Jacksonville Jaguars

29 feliratkozó

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ezen nincs mit sajnálni...minket kéne sajnálni hogy eddig bizakodtunk!m-bryo
A draft alapján már egy ideje már a front office sem tette ezt.
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Ezen nincs mit sajnálni...minket kéne sajnálni hogy eddig bizakodtunk!
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Sajnálom a srácot, de nem hiszem el, hogy ne lenne a környezetében legalább egy normális ember, aki tudna rá valamiféle normális hatással lenni.phylos
Én már picit se sajnálom...bunkó.m-bryo
Szenvedélybeteg, szóval én sajnálom. Ha ezt meg tudta volna oldani, akár szupersztár is lehetett volna az NFLben.

Vörösek azok a szemek nagyon. 😀Beki
Reggel 6:22kor kapcsolták le. Biztos nem sokat aludt előtte. 😀
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Törölt felhasználó

Vörösek azok a szemek nagyon. 😀
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Sajnálom a srácot, de nem hiszem el, hogy ne lenne a környezetében legalább egy normális ember, aki tudna rá valamiféle normális hatással lenni.phylos
Én már picit se sajnálom...bunkó.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Gus a bajba került WReinkről
Jaguars coach Gus Bradley says receiving news like this "creates more conversation" about cutting ties with troubled WR Justin Blackmon

Jaguars coach Gus Bradley on Blackmon arrest: "I'm just praying that he gets the help he needs. I'm just praying that he gets right."

Jaguars coach Gus Bradley on WR Justin Blackmon: "It's unfortunate news. We haven't had much contact with him."

Jaguars coach Gus Bradley on suspended WR Ace Sanders: "I'm really happy for Ace and his decision to seek help."(Mark Long)
Jaguars QB Chad Henne on WR Justin Blackmon: “A difficult situation. All we can do is pray that he finds a way and gets on the right track"(John Oesher)
Halloren extra infói Füves Alkeszről
Blackmon pulled over at 6:22 p.m. Wednesday .Police report said he "openly admitted to smoking blunt while driving. Police report said Blackmon was "extremely honest" while being processed. Well, there's that.
Én már nem is mondok semmit...

Már látom is a következőt:
BREAKING Jacksonville Jaguars has benn renamed to London Flyersphylos
A Flyers maradjon csak a Philadelphia hokicsapatának a neve.
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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Már látom is a következőt:
BREAKING Jacksonville Jaguars has benn renamed to London Flyers

Made... Laid... Paid
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner

Ez nem a draftolt WReink hete..

Közben Luke Butkus lett az ideiglenes O-fal edző, mivel szegény George Yarno továbbra is a rákkal küzd.

Dekodának nem 1 hanem 2 műtétje is volt. Lehet nem lesz bevethető a nyitó meccsen, de Gus reménykedik.
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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Sajnálom a srácot, de nem hiszem el, hogy ne lenne a környezetében legalább egy normális ember, aki tudna rá valamiféle normális hatással lenni.

Made... Laid... Paid
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eloel 3 212 — Hard working. Alpha male. Jackhammer.
így elcseszni egy karriert... pedig sok van a srácban

- new orleans saints hungary - sig gallery -
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Törölt felhasználó

Former Oklahoma State football player Justin Blackmon was arrested for the possession of marijuana Wednesday night in Edmond.

Nem írnék rá semmit, jobb ha búcsúztok Alkesztől és kivágjátok a fenébe.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ma a veteránok is csatklakoznak a rookiekhoz.

SI (pontosabban MMQB) Jags szezon előzetes.

Halloren utolsó kérdése a TC előtt - ki lesz ott a végső 53ban, frissített verzió.
20. Who makes the roster?

Last month, I projected the 53-man roster and with one big change (you know what it is), here it is again:


In: Chad Henne, Blake Bortles and Ricky Stanzi.
Out: Stephen Morris.
New: None.


In: Toby Gerhart, Jordan Todman, Denard Robinson, Storm Johnson and Will Ta’ufo’ou (FB).
Out: Terrance Cobb and Bradie Ewing (FB).
New: Beau Blankenship was waived yesterday.


In: Marcedes Lewis, Clay Harbor and Marcel Jensen.
Out: Brandon Barden, Reggie Jordan and D.J. Tialavea.
New: None.


In: Cecil Shorts, Allen Robinson, Marqise Lee, Tandon Doss, Mike Brown and Allen Hurns.
Out: Ace Sanders (suspension), Kerry Taylor, Chad Bumphis, Lamaar Thomas, Damian Copeland and Nathan Slaughter.
New: Sanders goes from ‘In’ to ‘suspended’ for at least the first four games. Doss takes his spot.


In: Luke Joeckel (LT), Zane Beadles (LG), Mike Brewster (C), Austin Pasztor (RT), Brandon Linder (RG), Jacques McClendon (RG), Luke Bowanko (C) and Cam Bradfield (OT).
Out: Patrick Lewis, Matt Stankiewitch, Drew Nowak, Tyler Shatley, Josh Wells and Sam Young.
New: But watch Wells – he’s earned praise throughout the summer and will challenge Bradfield.


In: Red Bryant (DE), Chris Clemons (Leo), Sen’Derrick Marks (DT), Roy Miller (DT), Ziggy Hood (DT), Andre Branch (Leo), Tyson Alualu (DE), Abry Jones (DT), Chris Smith (Leo) and Ryan Davis (Leo).
Out: Gerald Rivers (Leo), DeAndre Coleman (DT), Ricky Havili-Heimuli (DT) and Jordan Miller (DT).
New: None.


In: Paul Posluszny (MLB), Dekoda Watson (OLB), Geno Hayes (OLB), LaRoy Reynolds (OLB), Nate Stupar (MLB) and Telvin Smith (OLB).
Out: Allen Bradford, Marcus Whitfield, J.T. Thomas and John Lotulelei.
New: None.


In: Alan Ball (CB), Dwayne Gratz (CB), Johnathan Cyprien (SS), Winston Guy (FS), Will Blackmon (CB), Demetrius McCray (CB), Jeremy Harris (CB), Chris Prosinski (S) and Josh Evans (S).
Out: Mike Harris (CB), Sherrod Martin (S), Jamell Fleming (CB), Joe Young (S), Craig Loston (S), Jerome Junior (S), Deion Belue (CB) and Rashaad Reynolds (CB).
New: None. Belue was signed Tuesday.


In: Josh Scobee 💋‍, Bryan Anger (P) and Carson Tinker (LS).
Out: Kasey Redfern (P/K) and Charley Hughlett (LS).
New: None.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Hivatalos Ace Sanders 4 meccses eltiltása.

Gus Bradley Sandersről

“It is unfortunate,” Bradley said Wednesday afternoon on Jaguars.com LIVE, which runs on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. on jaguars.com. “You hate to lose a player of Ace’s caliber for a period of time. He’s a great teammate, and players really respect him. He’s very talented.

“But with that being said, a lot of good has come about with this, and we’re not going to miss that opportunity.”

Bradley said Sanders handled the situation as well as could be expected, discussing the issue openly with Bradley and General Manager David Caldwell and speaking on the conference call with local media.

“One of the things we’ve talked about with our program is communication and trust,” Bradley said. “I think Ace really showed that by the way he handled the whole situation. … To have the call last night, I think says a lot about Ace.”

Bradley earlier in the day spoke of Sanders’ situation on Jaguars Today on 1010XL with Mike Dempsey and John Oehser, saying, “Here’s a young man who’s facing it head on, understands the situation and has lot of trust in the organization. He has dealt with it that way. For that part, we’re excited.”

Bradley also on Wednesday he expects Sanders to have a role upon his return.

“There’s no doubt,” Bradley said. “We’ve talked to Ace and said, ‘When you come back from all of this we’re going to welcome you with open arms and, ‘Let’s get back to work.’ We’ve talked to our guys about, ‘You’ve got to get your world right, then the man becomes right.’

“That’s what he’s doing now. He’s getting himself right.”
Halloren 5-5 pontban kiemelt 5 játékos, akiknek jó lenne hajó TCje lene, mondjuk kérdés Dekoda mennyit tud majd edzeni) és 5 dologot is leírt, amit jó volna megvalósitani a következő hetelben.


1. WR Marqise Lee: He undoubtedly believes he should have been drafted in the first round. He fell to No. 39 and the Jaguars were equal parts stunned/thrilled to take him. Lee is motivated to show he was wrongly passed over … but first he has to get on the field and get up to speed so he can be an immediate contributor.

2. C Mike Brewster: The Jaguars have a center not named Brad Meester for the first time since the 2002 season. The team tried to acquire Alex Mack (Cleveland quickly matched the offer sheet) and the job became Brewster’s to lose when the Jaguars waited until the seventh round to draft a center (Luke Bowanko). It’s a huge opportunity for Brewster, who must get the revamped line on the same verbal page.

3. DE Andre Branch: He had five sacks in the last seven games of 2013 and the release of Jason Babin last month was a nod to Branch’s progress. Now entering his third season, Branch will get a chance for more early-down work in a rotation with veteran Chris Clemons. Branch has to show consistency and an ability to play the run.

4. WR Tandon Doss: On the bubble earlier this week, a spot is in Doss’ hands following the leave of absence/suspension of Ace Sanders. Coach Gus Bradley likes Doss’ size (6-foot-2, 205 pounds) and physical style of play, but he needs to be on the field after missing the last two weeks of the offseason. Doss will enter camp as the No. 1 punt returner.

5. LB Dekoda Watson: The Jaguars created the Otto linebacker position with Watson in mind and signed him on the second day of free agency. But a “tweaked” (his word) groin this spring resulted in sports hernia surgery this summer. He is unlikely to be available for the start of camp. The goal for him is to play in at least one preseason game to show he can be ready for Week 1.


1. Settle on a starting right guard: The candidates are Jacques McClendon (nine career games and two starts) and Brandon Linder (third-round pick this spring). Look for them to split first-team reps early in camp and if it’s even remotely close to being even, look for Linder to get the Week 1 start.

2. Get Blake Bortles plenty of work: It remains unlikely Bortles will start anytime soon, but training camp is the perfect chance for him to get heavy work. If Chad Henne gets a day off here and there, it would give Bortles a chance to work with the starting offensive line. The Jaguars don’t have to necessarily get Bortles ready to start Week 1, but they do have to get him ready to play, as he’ll be one snap away from game action.

3. Keep certain starters healthy: Last training camp, receiver Cecil Shorts, tight end Marcedes Lewis and then-right tackle Luke Joeckel were among the players who missed practice time. Now more familiar with their roles and the playbook, it only makes sense for them to be managed so they’re ready to go in early September.

4. Figure out the logjam at cornerback: The likely locks are Alan Ball, Dwayne Gratz, Will Blackmon and Demetrius McCray. That leaves only two spots for a group that includes Mike Harris, Jamell Fleming, Jeremy Harris and Rashaad Reynolds. Ball (ankle) will start on the physically unable to perform list, creating snaps for the others.

5. Determine roles for reserve running backs: Toby Gerhart is the starter, but Bradley admitted last week that the Jaguars need to figure out what Jordan Todman, Denard Robinson and Storm Johnson do best so they can be worked into the rotation. This is a huge camp for Robinson, who hopes to carry his offseason momentum into preseason games.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Beau Blankenshipet kiraktuk, jött helyette egy UDFA rookie CB, Deion Belue. Az Alabamára járt, egyetemi bajnok volt 2013ban. A Steelers és a Dolphins is leigazolta, de nem maradt sokat egyik helyen sem. Mivel Colvin és Ball is sérült, kellett egy CB.
Kár hogy Blankenshipet elküldtük. Én megmondom őszintén a practice squadba vártam.

Jason Babin a Jets játékosa lett. Sok sikert neki ott!

Gus Bradley a mai Jaguars Liveban többek közt annyit mondott, hogy egy ideális világban idén mind a 16 meccsen Chad Henne kezdene!

Halloren mai kérdése: Ace Sanders eltiltásának milyen következényei lehetnek Acere, a jagsre és másokra nézve?
19. What the Ace Sanders suspension means for the Jaguars in general and the team’s receivers in particular?

What it means for the Jaguars:

*They continue to be cursed at the receiver position.

*They lose the player they envisioned returning punts … and doing it more effectively last year.

*They lose probably their No. 4 receiver for at least the first four games.

What it means for Sanders:

*The momentum he built up last year as a receiver will be tough to re-capture when he returns in Week 5 and who knows what his role will be. He had 51 catches and played 600 snaps last year.

*He is one more failed test from being suspended for most likely a full season. The Jaguars would have no reason to stick with him at that point.

*It could very likely derail his entire season -- he'll have to re-earn his role once he's eligible to play in Week 5 ... if he's even back with the team at that point.

What it means for the receivers:

*Tandon Doss, who was out most of the off-season program with a calf injury, is the likely Week 1 punt returner.

*Assuming Cecil Shorts, Marqise Lee, Allen Robinson and Doss are the top four, it creates an extra spot for the group of Allen Hurns, Mike Brown, Kerry Taylor, etc.
Justin Blackmon múltjáról, jelenéről és jövőjéről beszéltem a korábbi edzőjével:  insidehandoff.com/2014/07/23/justin-blackmon-jaguars-future/zolika26
Köszi szépen ezt, és ha már Blackmon szóba került, érdemes összehasonlítani a két emberke elnézéskérését:
Ace nagyon jól kezelte/kezeli a nyilvánosság felé a problémáját, talán nem lesz belőle Alkesz 2.0. Bár nála nem tudni egyelőre, hogy drog vagy pia a gond.

nagyon jó kis videó - így készülünk a TCre.

Ezek nem komputergrafikák, ezek tényleges fényképek a giga jumbotronunkról - GYÖNYÖRŰ!!!!!

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zolika26 New England Patriots 1 656 — http://insidehandoff.com/
Justin Blackmon múltjáról, jelenéről és jövőjéről beszéltem a korábbi edzőjével:  insidehandoff.com/2014/07/23/justin-blackmon-jaguars-future/

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Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 040 — Jaguars fan
Eszét vesztett Ace-ét elveszíti a Jags? 😊 Alkeszville Bepiálsz lesz a csapat neve hamarosan? Ha egy komplett rehab csoport kijön egykori és mostani Jags elkapókból, arra jár csoportos kedvezmény a Betty Fordban?
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A teljes conference call hanganyaga:
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Részletek - Ace lehet nem is lesz Jacksonvilleben a TC nagy része alatt.
Jaguars receiver Ace Sanders is taking a leave of absence from football and is also facing a four-game suspension without pay for violating the NFL’s substance abuse program.

“I’ve decided to go seek help and get that attention,” he said. “I should be fine.”

Sanders said, “I’ve made some mistakes that I could have handled a little differently.”

Sanders asked the Jaguars' media relations department to organize the conference call, which lasted about 10 minutes.

Sanders said he will likely be away from the Jaguars for the entire training camp but did not say if he would remain in Jacksonville.

Asked if he would be entering a rehab center or receive counseling, Sanders wasn't specific except to say, "conseling, anybody that can give me insight."

"I think I'll come back and be ready to play," he said. "This time I'm taking to get everything in order will be really helpful."

Sanders, about to enter this second NFL season, will be eligible to make his debut Oct. 5 against Pittsburgh. He said the nature of the suspension allows him to be around the Jaguars during the first four games.

Sanders is third Jaguars player to be suspended since last October. Receiver Justin Blackmon is serving an indefinite suspension and linebacker LaRoy Reynolds sat out four games in the second half of the 2013 season.

Sanders becomes the 13th player to be suspended by the league to start the season.

Blackmon was able to play in the 2013 preseason before starting his four-game suspension that preceded his current ban.

The Jaguars had Sanders – who had 51 catches last year – penciled in as a slot receiver and he was also going to get the best shot to win the punt return job.

Without Sanders, the biggest beneficiary could be Tandon Doss, who led the NFL in punt return average last year.
Remélem az elkövetkező 12 hónapban Allen Robinson vagy Marqise tiszta tud maradni, mert ha nem akkor Jerry Porter, Reggie Williams és Matt Jones voodoo órákat vett Derrick Harveytól és megátkozta a WR locker roomunkat.

Iktriad, Allen Hurnsről tudsz pár mondatot írni, mennyi esélye van rosterre kerülni?mustaine
Akkor ez is átfogalmazódhatmustaine
Nem feltétlenül, mert 1. Ace csak 4 meccsre lesz remélhetőleg távol. 2. Hurnsnek komoly sansza volt Aceszel együtt is keretre jutni. Ahogy Halloren is írta, ennek a szituációnak Tandos Doss lehet a legnagyobb nyertese.

Egy normális elkapótok volt, abból is alkoholistát csináltatok... szép mondhatom.Sixo67
Igen, Blackmon esete tényleg szomorú. De Shorts még mindig megvan!
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Sixo Los Angeles Chargers South Carolina Gamecocks 35 758 — LIGHTS OUT!
Egy normális elkapótok volt, abból is alkoholistát csináltatok... szép mondhatom.

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mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 093 — Chalk Dawk fan
Iktriad, Allen Hurnsről tudsz pár mondatot írni, mennyi esélye van rosterre kerülni?mustaine
Akkor ez is átfogalmazódhat

több mint 10 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ace személyes ügyekre hivatkozva ki fogja hagyni a TC nagy részét, plusz valószínűleg kinéz neki egy 4 meccse eltiltás is.
"I’ve decided to go seek that help and get that attention. "Counseling, anybody that can give me insight."

Ace: "Sometimes life hits and it hits hard. I made some mistakes." Says he's seeking help.
Ajjaj, ez vagy drog, vagy pia. Ezt nem hiszem el, komolyan.
ik ez a te hibád ....Sixo67
több mint 10 éve
Sixo Los Angeles Chargers South Carolina Gamecocks 35 758 — LIGHTS OUT!
"WR Ace Sanders said he’s likely facing a 4-game suspension. “I am taking full responsibility for all my actions. I am sorry.

Ace Sanders, on a conference call, said he made some mistakes that he “dealing with.” Says he’s trying to be a better person, seek help.”

ik ez a te hibád ....

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
The Jaguars have placed WR Ace Sanders on the non-football injury list, source says. CB Alan Ball and LB Dekoda Watson placed on PUP list(Ian Rapoport)
A Ball dolog meglepne, szerintem inkább Colvin lesz az. A sokk egyértelműen Ace. Kipukkadóban a bubble? Sixo ki fog borulni.

Sixo máris kiborult. 😀

Update 2.:
Rapoport szerint tényleg Ball az. Demetrius McCray és Jeremy Harris nagyon fog ennek örülni.

Update 3:
Colvin is a listán van.
Sanders mellé oknak " non-football illness" írt a Jags, Ballnak nem komolynak tűnő bokasérülése van, amit a minicamp alatt szedett össze.
több mint 10 éve
Sixo Los Angeles Chargers South Carolina Gamecocks 35 758 — LIGHTS OUT!
"The #Jaguars have placed WR Ace Sanders on the non-football injury list, source says."

Neeeeeeeee, szemetek! 😥

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 418 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A legfontosabb kérdés Halloren 20asából - mikor lene a legalkalmasabb Bortlest kezdeni?
18. When will be the right time to start Blake Bortles?

Here are my educated guesses:

Week 7: Cleveland. The Jaguars play two straight home games. This would be a situation where the offense is broke and they think Bortles can provide a spark.

Week 12: at Indianapolis. Following the Jaguars’ bye week. Yes, it’s a road game, but he’ll have to play on the road eventually, right?

Week 14 vs. Houston: If the Jaguars’ record is, say, 4-8, why not start Bortles to get a head start on 2015?

A look at the projected 32 NFL starting quarterbacks and when they made their first regular season start:


Game 1: EJ Manuel, Buffalo; Geno Smith, NY Jets; Ryan Tannehill, Miami; Andy Dalton, Cincinnati; Joe Flacco, Baltimore; Andrew Luck, Indianapolis; Peyton Manning, Denver (with Indianapolis); Robert Griffin III, Washington; Matthew Stafford, Detroit; Matt Ryan, Atlanta; Cam Newton, Carolina; Russell Wilson, Seattle; Sam Bradford, St. Louis.

Game 5: Alex Smith, Kansas City (with San Francisco).
Game 10: Nick Foles, Philadelphia; Eli Manning, NY Giants.
Game 12: Ryan Fitzpatrick, Houston (with St. Louis); Jay Cutler, Chicago (with Denver).
Game 15: Matt Schaub, Oakland (with Atlanta).


Game 1: Jake Locker, Tennessee; Drew Brees, New Orleans (with San Diego); Carson Palmer, Arizona (with Cincinnati).
Game 3: Tom Brady, New England; Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh.
Game 4: Chad Henne, Jaguars (with Miami).
Game 7: Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco.
Game14: Josh McCown, Tampa Bay (with Arizona).


Game 1: Philip Rivers, San Diego.
Game 7: Tony Romo, Dallas.


Game 1: Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay.
Game 2: Matt Cassel, Minnesota (with New England).
Game 16: Brian Hoyer, Cleveland (with Arizona).
Nekem is az Indy elleni meccs lenne talán a legideálisabb időpont. Akkor már tudni fogjuk, hogy alakul a szezon és ha akkora már kuka lesz az idényünk, akkor tényleg be lehet rakni Blaket, hogy szerezzen némi tapasztalatot.