NFL eredménykövetés - 3 aktív topik
Green Bay Packers - San Francisco 49ers
Las Vegas Raiders - Denver Broncos
Seattle Seahawks - Arizona Cardinals
Indianapolis Colts - Tennessee Titans
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15 617
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nem, mert ebbol nincs pont.Kekeckedtek? 😛😛😀 Nem elég ez???? :cool:Stev85MMMS MIt mondtam?? NA MIT MONDTAM???? 😀😀😀😀😀😀:😀Stev85pick6rol volt szo 😀MMMS
the area dividing the brain and the soul/is affected in many ways by experience –/some lose all mind and become soul: insane./some lose all soul and become mind: intellectual./some lose both and become: accepted.
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na egy Hail Maryt a végére , küldjük fel Da'Rickot, DHB-t, Fleenert, Havilit 😀
"Overjoyed, the wolf devours his leg that's been torn off by a trap. Praised be the day that gave me food, he cries."
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4. sack, de meg lennék lepve ha még ugyanennyit nem kapna ma
Hungarian Indianapolis Colts Fan Club I'll always be a Colt. Always! - Peyton Manning
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vagod stez nekunk tul sok a 2 perc. legkozelebb 40 mpvel kell atvenni a labdat es tdig megyunk XD
the area dividing the brain and the soul/is affected in many ways by experience –/some lose all mind and become soul: insane./some lose all soul and become mind: intellectual./some lose both and become: accepted.
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a faszomat már, hogy az OL nem képes megtartani a zsebet
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Kekeckedtek? 😛😛😀 Nem elég ez???? :cool:MMMS MIt mondtam?? NA MIT MONDTAM???? 😀😀😀😀😀😀:😀Stev85pick6rol volt szo 😀MMMS
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hányadik sack volt első félidőben már? 4.? 5.?
"Overjoyed, the wolf devours his leg that's been torn off by a trap. Praised be the day that gave me food, he cries."
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MMMS MIt mondtam?? NA MIT MONDTAM???? 😀😀😀😀😀😀:😀Stev85pick6rol volt szo 😀
the area dividing the brain and the soul/is affected in many ways by experience –/some lose all mind and become soul: insane./some lose all soul and become mind: intellectual./some lose both and become: accepted.
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MMMS MIt mondtam?? NA MIT MONDTAM???? 😀😀😀😀😀😀:😀Stev85pick sixet mondtál...😀😀
"Overjoyed, the wolf devours his leg that's been torn off by a trap. Praised be the day that gave me food, he cries."
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1 820
ez nemigaz...xD
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sírok...... 😀 ekkora mázlista faszt
Hungarian Indianapolis Colts Fan Club I'll always be a Colt. Always! - Peyton Manning
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MMMS MIt mondtam?? NA MIT MONDTAM???? 😀😀😀😀😀😀:😀
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Vaughn elit
"Overjoyed, the wolf devours his leg that's been torn off by a trap. Praised be the day that gave me food, he cries."
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na kinek az embere kapta el...
Hungarian Indianapolis Colts Fan Club I'll always be a Colt. Always! - Peyton Manning
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1 820
Pat legalább józan
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balra ki tudott volna futni, 4 yard kellett nem 30 ....mi a faszra vársz Luck?Borbinhovalószínűleg üres célpontra 😀Farky
"Overjoyed, the wolf devours his leg that's been torn off by a trap. Praised be the day that gave me food, he cries."
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mi a faszra vársz Luck?Borbinhovalószínűleg üres célpontra 😀
Hungarian Indianapolis Colts Fan Club I'll always be a Colt. Always! - Peyton Manning
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2 fumble, te is baszott jó vagy ma Lucky, jó fos heteidet éled
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1 820
Mér nem futottad meg?!
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mi a faszra vársz Luck?
"Overjoyed, the wolf devours his leg that's been torn off by a trap. Praised be the day that gave me food, he cries."
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Felelmetes, hogy iden mennyire nem kiralykodunk 2 minute drillnel, bezzeg tavaly elore reszketett tolunk az ellenfel.
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elképesztően szar a pass protection
Hungarian Indianapolis Colts Fan Club I'll always be a Colt. Always! - Peyton Manning