NCAA eredménykövetés NCAA eredménykövetés - 1 aktív topik

Las Vegas Raiders

37 feliratkozó

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Surda Las Vegas Raiders 3 290
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dande2 Philadelphia Eagles Penn State Nittany Lions 40 851 — Így remélem megfelelek nektek.....
Te jóèg 😱☺️nagyon rendesek ezek ott a Patsnèl....(nem elvève a ti èrdemeitek 😊)
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ZERO_L New England Patriots 4 444 — situational football
Élőben sem értettem, most sem értem, hogy mi volt a terv a végén.
Amadeus von Dollárbaloldal
Visszaadtuk a tuck rule gamet.

We are even.

"Rodney, we are not gonna lose this game... You know why? Because we have Tom Brady" Ty Law /February 1, 2004/
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 634
Élőben sem értettem, most sem értem, hogy mi volt a terv a végén.

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 257 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Az év(tized?) Raiders (meccsnyertes) TD-je is megszületett.
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 634
So after our embarrassing loss to the Saints, I finally decided to sign up for All-22 to see if watching the bird's eye view and different angles would clue me on in why our offense sucked and was so inconsistent.

So since Week 7, I've been watching the offense after each game and taking notes. I've felt it's given me some good perspective on if the scheme sucks, if players just aren't getting open, if it's the line, if Carr sucks, etc. I've been posting these in the discord every week, but it was mentioned in the Carr thread that I should try posting them on here.

My qualifications:
• I played shitty HS football but we all sucked
• I watch this shit organization every week
• I can draft better than Mike Mayock

• I took screengrabs the first week I did this, and it is a MASSIVE increase in time requirement compared to just typed notes. So I stopped doing that. No screengrabs cause I'm lazy, just stream of consciousness of what I'm seeing.
• I don't watch the defense. I'm not a sadistic fuck, no one in their right mind would torture themselves like that.
• I'm not a huge Carr fan (used to be) but I try my best to be objective. The last two weeks before this Rams game I was actually praising him in my recaps, hoping that he had turned a corner. Then this game happened...
• As you can see from my qualifications, I'm just an armchair guy. I have no real expertise except playing low level football and watching it my whole life. Lower your expectations.

If ya'll want me to keep posting it every week I will, but anyways here's the wall of text:

1st half 1st drive (TOUCHDOWN):
• 1st and 10: I-form offset, handoff Jacobs. Good blocking by the line, Rams stay disciplined in gaps, Jacobs slides through a gap on the left side for 4 yards.
• 2nd and 6: I-form offset, fake jet sweep to Adams, handoff Jacobs to the right side. Decent blocking by the line, but Jacobs actually misses a cutback here which likely gets him ~5 yards and the first down, and instead plows into the right side for a gain of 1 yard.
• 3rd and 5: Shotgun, Rams rush 4, good blocking by the line. Rams overload a short zone underneath on Adams side and play him 1 on 1 with Ramsey. They have their safety over the top of the left of the formation on Hollins / Cole. Carr has good recognition and a good throw over the top to Adams for 30+ yards while Adams gets his arm held.
• 1st and 10: I-form offset, Rams have 7 in the box. Misdirection handoff, Eleumenor doesn’t whiff his block but he isn’t able to crack down and seal the defender. Defender gets some penetration which causes Jacobs to hesitate before making a cut for 1yard.
• 2nd and 9: Singleback, Carr drops back, slants and outs for the receivers. Line attempts to cut block at the tackles, wasn’t a successful cut but delays enough for Carr to make the right read but he throws it behind Hollins who slows down and tries to adjust but drops it. Not a great throw but should have been caught.
• 3rd and 9: Split gun, motion Abdullah out to wide left, quick screen to Abdullah, Abdullah makes a great move and Hollins lays a great block, Parham is able to pull and get down field and gain of 13 on the play.
• 1st and 10: Singleback, line doesn’t block particularly well but Zeus makes a nice cutback for a gain of 4. Illegal hands to the face by the defense so no play.
• 1st and 10: I-form, Rams have 8 defenders in the box. Off-tackle handoff to Jacobs, line does a good job of blocking but Rams are disciplined and fill holes, Jacobs gains 2 off the edge.
• 2nd and 8: Shotgun, Rams only rush 4. The line has good blocking and Devante Adams is being single covered BY A LINEBACKER. Eleumenor is getting pushed back a bit in the pocket but is holding his block. Carr stares right at Adams but decides to scramble even though his pocket is holding and misses Adams breaking in front of the linebacker to the left of the field, which would have easily been a 5+ yard gain. Carr scrambles off the right side for 3 yards.
• 3rd and 5: Singleback, fake misdirection right with a quick flip toss to Jacobs on the left. Great blocks by Cole and Adams on the outside for a gain of 11 yards.
• 1st and goal: Power I, Parham gets pushed back which doesn’t allow Johnson to get through to make a block. Half yard gain for Jacobs.
• 2nd and goal: Power I, handoff Jacobs off the right side for a TD.

1st half 2nd drive (FIELD GOAL):
• 1st and 10: I-form, playaction Jacobs. Great blocking by the line. Carr’s primary read here is Moreau who gets held by the LB and falls down. Hollins and Adams both not open, Carr eventually checks down to Johnson for 3 yards. Correct read and play. Negated by the defensive holding on Moreau.
• 1st and 10: Shotgun, on the snap Carr is looking at Hollins on a deep go route. Rams bring 5, Simpson misses on his block. On the left side of the play in the slot is Devante, who is wide open on a 5 yard curl. Carr is able to step up and slide past the defender Simpson missed, and then finally Carr looks left and sees Devante is open. But by this time he’d been sitting in his curl for over 2 seconds, the nickel CB is able to jump the route and is almost intercepted. If Devante is the first read here it’s a free 5 yards.
• 2nd and 10: Singleback, fake handoff to Jacobs to the right and reverse to Hollins off the left side. Great blocks by Cole and Adams again, Hollins gains 16 yards.
• 1st and 10: I-form, Rams have 7 in the box. Off tackle left to Jacobs, again decent blocking by the line but Rams just stay disciplined. Gain of 3.
• 2nd and 7: Split gun, Rams bring 4. Eleumenor is pushed back but is still holding his block. As soon as Eleumenor is pushed back Carr starts to visibly dance/happy feet as the pressure gets there. Adams is going to be open on this play on a crossing route across the middle but Carr moves on from it too quickly / doesn’t anticipate it’s gonna be open. Jacobs is open on the play for a 5 yard out route. Cole finds a hole in the zone on a 15 yard dig and starts waving his hands. Carr stares at him, has a clean pocket, but thinks he feels pressure and scrambles forward. He then sees Cole who has been sitting in the hole in the zone and hits him. Not the best play for Carr’s pocket presence but at least he eventually hits one of the three open receivers on the play for 11 yards.
• 1st and 10: singleback, motion to I-form, handoff Jacobs against a 6 man box. Simpson gets pushed back a bit, Jacobs is able to push the pile forward for 4 yards.
• 2nd and 6: I-form offset, Rams have 8 defenders in the box. Carr drops back, Rams bring 5 on a delayed LB blitz who comes clean off the pocket. Both Adams and Moreau are open on this play, but Carr with the free blitzer checks down to Johnson for 1 yard. Would have wanted him to go to Adams but with the free blitzer a checkdown is understandable.
• 3rd and 5: Shotgun, draw to Jacobs. Both Simpson and Parham get beat here, Simpson’s defender causes Jacobs to make an early cut and then Parham’s defender makes the tackle for a 1 yard gain.
• 4th and 4: FG is good.

1st half 3rd drive (FIELD GOAL):
• 1st and 10: I-form, misdirection handoff of the left side, looks like good blocking but Jacobs trips a bit and then just dives for a 4 yard gain.
• 2nd and 6: Shotgun, Rams rush 4 and play cover 2 underneath. Great recognition by Carr to see his primary read (Moreau) was covered, move to the right side of the field and see Adams running a go route is covered, and then seeing that Adams go route cleared out for Hollins on a curl. Decisive throw, gain of 7 yards.
• 1st and 10: singleback, draw to Jacobs. Rams only have 6 in the box and Jacobs makes them pay for it with an 8 yard gain. Ilegal use of hands to face by Rams again negates the run.
• 1st and 10: Shotgun, again only 6 in the box and Jacobs takes a draw, makes a jump cut off the right side for 5 yards.
• 2nd and 5: Shotgun, draw to Jacobs followed by an end around to Hollins. Carr does a great job sealing the edge here which is what allows Hollins to get the edge and gain 16 yards. Adams with another good block too.
• 1st and 10: Shotgun, Rams bring 4. There is again good blocking but Carr scrambles as soon as his pocket is moved backwards (even though they are staying with their blocks!). By scrambling to his right when he didn’t need to, he misses Moreau OPEN on the seam for 15 yards and Jacobs open on a checkdown curl to the left against a LB. Cole does a good job on the sideline as Carr scrambles of adjusting his route and sitting on the sideline for an 11 yard gain. Play worked out in the end but there was no reason to shift the pocket yet and there were missed opportunities because of it.
• 1st and 10: Singleback, jet sweep to Turner for a gain of 6.
• 2nd and 4: Singleback, only 6 in the box for the Rams. Simpson gets shit on cause he’s slow and can’t slide left fast enough, that defender makes first contact on Jacobs while Simpson is holding him, and we lose 5 yards. Holding on Simpson declined.
• 3rd and 9: Shotgun, quick screen to Turner. It’s a low thrown ball that is dropped by Turner, but the play was dead regardless because Rams DE reads the play. If there’s a good throw and Rams DE gets fooled then this play might have been a first down actually, so I see the idea but it’s still a low percentage play.
• 4th and 9: FG is good.

1st half 4th drive (INTERCEPTION):
• 1st and 10: Split gun, handoff Jacobs, decent blocking by the line and great run by Jacobs to bounce off a defender and gain 8.
• 2nd and 2: I-form offset, decent blocking by the line and Jacobs runs for 2 and the first down.
• 1st and 10: singleback, playaction Jacobs, Carr misses WIDE open in the middle of the field for about a 15-20 yard dig route, would have required a slight anticipation throw but Carr doesn’t read the gap. Instead checks down to Jacobs for 5 yards and Jacobs is able to turn and dive forward for another 3.
• 2nd and 2: singleback, Rams only have 6 in the box, decent blocking by the Rams and good gap discipline but Jacobs just makes a GREAT cutback to the right side of the field and runs all the way to the edge for an 8 yard gain.
• 1st and 10: Shotgun, fake draw to Jacobs and end around to Hollins, Jacobs blocks two defenders on this play to spring Hollins for the edge and gain of 7.
• 2nd and 3: I-form offset, fake jet sweep to Adams and handoff Jacobs to the left, James gets fucking rekt and James defender tackles Jacobs for no gain.
• 3rd and 3: Shotgun, Carr immediately reads that Adams has man coverage with no safety on the outside. Good blocking by the line and Carr decisively throws a good deep ball to Adams, nearly a perfect ball based on where the safety was. Can’t ask for much more, 35 yard gain.
• 1st and 10: Shotgun, doesn’t even look at Devante who is wide open in the slot for a 5 yard gain on an out route ( there’s over a min left on the clock here). Parham gets beat, and Carr misses Moreau coming open on the goaline here for the TD (again with some anticipation he could have thrown this ball before the pressure gets there) and Carr scrambles to the right and doesn’t see he likely has Cole in the back corner on the right endzone, if Carr can put the ball on the run it could be able to be placed where only Cole can get it in the back corner. Cole is the most risky of the 3 plays so I wouldn’t call it egregious, but Adams was egregious and missing Moreau was disappointing. Instead Carr runs for a 1 yard gain.
• 2nd and 9: Shotgun, good protection by the line, instead of throwing to Adams who is open on a short drag, Carr steps up (even though pressure isn’t there yet) which sucks the LB down who is covering Adams. Carr then hits Adams on the drag route for a 4 yard gain.
• 3rd and 5: Shotgun, Abdullah is open on a quick out to the left which likely gets the first. Adams is open on a whip route on the left which is absolutely good for the first down. Carr doesn’t look at the left side of the field though, he stares at Moreau who is his first read who is double covered. He then moves to Hollins who does have a gap in the back of the endzone but would need a THREAD THE NEEDLE type of throw, instead Carr gets lightly tapped on his hip while throwing and he offers the free interception in the endzone. We had 50 seconds on the clock here so hitting Adams or Abdullah for the first down would have been just fine.

2nd half 1st drive (PUNT):
• 1st and 10: Singleback, handoff Jacobs, Simpson sucks and misses, Johnson holds the LB. Holding enforced.
• 1st and 20: Singleback, playaction Jacobs, Carr hesitates on the deep crosses to Moreau initially (not sure why, he’s open), then throws a second late to Moreau. Cole thinks this ball is going to him so he shallows his route and bumps Moreau, causing Moreau to drop it. Still should have been caught.
• 2nd and 20: Split gun, draw to Jacobs, good blocking by the line and a great cut by Jacobs who runs for 15 yards.
• 3rd and 5: Shotgun, Parham gets beat immediately off the snap, Carr has no chance for deep routes to develop. He correctly scrambles off the right side for a gain of 4. Good play by Carr.
• 4th and 1: Should have gone for it at their 49 yard line. Punt instead.

2nd half 2nd drive (PUNT):
• 1st and 10: I-form, 7 in the box for the Rams, toss left to Zeus, Hollins misses his block but Zeus makes the defender miss and gains 8 .
• 2nd and 2: I-form, 7 in the box, Zeus makes a terrible cut and instead of taking the first down off the left A gap, he runs into the right side for no gain.
• 3rd and 2: Shotgun, Adams has single coverage and Carr wants to go to Adams again. He throws a deep ball on the sideline which is just a bad ball and goes out of bounds. Ramsey has good coverage here so would have needed to be a pretty good ball and good play from Adams to get caught. Abdullah is WIDE open on the right side of the play for a 5 yard out route and the first down, I get that Adams deep had worked twice already but this is a lower percentage play and the percentages played in here after getting it twice earlier in the game.
• 4th and 2: Punt.

2nd half 3rd drive (FIELD GOAL):
• 1st and 10: I-form, toss right to Jacobs, designed double pass to get it back to Carr here but the Rams DE reads it. If the rams DE doesn’t read it, Adams is open for about 20+ yards. Jacobs sees that it’s covered and runs for a 1 yard gain.
• 2nd and 9: Shotgun, Adams is open on the right but Carr reads that Jacobs is open on a quick swing to the left who takes it for 7 yards. Good play.
• 3rd and 2: i-form offset, really good misdirection block by Johnson who springs Jacobs for 3 and the first down.
• 1st and 10: Empty gun, Adams is open like literally this entire play. Decent blocking by the line too, but Carr again feels pressure before it’s there and scrambles early, so doesn’t end up throwing to Adams. Carr throws it away out of bounds.
• 2nd and 10: Shotgun, draw to Jacobs, good blocking by the line and Jacobs just makes a great run with a good cut for 8 yards.
• 3rd and 2: Shotgun, draw Jacobs, James misses his block and Jacobs only gains 1 yard.
• 4th and 1: Carr QB sneak out of singleback for the first.
• 1st and 10: Singleback, handoff Jacobs, decent blocking by the line but Rams have 7 in the box and they stay in their gaps, gain of 3.
• 2nd and 7: Shotgun, rams bring 5. Blocking by the line here is below average because Parham gets beat, but he’s able to hold on long enough to give Carr time. Adams has man coverage and breaks across the middle on a deep cross, Carr reads it and sees him open and just throws a bad ball, it skips on the ground 5 yards in front of Adams. This is a 10 yard gain, a first down, and depends on how it’s caught/thrown potentially a TD since Hollins / Adams were doing a rub route. Bad ball.
• 3rd and 7: Shotgun, Parham is beat but is able to at least slide the defender off to the side to maintain a good pocket, Devante is actually covered for once, Carr steps up and checks down to Abdullah for a 4 yard gain well short of the first down. When Carr stepped up here, Hollins breaks free across the endzone in man coverage, would have been open.
• 4th and 3: FG is good

2nd half 4th drive (PUNT):
• 1st and 10: Singleback, misdirection Jacobs, 6 in the box for the Rams, they bring a late CB blitz off the left side, the blocking by the line is decent and Jacobs makes a cut to the left side where there was a big hole, but the late CB blitz had the CB in perfect position to make the tackle. Gain of 1.
• 2nd and 9: I-form, 8 defenders in the box, handoff Jacobs. Munford gets beat but somehow Jacobs gets skinny and slides past the defenders and gains 8 yards when it should have been 2-3 yard gain. Good run.
• 3rd and 1: I-form offset, Jacobs at FB and Adams at HB. 9 defenders in the box. James misses his block and Simpson is pushed back, causing Jacobs to hesitate before he is tackled for no gain.
• 4th and 1: Punt

2nd half 5th drive (INTERCEPTION):
• 1st and 10: Shotgun, Rams only have 4 but run a stunt which only gives Carr about ~2.5 seconds in the pocket, Carr throws to Adams as he’s blasted and it’s picked off. Only 10 seconds on the clock here so no blame for the pick, better this than throwing it away or checking down.

TLDR; We were definitely determined to grind it out against 7-8 man boxes against the Rams. Parham and Simpson hurt us this game, Carr feeling pressure when it wasn't there yet and missing a LOT of open receivers hurt us. And McDaniels going away from attacking the edges in the second half hurt us. Rams were disciplined on the run defense and a disciplined run defense than can stalemate offensive lines give their second level a good opportunity to make plays and contain Jacobs. Not a huge fan of Carr's play this game, and joking, but not joking, the gameplan every week needs to be Adams is the first read on every single pass play before we consider other receivers.

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
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Bocsánat 😊

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mi a fasz.

Én amúgy visszahoznám. Nem tudom mi történhetett vele.

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Cardinals have cut Trayvon Mullen which means the Raiders will get a 7th round pick for him.

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Future HoF

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The Las Vegas Raiders sign Netane Muti from the practice squad of the Denver Broncos
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bmg Las Vegas Raiders 2 661
Ebből az 5. pont a legvalószínűtlenebb, főleg, hogy Bill a hétvégi ellenfél.
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criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
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deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 580

choose life
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 634
I'm setting Vegas as the favorite to sign Brady. Owner wanted him last time, McDaniels is there and can get picks for Carr
— Gregg Rosenthal (@greggrosenthal) December 11, 2022

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Ki nyerte a Khalil Mack trade-t ?
NFC North, többi csapata, mert a Bears azzal a traddel (s Truby vegett) meg 3-4 evre kiszette magát a párharcból : D

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deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 580

choose life
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 634
Simpsonnak gatya

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 634
csüt este megvertek minket a bírók. Nem kell ebbe többet belelátni.
Amadeus von Dollárbaloldal
valóban voltak szar hívások, de ilyen fegyelmezettlen bandát régen láttam....
hadd bírózzam már ki magam!

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
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csi77 Chicago Bears Illinois Fighting Illini 8 641 — Bears & Illinois fan
csüt este megvertek minket a bírók. Nem kell ebbe többet belelátni.
Amadeus von Dollárbaloldal
valóban voltak szar hívások, de ilyen fegyelmezettlen bandát régen láttam....

Hajrá Bad Bones!
A lányos apukáknak a legjobb!!
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Ki nyerte a Khalil Mack trade-t ?
Az ugynoke

Állat vagyok, ami enni kér...
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 634
Ki nyerte a Khalil Mack trade-t ?
senki, szar trade volt mindkét félnek.

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Ki nyerte a Khalil Mack trade-t ?
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