
Jacksonville Jaguars

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Fórum hozzászólások
1 017

Utolsó 10 fórum hozzászólás

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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
TIAA Stadium?
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Kiváncsi lennék arra hogy szerintetek a Jax védelem aljas módnom játszott? Mivel elég sok pacc divatdrukker szerint igen...
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Hát nemtudom de szerintem ilyenek miatt vannak a Pats-haterek.
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Én már bele se gondolok hogy mi lesz! Röhej az egész év megint a bilibe....
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Röhög rajtunk az egész liga és Nashville...
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Nekem ennyi elég volt! Szellemileg a béka segge alatt vagyunk!! Ezt kihasználja a Titans...és ha VÉLETLENÜL nyerünk a következőnek annyi mivel nincs se fal se támadó egység!
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Szánalom, ennyi volt a PO...
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
És szerintem a 3. ot is a Titans nyeri...
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Szégyen, rossz nézni! Ez nem PO csapat!
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
44 pontot kap a legjobb védelem a ligába? Na itt nagy bajok lesznek. Valahogy bejutottunk a PO-ba de nagyon sokáig nemleszünk ott...ilyen játékkal.

Legkedveltebb fórum hozzászólások

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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Bocsi folytatom az OFF-ot: DAC megnyerte az 1.nemzetibe a meccset a rivális Nagyszombat ellen és így bentmaradt a ligába😀 !!!!!Apropó rekord nézőszám elõtt (Kedden)7002 szurkoló !!!!!!!Hajrá DAC
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Hát nemtudom de szerintem ilyenek miatt vannak a Pats-haterek.
több mint 7 éve
m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Nagyon Boldog karácsonyi ünnepeket kivánok minden Jaguars szurkolónak és persze az összes Bowl-fórumozónak.
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Nagyon boldog Új esztendőt erőt és főleg sok egésséget kívánok minden amerikai foci rajongónak itt a fórumon speciel Iktriadnak Makának Húsrágónak N-Drewnak Phylosnak npetiinek családjaiknak és a többi Jaguars rajongóknak és szimpatizásoknak is. Reméljük szebb szezonban lesz részünk és jövőre e tájt még a Jaguars játékban lesz 😀 Duvááál.
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Nagyon Boldog karácsonyi unnepek kívánok minden amerikai foci rajongónak és persze foképp a Jax szurkolóinak.....Duváááál
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Peter King 6 pontja arról, hogy sikerülhet(ne) elérnie a Jaguarsnak legnagyobb alapszakasz upset győzelmet az egész NFL történetében

1. Force running backs Maurice Jones-Drew and Jordan Todman on the Denver front. The Jags’ running game (2.7 yards per rush) has been awful, but the key to this game is to play clockball, and the way to do that is with a possession running game and short passing game. And tell the backs to stay in bounds. The clock must run.

2. Henne should never snap the ball until there are three seconds or less on the play clock. Simple. Run the clock. Run the clock.

3. Put Justin Blackmon in motion so he can’t get jammed as much at the line. One of the weaknesses of young Blackmon’s game is his difficulty in beating press coverage. So offensive coordinator Jedd Fisch needs to move him all game long. And put the ball in his hands on a couple of reverses—as long as he stays in-bounds.

4. On defense, blitz more. The Jags are not big blitzers. And Peyton Manning is a blitz-recognizer. But coach Gus Bradley must do things Manning won’t expect. If Jason Babin can generate some pressure with his regular weakside rushes, the rookie safeties—particularly instinctive Johnathan Cyprien—could hurry Manning and try to take him out of his comfort zone. It’s next to impossible, but anything to show Manning things he hasn’t seen.

5. Take risks on defense. Will Blackmon, a mediocre journeyman corner, has played for some good teams—the Giants and Packers most notably. He knows what it means to know when to take a risk, to jump a route. The only way to make Manning turn it over is to bait him. He’ll kill the D a couple of times, to be sure, but he’s going to do that anyway. Risks, educated ones, are vital.

6. Don’t let Trindon Holliday beat you. He’s the most dangerous returner in football. Kick the ball out of the end zone on kickoffs. And the punter’s job? Bryan Anger must never give Holliday the ball in the field of play. Lose eight yards and kick out of bounds.

See? It’s easy. Now just do exactly what I say, and we’ll have the biggest upset in regular-season history Sunday evening.
A sokkal életszerűbb 1 pont:
Ha a teljes denveri 53-as rostert agyonvágja egy villám ami még vagy 100 éve Teslától kóborolt el, és most érkezett vissza, és telibevágja a Broncos csapatbuszát, akkor a denveri PS ellen esetleg egy szoros, kínkeserves, hosszabbításos W talán.Sobri Jóska
Nagyon vicces szeretnél lenni csak valahogy nemsikerul.
több mint 11 éve
m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Cecil Shorts III is an underdog success story, having come out of the tiny, 2,200-student University of Mount Union in Ohio as an undersized wide receiver to carve a place for himself with the Jacksonville Jaguars in the last two years. The former track star was sidelined for the end of last season with a concussion, but he is positioned to be one of the top targets this year for whoever ends up throwing passes for the Jags. Competition could be on the way for Shorts, though, and it could be coming from his own home. Shorts’ son, Cecil Shorts IV, donned his dad’s helmet and receiver’s gloves on the field during practice Wednesday, looking right at home at Jacksonville training camp. Lil’ Shorts was predictably adorable, motivating Florida Times-Union photographer Bob Self to snap a picture of the future NFL star.
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Off: London polgármestere Sadiq Khan lett...vajon véletlen egybeesés?:-)
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m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Mr. Jaguar is ready to retire after 14 seasons.

Center Brad Meester announced Wednesday that he will retire when the season ends in two weeks.

Meester will play his final home game on Sunday against the Tennessee Titans.

The popular lineman was drafted by Tom Coughlin in the second round of the NFL draft in the year 2000. Meester has played in over 200 games and for every coach the Jaguars have ever had (five of them).

Meester and his wife have six girls and the family has plans to return to Iowa where they just finished building a new home.

Meester owns the franchise record for games played (207) and started (207). He owns a current streak of 88 consecutive starts, most on the roster and the second-longest streak in team history behind his record of 92 consecutive starts from 2000 to December 2005.
több mint 9 éve
m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Draft: Leonard Williams pénteken azt mondta, ő 4-3as védelmi sémában érzi magát a legjobban. Ez jó hír lehet nekünk, mert a Titans 3-4et futtat.
Azaz nem szeretne a Titansben vagy az Oaklandben játszani 😊 Idevágyik ez a kölök! 😀Húsrágó
Jah ez a kijelentése is ezt támasztja alá....
"The Raiders have kind of been like my favorite, hometown team. I love their colors, I love their tradition, I love their defense," Williams said. "I want to go as high as possible and shooting for that number one spot. But if I did end up dropping to the Raiders, I would love to play for them."
Leonard Williams aims for No. 1, would love to play for Raiders
USC's Leonard Williams is considered to be the top prospect in the 2015 NFL Draft and is aiming to go No. 1 overall even if it means he won't be able to play for his childhood favorite, the Raiders.