self discipline
Mi mást mondana azok után, hogy ő csücsült 3 évet Favre mögött? 😊 Russell Wilson vagy Andrew Luck valószínűleg mást mondana.

“Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing.” (Peyton Manning)
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Aaron Rodgers szerint a Jags jól teszi, hogy ülteti Bortlest.
Patience, the way Aaron Rodgers sees it, can be more than a virtue. It can be part of a process to actualize hopes and visions. So when he sees the Jaguars nurturing Blake Bortles, instead of expecting Bortles to nurture the rest of the team, he smiles.

"What they are doing has a lot of merit," the quarterback of the Packers said of the Jaguars' approach with the third pick of the draft. "Some of these guys who are going to bad teams are expected to play well right away. It's hard to do that. I've seen a couple guys able to do it. [Ben] Roethlisberger was able to do it. He had a team kind of around him. [Joe] Flacco had some success early but he had a team kind of in place. You go to a place that has some pieces and you can have some success early. But if you go to a team that doesn't have the pieces… it can really mess with your confidence."

Rodgers understands the benefits of waiting. Or being forced to wait. He came to the Packers in 2005 and was Brett Favre's backup for three years before becoming the starter.
Forrás:  www.sportsonearth.com/article/80953232/green-bay-packers-quarterback-aaron-rodgers-goes-with-the-flow#!3Otv4
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Allen Robinson szerződésszámai:
The deal is for four years and worth up to $3.5 million. It includes an $873,000 signing bonus and a salary cap number this year of $638,000.
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Charlie Firpo Dallas Cowboys TCU Horned Frogs 4 561
Uche Nwaneri hazajönne Dallas-ba. Milyen játékos, hogy emlékeztek? Kösz.Charlie Firpo
nálunk az elmúlt időben RG-t játszott. megbízható játékos, de inkább egy picit átlag alatti, mint feletti. szvsz futásblokkban közepes, inkább pp-ben jobb.
személyiségileg, fizikálisan is rendben van, a többi O-line falemberünkkel jól kijöttphylos

- Engem gyíkká változtatott!
- Gyíkká?
- De már elmúlt.
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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Uche Nwaneri hazajönne Dallas-ba. Milyen játékos, hogy emlékeztek? Kösz.Charlie Firpo
nálunk az elmúlt időben RG-t játszott. megbízható játékos, de inkább egy picit átlag alatti, mint feletti. szvsz futásblokkban közepes, inkább pp-ben jobb.
személyiségileg, fizikálisan is rendben van, a többi O-line falemberünkkel jól kijött

Made... Laid... Paid
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Charlie Firpo Dallas Cowboys TCU Horned Frogs 4 561
Uche Nwaneri hazajönne Dallas-ba. Milyen játékos, hogy emlékeztek? Kösz.

- Engem gyíkká változtatott!
- Gyíkká?
- De már elmúlt.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Allen Robinson is aláírt, így már csak Marqise vár a szerződésére.

Interjú az aláírás után:
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peterk2005 udvari bolond Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 23 685 — The only discipline that lasts, is self discipline
In: Cecil Shorts, Allen Robinson, Marqise Lee, Mike Brown, Allen Hurns and Ace Sanders.iktriad
Medve anyám, ha Alkesz nem lenne alkesz és hozná magát, milyen gárda lenne már ez? Tehetségre ott lehetne a Mashall+Jeffery+Bennett vagy a Jones+White+Gonzales hármasok környékén. (Amennyivel TE-ben jobbak, azt WR-ben Shorts pótolhatná.)

Persze, ha Alkesz nem lenne alkesz, akkor Lee valószínűleg nem itt lenne, de akkor is. 😊

“Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing.” (Peyton Manning)
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Prisco a Babin cutról és LaRoy Reynoldsról.
It shouldn't come as a huge surprise the Jaguars released veteran Jason Babin. They have high hopes for some of their younger pass rushers like Ryan Davis, Andre Branch and fifth-round pick Chris Smith. Branch seemed to do some good things last season, and the staff raved about him this spring, but he has to do a better job of winning when matched with a tackle. He is good at using his speed to stunt to sacks, but isn't great with his hands in one-on-one battles. Another player who has earned high praise this spring is second-year linebacker LaRoy Reynolds. He will likely back up Dekoda Watson at the new Otto position, but his more natural position is middle linebacker.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Akkor ez a fehér futó fehér fullback páros nem fog összejönni, Ewingnak nem megy annyira?
Rajta kívül két játékosnak szorítok: Ace (a merész) Returner Sandersnek és LaRoy "Persze sisakban mindenki kemény" Reynoldsnak.
Ők legyenek kereten! Jót tenne a hangulatomnak 😀Húsrágó
Ewingnak az a baja, hogy üveg. Plusz Ta’ufo’ou itt van már egy jó ideje, ismeri a rendszert. Ewing nagyjából azért van itt, mert Caldwell ismeri még Atlantából.
Reynolds mindenképp marad mint 2. számú OTTO LB, ráadásul az 1. számú OTTO, Dekoda Watson semmit sem edzett az OTAk és a minicamp alatt. Ace esélyei is jók, már csak a "többfunkciós taktikai fegyver" mivolta miatt is. De ott nagy harc lesz a helyekért a 3 kezdő (Cecil, Marqise és Robinson) mögött, az biztos.
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Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 040 — Jaguars fan
Nagyon örülnék, ha Stanzi még maradna 3. számú QBnak, de ha valahol sérülés miatt kell a hely, szerintem be fogjuk áldozni.
WR poszton nagy harc lesz a 4., 5. és 6. WR posztért, még Ace helye sem biztos sokak szerint(csodálom, hogy Halloren végül berakta, ő volt az, aki azt mondta, hogy Ace akár cut sorsára is juthat kerethirdetéskor! Hurns tényleg olyan jó, mint mikor idejövetelekor tartották, sőt eddig még a vártnál is jobban teljesít. Kerry Taylorról is jókat hallatom, mikor a WReink nagy része nem tudott edzeni. Nagyon nagy csata lesz itt az utolsó 2 vagy 3 helyért.
LB poszton nem tudom, hogy Stupar lenne az, akit megtartanánk, szerintem Thomasnak vagy Lotulelelinek legalább annyi sansza van. Prosinski ha továbbra is kereten marad, főleg mondjuk egy Loston ellenében, akkor a fél fanbase a kardjába dől. 😀 Mondjuk nekem nincs bajom Chrissel, bár ha Craig és közte kell dönteni, akkor inkább Loston maradjon (vagy Sherrod Martin, ha egészséges tud maradni). Érdekesség, hogy Halloren jóslatában mindössze 2 UDFA rookie (Hurns és Jensen) csípi meg az 53at. Wells, Coleman, Reynolds és Loston szerintem még simán beverekedheti magát a végső keretbe.iktriad
Akkor ez a fehér futó fehér fullback páros nem fog összejönni, Ewingnak nem megy annyira?
Rajta kívül két játékosnak szorítok: Ace (a merész) Returner Sandersnek és LaRoy "Persze sisakban mindenki kemény" Reynoldsnak.
Ők legyenek kereten! Jót tenne a hangulatomnak 😀
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Halloren ma tett egy jóslatot a végső 53ra. Íme a teljes lista és az érvek, hogy ki került be, és ki nem.

In: Chad Henne, Blake Bortles and Ricky Stanzi.

Out: Stephen Morris.

Analsys: No surprises here and the only question is whether the Jaguars feel the need to keep a quarterback on the practice squad. Here’s a guarantee — Bortles will be next in line on opening day if Henne is injured (it’s not even an internal debate).


In: Toby Gerhart, Jordan Todman, Denard Robinson, Storm Johnson and Will Ta’ufo’ou (FB).

Out: Beau Blankenship, Terrance Cobb and Bradie Ewing (FB).

Analysis: The Jaguars feel they have a nice mix here. They will be right if Gerhart produces, Todman continues to be an effective sub and Robinson carries his offseason momentum into training camp. Johnson makes the team but could be shuttling between active and inactive on Sundays. The Jaguars still like having a fullback on the roster so Ta’ufo’ou returns.


In: Marcedes Lewis, Clay Harbor and Marcel Jensen.

Out: Brandon Barden, Reggie Jordan and D.J. Tialavea.

Analysis: Lewis is the starter and Harbor re-signed to be the No. 2 tight end. That leaves four players for (most likely) one spot. Of the group, Jensen, once he started practicing following early-April sports hernia surgery, flashed the most during the workouts.


In: Cecil Shorts, Allen Robinson, Marqise Lee, Mike Brown, Allen Hurns and Ace Sanders.

Out: Kerry Taylor, Tandon Doss, Chad Bumphis, Lamaar Thomas, Damian Copeland and Nathan Slaughter.

Analysis: I thought Sanders would start training camp on the bubble, but because Doss couldn’t stay healthy this month, the current edge goes to Ace. Hurns, an undrafted free agent, was one of the biggest surprises of the offseason and makes the team if he can stay on the field. The last spot will be a camp-long competition, but Brown’s reliability gives him the advantage.


In: Luke Joeckel (LT), Zane Beadles (LG), Mike Brewster (C), Austin Pasztor (RT), Brandon Linder (RG), Jacques McClendon (RG), Luke Bowanko (C) and Cam Bradfield (OT).

Out: Patrick Lewis, Matt Stankiewitch, Drew Nowak, Tyler Shatley, Josh Wells and Sam Young.

Analysis: A couple of things of note from this position group. First, does McClendon make the team if he doesn’t beat out Linder for the right guard spot (the consensus is Linder starts Week 1)? I say yes. Second, is Bradfield safe or will he be unseated by a surprise player like Wells? Bradfield gets the nod because of his experience if Pasztor’s repaired shoulder experiences a setback. Bowanko gets the final spot as the backup center.


In: Red Bryant (DE), Chris Clemons (Leo), Sen’Derrick Marks (DT), Roy Miller (DT), Ziggy Hood (DT), Andre Branch (Leo), Tyson Alualu (DE), Abry Jones (DT), Chris Smith (Leo) and Ryan Davis (Leo).

Out: Gerald Rivers (Leo), DeAndre Coleman (DT), Ricky Havili-Heimuli (DT) and Jordan Miller (DT).

Analysis: I had Jason Babin on the 53-man roster until he was cut on Friday. His departure is good news for Davis, who claims the final spot in this group. Bryant and Alualu will play at the “big” end spot on early downs. Inside, the addition of Hood and emergence of Jones will take some of the playing time load off Marks and Miller. The Leo spot is led by Clemons. Rivers has earned praise from Bradley and the coaches like Coleman, but there is room for only so many players.


In: Paul Posluszny (MLB), Dekoda Watson (OLB), Geno Hayes (OLB), LaRoy Reynolds (OLB), Nate Stupar (MLB) and Telvin Smith (OLB).

Out: Allen Bradford, Marcus Whitfield, J.T. Thomas and John Lotulelei.

Analysis: Because the Jaguars want to have as much depth as possible on the defensive line, it impacts the numbers at linebackers. The signing of Watson and drafting of Smith — both of whom can help out on special teams — puts Thomas and Lotulelei out of the mix. One training camp story line is the status of Hayes’ knee (offseason surgery), which was managed via off days during the OTAs/minicamp. If he’s laboring, the Jaguars may keep Thomas as insurance, which means a cut at another position.


In: Alan Ball (CB), Dwayne Gratz (CB), Johnathan Cyprien (SS), Winston Guy (FS), Will Blackmon (CB), Demetrius McCray (CB), Jeremy Harris (CB), Chris Prosinski (S) and Josh Evans (S).

Out: Mike Harris (CB), Sherrod Martin (S), Jamell Fleming (CB), Joe Young (S), Craig Loston (S), Jerome Junior (S) and Rashaad Reynolds (CB).

Analysis: Rookie cornerback Aaron Colvin will start the year on the physically unable to perform list and doesn’t count toward the 53. Evans is coming off late-May foot surgery but let’s not write him off just yet and make him the first Dave-Gus draft pick to be cut. The tough decisions here will be for the final cornerback spot (2013 draft pick Jeremy Harris or somebody like 2014 undrafted free agent Reynolds?) and the final safety spot (does Prosinski continue to survive or do the Jaguars go young with Loston or experienced with Martin?). And depending on the math, they could keep five safeties.


In: Josh Scobee 💋‍, Bryan Anger (P) and Carson Tinker (LS).

Out: Kasey Redfern (P/K) and Charley Hughlett (LS).

Analysis: The only way Scobee doesn’t make the team is if he wins the celebrity golf tournament next month in Lake Tahoe and retires to prepare for PGA Tour Qualifying School. Anger and Tinker are similarly safe.
Nagyon örülnék, ha Stanzi még maradna 3. számú QBnak, de ha valahol sérülés miatt kell a hely, szerintem be fogjuk áldozni.
WR poszton nagy harc lesz a 4., 5. és 6. WR posztért, még Ace helye sem biztos sokak szerint(csodálom, hogy Halloren végül berakta, ő volt az, aki azt mondta, hogy Ace akár cut sorsára is juthat kerethirdetéskor! Hurns tényleg olyan jó, mint mikor idejövetelekor tartották, sőt eddig még a vártnál is jobban teljesít. Kerry Taylorról is jókat hallatom, mikor a WReink nagy része nem tudott edzeni. Nagyon nagy csata lesz itt az utolsó 2 vagy 3 helyért.
LB poszton nem tudom, hogy Stupar lenne az, akit megtartanánk, szerintem Thomasnak vagy Lotulelelinek legalább annyi sansza van. Prosinski ha továbbra is kereten marad, főleg mondjuk egy Loston ellenében, akkor a fél fanbase a kardjába dől. 😀 Mondjuk nekem nincs bajom Chrissel, bár ha Craig és közte kell dönteni, akkor inkább Loston maradjon (vagy Sherrod Martin, ha egészséges tud maradni). Érdekesség, hogy Halloren jóslatában mindössze 2 UDFA rookie (Hurns és Jensen) csípi meg az 53at. Wells, Coleman, Reynolds és Loston szerintem még simán beverekedheti magát a végső keretbe.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Remélem Caldwellék belehúznak a héten, az 5 még nem aláírt draftolt játékosból 2 is jaguár (Lee és Robinson).
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ricky Williams is visszajött a sivatagból, Alkesznek is még megjöhet az esze.JSanyo
Legyen igazad!iktriad
jó, de aztán semmi carreer high ellenünk!JSanyo
A 2012es Texans elleni meccset nehéz lesz neki übereleni. 😀
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JSanyo Indianapolis Colts 2 675 — 1/1
Ricky Williams is visszajött a sivatagból, Alkesznek is még megjöhet az esze.JSanyo
Legyen igazad!iktriad
jó, de aztán semmi carreer high ellenünk!

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ricky Williams is visszajött a sivatagból, Alkesznek is még megjöhet az esze.JSanyo
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