Tennessee Titans

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pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
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Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Valaki elmagyarázná, miért van az egyik helyen 12,8, a másikon 19,4 millió?

Team Cap room W-L Playoffs?
1. Eagles $23 M 4-12 No
2. Jaguars $19.5 M 2-14 No
3. Browns $14.3 M 5-11 No
4. Chiefs $14 M 2-14 No
5. Seahawks $13.2 M 11-5 Yes
6. Titans $12.8 M 6-10 No
7. Broncos $11.5 M 13-3 Yes
8. Bills $9.8 M 6-10 No

Team Cap room
1. Bengals $55.1 M
2. Browns $48.9 M
3. Colts $46 M
4. Dolphins $35.8 M
5. Buccaneers $31.3 M
6. Jaguars $22.1 M
7. Bills $20.6 M
8. Titans $19.4 M
Source: ESPN.

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Van már pár név mock draftról akiket említenek, hogy draftolhatunk első körben:
Dion Jordan DE/OLB , Barkevious Mingo DE, Chanche Warmack G, Jonathan Cooper G, Kenny Vaccaro S, Dee Miliner CB, Cordarelle Patterson WR, Johnathan Hankins DT, Star Lotulelei DT

Közülük leginkább Chanche Warmack-ot írták, hogy elhozhatjuk 10. pick-el. Azt írják róla, hogy hamarabb el fog kelni, mint anno Hutchinson akit 17.-ként választottak ki, mint OG. Ennél korábbi OG pick nem volt.
Remélem azért DT-t és WR-t nem draftolunk első körben, nem lesznek olyan hülyék.... még a CB-t is meg lehet oldani FA-ról. Guard az nagyon kellene.
A draft azon is múlik, hogy az FA-k közül kit tartunk meg, illetve kit hozunk ide. A piacon sok jó szabadügynök lesz - még guard is -, de perkálni kell értük. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy sóherek leszünk, vagy végre a pénztárcába nyúlunk. De addig még dönteni kell CJ sorsáról is, jövőre 10 millió járna neki. (Az SB után 3 napunk lesz megtartani, de ebben azért nem vagyok biztos.) A cap növelése miatt néhány játékost akár cut-olhatnánk, mondjuk Amanót. Bár olvastam már olyan véleményt, hogy akár Hasselbeck is mehetne.

De legfőképpen arra lennék kíváncsi, hogy ki lesz az OC és a DC. Még nem erősítették meg Loggains és Gray maradását, de Tice-t leszámítva nem is hallani jelöltekről híreket. A két koordinátorunk állása eddig biztosnak tűnt, szóval nem is értem mit tökölődünk. Ha meg mégis tárgyalunk valakikkel, akkor jól titkoljuk.

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Van már pár név mock draftról akiket említenek, hogy draftolhatunk első körben:
Dion Jordan DE/OLB , Barkevious Mingo DE, Chanche Warmack G, Jonathan Cooper G, Kenny Vaccaro S, Dee Miliner CB, Cordarelle Patterson WR, Johnathan Hankins DT, Star Lotulelei DT

Közülük leginkább Chanche Warmack-ot írták, hogy elhozhatjuk 10. pick-el. Azt írják róla, hogy hamarabb el fog kelni, mint anno Hutchinson akit 17.-ként választottak ki, mint OG. Ennél korábbi OG pick nem volt.
Remélem azért DT-t és WR-t nem draftolunk első körben, nem lesznek olyan hülyék.... még a CB-t is meg lehet oldani FA-ról. Guard az nagyon kellene.

Titans szurkolói oldal https://m.facebook.com/tennesseetitansmagyarorszag/?ref=bookmarks
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Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Tom Moore nem marad, ami jó hír. Kevésbé jó hír, hogy egyre inkább érik, hogy Loggains marad az OC.

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
Titans Tennessee Titans 676 — Tennessee fan
hát, kulminálódnak a dolgok lassan...
ha valami, hát ez egy elég rossz üzenet egy FA-től...

Tennessee Titans' Jared Cook questions coaching changes

Tight end Jared Cook is scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent in March, and he’s a player the Titans are very much interested in retaining.

Cook is unhappy, however, that the Titans fired tight-ends coach John Zernhelt last week after seven seasons with the team.

He’s also puzzled about the other assistants fired since the end of the season — running-backs coach Jim Skipper, special-teams coach Alan Lowry and linebackers coach Frank Bush.

“I didn’t get Frank Bush at all, and I don’t get Coach Z either,” Cook said. “I am very surprised at that, very surprised. I just don’t understand that move. Point blank. Period. Coach Z was a great run-blocking coach and he really explained the run game, and he really broke things down to where you could really understand things better.

“And he was great in the development of all of us. I just don’t get why you would want to let a guy like that go.”

Cook finished 2012 with 44 receptions for 523 yards and four touchdowns, but early in the season he was disgruntled with his role in the offense and requested a trade.

He missed the final three games because of a shoulder injury.

Special request: Running back Chris Johnson rushed for a career-best 2,006 yards in 2009.

Now he’d like to see the Titans re-hire the man who coached him that season: Earnest Byner.

“I wish we’d bring back Earnest. We had a lot of success with Earnest,” Johnson said. “I think that would be great.”

Byner is currently running backs coach for the Buccaneers. He was a Titans assistant during Johnson’s first two years in the NFL (2008-09).

Then-coach Jeff Fisher let Byner go after the ’09 season, and the job has been a revolving door since then.

Kennedy Pola replaced Byner but bolted for Southern Cal after only a few months. Craig Johnson was then moved from quarterbacks coach. Skipper had the job in 2011-12.

Coach Mike Munchak has expressed interest in bringing back another former Titans assistant, Sherman Smith, currently running backs coach for the Seahawks.

több mint 11 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Igazoltunk 3 játékost, név szerint: Kasey Studdard G, Roberto Wallace WR, Michael Calvin WR

Studdard aki közülük "ismertebb", 5 évet húzott le a Texansban. Gondolom epizódszerepet töltött be.

Titans szurkolói oldal https://m.facebook.com/tennesseetitansmagyarorszag/?ref=bookmarks
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pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Britt ismét balhéba keveredett. Nagyszerű elkapó, de valami baj van a fejével.Nandito
Nagyon jó... ha komolyabb akkor most nem 1 meccset fog kapni, és a végén megint WR-t draftolunk az első körben 😀

Titans szurkolói oldal https://m.facebook.com/tennesseetitansmagyarorszag/?ref=bookmarks
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Britt ismét balhéba keveredett. Nagyszerű elkapó, de valami baj van a fejével.

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
rezső 494 — Titans fan
nagyon igaz - sorry a teljes cikkért, csak hátha többen is le vannak tiltva a tennesseeanról.

Tennessee Titans' coaching moves are questionable calls

Call it the Music City Makeover.

The firing of longtime special-teams coach Alan Lowry on Friday was the latest in a series of changes on the Titans’ coaching staff. Over an eight-day period, Mike Munchak notified four assistants that their services are no longer required.

And don’t forget offensive coordinator Chris Palmer, who was fired with five games remaining in the season.

Is Munchak done? Only he knows for sure. Linebackers coach Frank Bush is the only defensive assistant to go thus far, even though the Titans gave up the most points in franchise history. Jerry Gray, the defensive coordinator, is still employed — at least for now.

While some of Munchak’s decisions may seem odd, let’s be clear: Considering his situation, he must be given complete freedom to adjust his coaching staff in whatever way he sees fit. His job is on the line, so he must be allowed to win or lose with the assistants of his choice. If he thinks he can upgrade his staff, so be it.

Last week, Mike Mularkey got the ax in Jacksonville, becoming the eighth NFL head coach fired this year. Since most assistant coaches are not retained when the head coach gets fired, that means more than 100 quality coaches are looking for work.

With that in mind, Munchak has plenty of options. All he has to do is pick the right assistants and hire them.

But one of the issues here is Munchak’s job security — or lack of same. It’s no secret around the league that he’s on shaky ground. Right or wrong, the perception is he must take the Titans to the playoffs next season or he won’t be around in 2014.

And that makes it tough to hire assistant coaches. Even in a profession where change is inevitable, most coaches want to know they’ll be at one place for more than a season. Given the current state of the Titans in general and Munchak in particular, the new assistants who are hired would be wise to rent, not buy.

Will this coaching shuffle work? I doubt it. Wholesale staff changes often do nothing but buy the head coach one more season. It provides the illusion of a fresh start, but all it really does is put some new faces on the same old problems.

Along those lines, the decision not to renew Lowry’s contract is particularly odd. Forget that he was the designer of Home Run Throwback, the gimmick play that resulted in the Music City Miracle. This is a current-events business. What have you done for me lately?

Glad you asked. The Titans returned three punts and one kickoff for touchdowns this season. Also, Tim Shaw’s blocked punt led to a touchdown in the Titans’ win over Pittsburgh.

All in all, Munchak’s moves are quite curious. To wit:

What was the most efficient phase of the game for the Titans last season?

Special teams.

On a lousy defense, what unit played best?

The linebackers.

Who was the most productive player on a mediocre offense?

Chris Johnson, a running back.

What player tied for the team lead in touchdown receptions?

Tight end Jared Cook.

OK. If you’re the head coach, what do you do?

Get rid of the special-teams coach, the linebackers coach, the running-back coach and the tight-end coach, of course.

Yeah, that’ll fix it.
Nagyon jó ez a cikk. A vége meg egyenesen telitalálat: a jól teljesítő egységek edzőit kell kirúgni! Annyit tennék csak hozzá, hogy David Climer a szerző.Nandito
Ámokfutás, amit Munchak rendez eddig, továbbra sem értem, mi a bánatért nem rúgta ki az öreg!!!!!!!!!!
Climer cikkeit én alapvetően szeretem, ez is nagyon rendben van (de az rég rossz, ha egy NFL-csapat körül az újságíró a legjobb, akit dicsérni lehet!! 😊
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
nagyon igaz - sorry a teljes cikkért, csak hátha többen is le vannak tiltva a tennesseeanról.

Tennessee Titans' coaching moves are questionable calls

Call it the Music City Makeover.

The firing of longtime special-teams coach Alan Lowry on Friday was the latest in a series of changes on the Titans’ coaching staff. Over an eight-day period, Mike Munchak notified four assistants that their services are no longer required.

And don’t forget offensive coordinator Chris Palmer, who was fired with five games remaining in the season.

Is Munchak done? Only he knows for sure. Linebackers coach Frank Bush is the only defensive assistant to go thus far, even though the Titans gave up the most points in franchise history. Jerry Gray, the defensive coordinator, is still employed — at least for now.

While some of Munchak’s decisions may seem odd, let’s be clear: Considering his situation, he must be given complete freedom to adjust his coaching staff in whatever way he sees fit. His job is on the line, so he must be allowed to win or lose with the assistants of his choice. If he thinks he can upgrade his staff, so be it.

Last week, Mike Mularkey got the ax in Jacksonville, becoming the eighth NFL head coach fired this year. Since most assistant coaches are not retained when the head coach gets fired, that means more than 100 quality coaches are looking for work.

With that in mind, Munchak has plenty of options. All he has to do is pick the right assistants and hire them.

But one of the issues here is Munchak’s job security — or lack of same. It’s no secret around the league that he’s on shaky ground. Right or wrong, the perception is he must take the Titans to the playoffs next season or he won’t be around in 2014.

And that makes it tough to hire assistant coaches. Even in a profession where change is inevitable, most coaches want to know they’ll be at one place for more than a season. Given the current state of the Titans in general and Munchak in particular, the new assistants who are hired would be wise to rent, not buy.

Will this coaching shuffle work? I doubt it. Wholesale staff changes often do nothing but buy the head coach one more season. It provides the illusion of a fresh start, but all it really does is put some new faces on the same old problems.

Along those lines, the decision not to renew Lowry’s contract is particularly odd. Forget that he was the designer of Home Run Throwback, the gimmick play that resulted in the Music City Miracle. This is a current-events business. What have you done for me lately?

Glad you asked. The Titans returned three punts and one kickoff for touchdowns this season. Also, Tim Shaw’s blocked punt led to a touchdown in the Titans’ win over Pittsburgh.

All in all, Munchak’s moves are quite curious. To wit:

What was the most efficient phase of the game for the Titans last season?

Special teams.

On a lousy defense, what unit played best?

The linebackers.

Who was the most productive player on a mediocre offense?

Chris Johnson, a running back.

What player tied for the team lead in touchdown receptions?

Tight end Jared Cook.

OK. If you’re the head coach, what do you do?

Get rid of the special-teams coach, the linebackers coach, the running-back coach and the tight-end coach, of course.

Yeah, that’ll fix it.
Nagyon jó ez a cikk. A vége meg egyenesen telitalálat: a jól teljesítő egységek edzőit kell kirúgni! Annyit tennék csak hozzá, hogy David Climer a szerző.

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
Titans Tennessee Titans 676 — Tennessee fan
nagyon igaz - sorry a teljes cikkért, csak hátha többen is le vannak tiltva a tennesseeanról.

Tennessee Titans' coaching moves are questionable calls

Call it the Music City Makeover.

The firing of longtime special-teams coach Alan Lowry on Friday was the latest in a series of changes on the Titans’ coaching staff. Over an eight-day period, Mike Munchak notified four assistants that their services are no longer required.

And don’t forget offensive coordinator Chris Palmer, who was fired with five games remaining in the season.

Is Munchak done? Only he knows for sure. Linebackers coach Frank Bush is the only defensive assistant to go thus far, even though the Titans gave up the most points in franchise history. Jerry Gray, the defensive coordinator, is still employed — at least for now.

While some of Munchak’s decisions may seem odd, let’s be clear: Considering his situation, he must be given complete freedom to adjust his coaching staff in whatever way he sees fit. His job is on the line, so he must be allowed to win or lose with the assistants of his choice. If he thinks he can upgrade his staff, so be it.

Last week, Mike Mularkey got the ax in Jacksonville, becoming the eighth NFL head coach fired this year. Since most assistant coaches are not retained when the head coach gets fired, that means more than 100 quality coaches are looking for work.

With that in mind, Munchak has plenty of options. All he has to do is pick the right assistants and hire them.

But one of the issues here is Munchak’s job security — or lack of same. It’s no secret around the league that he’s on shaky ground. Right or wrong, the perception is he must take the Titans to the playoffs next season or he won’t be around in 2014.

And that makes it tough to hire assistant coaches. Even in a profession where change is inevitable, most coaches want to know they’ll be at one place for more than a season. Given the current state of the Titans in general and Munchak in particular, the new assistants who are hired would be wise to rent, not buy.

Will this coaching shuffle work? I doubt it. Wholesale staff changes often do nothing but buy the head coach one more season. It provides the illusion of a fresh start, but all it really does is put some new faces on the same old problems.

Along those lines, the decision not to renew Lowry’s contract is particularly odd. Forget that he was the designer of Home Run Throwback, the gimmick play that resulted in the Music City Miracle. This is a current-events business. What have you done for me lately?

Glad you asked. The Titans returned three punts and one kickoff for touchdowns this season. Also, Tim Shaw’s blocked punt led to a touchdown in the Titans’ win over Pittsburgh.

All in all, Munchak’s moves are quite curious. To wit:

What was the most efficient phase of the game for the Titans last season?

Special teams.

On a lousy defense, what unit played best?

The linebackers.

Who was the most productive player on a mediocre offense?

Chris Johnson, a running back.

What player tied for the team lead in touchdown receptions?

Tight end Jared Cook.

OK. If you’re the head coach, what do you do?

Get rid of the special-teams coach, the linebackers coach, the running-back coach and the tight-end coach, of course.

Yeah, that’ll fix it.

több mint 11 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
kirúgták Alan Lowry special team coach-t.
Na de minek... az ST egész értékelhető volt, főleg mondjuk Reynaud miatt. Őt azért nem kellett volna kirúgni.

RB coach-ként Sherman Smith után érdeklődünk. ( Eddie George-ot edzette anno)

Titans szurkolói oldal https://m.facebook.com/tennesseetitansmagyarorszag/?ref=bookmarks
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
kirúgták Alan Lowry special team coach-t.
Legszívesebben olyan csúnyát írnék ide, ami miatt legalább egy hét bant kaphatnék. Úgy látszik a segédedzők, és legfőképpen Lowry miatt gyenge a csapatunk. Hát ez már szánalmasabbnál is szánalmasabb. Bezzeg Munchak maradhat, no meg a balfék embereinek, Loggains-nak és Gray-nek is biztosnak tűnik a helye. A csapatunk ezzel az edzői stábbal idén is halára lesz ítélve.

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
DiamondsHead44 2 696 — Rams fan
kirúgták Alan Lowry special team coach-t.

STL Curtain
In our life there's if, In our beliefs there's lie, In our business there's sin, In our bodies there's die
Egy átlagos zárójelentésnél csak egy E-ON számla érthetetlenebb.
Aki mibennünk nem bízik, az önmagában sem bízik. Aki mibennünk nem bízik, az a mi fényes jövőnkben sem bízik. És aki a mi boldog, fényes jövőnkben nem bízik, az áruló. (Virág elvtárs)
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Jake Locker said in a text message to TitanInsider that the surgery to repair his dislocated left shoulder "went well."

Locker separated the shoulder twice during the 2012 season, his first as a starter for the Tennessee Titans. And after the second separation, which caused him to be out five weeks, it was determined that surgery would be needed in the off-season to fix the problem, a procedure that was performed Wednesday.

While the surgery will keep Locker rehabbing for much of the off-seson, he is expected to be ready to go when the Titans open training camp in July.empty taxi
Köszi empty taxi!

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
empty taxi Atlanta Falcons Georgia Bulldogs 36 309 — Lájkold a zsűrit!
Jake Locker said in a text message to TitanInsider that the surgery to repair his dislocated left shoulder "went well."

Locker separated the shoulder twice during the 2012 season, his first as a starter for the Tennessee Titans. And after the second separation, which caused him to be out five weeks, it was determined that surgery would be needed in the off-season to fix the problem, a procedure that was performed Wednesday.

While the surgery will keep Locker rehabbing for much of the off-seson, he is expected to be ready to go when the Titans open training camp in July.

Madden hates me.
Trust, it f*cking hates me...
több mint 11 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Locker vállát szerdán megműtötték, de remélhetőleg májustól már edzhet.Nandito
Még mindig jobb most, mint pl ha augusztusban kellett volna, mert akkor a szezonjának annyi. A bal vállát műtötték gondolom, amelyik a Texans ellen sérült meg.pakesz
Pakesz, jól elbeszélgetünk az offseasonban! 😊 Részleteket nem tudok a műtétről, mert a tennessean.com-on még mindig korlátozva vagyok. De 100 százalékra veszem, hogy a bal vállát műtötték!

Múltkor beszéltünk a safety draftról. Itt egy jó kis lista, rem közülük hozzánk is kerül valaki!

Közben kirúgtuk linebackers coach Frank Busht is. Ez azért nekem kicsit meglepő, mert az LB-sor elég jó volt. Na mindegy, de talán a következő áldozat Gray lesz! Bocs, Pakesz, de nem tudok vele megbarátkozni. Az új DC pedig lehetne Rob Ryan! 😀Nandito
Jól van akkor, safety jöjjön a draftról, első körben. 😊 (bár ahogy a vezetőséget ismerem nem így lesz) Frank Bush maradhatott volna, akkor menjen az OL coach is Bruce Matthews, bár nagy spanok Munchak-al, úgy se fog menni.
Gray pedig maradjon, Dallas-os ne jöjjön 😀
Én is nézegetem itt, hogy van-e valami hír a topicban, de hát nem sok.

Titans szurkolói oldal https://m.facebook.com/tennesseetitansmagyarorszag/?ref=bookmarks
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Locker vállát szerdán megműtötték, de remélhetőleg májustól már edzhet.Nandito
Még mindig jobb most, mint pl ha augusztusban kellett volna, mert akkor a szezonjának annyi. A bal vállát műtötték gondolom, amelyik a Texans ellen sérült meg.pakesz
Pakesz, jól elbeszélgetünk az offseasonban! 😊 Részleteket nem tudok a műtétről, mert a tennessean.com-on még mindig korlátozva vagyok. De 100 százalékra veszem, hogy a bal vállát műtötték!

Múltkor beszéltünk a safety draftról. Itt egy jó kis lista, rem közülük hozzánk is kerül valaki!

Közben kirúgtuk linebackers coach Frank Busht is. Ez azért nekem kicsit meglepő, mert az LB-sor elég jó volt. Na mindegy, de talán a következő áldozat Gray lesz! Bocs, Pakesz, de nem tudok vele megbarátkozni. Az új DC pedig lehetne Rob Ryan! 😀

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Locker vállát szerdán megműtötték, de remélhetőleg májustól már edzhet.Nandito
Még mindig jobb most, mint pl ha augusztusban kellett volna, mert akkor a szezonjának annyi. A bal vállát műtötték gondolom, amelyik a Texans ellen sérült meg.

Titans szurkolói oldal https://m.facebook.com/tennesseetitansmagyarorszag/?ref=bookmarks
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Locker vállát szerdán megműtötték, de remélhetőleg májustól már edzhet.

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
pakesz Tennessee Titans 1 549 — Titans fan
Köszi Titans, erre gondoltam! 😊

Közben a tight ends coach John Zernhelt is kirúgták! Korábban az RB edző ment, így kezdem azt hinni, hogy új OC lesz, aki hozza az embereit. Vagy ne reménykedjek, Loggains marad a poszton?Nandito
Akkor most az OL edzőt fogják kirúgni. 😊 Nem baj!

Titans szurkolói oldal https://m.facebook.com/tennesseetitansmagyarorszag/?ref=bookmarks
több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
Köszi Titans, erre gondoltam! 😊

Közben a tight ends coach John Zernhelt is kirúgták! Korábban az RB edző ment, így kezdem azt hinni, hogy új OC lesz, aki hozza az embereit. Vagy ne reménykedjek, Loggains marad a poszton?

Music City Miracle
több mint 11 éve
Titans Tennessee Titans 676 — Tennessee fan
ha erre gondoltál...

The Titans are hoping a new offensive scheme and improved technique will help Jake Locker become a better quarterback in 2013.

When the Titans parted ways with offensive coordinator Chris Palmer, it meant the beginning of the end of a system that featured a high percentage of option routes — plays in which receivers made route choices at the line of scrimmage (based on reading the defense) and quarterbacks were expected to make the same reads.

The system, which incorporated elements of the old Run-and-Shoot, seemed to work well for veteran Matt Hasselbeck in 2011, when he threw for 18 touchdowns and more than 3,500 yards. But it never seemed a good fit for the far younger and less experienced Locker.

It seemed that as Locker’s interception total increased, he became more tentative when it came to the option routes — waiting for receivers to make their breaks instead of anticipating where they would be.

“Last year we got some numbers, we were heading in the right direction we thought,” Titans coach Mike Munchak said of the passing game. “I think this year we got a little more exposed, and some of our weaknesses showed up more than they did a year ago, and we couldn’t overcome them.

“When I say (the quarterback) isn’t playing fast … then obviously you’re waiting to see what the receiver is doing. Then you get into some bad habits, and that takes a while to develop.”

New offensive coordinator Dowell Loggains began the process of simplifying the offense over the last five weeks of the season, and whether Loggains or someone else fills the coordinator role in 2013, expect that process to continue.

Continuing to better his passing technique will also be a point of emphasis for Locker, who completed 56.4 percent of his passes last season. That figure ranked 30th among NFL quarterbacks who attempted at least 200 passes.

“Anytime you miss a ball, there’s a fundamental breakdown, whether it’s the lower body or the upper body,” Loggains said.

Locker’s footwork when it comes to stepping into throws from the pocket will be a point of emphasis.

“He’s improved,” Loggains said of the footwork. “It’s a work in progress. He needs to continue to improve for us to get where we need to go.”

How so?

“Just overall consistency with his footwork, keeping the base, not over-striding a lot,” Loggains said. “When you over-stride, that leads to throwing high and too long on deep balls.”

több mint 11 éve
Nandito Tennessee Titans 3 111 — Titans fan
A www.tennessean.com-on van egy cikk Lockerről, de jelenleg korlátozott státuszban vagyok, nem tudom elolvasni. Valaki bemásolná ide a cikk tartalmát, vagy elküldné privibe?

Music City Miracle