Tennessee Titans

20 feliratkozó

több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Lehetséges, hogy az eddigi long snapperünket Ken Amato-t "leváltják" a jelöltek Jake Ingram és Beau Brinkley.

Griffin 5 éves szerződést írt alá. 😊 :cool:

5 év alatt 36 millió ebből 15 millió garantált és 9 millió aláírási bónusz.

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több mint 12 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Wright vállsérülést szenvedett. Azt mondják nem komoly - remélem, tényleg nem az. :/

Music City Miracle
több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Leigazoltuk Jon Cooper centert 2 évre. A Vikings-nál volt korábban, de nem sok vizet zavart szerintem. Centert már nagyon akart a csapat.... még egy safety is jöhetne.

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pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Daniel Graham-et kiettük. Várható volt TE-ek közül valakinek távoznia kell azok után, hogy Thompson-t draftoltuk. További sok sikert neki!

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több mint 12 éve
Hamilkar Tennessee Titans 190
Az emlegetett Ocho, Miamiban folytatja.


Iszonyat 😀pakesz
😀 Na legalább lubickolhat a delfinekkel.

Ezt az arcát nézve mosolygok, de eszembe jut, amit mondtam pár napja. 😀 De jó, hogy nem hozzánk jött.Hamilkar
Akkor azt sugalltad, hogy nem bánnád ha jönne a kommented végén. 😊

Csak ne így viselkedjen majd

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFenX2Lu3gQ 😂pakesz
Hát ez az! Akkor azt mondtam.. 😊

Ace Ventura és a Miami 😀 😀 😀
több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Az emlegetett Ocho, Miamiban folytatja.


Iszonyat 😀pakesz
😀 Na legalább lubickolhat a delfinekkel.

Ezt az arcát nézve mosolygok, de eszembe jut, amit mondtam pár napja. 😀 De jó, hogy nem hozzánk jött.Hamilkar
Akkor azt sugalltad, hogy nem bánnád ha jönne a kommented végén. 😊

Csak ne így viselkedjen majd

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFenX2Lu3gQ 😂

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több mint 12 éve
Hamilkar Tennessee Titans 190
Az emlegetett Ocho, Miamiban folytatja.


Iszonyat 😀pakesz
😀 Na legalább lubickolhat a delfinekkel.

Ezt az arcát nézve mosolygok, de eszembe jut, amit mondtam pár napja. 😀 De jó, hogy nem hozzánk jött.
több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Az emlegetett Ocho, Miamiban folytatja.


Iszonyat 😀

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több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Britt jól halad a felépüléssel. Persze könnyített edzéseket végez, de már jó pár gyakorlatot megtud csinálni. Bizonyára még a kitámasztások nem az igaziak, de hát egy szalagszakadás után nem is várható el, hogy egyből 100%-os legyen. Így tovább! 😉

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több mint 12 éve
egozo Tennessee Titans 669 — Titans fan
The Titans drafted linebacker Zach Brown in the second round because of his speed and athleticism.

They wanted a player capable of keeping up with faster tight ends and chasing running backs from sideline to sideline.

So far, the Titans are impressed with the rookie, who runs the 40-yard dash in 4.3 seconds.

“He’s looking good. He’s a good kid, and loves to work,” coach Mike Munchak said. “With that speed he has, that’s what stands out. We talked about that speed at the draft. You’re seeing a lot of that out here on the field. He’s a guy that looks fast. He’s catching things on the backside that in the past we couldn’t catch, and he’s covering well.”

Brown worked with the first team at weakside linebacker during organized team activities on Thursday as returning starter Will Witherspoon was excused for the day.

In other workouts, Brown has worked with the second team and even the third team. Fourth-year linebacker Gerald McRath is also in the mix for the weakside role.

Defensive coordinator Jerry Gray said he’s been impressed with Brown’s ability to pick things up in a hurry in the classroom.

“We know he can run, and we know he is powerful, but the thing I see when I watch film — I don’t see a guy taking a long time to process stuff, and that is incredible for a rookie,” Gray said. “When the ball is snapped, he is going. I know coming out the knock is he’s a track guy and this and that, but I can’t wait for him to get the pads on.”

At 6-foot-1 and 243 pounds, the North Carolina product is currently six pounds heavier than he was in his final season with the Tar Heels.

“I am just trying to get stronger, making sure when I come to camp I’m ready,” Brown said. “This season I would like to start, but if I don’t I have to keep pushing and pushing and pushing to fight for a spot. There’s nothing wrong with a little competition for anyone.”

The other QB race: All eyes are on the battle between quarterbacks Matt Hasselbeck and Jake Locker, but Rusty Smith and Nick Stephens are also on the roster.

Smith was the third-stringer last season. Stephens, who began his college career at Tennessee, was signed as an undrafted free agent out of Tarleton State.

“Rusty is doing a good job and Nick has done a good job too,” offensive coordinator Chris Palmer said. “Nick is getting reps, and a lot of times rookies don’t get reps. So Nick has shown he has learned the offense. But right now Rusty is ahead of him because he has been in the offense a bit.”

Smith knows the offense as well as anyone, Hasselbeck said.

“I put Rusty at the top of the class,” the 14th-year pro said. “He is kind of the encyclopedia. We make fun of him about it, but he knows it and it’s impressive.”

In action: Cornerback Ryan Mouton’s 2011 season ended before it began thanks to a ruptured Achilles during the first padded practice of training camp.

After a grueling rehab, Mouton is back on the field.

“I can’t tell you how great it feels to be back with the guys,” Mouton said. “I tried to put in the work, to put myself in position to be ready. Now I’m ready to compete.”

A third-round pick in 2009, Mouton is competing with Alterraun Verner to play in the slot in the nickel package. He’s worked on the outside as well along with Tommie Campbell, Chris Hawkins and rookie Coty Sensabaugh. Terrence Wheatley, a former second round pick of the Patriots, is also in the mix.Druid
Bocs, de szerintem ide felesleges ilyen hosszú angol szöveget bemásolnod. Elegendő, ha a helyet megjelölöd annak aki jól tud angolul, másrészt akinek nem megy annyira biztos megköszönné, ha inkább a lényeget pár mondatban lefordítva összefoglalnád.
több mint 12 éve
Druid Tennessee Titans 602
The Titans drafted linebacker Zach Brown in the second round because of his speed and athleticism.

They wanted a player capable of keeping up with faster tight ends and chasing running backs from sideline to sideline.

So far, the Titans are impressed with the rookie, who runs the 40-yard dash in 4.3 seconds.

“He’s looking good. He’s a good kid, and loves to work,” coach Mike Munchak said. “With that speed he has, that’s what stands out. We talked about that speed at the draft. You’re seeing a lot of that out here on the field. He’s a guy that looks fast. He’s catching things on the backside that in the past we couldn’t catch, and he’s covering well.”

Brown worked with the first team at weakside linebacker during organized team activities on Thursday as returning starter Will Witherspoon was excused for the day.

In other workouts, Brown has worked with the second team and even the third team. Fourth-year linebacker Gerald McRath is also in the mix for the weakside role.

Defensive coordinator Jerry Gray said he’s been impressed with Brown’s ability to pick things up in a hurry in the classroom.

“We know he can run, and we know he is powerful, but the thing I see when I watch film — I don’t see a guy taking a long time to process stuff, and that is incredible for a rookie,” Gray said. “When the ball is snapped, he is going. I know coming out the knock is he’s a track guy and this and that, but I can’t wait for him to get the pads on.”

At 6-foot-1 and 243 pounds, the North Carolina product is currently six pounds heavier than he was in his final season with the Tar Heels.

“I am just trying to get stronger, making sure when I come to camp I’m ready,” Brown said. “This season I would like to start, but if I don’t I have to keep pushing and pushing and pushing to fight for a spot. There’s nothing wrong with a little competition for anyone.”

The other QB race: All eyes are on the battle between quarterbacks Matt Hasselbeck and Jake Locker, but Rusty Smith and Nick Stephens are also on the roster.

Smith was the third-stringer last season. Stephens, who began his college career at Tennessee, was signed as an undrafted free agent out of Tarleton State.

“Rusty is doing a good job and Nick has done a good job too,” offensive coordinator Chris Palmer said. “Nick is getting reps, and a lot of times rookies don’t get reps. So Nick has shown he has learned the offense. But right now Rusty is ahead of him because he has been in the offense a bit.”

Smith knows the offense as well as anyone, Hasselbeck said.

“I put Rusty at the top of the class,” the 14th-year pro said. “He is kind of the encyclopedia. We make fun of him about it, but he knows it and it’s impressive.”

In action: Cornerback Ryan Mouton’s 2011 season ended before it began thanks to a ruptured Achilles during the first padded practice of training camp.

After a grueling rehab, Mouton is back on the field.

“I can’t tell you how great it feels to be back with the guys,” Mouton said. “I tried to put in the work, to put myself in position to be ready. Now I’m ready to compete.”

A third-round pick in 2009, Mouton is competing with Alterraun Verner to play in the slot in the nickel package. He’s worked on the outside as well along with Tommie Campbell, Chris Hawkins and rookie Coty Sensabaugh. Terrence Wheatley, a former second round pick of the Patriots, is also in the mix.
több mint 12 éve
Druid Tennessee Titans 602
Látod, ez a hátránya copy-paste - nek 😊
több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Wright, Britt (ha egészséges), Washington, Hawkins, Mariani
- kétlem, hogy pont WR hiányban szenvednénkDruid
Damian Williams-t kihagytad, Mariani az utolsó a sorban, jól írtad. 😊

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több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
A Randy Moss esetből kiindulva nem kell. Kérdés mit örtént Bostonban. Valóban nem tanulta meg a playbookot? Valószínűbb, hogy képtelen volt megszokni az új helyzetet. Nehéz ilyenkor, egy ilyen karrier után beismerni a vereséget. Bennem viszont ott motoszkál a gondolat, hogy hátha képes újrakezdeni, és esetleg nálunk..Hamilkar
Ha mindig a Randy Moss esetet hozzuk akkor szerencse hogy Owens nem jött hozzánk, de tényleg az 😀.... Ocho az Ocho 😀 Én egyáltalán nem azt mondtam, hogy WR hiány van, csak ha elkapót szeretnénk (amiből van.... Britt azért kérdéses, Mariani meg a ST-n kívül nem sok labdát kapott el) akkor nem bánnám ha jönne.

Ha már nagy név, az is jó, hogy Manning sem jött 😛 Én úgy is ellene voltam, hogy Nashville-be tegye át a székhelyét.

Ezt az Ocho témát le is zárhatjuk. 😊

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több mint 12 éve
Hamilkar Tennessee Titans 190
A Randy Moss esetből kiindulva nem kell. Kérdés mit örtént Bostonban. Valóban nem tanulta meg a playbookot? Valószínűbb, hogy képtelen volt megszokni az új helyzetet. Nehéz ilyenkor, egy ilyen karrier után beismerni a vereséget. Bennem viszont ott motoszkál a gondolat, hogy hátha képes újrakezdeni, és esetleg nálunk..
több mint 12 éve
Druid Tennessee Titans 602
Wright, Britt (ha egészséges), Washington, Hawkins, Mariani
- kétlem, hogy pont WR hiányban szenvednénk
több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Elég rövidre sikerült ez Druid. 😊 Köszi az infókat!

Vannak érdekes dolgok.... sérülések. Scaife a Pats-ben... Ocho-t meg kirakták, ha WR hiányban küzdenénk,(Britt azért kezd felépülni, ahogy olvastam, edzeget,de még messze van a 100%-tól) hozzánk jöhetne, Én nem bánnám 😀 Lehet ezért páran megköveztek, de Én kedvelem.

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több mint 12 éve
Druid Tennessee Titans 602
In his recovery from last season’s devastating knee injury, Titans wide receiver Kenny Britt is taking it one day at a time.

On Thursday, he also took it 100 yards at a time — in the form of sprints.

Britt ran five 100-yard sprints after organized team activities on Thursday and looked good doing so. It was the first time trainers turned him loose to run since his arthroscopic surgery a few weeks back.

The fourth-year pro had been running and cutting prior to the scope, but he developed swelling in the right knee afterward.

“I am happy about it, so it’s the next step,” Britt said. “The knee feels good and I am happy about it.”

Britt hopes to be ready for training camp so he can work with quarterbacks Matt Hasselbeck and Jake Locker.

“I don’t want to go out there the first week of the season putting helmets and shoulder pads on and not be on the same page with Matt and Jake,” Britt said. “So I want to get out there earlier in camp and see how it goes.”

Britt suffered a torn ACL and MCL in Week 3 last year and spent the rest of the season on injured reserve.

Plenty of receivers: When the Titans drafted receiver Kendall Wright in the first round, it was easy to wonder how it might affect Damian Williams.

Williams started to come into his own last season, his second in the NFL, as he helped fill the Britt void by making 45 catches for 592 yards and five touchdowns.

But could Williams be bumped back in a rotation that now includes Wright, Britt (when healthy), Nate Washington, Lavelle Hawkins and Marc Mariani?

Asked about Williams, offensive coordinator Chris Palmer said: “You can never have enough good wide receivers. I think there’s a lot of competition. We’ll play different packages. We’ll rotate guys in … Damian’s going to have plays. They’ll all have plays. I’m not worried about that.”

In fact, Palmer said Williams would have more responsibility.

“We’re going to ask him to play more than one position, which he did last year,” he said. “He’s a very smart player and he can play several positions.”

Safety shortage: The Titans are expected to add a veteran safety at some point, but until then third-year pro Robert Johnson is filling a pretty big role.

Johnson, who played in only three games over his first two seasons, is the third-most experienced safety on the depth chart behind starters Michael Griffin and Jordan Babineaux.

A fifth-round pick in 2010, Johnson has always looked the part of the rangy, ball-hawking safety. But injuries — including a hamstring last season — slowed the 6-foot-2, 206-pounder’s progress.

“He’s a good-looking kid, he covers a lot of ground, and he’s big,” coach Mike Munchak said. “He should be able to make plays for us. The key for him is to stay on the field and get reps because both years he’s been held back. He’s a guy you’re counting on.”

Defensive coordinator Jerry Gray said Johnson “has looked great to me.”

Johnson made a good play on Thursday, jumping high to intercept a deep throw by Rusty Smith.

Injuries, absences: Linebacker Will Witherspoon and tackle Michael Roos were excused from Thursday’s OTA.

Safety Markelle Martin (knee) and wide receiver O.J. Murdock (Achilles) did not practice.

Wide receiver D.J. Woods missed because of a school commitment.

Scaife signs with Pats: The Patriots signed former Titans tight end Bo Scaife. If he makes the team, his first game will be at LP Field on Sept. 9 against the Titans.
Scaife was a Titan from 2005-10. He spent last season with the Bengals on injured reserve.
több mint 12 éve
Druid Tennessee Titans 602
Jake Locker arrived at the University of Washington with eye-catching credentials, a Parade All-America performer in high school with 49 touchdowns as a senior.

Then he had to apply the brakes. Locker spent his first season on the sideline, forced to watch and learn from upperclassmen. The following season, the 19-year-old quarterback was turned loose despite the presence of a fifth-year senior.

Locker never looked back.

Heading into his second season with the Titans, the eighth overall pick of the 2011 draft has another year of watching and learning under his belt, this time behind 36-year-old Matt Hasselbeck.

Now he hopes to convince his NFL coaches he’s just as ready as he was back in his second year of college, when he became the starter and never gave up the job.

Locker characterized his competition with Hasselbeck as friendly, however.

“It is not ‘I’m out to get him, he is out to get me.’ It is a collaborative thing and the better he is the better it makes me because I have to push myself that much harder,” Locker said. “So you are able to work with each other and get the most of each other. Matt is a great guy, a guy I have a lot of respect for as a person.”

The Titans continued organized team activities on Wednesday, and the quarterback battle rolled on as well. Coach Mike Munchak said last week the plan is for Hasselbeck and Locker to get a similar number of reps until a decision is made.

While most consider Hasselbeck the favorite thanks to his 13 years of experience and 16 starts last season, Munchak believes teammates would accept the inexperienced Locker if he wins the job.

“Jake can offset his experience with his legs and extending plays,” Munchak said. “There are always pluses and minuses. The bottom line … is no, I don’t think anyone in this building would hold that against whoever the quarterback is. I think they would be excited about either one.”

Both quarterbacks are having good offseasons by all accounts.

Locker has focused on technique under the guidance of offensive coordinator Chris Palmer and quarterbacks coach Dowell Loggains. Earlier he spent time in California working with former Jets quarterback Ken O’Brien.

Locker is listed at 6-foot-3, 234 pounds on the official roster, but he said he’s shed a few pounds and is closer to 225. Teammates think he looks even more confident than he did during his rookie season, when he came off the bench in five games.

“Even last year Jake was already acting like a veteran, pushing guys and communicating with guys,” veteran wide receiver Nate Washington said. “I think he is the same this year, but he is maybe more confident in that he knows what to do.”

This time last year, the lockout prevented Locker from the usual NFL indoctrination. He couldn’t communicate with coaches. He had to work out with teammates informally in other locations. There were no OTAs or minicamps.

He feels much more prepared now, he said.

“Just being able to have OTAs gives you an opportunity to go out and kind of fine-tune and refine some of the things you are doing,” Locker said. “… Kind of start to own (the offense) and understand it and be successful, you are able to get on the same page. So that is a big help.”

And while Locker believes he has a legitimate shot at winning the job, many teammates believe the Titans can’t go wrong with either player.

“In a lot of places they don’t really have a quarterback competition when they say they have a competition, but here it really is a competition,’’ receiver Damian Williams said. “We have two candidates who are very capable of doing the job and the more comfortable they get, it should show. And now matter what happens, it will only make the team better.”
több mint 12 éve
Druid Tennessee Titans 602
On the surface, it looks like the simplest of switches.

Leroy Harris played guard last year for the Titans and he’ll do the same again this year. The only difference is he’ll move from left to right, sliding a few feet down the line of scrimmage.

But nothing is ever as easy it appears, and Harris’ positional change is no exception. He will have to:

• Reverse much of the muscle memory he’d learned on one side of the center;

• Develop chemistry next to a new tackle;

• Play on the right side of the line consistently for the first time in his career;

• Fend off the challenge of sturdy Fernando Velasco while potentially missing all of the team drills this summer.

“Hey, football’s a game of challenges,” Harris said with a smile Thursday. “That’s what it’s about. You’ve got to like that.”

The reason Harris is moving from left to right is because earlier in the offseason the Titans signed free-agent guard Steve Hutchinson, a seven-time Pro Bowler the team hopes will boost the running attack. Hutchinson has always played left guard and will continue to play there.

This won’t be the first positional switch for Harris, who played primarily center at North Carolina State and early in his career with the Titans before moving to left guard.

Offensive line coach Bruce Matthews, a Pro Football Hall of Fame lineman, has a pretty good idea what the transition will be like for Harris. Matthews played tackle, guard and center during his 19-year career.

“It can be done, but it takes adjustment because you’ve trained your body,” Matthews said. “When you’re playing on the left side, you have your sense of where the quarterback is going to start out (on a pass play), or how a play feels when you’re running to the left.

“But now you’re using the other half of your body. Now suddenly my inside arm, my left arm, is more dominant … whereas my right arm had been my power arm.”

Footwork has to change as well.

“A lot of the stuff we do is balanced on both sides,” Matthews said. “But again, it’s one thing to be taking those steps when I’m on the backside of the play vs. now I’m taking the steps when I’m on the side the play is going to.”

Harris will have to develop a feel for working alongside right tackle David Stewart, as opposed to left tackle Michael Roos, who Harris lined up next to the last two years.

“It’s like on pass-blocking stuff, the last thing you want to do is be tripping all over each other and stumbling,” Harris said. “So you want to learn where each other’s feet are going to be at when you’re working together on certain blocks.

“And one of the things obviously is how quickly you get off the ball. Roos is more a jump-the-snap-count guy. That’s his big thing. But (Stewart) doesn’t do that on every play. So you want to be on the same cadence. You don’t want to be at two different levels. You want to be together.”

Coach Mike Munchak, like Matthews a Hall of Fame offensive lineman, said he thinks Harris will make a smooth switch.

“He’s naturally right-handed, so you’d think (the right side) is more natural for him. I know when I played left guard I still put my right hand down because I was uncomfortable with the left-hand stance. Bruce did the same thing when he played,” Munchak said. “So we’re obviously hoping that gives him comfort, which I think it will.”

Harris would love to be moving quickly through the transition, but because he’s still recovering from shoulder surgery, he may not be able to participate in team drills until training camp.

His absence during organized team activities should give plenty of reps to Velasco, another versatile lineman who is also competing at right guard.

“They’re both built similar as far as size and height, and they’re both physical, strong guys,” Munchak said. “They have a lot of natural leverage. They can match up on any type of person, a quick guy or a big guy.

“Fernando’s getting a lot of reps at right guard work now, which is great for him. I think he can play right guard no problem in this league.”

In other words, Harris should be highly motivated when he returns to team drills.

“I definitely want to be out there,” Harris said. “I want (Stewart) to be used to working with me and I want to feel the same way with him. Right now there’s nothing I can really do about that, but I still feel like we’ll have (chemistry) when the season starts.”
több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Leigazoltuk Kyle DeVan guard-ot. Tavaly a Eagles-ben előtte pedig a Colts-ban játszott.

Közben Campbell továbbra is gőzerővel edz. Sajnos sok a hiba a játékában, de persze azon van,hogy azokat kijavítsa. A csapatnál a többi corner dícséri, hogy mennyit dolgozik.

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több mint 12 éve
Hamilkar Tennessee Titans 190
Tavalyi szezonunk összefoglalva:

Köszi! Már alig várom a szezonkezdetet! Még jó, hogy eb meg olimpia is lesz, mert így gyorsan repül az idő.
több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Tavalyi szezonunk összefoglalva:


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több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Nagy dilemma a csapatnál, hogy ki lesz a QB1. :rolleyes: Én azt mondtam tavaly, hogy kezdjen Matt és majd jövőre Jake... hát eljött az idő. 😊 Matt szerződése mondjuk nem ezt támasztaná alá, de hát Munchak meg Palmer kiokoskodja majd. 😉

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több mint 12 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Sehol semmi.... akkor itt egy kis Shaun Smith féle jóga 😀


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