Jacksonville Jaguars

29 feliratkozó

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
John Oesher jelenti, hogy úgy tűnik minden WR fog tudni edzeni, mikor elkezdődik a TC. Ez az OTAken és minicampen tapasztalt elkapó sérüléshullámot látva remek hír.

De úgy tűnik, idén sem a WRek, sem a O-line, még a QBk sem leszenk annyira a támadójátékunk számára, mint ez az uriember:
Ha Fisch igazat mondott, komoly terhelés vár rá idén.
"He has the ability to do it all," Fisch told O'Halloran. "He can catch it well. He can pass protect well, and he’s going to be in the game a lot — third down, base downs, short-yardage, passing downs."
Temélem megbírkozik vele.

És Sexton ma az NFL 18. legtöbb mezét generáló játékosára (Luck, JJ Watt vagy Calvin Johnson is mögötte van április 1. - július 17. közti időszakban!) fókuszált mai videójában.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
New York Times videó a megagiga eredményjelzőnkről, működés közben.
Szombaton avatás!
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Fontos kérdés jutott hétfőre, mire számíthatunk Andre ranchtől idén.
17. What kind of jump should Andre Branch make this year?

Branch experienced tough-sledding early last season when he had as many penalties as sacks (one) in the first nine games.

But in November, he saw the light and had five sacks in the last six games.

Branch played 40 or more snaps in five of the last six games and finished by playing 593 of 1,120 snaps.

The Jaguars’ decision to release veteran Jason Babin last month was undoubtedly good news for Branch, who will rotate with starter Chris Clemons.

The key for Branch is consistency on first and second down against the run and on third down and posting the sack of pressure when he has the chance.

If he lines up opposite Clemons on certain third downs, Branch must also show he can beat one-on-one match-ups.

Projecting Branch’s 2014 production, if gets between 8-11 sacks, it will be a solid step forward.
Az, hoggy babin nincs már itt, az Branchre nézve jó jel. Remélhetőleg tényleg sokkal jobb lesz a pályán, mint akár tavaly is volt, mikor a sackjeinek többségét injább a sémának köszönhette (egyedül maradt a QBval) mint önmagának.

Bortles 18. helyen van az összesített mezeladásokat tekintve április 1 és július 17. között. Az nem rossz egy Jags játékostól. Megelőzi pl. JJ Wattot, Andrew Luckot, Calvin Johnsont vagy Cam Newtont. A rookiek közül továbbra is az 5. Manziel, Sam, Bridgewater és Clowney mögött.
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Höri Indianapolis Colts West Virginia Mountaineers 32 136 — bútor
Poz még az átlagos szintet se üti meg?bHúsrágó
a PFF fontosnak tartja a cover képességeket, abban meg lassú, és kevés playmaking megoldása van, ami az extra pontokat hozza az osztályzatban. Más kérdés, hogy tőle nem azt várják elsősorban, hogy a LoS mögött emberkedjen.

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Sixo Los Angeles Chargers South Carolina Gamecocks 35 758 — LIGHTS OUT!
Frissített Pro Football Focus depth chart - valamivel szebben fest, mint FA nyitás előtt. De csak valamivel.

Íme a PFF értékelése és elemzése
Average STARTER , egész jól hangzik ,hogy kezdőnek nevezik 😀

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Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 040 — Jaguars fan
Poz még az átlagos szintet se üti meg?b
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Frissített Pro Football Focus depth chart - valamivel szebben fest, mint FA nyitás előtt. De csak valamivel.

Íme a PFF értékelése és elemzése
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Halloren mai kérdése - vajon leszünk-e mi az esélyesek idén Vegasnál egy meccsre
16. Will the Jaguars be favored in a game this year?

Right now, no.

Later, maybe.

From CG Technologies, here are the early lines for each Jaguars game.

+11 at Philadelphia

+9 at Washington

+6 vs. Indianapolis

+10 at San Diego

+6.5 vs. Pittsburgh

+7 at Tennessee

+2.5 vs. Cleveland

+4 vs. Miami

+11 at Cincinnati

+10 vs. Dallas in London

+12 at Indianapolis

+5.5 vs. NY Giants

+4 vs. Houston

+10.5 at Baltimore

+3 vs. Tennessee

+10 at Houston

The ones that jump out are being home underdogs to Cleveland, Miami, Houston and Tennessee.

On the one hand, the Jaguars have gone 1-7 and 1-6 at EverBank Field the last two years.

But Cleveland has been a road favorite only TWO times in the last six years.

Miami has been a road favorite only three times in the last two years.

The Jaguars defeated Houston twice last year.

And the Titans have been a road favorite at Jacksonville SIX straight years (3-3 straight-up in those games) but most preseason predictions have them behind the Jaguars in the AFC South.

The Jaguars have only been favored once in their last 32 games (Week 4 of 2012 vs. Cincinnati, a 27-10 loss as a one-point favorite).
Szerintem igen. És talán nem is egyen.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Mivel gyakorlatilag holnap a rookieknak elkezdődik az edzőtábor, az FTU készített egy nagy interjút Gus Bradleyvel. avval kapcsolatban hogy mit vár a training camptől Kiválogattam belőle a legérdekesebbek kérdéseket és válaszokat(és még így is ilyen hosszú lett)

You’ve tweaked your practice schedule — an extra practice before putting on the pads, a workout the day following the Tampa Bay game, practicing on the two days you travel to Chicago and Detroit, etc. What was the strategy?

“We felt like coming out of our OTAs and minicamps, our guys did a really good job practicing without pads, and we got a lot of good work done, and we could zero in on the fundamentals. This [fourth] day will give us the ability to put those fundamentals back in place.”

Last year, the Jaguars were one of the few teams to have a “live” period — the ball carrier (non-quarterback) could be tackled. Running back Justin Forsett was injured during this drill. Will you implement any “live” periods this year?

“There are going to be times where we will make a period of practice live, but not many. Hopefully, we can do some of that during the individual drills. But you could still see some live [team] reps.”

Looking back at the OTAs, one of your best quotes was saying the Jaguars were in a “race to maturity.” What does that mean?

“The ‘race to maturity’ is having a great understanding of the game, their responsibilities, of how to handle challenging times — the whole process. We have some young players on our team, but it’s not just them who have to come together. It’s the new free agents coming together with the guys who were already in place here. By it being a race, what I mean is if we do that, we’ll have a better chance of being our best quicker.”

During camp, how do you get quarterback Blake Bortles enough reps in case he’s called on to play while also getting Chad Henne ready for Philadelphia?

“Our philosophy will be we don’t have an issue getting our draft picks or our younger guys in there with the starters. It’s not just Blake. It could be [right guard Brandon] Linder. It could be other guys on the team. I’ve told our coaches, ‘It’s OK to do that.’ ”

Is it possible that Bortles will start a preseason game?

“It would be late [in the preseason] if he did, and we’ll see how things go. We’re really excited about Chad and what he’s going to do so we’ll see how it goes with him until that fourth preseason game.”

The Jaguars’ two second-round picks, receivers Marqise Lee and Allen Robinson, missed the final two weeks of the offseason because of injuries. Are you confident they can get themselves into a position to help the Jaguars in Week 1?

“We’ll see. Obviously, we drafted them because we liked what they brought to the table and now it’s a matter of them going out there and competing. It has to be about constant improvement for them. They have the physical traits, but this is a different game than college, and they need the [game] reps. They need the practice reps, and they need to be put in different situations.”

Running back Maurice Jones-Drew is now in Oakland, and the Jaguars were aggressive in replacing him with Toby Gerhart. Can he be The Guy from the outset?

“I do see it. His work ethic, his knowledge of the game, his ability to fit in with our team, his competitiveness — he checks all those boxes. The one thing we saw during the OTAs was that his speed — he’s even faster than we gave him credit for.”

Will the coaching staff have to monitor overusing Gerhart out of the regular-season gate even though he can play in all situations?

“We’re really intrigued by Jordan [Todman], Denard [Robinson] and Storm [Johnson], but there are a lot of questions we need to get answered there in camp and that might go into the season. We’re trying to figure out each guy’s strengths and how to best utilize them. “

The Jaguars’ offensive line will be revamped with new starters at every position compared to this time last year. What will the transition be like?

“We’ve got some experience in there with [left guard] Zane [Beadles], and that obviously helps. [Center] Mike Brewster has experience in the system and knows the importance of communication. [Left tackle] Luke [Joeckel] has really come into his own, and you’ll see really good improvement from him.”

It doesn’t sound like you’re overly concerned about the group despite its newness. Accurate?

“They’re talented. They’re tough. They’re physical. They’re competitive, and it’s important to them. We’re seeing them be a close-knit group both on and off the field. All those things give us reasons for optimism.”

On defense, the Jaguars were active early in the offseason adding Red Bryant, Chris Clemons and Ziggy Hood. How surprised would you be if they didn’t make your team better?

“I really trust Clem and Red and being with Ziggy and seeing his work ethic, the trust is there for him as well.”

Linebacker is clearly an issue because of Dekoda Watson’s sports hernia surgery and Geno Hayes’ knee that will require him to be managed. How big a worry is the depth there?

“There are some intriguing things there, and it’s become a really competitive group. I think LaRoy [Reynolds] made a big jump in the OTAs [working at Watson’s spot]. We’re excited about his development.”

What about rookie linebacker Telvin Smith? He’s listed at 218 pounds — would you like him to add weight?

“If he was 230 pounds, we may not have had a chance to draft him where we did [fifth round]. He’s very athletic, and whenever you can get speed on the field, you try and do it. I had a chance to coach Derrick Brooks in Tampa Bay, and he was around 217, 218 when he was drafted and then played at 230. I know Telvin has put some weight on, but he’s one guy that we’ll see how he develops and he could be a situational player for us.”

How big a leap can strong safety Johnathan Cyprien make in his second year?

“I see him playing with a lot more confidence. Poise is the thing I’m seeing from Cyp. He’s letting things come to him rather than trying so hard to make things happen.”

Are you big enough and physical enough as a defense to compete against the best teams?

“That’s our objective — to become more physical. It’s players like [free safety] Winston [Guy], who by nature is physical, and players like Cyp, who bring that.”

You have an extremely young team entering camp — only four players are age 30 or older. Is coaching youth all you know at this point?

“Our whole objective as a team when we got here was that we needed to get faster, and you can get faster by going young or by a guy having a better knowledge of the system so they can play faster. I think we have a good mixture of that.”

For yourself, entering Year 2 as the Jaguars’ head coach, do you envision being more hands-on, particularly with the defense?

“I try to be involved in all areas. It’s important that we hire coaches to do their jobs, and it’s no different on offense or defense. Our defensive staff has really taken ownership. I’m more there to bounce ideas off of or bring up different things for them to think about.”

What will make this training camp and preseason a success?

“Our biggest challenge is we believe we’re a faster team, and the teams that have success are fast and play with experience. For us, we have inexperience. Through camp, if we can challenge our guys and get closer to where we play like an experienced team, that’s the race we’re running.”
Úgy tűnik Henne helye betonbiztos, és Gus egyelőre nem aggódik különösebben az O-fal miatt sem, annak ellenére, hogy tavaly ilyenkor senki sem kezdett a mosatni posztján nálunk.
Remélem Telvinnek nem tesz rosszat, hogy némi súlyt pakolunk rá/pakol magára.

Egyébként idén felugrottam a Jaguars bandwagonra.tenorx
A végén még mainstream csapatnak fogunk számítani. 😀😀iktriad
Ennyi számít egy jó punt-returner aki idén fog beérni !Sixo67
Először kerüljön keretre. Még nem teljesen 100%ig biztos a helye egyesek szerint az idei 53ban. Elég nagy a konkurencia a csere WRek között(ami Ace is lesz, ha Shorts, A. Robinson és Lee egészséges), plusz Doss személyében még PR poszton is van komoly riválisa.
több mint 10 éve
Sixo Los Angeles Chargers South Carolina Gamecocks 35 758 — LIGHTS OUT!
Egyébként idén felugrottam a Jaguars bandwagonra.tenorx
A végén még mainstream csapatnak fogunk számítani. 😀😀iktriad
Ennyi számít egy jó punt-returner aki idén fog beérni !

több mint 10 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Egyébként idén felugrottam a Jaguars bandwagonra.tenorx
A végén még mainstream csapatnak fogunk számítani. 😀😀
több mint 10 éve
tenorx Pittsburgh Steelers 13 369 — Wrath of Khan
A Pittsburgh nem lesz könnyű dió idén...peterk2005
Olyannyira nem, hogy szvsz | (bold prediction) | megnyerik az AFC-t

Iktriad, Allen Hurnsről tudsz pár mondatot írni, mennyi esélye van rosterre kerülni?mustaine
Én nem látom ennyire bíztatónak a szezonunkat 😊
Szerintem jövőre érnek be az idei rookiek, csak félek, hogy BB meg lassan addigra elkezd fáradni.

Egyébként idén felugrottam a Jaguars bandwagonra.
több mint 10 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Na ez egy igazán érdekjes felvetés Hallorentől - mi lesz előbb Colvin pályára kerül, vagy Bortles kezd QBban?
15. What happens first – quarterback Blake Bortles starts a game or cornerback Aaron Colvin plays in a game?

Bortles is healthy, but will enter training camp as the No. 2 behind Chad Henne. Barring injury, the only way Bortles gets a start is if the Jaguars get to the second half of the season and begin focusing on 2015.

Colvin is recovering from an ACL injury sustained during a Senior Bowl practice in late January. The Jaguars drafted him in the fourth round with an eye toward next year. Colvin will start camp on the physically unable to perform list and when he starts the regular season on the PUP list, he will be out a minimum of six games.

Because the Jaguars want to do right by Colvin and not rush him – and because they feel they have decent depth at cornerback, the guess here is that Bortles starts a game this year, but Colvin doesn’t make his debut until mid-December 2014 or September 2015.

I’m sticking with Week 8 against Miami or Week 12 at Indianapolis as the first start for Bortles
Szerintem ez leginkább Colvintól függ. Ha idén pályára tud kerülni, akkor körülbelül egy időben fog a 2 dolog megtörténni. Én is a 2. Indy meccsre tippelek, mint lehetséges időpontra
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Mike DiRocco tarining camp előzetese:

A Fox Sports kigyüjtött 4 izgalmasabb TCs pozíciós harcot
Mondjuk Watson és Reynolds kapcsán nem beszélhetünk komolya harcról, ha egészséges Dekoda kezd. Inkább a 4. 5. és 6(?) WR posztért harc lesz majd igazán érdeks.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Marqise Lee hivatalosan is jaguár lett!

Interjú az aláírás után:

Halloren mai kérdése - vajon kiegyensúlyozottabb lesz-e a Jags offsense idén:
15. Can the Jaguars’ offense expect to be more balanced this year?

This is a simple one: if they’re not in constant Chase The Game mode, they’ll be able to achieve more balance.

Coach Gus Bradley said the offense’s goal remains to have 20-plus rushes per game.

Last year, they were 4-7 when they had 20 or more rushes, but their 378 total rushes were fifth-fewest in the NFL.

They had 18 rushes against Indianapolis (37-3 loss), 17 against San Diego (24-6 loss), 17 against Arizona (27-14 loss) and 16 at Indianapolis (30-10 loss).

A big key is getting more production from the starting running back position.

In is Toby Gerhart, replacing long-time face of the franchise Maurice Jones-Drew.

Bradley said this week Gerhart is faster than the coaches saw on tape, which will allow him to break more long runs.

The Jaguars had only 16 “explosive” rushes (12 or more yards) last year, including none in the first four games.
A válasz szerintem igen. Hennenek több fegyvere van, talán jobb lesz a védelme is, Gerhart frissebb, mint MJD és van pár megbízható cseréje is.
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Tactful Cactus Green Bay Packers 13 656
Tebow meg a verandáról nézheti a kivetítőt.


LaFleurt a kávé!
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Rossz hír: Dekoda Watson nemrég megműtette a sport hernai sérülését, és bár remélhetőleg a szezonnyitóra(!) teljesnen felépül, lehet, hogy neki is PUPn kell kezdenie a szezont, mint Colvinnak.
Jaguars outside linebacker Dekoda Watson could start training camp next week on the physically unable to perform list because of sports hernia surgery.

According to a source, Watson underwent the procedure in late June and the expectation is that he’ll still be ready for the Sept. 7 season opener at Philadelphia.

Signed to a three-year contract on the second day of free agency and installed as a starter, Watson injured his groin in late May and missed all nine organized team activity workouts and three mini-camp practices.

In Watson’s place, second-year player LaRoy Reynolds took the first-team reps and that would continue when camp starts a week from tomorrow.
LaRoy Reynoldsnak ez viszont remek hír, gyakorlatilag biztos már a helye az 53ban. Pár napja az LB edző Saleh az UDFA rookie LB Marcus Whitfieldet emlegette, mint Watson és Reynolds cseréjét, szóval ez neki is egy extra lehetőség lehet.

Marqise Lee ma fogja alákanyarítani a nevét a rookie szerződésére.

Gil Brandt 5 pontban támasztotta alá, hogy miért vár 10 Ws, playoffos szereplést tőlünk idén:
Gus Bradley's Jacksonville Jaguars have playoff potential in 2014
The safe bet might be to say the Jacksonville Jaguars will contend in 2015, but Gil Brandt feels it's plausible to think a potential playoff push is in reach for Blake Bortles' squad *this* season.

Brian Sexton kis szegmensében pedig összegyűjtötte indokait, hogy miért lehet Marcedesnek megint nagy éve az idei:

A Pittsburgh nem lesz könnyű dió idén...peterk2005
Iktriad, Allen Hurnsről tudsz pár mondatot írni, mennyi esélye van rosterre kerülni?mustaine
Nagyon jól jött neki, hogy szinte minden valamirevaló WRünk kidőlt OTA és minicamp alatt. Nagyon biztató volt ezeken az edzéseken, és a helyi beat writerek szerint is elég komoly sansza van megcsípni egy helyet a kereten a végső 53ban.

1 hét múlva nyit a Jaguars edzőtábora! 😀 😀 😀
több mint 10 éve
mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 093 — Chalk Dawk fan
A Pittsburgh nem lesz könnyű dió idén...peterk2005
Olyannyira nem, hogy szvsz | (bold prediction) | megnyerik az AFC-t

Iktriad, Allen Hurnsről tudsz pár mondatot írni, mennyi esélye van rosterre kerülni?

több mint 10 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Halloren sorozatának mai kérdése - mekkora hatása lesz Beadles érkezésének?
14. What kind of impact will new left guard Zane Beadles make?

Beadles was the Jaguars’ top target in free agency and it took a matter of seconds for them to announce the five-year, $30 million contract was agreed upon.

Beadles, who played his first four NFL seasons with Denver, is the most experienced Jaguars starting offensive line even though he’s just 27 years old.

His job is two-fold.

*Solidify the left guard spot. The Jaguars’ left guards since Week 1 of the 2012 season – Eben Britton, Herb Taylor, Mike Brewster, Austin Pasztor, Will Rackley and Jacques McClendon.

*Be a leader. The ages of the other projected starters are 23 (Pasztor at right tackle), 22 (Luke Joeckel at left tackle), 24 (Brewster at center) and 22 (Brandon Linder at right guard).

“He’s certainly as advertised and then some,” offensive coordinator Jedd Fisch said this week. “I got the impression during free agency that he would make an impact as a leader and by having such a young offensive line, he knew he had to step it up there.”
Biztos upgrade lesz Rackleyhez vagy Brewsterhez képest, kérdés, hogy mekkora. Ha Joeckellel stabil tandemet tudnak alkotni, akkor legalább a vak oldal miatt nem kell aggódnunk (fogunk azt úgy is eleget úgyis a C-RG poszt miatt... )

A Pittsburgh nem lesz könnyű dió idén...peterk2005
Majd Gus ráveszi Omar Epps hasonmását, hogy álljon be valami kulcspozícióba, ha már Tomlin annyira a HCnk hatása alá tud kerülni. 😀 (Egyébként, igen, az nagyon kemény meccs lesz.)
több mint 10 éve
peterk2005 udvari bolond Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 23 685 — The only discipline that lasts, is self discipline
A Pittsburgh nem lesz könnyű dió idén...

“Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing.” (Peyton Manning)
több mint 10 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Nos a 10 meccs azért elég meredek lenne, bár szerintem a divízió 6 meccséből 4-et meg tudunk nyerni. Ezen felül a 'boys, a brownst, a pitt és a redskins meccsek közül 3-at. Ha ez a dolog bejön (7-9) én már kifejezetten elégedett leszek.
most látom, hogy a 'fins meccset kihagytam... lehet, hogy mégis 8-8cal zárunk? 😛phylos
Nálam továbbra is valahol 6-10 körül van az elvárás idénre. Hiába tűnik gyengébbnek az idei menetrend, annyit azért nem erősödtünk, és sok a kérdőjel(O-fal milyen lesz az a jobb oldalon és főleg C poszton, pass rush, QB play - Hennenek nem volt 7 győzelemnél jobb szezonja az NFLben) még velünk kapcsolatban.
több mint 10 éve
phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Holy fuck! Gil Brandt szerint a Jags 10 meccset fog nyerni idén! Íme 5 indok, hogy szerinte miért.

És ha ez nem lenne elég, a jegyeladásaink baromi jól állnak idén:
Nos a 10 meccs azért elég meredek lenne, bár szerintem a divízió 6 meccséből 4-et meg tudunk nyerni. Ezen felül a 'boys, a brownst, a pitt és a redskins meccsek közül 3-at. Ha ez a dolog bejön (7-9) én már kifejezetten elégedett leszek.
most látom, hogy a 'fins meccset kihagytam... lehet, hogy mégis 8-8cal zárunk? 😛

Made... Laid... Paid
több mint 10 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Holy fuck! Gil Brandt szerint a Jags 10 meccset fog nyerni idén! Íme 5 indok, hogy szerinte miért.
Gus Bradley's Jacksonville Jaguars have playoff potential in 2014
The safe bet might be to say the Jacksonville Jaguars will contend in 2015, but Gil Brandt feels it's plausible to think a potential playoff push is in reach for Blake Bortles' squad *this* season.

És ha ez nem lenne elég, a jegyeladásaink baromi jól állnak idén:
több mint 10 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Marqise Lee aláírt!

Per the NFL’s slotting system, Lee’s contract is expected to be worth $5,174,016 and include a $2,082,924 signing bonus and a first-year salary cap number of $940,731(Halloren).
Halloren mai kérdése - vajon versenyképesebb lesz-e idén a Jags a Coltssal szemben (persze, Dnald Kacsa nincs már Indyben..😀 Mondjuk a "Colts killer" Gabbert már szintén nincs nálunk...)

13. Will the Jaguars be more competitive against Indianapolis this year?

To show progress this year, the Jaguars need to play better against the top teams – they didn’t get within 17 points of an eventual playoff team in 2013.

Indianapolis took over the AFC South from Houston last year and the division clearly goes through the Colts. You won’t find a preseason magazine that doesn’t have the Colts atop the AFC South.

The Jaguars were overmatched by Indianapolis last year.

Week 4 at EverBank Field: Indianapolis 37, Jaguars 3. The Colts rolled up 437 yards and controlled the clock for more than 36 minutes.

Week 17 at Lucas Oil Stadium: Indianapolis 30, Jaguars 10. The Colts were on their way to the postseason and the Jaguars were simply out of gas.

This year, the Jaguars host Indianapolis in the home opener (Week 3) and then play at the Colts in Week 12 (after the bye).

The Colts added three starters in free agency: Receiver Hakeem Nicks, linebacker D’Qwell Jackson and nose tackle Arthur Jones.

Where the Jaguars’ defense can cause Indianapolis some problems – by being better against the run and chiefly Trent Richardson and by equal parts putting more pressure on Andrew Luck/containing Luck’s scrambling.

Where the Jaguars’ offense can cause Indianapolis some problems – by playing keep away from Luck, which means running it well (the Colts were 26th against the rush last year).

The Week 3 game in Jacksonville will provide a great barometer for the Jaguars.
Szerintem a difi kisebb lesz, és szorosabb meccsekre számítok, de nagyon nagy barvúr lenne e1-1el zárni ezt a párharcot idén.

Beszéltek zöldségeket. Bár mindkét Smith jó lesz itt na 😛Wyatt
Legyen igazad.
több mint 10 éve
Wyatt New England Patriots 26 306
Beszéltek zöldségeket. Bár mindkét Smith jó lesz itt na 😛