NFL eredménykövetés NFL eredménykövetés - 1 aktív topik

Las Vegas Raiders

37 feliratkozó

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Cubehead Las Vegas Raiders USC Trojans 2 518
Nekem ez a DE poszt még mindig soványnak tűnik. Bass vs Hunter? (Houston ok) Nem tudom elképzelni mit akarhat RM a DL-el.Bay Area
nincs benne impact player, idén sem a pass rush lesz az erősségünk.Amadeus91
majd Sio Moore megoldja 😊deyell
Egyet kell értsek Deyell-l. Idén nálunk a Dline elsődleges feladata a futás leradírozása lesz (ez ugye erőssége Simsnek és Walkernek is), míg a nyomás idén csinos kis blitz csomagokban fog jönni! Főként az LB-ktől kiegészülne némi CB és S blitzel.
Jövőre meg akár trade árán is de be kell húzni Clowneyt és kész!! Ő az igazi BEAST!!

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Bay Area Las Vegas Raiders 416 — Killa Kali
Amúgy nekem szimpatikus ez a Bass gyerek a pályán. Nagyon remélem hogy nagyot fog robbantani. Mutassa meg hogy tényleg egy igazi BEAST, ahogy ő mondta.. draft előtt én ennyit kértem, hogy hozzunk egy beastet. hát végülis megvolt. a többit majd meglátjuk.

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deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 663
Nekem ez a DE poszt még mindig soványnak tűnik. Bass vs Hunter? (Houston ok) Nem tudom elképzelni mit akarhat RM a DL-el.Bay Area
nincs benne impact player, idén sem a pass rush lesz az erősségünk.Amadeus91
majd Sio Moore megoldja 😊

choose life
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 745
Nekem ez a DE poszt még mindig soványnak tűnik. Bass vs Hunter? (Houston ok) Nem tudom elképzelni mit akarhat RM a DL-el.Bay Area
nincs benne impact player, idén sem a pass rush lesz az erősségünk.

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több mint 11 éve
Bay Area Las Vegas Raiders 416 — Killa Kali
Nekem ez a DE poszt még mindig soványnak tűnik. Bass vs Hunter? (Houston ok) Nem tudom elképzelni mit akarhat RM a DL-el.

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Cubehead Las Vegas Raiders USC Trojans 2 518
Tyler Wilson Gruden camp interjúja.
Hayden,Watson és Moore komplett videó elemzés a már megszokott minőségbe ala Goro! 😊
Jó nézelődést 😊

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toxique Las Vegas Raiders 1 440 — A Cowboys szimpatizáns
Draft 2013:
1/12_ D.J.Hayden CB
2/42_Menelik Watson OT
3/66_Sio Moore OLB
4/112_Tyler Wilson QB
6/172_Nick Kasa TE
6/181_Latavious Murray RB
6/184_Mychal Rivera TE
6/205_Stacy McGee DT
7/209_Brice Butler WR
7/233_David Bass DEtoxique
A QB picket leszámítva nekem tetszik. Persze ki tudja, lehet ez a tag lesz a frencsájz kjubink 😀Bay Area
Nekem is pont ez jutott az eszembe. Mintha TP és TW lenne a két szélsőség és közöttük MF valami kompromisszum. Lehet, hogy csak kellett egy backup és semmi többről nem szól ez az egész. Egyelőre Flynn a kezdő (mintha RM ezt mondta volna utóljára).
több mint 11 éve
deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 663
Draft 2013:
1/12_ D.J.Hayden CB
2/42_Menelik Watson OT
3/66_Sio Moore OLB
4/112_Tyler Wilson QB
6/172_Nick Kasa TE
6/181_Latavious Murray RB
6/184_Mychal Rivera TE
6/205_Stacy McGee DT
7/209_Brice Butler WR
7/233_David Bass DEtoxique
A QB picket leszámítva nekem tetszik. Persze ki tudja, lehet ez a tag lesz a frencsájz kjubink 😀Bay Area
bőven jó a QB pick is, Wilson egy gyenge OL mögött játszott az egyetemen, szétverték minden meccsen, ezért nem játszott jól az utolsó évében.

choose life
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Bay Area Las Vegas Raiders 416 — Killa Kali
Draft 2013:
1/12_ D.J.Hayden CB
2/42_Menelik Watson OT
3/66_Sio Moore OLB
4/112_Tyler Wilson QB
6/172_Nick Kasa TE
6/181_Latavious Murray RB
6/184_Mychal Rivera TE
6/205_Stacy McGee DT
7/209_Brice Butler WR
7/233_David Bass DEtoxique
A QB picket leszámítva nekem tetszik. Persze ki tudja, lehet ez a tag lesz a frencsájz kjubink 😀

több mint 11 éve
Cubehead Las Vegas Raiders USC Trojans 2 518
Draft 2013:
1/12_ D.J.Hayden CB
2/42_Menelik Watson OT
3/66_Sio Moore OLB
4/112_Tyler Wilson QB
6/172_Nick Kasa TE
6/181_Latavious Murray RB
6/184_Mychal Rivera TE
6/205_Stacy McGee DT
7/209_Brice Butler WR
7/233_David Bass DEtoxique
Összességében én elégedett vagyok RM első teljes draftjával!
Ha értékelnem kellene amerikai módra akkor ez egy erős B+

több mint 11 éve
toxique Las Vegas Raiders 1 440 — A Cowboys szimpatizáns
Draft 2013:
1/12_ D.J.Hayden CB
2/42_Menelik Watson OT
3/66_Sio Moore OLB
4/112_Tyler Wilson QB
6/172_Nick Kasa TE
6/181_Latavious Murray RB
6/184_Mychal Rivera TE
6/205_Stacy McGee DT
7/209_Brice Butler WR
7/233_David Bass DE
több mint 11 éve
deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 663
David Bass - DE \ Missouri WesternBay Area
ott a DE pick! 😀

At Missouri Western, he was a four year starter and absolutely dominated the competition. In that time frame, he racked up 220 tackles, 56 tackles for loss, 20 quarterback hurries, 19 pass break-ups, 3 INTs (1 returned for a TD), 1 forced fumble, 1 fumble recovery, and a new Western Missouri career record, 39.5 sacks. Scouts and coaches have called him "a motivated individual with an excellent competitive drive" and a "positive locker room presence with strong character on and off the field."

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Cubehead Las Vegas Raiders USC Trojans 2 518

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Bay Area Las Vegas Raiders 416 — Killa Kali
David Bass - DE \ Missouri Western

Just like every year, a few small schoolers break onto the scene and perform very well on an equal playing field. Bass is one of these prospects, as he was the most consistent pass rusher at the East-West Shrine game. The senior broke two records during his final year at Missouri Western State breaking the school's career sack (39.5) and consecutive starts (50). When asked the one word to describe himself, Bass answered "beast".

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Bay Area Las Vegas Raiders 416 — Killa Kali
Kasa = Miller 2? 😊

több mint 11 éve
toxique Las Vegas Raiders 1 440 — A Cowboys szimpatizáns
Murrayről még egy cikk, összehasonlítva korábbi első és második körös RB-kkel:

A kedvenc pick-em (orrhosszal Hayden és Moore előtt).
több mint 11 éve
deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 663
Murrayről még egy cikk, összehasonlítva korábbi első és második körös RB-kkel:

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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 745
Brice Butler - húztunk egy kiváló atlétát

"Butler vaulted himself onto the radar of NFL scouts on Tuesday with a smoking-fast 4.36 40-yard dash time. That time would have made him the third-fastest receiver at the Combine. Butler also helped himself by putting his athleticism on full display with a 6.6 mark in the 3-cone drill, a 10’9 broad jump, and a 39-inch vertical – stats that would have landed him in the top-3 of all drills at the Combine."deyell
A végére egy DE?
Butler highlight:
ez egy másik Brice Butler a videón...Amadeus91
Nem csak menet közben transferált az SDSU-ra,hogy több játék időt kaphasson. Szóval USC-ként kezdteCubehead
nem egy egyszerű figura...

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több mint 11 éve
Cubehead Las Vegas Raiders USC Trojans 2 518
Brice Butler - húztunk egy kiváló atlétát

"Butler vaulted himself onto the radar of NFL scouts on Tuesday with a smoking-fast 4.36 40-yard dash time. That time would have made him the third-fastest receiver at the Combine. Butler also helped himself by putting his athleticism on full display with a 6.6 mark in the 3-cone drill, a 10’9 broad jump, and a 39-inch vertical – stats that would have landed him in the top-3 of all drills at the Combine."deyell
A végére egy DE?
Butler highlight:
ez egy másik Brice Butler a videón...Amadeus91
Nem csak menet közben transferált az SDSU-ra,hogy több játék időt kaphasson. Szóval USC-ként kezdte

több mint 11 éve
Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 745
Brice Butler - húztunk egy kiváló atlétát

"Butler vaulted himself onto the radar of NFL scouts on Tuesday with a smoking-fast 4.36 40-yard dash time. That time would have made him the third-fastest receiver at the Combine. Butler also helped himself by putting his athleticism on full display with a 6.6 mark in the 3-cone drill, a 10’9 broad jump, and a 39-inch vertical – stats that would have landed him in the top-3 of all drills at the Combine."deyell
A végére egy DE?
Butler highlight:
ez egy másik Brice Butler a videón...

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több mint 11 éve
toxique Las Vegas Raiders 1 440 — A Cowboys szimpatizáns
Brice Butler - húztunk egy kiváló atlétát

"Butler vaulted himself onto the radar of NFL scouts on Tuesday with a smoking-fast 4.36 40-yard dash time. That time would have made him the third-fastest receiver at the Combine. Butler also helped himself by putting his athleticism on full display with a 6.6 mark in the 3-cone drill, a 10’9 broad jump, and a 39-inch vertical – stats that would have landed him in the top-3 of all drills at the Combine."deyell
A végére egy DE?
Butler highlight:
több mint 11 éve
deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 663
Brice Butler - húztunk egy kiváló atlétát

"Butler vaulted himself onto the radar of NFL scouts on Tuesday with a smoking-fast 4.36 40-yard dash time. That time would have made him the third-fastest receiver at the Combine. Butler also helped himself by putting his athleticism on full display with a 6.6 mark in the 3-cone drill, a 10’9 broad jump, and a 39-inch vertical – stats that would have landed him in the top-3 of all drills at the Combine."

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Cubehead Las Vegas Raiders USC Trojans 2 518
Brice Butler:

STRENGTHS - Butler is a long athlete with a tall, slender frame. He is a smooth strider with long legs and arms. It is hard to tell whether he has great acceleration or not because of how limited he gets used at SDSU. Butler made a vertical play against Hawaii that looked great, he ran the seam and went up over the defender to get the ball for a score. He has average hands as he allowed the ball to get too far into his body in that throw, but there was no defender around. He can go up and get the ball in jump ball situations. He is a willing blocker but it is an area of the game to improve as he is not physical.

WEAKNESSES - Butler is not an elite pass catcher and he doesn't have great hands. He allows the ball to get too close to his frame where he will fight it. Butler is not going to handle the press at the LOS well at all, as he is thin and he will get pressed all over the field. Butler lacks short area quickness and the ability to separate from corners because of his long legs. He has a long stride and is not a player who will start/stop easily. He has a very thin frame and there have to be concerns about his ability to handle the punishment he is going to take in the NFL. There is very little production from his entire college career. Butler seems to be an afterthought in this offense as he is rarely targeted.

SUMMARY - Butler should be so much more productive than he is with his size/speed combination but the results just aren't there. He is a very raw prospect with long legs and arms. He has a very long stride and it takes him a few steps to get up to full speed, and there is very little short area quickness. He is not a very polished route runner and he doesn't have the short area quickness that could set him apart from other receivers. He is not a physical player and teams are going to press him because he can't fight through it. At this time, Butler is a vertical threat only and nothing more. Butler deserves sixth-round consideration at this time because of his ability to attack the defense vertically and his size/speed combination.

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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 745
7/3 Brice Butler WR
San Diego St

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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 745
McGee, meanwhile, was booked into the Cleveland County Jail about 1:15 a.m. Monday on a complaint of driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license. McGee also was suspended Oklahoma's first six games after violating undisclosed university rules during the preseason.

ejnye, mégsem csak makulátlan karakterű prospecteket draftolunk? 😊deyell
végre valaki, akiben van vér.

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