WC Vasárnap - Green Bay Packers - San Francisco 49ers
4 feliratkozó
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"simán" 8nem baj Lacika
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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Lacy ezzel szopat hogy belefut a falba, aztán kiugrik oldalra
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Lacy-re nincsenek szavak
Liverpool Fc
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Lacy beast mode.
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Kuhn állat.
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Most megfogni
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lacy mekkora hiba... 😕
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Lacy rookie miszték
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valamikor két nagyvizit közbenés mikor gyütt?SancoŐ ki a csuda volt?SancoBell, Bear downGergőbácsi
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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Ne máááár. 😀Egy szerethető csapatot keresett és a Magyar labdarúgó válogatottról még nem hallott.
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laci vazze
Ron Rivera: We were trying to make them systematically beat us.
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Már azt nézte, merre fusson...
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JN 😊balazs799Bowmannal a hátán? Szép!
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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JN 😊
Liverpool Fc
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és mikor gyütt?Ő ki a csuda volt?SancoBell, Bear downGergőbácsi
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Ha a GB-nek nem sikerül megfordítani, akkor nyer a Frisco, asszem mindenféleképpen 😀asszem ez egy TD volt... mindenféleképpenHurkaa néger emerson elkapta😀herewego
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6 perced TD drájv?
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Ne máááár. 😀scontent-a-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/1604578_683133888397689_1994335277_n.jpg
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Ő ki a csuda volt?SancoBell, Bear down
I have been wounded but not yet slain. I shall lie here and bleed a while. Then I shall rise and fight again. The title of champion may from time to time fall to others more than ourselves, but the heart, the spirit, and the soul of champions remain in Green Bay.
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az az újság címe 😀A Vernon Post!!!!!!!!peteynem is írt semmit :pShilkor
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Ő ki a csuda volt?