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NCAA csevegő

34 feliratkozó

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Elment Sanders, vége az SMU offensenek 😛
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Höri Indianapolis Colts West Virginia Mountaineers 32 136 — bútor
Az ESPN America ismét NCAA football dömpinggel kezdi a szezont:

Southern Mississippi at South Carolina - College Football - ÉLŐ
USC at Hawaii - College Football - ÉLŐ
Miami (OH) at Florida - College Football - ÉLŐ
Connecticut at Michigan - College Football – ÉLŐ
Oregon State at TCU - College Football – ÉLŐ
SMU at Texas Tech - College Football - ÉLŐ
Boise State vs Virginia Tech - College Football – ÉLŐ

UCLA at Kansas State - College Football
LSU at North Carolina - College FootballAttilahawks
Azért ebből sok a nagyon rossz meccs. Igazából a UConn-Michigan, Beavers-TCU, BSU-VT, LSU-UNC amit érdemes nézni. a többi nagyon egyoldalú lesz vszharomt
az SMU-Texas Tech szerintem nem lesz egyoldalú. Simán benne van egy 60-59 😛

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Az ESPN America ismét NCAA football dömpinggel kezdi a szezont:

Southern Mississippi at South Carolina - College Football - ÉLŐ
USC at Hawaii - College Football - ÉLŐ
Miami (OH) at Florida - College Football - ÉLŐ
Connecticut at Michigan - College Football – ÉLŐ
Oregon State at TCU - College Football – ÉLŐ
SMU at Texas Tech - College Football - ÉLŐ
Boise State vs Virginia Tech - College Football – ÉLŐ

UCLA at Kansas State - College Football
LSU at North Carolina - College FootballAttilahawks
Azért ebből sok a nagyon rossz meccs. Igazából a UConn-Michigan, Beavers-TCU, BSU-VT, LSU-UNC amit érdemes nézni. a többi nagyon egyoldalú lesz vsz
több mint 14 éve
Attilahawks 284 — Seahawks fan
Az ESPN America ismét NCAA football dömpinggel kezdi a szezont:

Southern Mississippi at South Carolina - College Football - ÉLŐ
USC at Hawaii - College Football - ÉLŐ
Miami (OH) at Florida - College Football - ÉLŐ
Connecticut at Michigan - College Football – ÉLŐ
Oregon State at TCU - College Football – ÉLŐ
SMU at Texas Tech - College Football - ÉLŐ
Boise State vs Virginia Tech - College Football – ÉLŐ

UCLA at Kansas State - College Football
LSU at North Carolina - College Football
több mint 14 éve
Höri Indianapolis Colts West Virginia Mountaineers 32 136 — bútor
mekkorát arattam volna a like rendszerben ezzel a sorozatommal

már csak 2 rész

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Höri Indianapolis Colts West Virginia Mountaineers 32 136 — bútor
Ponder lol, szószátyár fiú, őt követem 😛

több mint 14 éve
r.baggio Washington Commanders Vanderbilt Commodores 61 928 — no es importante
Twitter has provided quite an outlet for players, fans and the media; in the process, some pretty interesting stories have been conveyed through the microblogging medium. (...) Earlier this week I asked my Twitter followers to submit names of the players they think are must-follows for college football fans this fall. We came up with 10.

1. Oleforty, aka Kentrell Lockett, Ole Miss DE (1,346 followers/1,593 tweets): (Twitter account)
Lockett was the runaway No. 1 suggestion when I asked the Twitter crowd which player fans needed to follow. Lockett, a guy who already has earned one degree in broadcast journalism and is pursuing a second in theater, once told colleague Chris Low he wants Mark May's job but wants to add the controversy that Charles Barkley brings.

And he apparently did that last spring when his Twitter feed, as is the case with many folks, became too controversial. Lockett explained to Ole Miss officials that someone else had posted some eye-catching comments from his Twitter account. His explanation may sound far-fetched, but since many athletes work off computers in common areas, it is plausible since accounts could still be logged on on those computers. Still, Lockett, like all Ole Miss players, was told to be mindful of what he posts on Twitter.

The Lockett Twitter dustup actually occurred a few months after Ole Miss had hired, a Vermont firm that monitors the social networking profiles of Rebel athletes and is triggered by certain words that can lead into sensitive subjects once each student-athlete has downloaded the software on his or her computer.

"Kentrell is awesome for us," said Rebels sports information director Kyle Campbell. "He'll sit and do interviews after for hours."

As training camp started, Lockett continued to be a relentless one-liner machine, letting go in often hilarious strings of observations. Here are a few from earlier this month:

I think Allan from The Hangover made them satchels hot.
I wonder how many people that is hot and sweaty at this party will go home and take a shower.
They got girl in here that smell like halftime.
Up real early for a this drug test. They are going to get a cup of excellence.

2: eroyster22, aka Evan Royster (973 followers/254 tweets), Penn State RB: (Twitter account)
The Nittany Lions star is also productive when it comes to tweeting about life as a running back in college football:
Nobody makes me bleed my own blood.
Nothing can break my spirits... two days off from camp... scherer just popped his blister and got it all on my arm and im not even mad.
So hard to be motivated in school when uve already graduated... wish the ncaa would change the rules

3. Jjwatt99, aka J.J. Watt (990 followers/1,318 tweets), Wisconsin DL: (Twitter account)
Watt just had back-to-back tweets referencing Andy North and Eminem. That, and the fact that he's made Tweet of the Day multiple times, gets him near the top of this list.

4. Rcobb18, aka Randall Cobb (7,596 followers/2,979 tweets), Kentucky WR/QB/PR: (Twitter account)
One of the country's most versatile players is also one of the most followed tweeters. Cobb apparently was watching ESPNU's SEC season preview show Tuesday night and because there hadn't been much mention of his Kentucky team, he tweeted this: Still no respect- watchin #ESPNU sec preview.
And then, a few minutes after the show ended, this: I'm still level 9 pissed abt that! It's just motivation tho- Leeggoo!

5. JacoryHarris12, aka Jacory Harris, Miami QB (3,443 followers, 894 tweets): (Twitter account)
Like many players, Harris likes to tweet famous quotes or lyrics, but he also has used Twitter to conduct his own chats to get connected with college fans and check in with other football talents around the country, ranging from Mizzou QB Blaine Gabbert to Notre Dame QB Dayne Crist to Oregon State WR James Rodgers.

6. GVMcElroy, aka Greg McElroy, Alabama QB (9,299 followers, 214 tweets): (Twitter account)
McElroy's followers seemingly doubled thanks to his often insightful observations during the NFL draft. McElroy, who lists in his bio that he's a marketing major with aspirations of being a lawyer, probably would be even higher on this list if not for the fact that his account doesn't have a tweet since the end of April. We'll see if he gets back into it.

7. blainegabbert, aka Blaine Gabbert, Missouri QB (5,114 followers, 768 tweets): (Twitter account)
The Tigers' rising star keeps you up on everything he ate or caught and every test he's had to take. Not to mention the life around Mizzou football.

8. CPonder7, aka Christian Ponder, FSU QB (4,352 followers, 53 tweets): (Twitter account)
With a nod to the Noles, who have the single most unique Twitter presence in college football in assistant James Coley, we also get the "official Florida State Football Christian Ponder Twitter Page." Ponder's tweets have been sporadic -- just one since July 27 -- but some have been quite clever this offseason, such as this one:
Do dogs think that if they turn their head slightly that they will better understand something they're confused about? Hmm...

9. J_Rodgers8, aka James Rodgers, Oregon State WR (1,597 followers, 8,225 tweets): (Twitter account)
Beavers coach Mike Riley calls the talented little Texan the hardest-working football player he's ever been around, which is hefty praise. With over 8,000 tweets, Rodgers is pretty diligent online, and when he lists in his Twitter bio "anything else you want to know just ask!" he's apparently not kidding.

10. GaryGray4ND, aka Gary Gray, Notre Dame CB (1,120 followers, 1,743 tweets): (Twitter account)
Tough call on picking the top tweeter amongst ND players between Gray and DL Brandon Newman. I'm going with Gray, who has more followers and also has the same self-effacing humor on college life.

"Nincs igazság és nincs emberiség. Csak igazságok vannak és emberek." - Szerb Antal
több mint 14 éve
Kúrfürst briareos Miami Dolphins Miami Hurricanes 17 535 — StuG Life
LOL ez mi?
ez már majdnem Boone szint 😀

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Remélem a másik fórumon még nem volt:
The 12 coolest mascots in college football:
Ralphie a legzsírabb. Tavaly csak miatta néztem a CU-CSU meccset 😊
Idén is az első fordulóban lesz a Rocky Mountain Showdown, de szerintem az Invescon nem fog futni 😕
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JackofClubs Pittsburgh Steelers Pittsburgh Panthers 421 — Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Remélem a másik fórumon még nem volt:
The 12 coolest mascots in college football:

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gsn 3 548
Bármi, ami NCAA foci
