Washington Redskins - New England Patriots
2 feliratkozó
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Colt jól nyomja | nem |
Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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Colt McCoy le fog amortizálódni a meccs végére, ha ez így megy tovább.
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Shelton jo szezont tol
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1 394
Jöhet a focis csajszi 😊
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Innen már Nugent is berúgja. (Talán.)És nem... Jöjjön a sárga rúgó.
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Innen már Nugent is berúgja. (Talán.)😆😁
Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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Tuti nem a holder a bug-os?
Per Sempre Etern
This team was the best team in the AFC in the regular season and we won two games in the playoffs against two good football teams, the best team in the postseason. And that’s what this team is.
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Könnyű td...
Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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Nem igazam van, hanem véleményem. Mint itt mindenkinek.
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Gost mégis játszik?😊
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Innen már Nugent is berúgja. (Talán.)
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1 877
Azert rz kemeny drive volt.
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Idén először engedtetek pontot az első negyedben.
Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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Idogep:ket TE passz egymas utan kulonbozo playaknak
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Per Sempre Etern
This team was the best team in the AFC in the regular season and we won two games in the playoffs against two good football teams, the best team in the postseason. And that’s what this team is.
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Ki sérült meg? Roberts?
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Nézd már vannak TE-k az 53-bán 😊
Per Sempre Etern
This team was the best team in the AFC in the regular season and we won two games in the playoffs against two good football teams, the best team in the postseason. And that’s what this team is.
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Dmc nagyon megette
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Harris hogy még így sem tud aktiv keretet fogni....
Nem igazam van, hanem véleményem. Mint itt mindenkinek.
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Hány misstackle volt? 2? 3?A 2 Mc tuti benne volt
Per Sempre Etern
This team was the best team in the AFC in the regular season and we won two games in the playoffs against two good football teams, the best team in the postseason. And that’s what this team is.
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Hány misstackle volt? 2? 3?Kb.
Hail to the Redskins! - Ad augusta per angusta
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Hány misstackle volt? 2? 3?