Green Bay Packers - Oakland Raiders
1 feliratkozó
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meglesz a TD, ahogy haladnak
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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Waller mi a francnak ugrál ki az ellenséges zónába?Amúgy megint kiváló coverage volt
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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2 391
értem én, de ennyire.... vannak Alexandernél is hullámvölgyekNem biztos, hogy embereztek, Alexander zonahatarnal is megallhatott
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Tactful Cactus
13 847
Lehoztuk a negyedet WR elkapás nélkül.
LaFleurt a kávé!
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Estét!Just Win Baby!
" Szeretem a jeget, hagyjál békén. "
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értem én, de ennyire.... vannak Alexandernél is hullámvölgyek
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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hogy a faszba lehet ilyen üresen???Alexander volt talán
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Ez szep play volt.
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2 591
hogy a faszba lehet ilyen üresen???Alexander hagyta ott, gondoltam azt hitte, hogy valaki átveszi...
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3 297
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faszom ezekbe a rovid jatekokba
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hogy a faszba lehet ilyen üresen???
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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Tipikus Cable fal. Big gain helyett -10 hard buntetes.
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2 681
Ja, hogy ezért.
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2 681
Miért Carrier a fullback?
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TFL helyett -5, ostoba hiba.
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too many men.... azt hittem ilyet csak nekünk fújnak 😀
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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a nyomás még nem nagyon ér oda Carrhoz...
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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2 591
akkor nem Jones volt fent. hanem Williams és igen gyanús voltnem volt az holding?az Allison incomplete-nél? én Aaron Jonesnál véltem felfedezni holdingot
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1 854
Elsőre nekem is úgy tűnt, de az ismétlés alapján nemnem volt az holding?az Allison incomplete-nél? én Aaron Jonesnál véltem felfedezni holdingot