San Diego Chargers - Denver Broncos
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The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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és aztán nyilván jön a sack is ...
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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faszom holding
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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nah első TD megvan, de kell egy pick6 isFumble return TD már smafu lenne?
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nah első TD megvan, de kell egy pick6 is
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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mikor végre elindulna az O#jön a menetrendszerű holding
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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12 perc, 3 TD ezzel az O#-val? esélytelen
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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16, nem?innen már elveszíteni sem lehetA 2015-ös Chargersről beszélsz.
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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innen már elveszíteni sem lehetoh w8 😀
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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innen már elveszíteni sem lehet
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még safety is, fasza
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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a return team még mindig szánalom
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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nah ez a "passz" mindent elárult sajnos
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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a jelenlegi broncos O# semA Chargers meg nem tud.A Broncos nem akar nyerniAz mindegy, az a nagy kérdés mit akar a Chargers.
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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A Chargers meg nem tud.A Broncos nem akar nyerniAz mindegy, az a nagy kérdés mit akar a Chargers.
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A Broncos nem akar nyerniAz mindegy, az a nagy kérdés mit akar a Chargers.
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Vegeredmeny: 17-16 Broncos javara.mesemondás hajnalban? 😀
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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Vegeredmeny: 17-16 Broncos javara.
We didn't take this lightly for Johnny Unitas to share this plaza with the greatest defensive player of all time. (Steve Biscotti)
We did it our way. We made sure they started putting in rules for offense! (Ray Lewis)
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jah, faszkivan1&10-re nem negatív play? 😀Cserébe jött is a turnover.
The Stronger you become, the Weaker you really are.
I wanted Champ to be champ!
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1&10-re nem negatív play? 😀Cserébe jött is a turnover.