Jacksonville Jaguars

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner

Hays Carlyon: 7-9.
Gene Frenette: 7-9.
Ryan O’Halloran: 6-10.
Vito Stellino: 6-10.
Actual: 3-13.


Hays: Week 1 at Philadelphia.
Gene: Week 2 at Washington.
Ryan: Week 2 at Redskins.
Vito: Week 3 vs. Indianapolis.
Actual: Week 7 vs. Cleveland.


Hays: Week 7 vs. Cleveland.
Gene: Week 14 vs. Houston.
Ryan: Week 6 at Tennessee.
Vito: Week 14 vs. Houston.
Actual: Week 4 at San Diego.

Nem sok mindent sikerült eltalálni. 😀😀iktriad
Vito szerint bár Bortles nem kezd (csak a 14. héten), de ütöttétek volna a Coltsot Hennevel, majd egy laza 6-10-es szezon. kuc-kuc. sőt, hájpá, hájpá!

Sobri Jóska
Azt tudod amúgy, hogy ez a Vito Stellino a sportújságírók Hall of Famejének a tagja? 😀
OFF: Király a GIF!
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Őszentsége Sobri Jóska Jacksonville Jaguars 32 086 — #NoStress

Hays Carlyon: 7-9.
Gene Frenette: 7-9.
Ryan O’Halloran: 6-10.
Vito Stellino: 6-10.
Actual: 3-13.


Hays: Week 1 at Philadelphia.
Gene: Week 2 at Washington.
Ryan: Week 2 at Redskins.
Vito: Week 3 vs. Indianapolis.
Actual: Week 7 vs. Cleveland.


Hays: Week 7 vs. Cleveland.
Gene: Week 14 vs. Houston.
Ryan: Week 6 at Tennessee.
Vito: Week 14 vs. Houston.
Actual: Week 4 at San Diego.

Nem sok mindent sikerült eltalálni. 😀😀iktriad
Vito szerint bár Bortles nem kezd (csak a 14. héten), de ütöttétek volna a Coltsot Hennevel, majd egy laza 6-10-es szezon. kuc-kuc. sőt, hájpá, hájpá!

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Köszi Mustaine az infókat! Pár tudnivaló a 2 két érkezőről:
Dimke has spent time with Detroit, the Jets, Tampa Bay and New Orleans, but has never played in a regular season game. He made 39 of 46 field goal attempts at Illinois.

Deering spent a week with New England last May and three weeks with Oakland in this past season’s training camp. He played 48 games at Rutgers and worked at running back, receiver, kick returner and safety. For the Scarlet Knights, he had 130 rushes, 21 catches, 41 kick returns, 45 tackles, one interception and one pass break-up.
A Jaguars egyike azon 9 csapatnak (a másik 8 a Cleveland Browns, a Houston Texans, a Minnesota Vikings, a New York Giants a St. Louis Rams, a Tampa Bay Buccaneers és a Tennessee Titans) amelyet kijelölhet majd a liga, ha senki sem vállalja idén a Hard Knocksot önként.
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mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 093 — Chalk Dawk fan
Future contractot kapott Arrelious Benn WR, Jeremy Deering S, és Derek Dimke K.

Benn az Illinois egyetemre járt, második körben vitte a Buccaneers 2010-ben. 26 éves, 6'2" magas, tömege 220 font. A combineon 4.42-t futott 40-en, ami elég jónak számít, de a sebessége már megkopott, ugyanis miután az Eagleshez tradelték egyből elszakította az ACL-jét, így 2013-ban végig IR-en volt. Benn mellé egyébként egy hetedik körös picket adott a Bucs az Eaglesnek, cserébe egy hatodik és egy 2014-es kondícionális pick mellé (ebből nem kaptak semmit, gondolom aktív rosterhez volt kötve a pick kondíciója).

A 2013-as szezon után ki lett vágva, majd veteránminimumért újból aláírt. Én bíztam benne, hogy jó lehet, de Maclinnel ellentétben neki nem sikerült olyan jól visszatérni a komoly térdsérülésből. Nem nagy sztárokat kellett volna kiszorítania, csak mondjuk Brad Smitht vagy Jeff Maehlt, ehelyett szeptember 6-án injury settlementtel waivelte a csapat. A preseasonben egyébként az ő teljesítménye okozta a legnagyobb csalódást számomra, komolyan hittem benne, hogy 7-800 yardos receiver lehet nálunk. Ehelyett 3 elkapásból 61 yardot tudott felmutatni négy meccs alatt, ebből egy 43 yardos TD-t Barkley passzából.

A legjobb szezonja egyébként 2011-ben volt, amikor 14 kezdő meccsen 30 elkapásból 441 yardot kapott el. Ja és a középiskolában a második helyen rangsorolt WR volt az országban a rivals.com szerint.

Úgy gondolom, egy jó offseasonnel lehet esélye rosterre kerülni | , bár Hurns elhomályosít mindenkit. |

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Halloran az OC keresés jelenlegi állapotáról:

Source says "no updates," on Jaguars offensive coordinator search. Can't talk to guys on other staffs until they're eliminated. Look likes Jaguars are casting a pretty wide net to find the right guy.
Szerinte az új OC fog majd hozni pár új embert magával. Jerry Sullivan azért remélem mindenképpen marad!

Egy kis FTUs tippelde a szezon előttről.
In our Jaguars/NFL preview section in late August, we tried to make several predictions about the Jaguars’ season. Here is how we fared (hint: not well):


Hays Carlyon: 7-9.

Gene Frenette: 7-9.

Ryan O’Halloran: 6-10.

Vito Stellino: 6-10.

Actual: 3-13.

Comment: In a closest to the pin contest, none of us would have hit the green.


Hays: Week 1 at Philadelphia.

Gene: Week 2 at Washington.

Ryan: Week 2 at Redskins.

Vito: Week 3 vs. Indianapolis.

Actual: Week 7 vs. Cleveland.

Comment: Hays’ prediction was looking pretty good at halftime of the opener (Jaguars 17, Eagles 0). The other three picks were pathetic.


Hays: 5-5.

Gene: 4-6.

Ryan: 3-7.

Vito: 3-7.

Actual: 1-9.

Comment: The first 10 weeks were a debacle, period. I figured they would beat the Redskins, Cleveland and Tennessee before the bye.


Hays: 41.

Gene: 41.

Ryan: 37.

Vito: 35.

Actual: 45.

Comment: The Jaguars had 51 sacks in 2012-13 combined but for once, the Training Camp Talk about the pass rushing being improved became a reality.


Hays: Week 7 vs. Cleveland.

Gene: Week 14 vs. Houston.

Ryan: Week 6 at Tennessee.

Vito: Week 14 vs. Houston.

Actual: Week 4 at San Diego.

Comment: I picked the Titans game because I never thought the Jaguars would be afraid to give Bortles his first start in a road game.


Hays: 945.

Gene: 950.

Ryan: 843.

Vito: 1,118.

Actual: 326.

Comment: Nobody came within 500 – FIVE HUNDRED!! – yards with this prediction.


Hays: 110.

Gene: 86.

Ryan: 92.

Vito: 71.

Actual: 85.

Comment: Gene almost hit the bulls-eye on this one. Robinson had 48 catches and Lee 37 catches.


Hays: Nine.

Gene: Eight.

Ryan: Seven.

Vito: Seven.

Actual: Two.

Comment: Lewis missed eight games with a high ankle sprain and didn’t do much once he returned.


Hays: Nine.

Gene: Seven.

Ryan: 12.5.

Vito: Eight.

Actual: Eight.

Comment: Vito hit the mark on this one.


Hays: 21st.

Gene: 20th.

Ryan: 19th.

Vito: 20th.

Actual: 27th.

Comment: The first month of the season featured some of the worst rush defense in Jaguars history and the defense could never climb out of the bottom 10 teams.


Hays: 24th.

Gene: 26th.

Ryan: 26th.

Vito: 21st.

Actual: 32nd (last).

Comment: None of us have grandiose (Caldwell-ism) expectations for this offense … and they still finished well below the bar we set.
Nem sok mindent sikerült eltalálni. 😀😀
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Pete Prisco szerint elképzelhető, hogy Bradley sokkal futás orientáltabb offenset akar (a la Seahawks). Szerinte akár egy QB edző is jöhet OCnek vagy valaki egy run heavy offenseből (remélem nem Greg Romanre gondolt)
• The firing of offensive coordinator Jedd Fisch by Jaguars coach Gus Bradley came after the offense struggled for the second consecutive season. The Jaguars started six rookies together at times this season, including quarterback Blake Bortles, but I think the design of the offense is what led to Fisch's firing. Bradley wants a more run-heavy offense -- think Seattle -- to help take the pressure off Bortles. There is some talk that Marc Trestman could be in play, but I would think it wise to look in the direction of a position coach from a run-heavy offense, quite possibly a quarterback coach.
Mivel nincs Lynch kaliberű RBnnk, és Caldwell múlt kedden azt mondta az RB nem tartozik a legégetőbb needjeink közé, szóval ez érdekes felvetés. Én inkább a passzjátékra fektetném a hangsúlyt. Ha meg futni kell, arra ott van Bortles. 😀😀
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Egy "kis" statisztika parádé a tavalyi szezonunkról:

The Jaguars’ team offense and defense rankings at each of the season’s quarter poles:

Offense Yards Pts.

Week 4 31st 31st

Week 8 30th 32nd

Week 12 31st 32nd

Final 31st 32nd

(289.6) (15.6)

Defense Yards Pts.

Week 4 32nd 32nd

Week 8 25th 27th

Week 12 30th 32nd

Final 26th 26th

(370.8) (25.8)



QB: Blake Bortles 896, Chad Henne 141.

RB: Denard Robinson 391, Jordan Todman 307, Toby Gerhart 302, Will Ta’ufo’ou 230, Storm Johnson 65.

TE: Clay Harbor 482, Marcedes Lewis 432, Nic Jacobs 147, Mickey Shuler 96.

WR: Allen Hurns 788, Cecil Shorts 741, Allen Robinson 516, Marqise Lee 492, Mike Brown 101, Ace Sanders 59, Tommy Streeter 6.

OL: Zane Beadles 1,037, Luke Joeckel 982, Luke Bowanko 922, Brandon Linder 901, Austin Pasztor 492, Sam Young 396, Jacques McClendon 207, Cam Bradfield 108, Josh Wells 102, Tyler Shatley 44.


DL: Chris Clemons 789, Sen’Derrick Marks 719, Red Bryant 519, Roy Miller 482, Tyson Alualu 463, Ziggy Hood 416, Abry Jones 374, Andre Branch 329, Ryan Davis 305, Chris Smith 89.

LB: J.T. Thomas 714, Telvin Smith 705, Geno Hayes 572, Paul Posluszny 485, LaRoy Reynolds 115, Dekoda Watson 100, Jeremiah George 10.

DB: Johnathan Cyprien 982, Josh Evans 968, Dwayne Gratz 854, Demetrius McCray 811, Alan Ball 495, Will Blackmon 351, Aaron Colvin 277, Winston Guy 233, Sherrod Martin 134, Chris Prosinski 16, Jeremy Harris 11, Tommie Campbell 1.

Five players — Beadles, Bryant, Clemons, Joeckel and Marks — started every game.


The Jaguars label any rush of at least 12 yards and any catch of at least 16 yards as an “explosive” play.


The Jaguars had 90 explosive plays – 60 catches and 30 rushes. Included in that total were 58 plays of at least 20 yards. … The Jaguars’ 24 offensive touchdowns averaged 21.9 yards in length. The nine touchdown runs averaged 12.7 yards and the 15 touchdown passes averaged 27.4 yards. The Jaguars had 12 touchdowns of at least 20 yards.


The Jaguars allowed 122 explosive plays – 89 catches and 33 rushes. Included in that total were 75 plays of at least 20 yards. … The Jaguars’ 39 allowed touchdowns averaged 20.6 yards in length. The 15 touchdown runs averaged 13.1 yards and the 24 touchdown passes averaged 20.6 yards. Opponents had 12 touchdowns of at least 20 yards.


We booked the Jaguars for 125 missed tackles this year, an average of 7.8 per game. But things improved drastically after their Week 11 bye.

First 10 games: An average of 9.5 missed tackles per game (1-9 record). Double-digit missed tackle games against Philadelphia (16), Washington (13), Indianapolis (16), Cincinnati (11) and Dallas (12).

Last six games: An average of 5.0 missed tackles per game (2-4 record). No double-digit missed tackle games and none of more than six.

Safeties Johnathan Cyprien and Josh Evans led with 19 missed tackles apiece, followed by linebackers J.T. Thomas (14) and Telvin Smith (nine).

Defensive tackle Ziggy Hood was the only regular player to not be charged with a missed tackle.

Including sacks, the Jaguars were credited with 82 tackles for lost yardage, led by defensive tackle Sen’Derrick Marks (15), Smith (nine) and linebacker Geno Hayes (nine).


Top five tacklers: Johnathan Cyprien 111, Telvin Smith 99, Josh Evans 90, J.T. Thomas 81 and Paul Posluszny 69.

Pass break-ups: Dwayne Gratz 9, J.T. Thomas 5, Smith 4, Cyrpien 4 and five players with three apiece (Sen’Derrick Marks, Andre Branch, Chris Clemons, Demetrius McCray and Alan Ball).

Quarterback hurries: Marks 16, Ryan Davis 11, Clemons 10, Tyson Alualu 5 and Chris Smith 4.


* Opponents blitzed on 212 of the Jaguars’ 671 drop-backs this year (31.6 percent).

* The low percentage was 5.6 by Cincinnati in Week 9 (2 of 36 drop-backs) and the high percentage was 54.8 by Indianapolis in Week 12 (17 blitzes in 31 drop-backs). Washington’s 21 blitzes in Week 2 were the most by an opponent this year.

* The Jaguars’ 71 sacks allowed led the NFL this year. Thirty-nine of those sacks came when using five or more pass rushers.


Philadelphia (1987) 104

Arizona (1997) 78

Houston (2002) 76

Philadelphia (1987) 72

Oakland (2006) 72

Jaguars (2014) 71


Derek Carr, Hou.* (2002) 76

Tim Couch, Cle.* (1999) 56

Blake Bortles, Jags (2014) 55

Jake Plummer, Ari.(1997) 52

Dieter Brock, Rams (1985) 51

*Team in expansion year.


* The Jaguars’ defense blitzed on only 12.9 percent of the opposing quarterback’s drop-backs (81 of 627).

* The low percentage was 2.4 (1 of 41) against Pittsburgh’s Ben Roethlisberger in Week 5 and the high was 22.9 percent (8 of 35) against Miami’s Ryan Tannehill in Week 8. The Jaguars’ highest blitz total was nine against Indianapolis’ Andrew Luck in Week 3.

* The Jaguars’ 45 sacks were tied for sixth in the NFL, up from 20 in 2012 and 31 last year.

The breakdown by number of pass rushers

Rushed three: 1.

Rushed four: 37.

Rushed five: 5.

Rushed six: 1.

Rushed seven: 1.

In addition, the average time for a Jaguars sack was 3.24 seconds and the most popular down was third down (22 sacks), followed by second (13 sacks), first (nine sacks) and fourth (one sack) downs.


Where the Jaguars ranked to the NFL leader in several statistical categories (via STATS, Inc.):

Rushes of 10-plus yards: 1. Seattle 83; 17. Jaguars 44.

First-and-10 rushing yards: 1. Dallas 1,532; 28. Jaguars 699.

Percentage of rushing plays: 1. Houston 51.9; 29. Jaguars 36.4.

Completions of at least 25 yards: T1. Denver/Pittsburgh/Indianapolis 43; T24. Jaguars 25.

Pass attempts: 1. Indianapolis 661; 16. Jaguars 557.

Red zone completion percentage: 1. Denver 66.0; 32. Jaguars 37.2.

Red zone passer rating: 1. Denver 110.8; 31. Jaguars 65.0.

Yards per pass attempt: 1. Dallas 8.42; 31. Jaguars 6.20.

Yards after catch: 1. Washington 2,323; 17. Jaguars 1,850.

Dropped passes: 1. Indianapolis 40; T3. Jaguars 28.


* The Jaguars finished 25th in the NFL with a minus-6 turnover margin – 26 giveaways and 20 takeaways. The margin is identical as last year.

* The Jaguars were minus-11 in the first 10 games, including a stretch of no takeaways in losses to Washington, Indianapolis and San Diego.

* When they won the turnover margin, the Jaguars were 1-4 (beat the Giants and lost to Philadelphia, Cincinnati, at Indianapolis and at Houston).

* When they lost the turnover margin, the Jaguars were 0-8 (lost to Washington, Indianapolis, San Diego, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Miami and Dallas).

* When the margin was even, the Jaguars were 2-1 (beat Cleveland and Tennessee and lost to Baltimore).

* The Jaguars’ 20 takeaways were 14 fumble recoveries (Telvin Smith, Josh Evans and Ryan Davis led with two apiece), which was second in the NFL, and six interceptions (two by J.T. Thomas and one apiece by Smith, Dwayne Gratz, Alan Ball and Sherrod Martin), which was tied for last with the Jets and Kansas City. The Jaguars’ ranked third with 19 forced fumbles, which was a franchise record.

* The Jaguars scored 72 points off takeaways, including a franchise-record three defensive touchdowns.

* The Jaguars’ 26 giveaways were eight lost fumbles (two by Denard Robinson and one apiece by six players) 18 interceptions (17 by Blake Bortles and one by Chad Henne). The Jaguars’ 15 fumbles were third-fewest in the league and they didn’t lose a fumble in the last five games.

* Opponents scored 80 points off Jaguars’ giveaways (including five defensive touchdowns), but only 10 points in the last six games.


The Jaguars’ 73 enforced penalties were fewest in the NFL and they weren’t assessed more than 60 yards in penalties in a single game.


Player No. Yds.

QB Blake Bortles 6 35

DE Chris Clemons 4 20

C Luke Bowanko 4 34

LB LaRoy Reynolds 4 29

CB Demetrius McCray 4 27

LT Luke Joeckel 4 35

* The Jaguars’ most common penalties were offensive holding (17), false start (nine), unnecessary roughness (eight), delay of game (four) and defensive holding (four). … Thirty-six Jaguars penalties were declined.


Distance of his 11 touchdowns: 63, 10, 2, 20, 31, 48, 40, 18, 30, 4 and 4 yards.

Completions of at least 16 yards: 53.

Breakdown of 17 interceptions: In Jaguars territory – Eight. In opponent’s red zone – Five. Returned for touchdowns – Four. Inside own 20-yard line – None.

Three-and-outs: 36 possessions.

Rushing highlights: Fifty-six rushes for 419 yards (7.5-yard average) but no touchdowns. Bortles ranked fourth among NFL quarterbacks in rushing yards, trailing Seattle’s Russell Wilson, Carolina’s Cam Newton and San Francisco’s Colin Kaepernick.


* The Jaguars’ offense was 31st in the NFL in red zone touchdown percentage – 40.6 percent (13 touchdowns in 32 trips). They scored on 24 red zone possessions.

* The offense was at 100 percent in three games – 1-for-1 against the Colts (Week 3) and 2-for-2 at San Diego (Week 4), at Tennessee (Week 6) and against Tennessee (Week 16).

* The Jaguars’ defense led the NFL in touchdown percentage for part of the year but finished eighth (48.2 percent, 27 touchdowns in 56 possessions). Opponents scored on 49 of 56 possessions.

* Opponents were at 100 percent in three games – 3-for-3 against the Giants (Week 13) and both Houston games (Weeks 14 and 17). The Jaguars’ defense dropped down in the rankings because opponents went a combined 11-of-14 over the final five games.


* The Jaguars were never higher than 26th in third down offense and finished the year 29th, converting on 31.9 percent of their opportunities (69 of 216).

* The Jaguars started terrible (2 of 14 at Philadelphia) and finished terrible (0 of 11 at Houston, only the fourth time in franchise history they’ve gone without one conversion).

A breakdown:

3 or fewer yards to go: 22-of-46, 47.8 percent.

4-7 yards to go: 26-of-65, 40 percent.

8 or more yards to go: 21-of-105, 20 percent.

* The root of the problem was shoddy early-down work to set up third-and-long situations – the Jaguars needed 8 or more yards on a whopping 48.6 percent of their third down opportunities.


* Punter Bryan Anger’s 47.5-yard gross average was tied for the NFL lead with Washington’s Tress Way. Anger led the league in punts of at least 60 yards (12). His 39.6-yard net average was tied for 15th and his 94 punts were second-most.

* Kicker Josh Scobee 20-of-26 on field goals. He was 3-of-3 from 20-29 yards, 7-of-8 from 30-39 yards, 7-of-9 from 40-49 yards and 3-of-6 from 50-plus yards. Three of his six misses were blocks.

* On kickoffs, 54 of Scobee’s 60 non-onside attempts reached the end zone. He had 37 touch-backs and opponents had an average starting position of the 21.2-yard line. Scobee was tied for 20th in touch-backs.

* The Jaguars had two successful onside kicks – an expected attempt late in the Week 6 loss at Tennessee and a surprise onside kick in the Week 15 loss at Baltimore.

* LaRoy Reynolds led the Jaguars with 10 special teams tackles.

* The Jaguars finished 12th in kick returns, 22nd in punt returns and 16th in both punt and kick coverage.
Jó böngészést! 😀
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
AZ FTU (Gene Frenette) éves osztályzatai:
The Jaguars’ “race to maturity” evolved in some positive ways for about a dozen rookies or second-year players but failed to produce desired on-field results.
That’s the takeaway from a 2014 season in which the Jaguars regressed in terms of record — posting their second-worst mark (3-13) in franchise history and going winless on the road for the second time (2003) — but had future core players make advances in their individual performance.

Rookies like cornerback Demetrius McCray, linebacker Telvin Smith, cornerback Aaron Colvin, guard Brandon Linder and receiver Allen Robinson were among those showing great promise.

But as the final report card suggests, the Jaguars, featuring the NFL’s youngest roster (average age 25.5), will struggle to become relevant until quarterback Blake Bortles and the offense as a unit becomes something opponents can genuinely fear.


D+ The good news is a pedestrian running game didn’t set a franchise low for rushing yards for the third consecutive year. There were flashes of a dynamic attack in wins over Cleveland and Tennessee, but bad teams fall behind too often and tend to abandon running the ball. The Jaguars’ 346 attempts were fifth-lowest in the NFL.

Denard Robinson emerged as a potential future second back with a team-leading 582 rushing yards and respectable 4.3-yard average. But he tailed off in his last four games before going on injured reserve with a foot injury, which is more evidence the Jaguars don’t have a true feature back.

Toby Gerhart, signed as a free agent in hopes of maybe becoming an heir apparent to Maurice Jones-Drew, was either too injured or not the best fit for the Jaguars’ zone-blocking scheme. He averaged only 3.2 yards per carry.

A struggling offensive line made it difficult to ignite the running game, but an overall 4.5-yard average per carry was a full yard better than during the team’s 0-6 start. Bortles, effective on read-option plays, helped that along by rushing for 419 yards. However, there’s no denying the Jaguars had a difficult time getting meaningful rushing yards, especially when the outcome was still in doubt.


F An opinion put forth last spring by Jaguars general manager Dave Caldwell — expressing doubt about any drafted quarterback playing respectably as a rookie — proved to be spot-on, including for Bortles.

Once he replaced Chad Henne as the starter in Week 4 at San Diego, he showed some early flashes but couldn’t sustain any success. It didn’t help that Allen Robinson (48 catches, 548 yards, 2 TDs) missed the last six games after undergoing season-ending foot surgery.

While the experience of starting 12 games should prove beneficial next year, Bortles endured serious growing pains. His 69.5 passer rating was the worst in the NFL, and only fellow rookie Derek Carr of the Oakland Raiders finished lower than Bortles (6.1 yards) in yards per attempt.

Poor pass protection didn’t help as Jaguars quarterbacks were sacked 71 times, second-worst in the NFL in the last decade. Bortles must do a better job with decision-making and getting the ball out quicker. One encouraging thing for the future is three rookie receivers (Allen Hurns, Marquis Lee and Robinson) combined for 136 catches and 1,647 yards.


C- After losing middle linebacker Paul Posluszny in Week 7 to a season-ending injury, the run defense took a substantial dip as opposing teams went from averaging 115 yards per game to 139.6 yards.

Only three backs — Cincinnati’s Jeremy Hill, Dallas’ DeMarco Murray and Houston’s Arian Foster — ran for 100 yards against the Jaguars. But considering the resources the front office invested into revamping the defensive line with Chris Clemons, Red Bryant and Ziggy Hood, they didn’t stop the run as consistently as Gus Bradley wanted.

If the Jaguars bring Posluszny back as expected, the emergence of Telvin Smith (99 tackles in 10 starts) at outside linebacker would make them a formidable pairing and likely improve the run defense.


C The Jaguars got off to an atrocious start by allowing 11 TD passes in the first four games, then settled down with only 13 in the final 12 games. They made great strides in pressuring the quarterback, improving from 31 sacks last year to 45, and led the NFL with 12 sack/forced fumbles.

Sen’Derrick Marks (8.5 sacks), Chris Clemons (7.5) and reliable backup Ryan Davis (6.5) accounted for half the team’s sacks, which should only get better with a major acquisition in free agency or the draft.

But here’s a problem that must be addressed: A better pass rush didn’t translate into the defense getting its hands on many balls. The Jaguars had only six interceptions (just three by secondary) and 49 pass breakups all season. The team needs help at free safety, and the ascension of young corners McCray and Colvin should allow the Jaguars to be more successful in that department.


C In some instances, this unit was a liability in critical moments that contributed to losses. Kicker Josh Scobee had the league's fourth-lowest field goal percentage (.769, 20 of 26), his lowest since 2009, and had a career-high four blocked kicks.

Bryan Anger was one of the NFL’s most consistent in booming punts, finishing second in gross average (47.5 yards) and leading with 12 punts of 60-plus yards. Anger’s net average was 39.6 yards, putting him 16th in the league.

The return game had mixed results. Jordan Todman had a respectable 25.6-yard average on kick returns (8th in NFL), though none longer than 40 yards. Ace Sanders made no progress as a punter returner, finishing with only a 7.1-yard average, and will likely lose that job in 2015.


D+ While the overall roster is better than last year, and it was understood that playing a rookie quarterback would make things difficult, the on-field results make it tough to justify a higher grade.

Gus Bradley’s defense was solid enough to win more games, but a pathetic offense that averaged an NFL-low 15.6 points per game led to the firing of coordinator Jedd Fisch. If that unit doesn’t improve significantly next year, Bradley will find himself squarely on the hot seat.

Bradley has done a fine job of keeping the players bought-in to his program, but a 7-25 record in two years would get most coaches fired. Owner Shad Khan’s patience with losing to this degree might not extend beyond next season.
A pass offense nála megbukott(WTF?) a legjobb osztályzat egy C (pass defense). Elég szőrös szívű érdemjegyek.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Úgy tűnik Adam Scheintól kapta Anger az 1 All-Pro szavazatát:
My AP all- pro defense: Watt, Cox, Dareus, Suh, Houston, Dumervil, Kuechly, Wagner, Sherman, Revis, Thomas, Chancellor, Anger‏
Vajon mennyit fizetett neki ezért Eisen? 😀

a szemetek
menj a Tampa topikba, nem elég nekik, hogy Lovie Smith a HC, de még a szurkolók is ratyik 😀Stez
Már egy jó ideje nagy gondol vannak Tampában, csak senki sem akar ezzel foglalkozni..
több mint 9 éve
Stez SMU Mustangs 43 249 — Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
a szemetek
menj a Tampa topikba, nem elég nekik, hogy Lovie Smith a HC, de még a szurkolók is ratyik 😀

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ketten kaptak összesen 3 szavazatot az All-Pro szavazásokon:
Marks kettőt... éééééééés Anger 1et. Utóbbi sokak szerint nem játszott túl jól, de úgy tűnik ez nem zavarta a kedves szavazót.
Anger doesn't make sense though. His place on the list (alongside Marshawn Lynch's inclusion as a fullback) only proves how ridiculousness All-Pro voting has gotten. Anger is in the top-five in the following categories: Punts, Punt Yards, and Gross Average. That doesn't mean Anger was a good punter, it means our offense sucked and he punted a lot.
😀😀 😀😀 😀😀 😀😀 😀😀
Vajon ez ugyanaz a tag, aki a rookie évében is rá szavazott? Mert ha igen, akkor szerintem ebben Rich Eisen keze van. 😀

És a Nielsen Scarborough cég felmérései alapján a Jaguars fanbase a 21. leglojálisabb szurkolótábor volt az elmúlt 1 évben a 32 csapatból, beelőzve a 2 két másik floridai csapatot is többek között:
Úgy tűnik lassan tényleg idejétmúltá válnak a Jaguarsnak nincsenek szurkolói" alapú viccek, amelyekkel az utóbbi időkben rendszeresen frocliztak minket.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Az utolsó pénteki filmelemzés a 2014es szezonról Telvin Smith sebességére, és Bortles hibáira fókuszál a rutin feladatoknál
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Egy fun fact iktriadnak:
2014 volt az az év, amikor Gabbertnek jobb volt a QB ratingje, és a TD/INT aránya is mint Bradynek, Breesnek vagy Lucknak. 😉Sobri Jóska
Én tudom még fokozni is: ő dobta a 49ers egyetlen TD passzát 2014ben a 4. negyedben(a Broncos ellen a garbage timeban egy SNFen!). De sajnos Harbaugh nem állította be kezdeni egyszer sem, így nem jön érte még egy extra pick idén. 😕
több mint 9 éve
Őszentsége Sobri Jóska Jacksonville Jaguars 32 086 — #NoStress
Egy fun fact iktriadnak:
2014 volt az az év, amikor Gabbertnek jobb volt a QB ratingje, és a TD/INT aránya is mint Bradynek, Breesnek vagy Lucknak. 😉

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Brian Sexton videójegyzete a jövőről:
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Úgy tűnik a Patriotsnál még mindig nem tudnak a tavalyi logó és sisak cserénkről. 😀😀

A Jags facebookon próbálta őket emlékeztetni erre. 😀😀
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Szezonértékelő kerekasztal beszélgetés:
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A Pro Fotball Focus egyik elemzője, Tony Pisano (@PFF_TonyP) twitteren kiírta, hogy szerinte ki volt az 5 legjobb játékos a posztján. CB poszton egy ismerős nevet találtam az 5 között!
Top 5 CBs for 2014 (no order)
Vontae Davis
Chris Harris Jr.
Richard Sherman
Demetrius McCray
Darrelle Revis
McCray szerintem ennyire még nem jó, de kétségtelen, hogy megtette azt a nagy előrelépést, amit sokaktól vártak a 2. évükben, de sajnos keveseknek sikerült (Denard és Abry Jones tehető ide még).
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Köszönet a jókívánságokért! Boldog Új Esztendőt Mindenkinek!

U.I.: Tényleg radar alatt repülünk... a Tampánál nem tűnt fel senkinek, hogy nem olyan hiábavaló dolog, ha a te stábod készíti fel valamelyik csapatot a Senior Bowl-on? Speciel a Jax csak nyert rajta. Mindegy ők tudják, én személy szerint nagyon örülök, hogy Gus-ék újra mennek.N-Drew
A Bucsnál biztos úgy vannak vele, hogy ha Mariota bejön, leszarják, hogy mi lesz a többi pickkel. 😀
Ha tényleg az OC hiánya és keresése miatt mondták le elsősorban a Mobilebeli edzősködést, az tényleg nagyon vicces, annak tükrében, hogy mi ugyanabban a cipőben járunk jelenleg, és mind Caldwell, mind Bradley teljesen fel volt villanyozva a a lehetőségtől.
Szerintem Phil Savage(a Seniorbowl igazgatója) is nagyon örül nekünk, a tavalyi év tükrében.
Ja a túloldalon majd ott lesz többek közt Mike Mularkey is egy teljes hétig. Remélem idén is elküld minden Jags riportert és FTUs a bánatba, ha interjút akarnak kérni tőle....
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N-Drew Jacksonville Jaguars 516 — Jaguars fan
Köszönet a jókívánságokért! Boldog Új Esztendőt Mindenkinek!

U.I.: Tényleg radar alatt repülünk... a Tampánál nem tűnt fel senkinek, hogy nem olyan hiábavaló dolog, ha a te stábod készíti fel valamelyik csapatot a Senior Bowl-on? Speciel a Jax csak nyert rajta. Mindegy ők tudják, én személy szerint nagyon örülök, hogy Gus-ék újra mennek.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Hatalmas az új képed Ik😀phylos
Danke. 😀
Egyébként akármiylen szarok voltunk az elmúlt 4 évben, csak egyszer lettünk utolsóak a divizióban! Az elmúlt 4 évbern mindig más lett utolsó:
2011: Colts
2012: Jaguars
2013: Texan
2014: Titans
És ez az utolsó hely vagy 1/1et, vagy 1/2t ért a drafton az aktuális csoportnegyediknek. Nagyon kemény divízió a mienk. 😀😀

Ryan O'Halloran összefoglalta 3 pontban, hogy miért lett menesztve Jedd:
Reading between the lines the last few weeks leading to Fisch's firing
1. Player saying there was disconnect between Fisch and Bortles.
2. Fisch two weeks ago, talking about Bortles' off-season goals, but last week, refusing to talk about anything beyond Houston game.
3. Player saying Fisch-Bortles dynamic wasn't great on practice field in terms of teaching.
A 2. pont azt sugallja, hogy Jedd már érezhetett valamit a jövőjével kapcsolatban. Egyébként idénre is ki van fizetve, mert 3 éves szerződést írt alá tavaly januárban.
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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Hatalmas az új képed Ik😀

Made... Laid... Paid
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 424 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Utórezgések tegnapról Fisch ügyben:

Bortles teljesen meg volt lepve, hogy kirúgtuk Fischt, az írta smsben Hallorennek, úygy készült, hogy Jedd lesz idén is az OC:

“I had no idea [the news was coming],” Bortles told the Times-Union in a phone interview Tuesday night. “I took the mindset when I left [the facility Monday] that Jedd was going to be my offensive coordinator.”
Fisch az FTU megkeresésére ennyit írt mindösszesen válaszként:
I loved my time here.
Blake azt mondta nagy szerű viszonyban voltak Fis chel:

Bortles said he and Fisch had an “awesome” relationship..

“I told Jedd from Day One that I wanted him to coach me hard because that was what I was accustomed to from playing for [coach] George O’Leary at UCF,” Bortles said. “Jedd treated me very fairly and when we did have disagreements, we were able to talk through them, work things out and get a solution or compromise.”
Na ez azért érdekes, mert Bradley is célozgatott rá, hogy nem a megfelelően bánt Jedd Blakekel és játékosok is azt mondták az FTUnak, hogy nem volt minden zökkenőmentes a két ember között, főleg Jedd miatt!

*Two weeks ago, one player said there was a disconnect between Fisch and quarterback Blake Bortles. The player thought Fisch's approach with Bortles on the practice field wasn't ideal.
Bradley ezt mondta Trestmanről és az elvárásokról az új OC felé:
Asked specifically about Trestman, Bradley said: “I know Marc. Marc’s a good person, but I haven’t thought that much into it yet.”

Overall, Bradley said of the new coordinator: “I hope he would have some experience. I want the best fit for us. If he’s a former head coach who has former play-calling experience and fits into your culture and will help us get better.”
Azt mondta reméli egyben marad a támadó stáb, bár meghagyja a lehetőséget az új OCnek, hogy esetleg hozzon magával embereket.
Bradley said his defensive staff would remain in place, led by coordinator Bob Babich. He’s hopeful to retain offensive position coaches, but left room for the new coordinator to bring in some of his choices.
Remélem Scelfo(Blake miatt) és Sullivan(A WRek miatt) mindenképpen marad 2015re is.
Egyébként ha addig nem lesz új OC, valószínűleg Jerry Sullivan tölti majd be a Seniorbowlon ezt a szerepkört, és fogja hívni a playeket.

Csatlakozva az előttem szolokhoz én is minden kedves fórumoznak, főleg a Jags fanoknak szerencsében, boldogságban, egészségben és örömökben gazdag új évet kívánok, a Jaguarsnak meg egy nagyon erős offseasont és minimum 7-9es mérleget az új évre!
több mint 9 éve
phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Nagyon boldog Új esztendőt erőt és főleg sok egésséget kívánok minden amerikai foci rajongónak itt a fórumon speciel Iktriadnak Makának Húsrágónak N-Drewnak Phylosnak családjaiknak és a többi Jaguars rajongóknak és szimpatizásoknak is. Reméljük szebb szezonban lesz részünk és jövőre e tájt még a Jaguars játékban lesz 😀 Duvááál.m-bryo
Hasonló szépeket kívánok én is. Jövőre legyen playoff is 😀

Made... Laid... Paid
több mint 9 éve
m-bryo Jacksonville Jaguars 1 017 — Jaguars fan
Nagyon boldog Új esztendőt erőt és főleg sok egésséget kívánok minden amerikai foci rajongónak itt a fórumon speciel Iktriadnak Makának Húsrágónak N-Drewnak Phylosnak npetiinek családjaiknak és a többi Jaguars rajongóknak és szimpatizásoknak is. Reméljük szebb szezonban lesz részünk és jövőre e tájt még a Jaguars játékban lesz 😀 Duvááál.