Szabadügynökpiac 2018
39 feliratkozó
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Nah ide gyűjtöm, hogy melyik gyökér melyik szemétdombra igazol mennyire drágán:
Szerkesztette: empty taxi
Madden hates me.
Trust, it f*cking hates me...
több mint 7 éve hittem Okung szerint a garantált tartalom a gyengéknek való. Vagy azóta már fogadott egy ügynököt?
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12 537
Okung: Chargers, 53M/4év. aztakurva. overthecap szarakszik de ez top3 LT pénz
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@MiamiDolphinsWe have signed Reshad Jones to a contract extension.
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The Falcons have released veteran defensive lineman Tyson Jackson
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The #Falcons gave DL Jack Crawford a 3-year deal worth $10.3M, with $3.75M in year 1Na ez egy okos szerződés. A Chris Baker igazolás is okos volt a Tampától.
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The #Falcons gave DL Jack Crawford a 3-year deal worth $10.3M, with $3.75M in year 1
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Megfogadták Pete Prisco tanácsát. Ne fizess RB-kért. Plusz az se árt, ha olyan mély az idei futó draft class, mint idé Rodgers signed a multi-year deal with the Buccaneers, the team announced. Tampa Bay also announced it retained safety Chris Conte on a two-year deal.Végre egy RB, aki szerződést kap.
Épphogy több , mint egy veterán minimum.
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12 537
mi viszünkmajd valakit, mert AP, Charles, L.Murray és Lacy is jelölt rá a hírek alapján.Jacquizz Rodgers signed a multi-year deal with the Buccaneers, the team announced. Tampa Bay also announced it retained safety Chris Conte on a two-year deal.Végre egy RB, aki szerződést kap.
több mint 7 éve Rodgers signed a multi-year deal with the Buccaneers, the team announced. Tampa Bay also announced it retained safety Chris Conte on a two-year deal.Végre egy RB, aki szerződést kap.
Épphogy több , mint egy veterán minimum.
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Jacquizz Rodgers signed a multi-year deal with the Buccaneers, the team announced. Tampa Bay also announced it retained safety Chris Conte on a two-year deal.Végre egy RB, aki szerződést kap.
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Jacquizz Rodgers signed a multi-year deal with the Buccaneers, the team announced. Tampa Bay also announced it retained safety Chris Conte on a two-year deal.
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BREAKING: The #Buccaneers have agreed to terms with former Washington DL Chris Baker!
több mint 7 éve az eredeti is, de ettol a valasztol azert kifekudtem...
"They both have cancer"
We didn't take this lightly for Johnny Unitas to share this plaza with the greatest defensive player of all time. (Steve Biscotti)
We did it our way. We made sure they started putting in rules for offense! (Ray Lewis)
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Annyit kapott. Szép prove it deal. Már várom a Jags - Seahawks meccset idén.KözbenÁllítólag 1 éves 8 misis a szerződés.
Joeckel -> Seahawks
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Te'o megy a Saintshez visitre
Hungarian Indianapolis Colts Fan Club I'll always be a Colt. Always! - Peyton Manning
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KözbenÁllítólag 1 éves 8 misis a szerződés.
Joeckel -> Seahawks
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BREAKING: DeSean Jackson, the #NFL's best big-play WR over the last decade, has agreed to a multi-year deal!
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21 941
Greg AielloVerified account @gregaiello
This is 25th season under player system adopted in 1993. Team cap has grown 383% from $34.6m to $167m; player benefits up 744%...