A Jets kirúgta Robert Saleh főedzőt!

Jacksonville Jaguars

29 feliratkozó

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Allen Robinson holtversenyben az élen végzett TD elkapásokban.

Kár hogy a mai meccsen nem sikerült összehozni egy TDt neki. Akkor ő egyedül vezetne, Blake meg befogta volna Brady az 1. helyen (Blakehez hasonlóan a "soha ki nem égő" sem dobott ma TDt). Blake Palmerrel, Eli Manningel és Newtonnal holtversenyben 2. TD passzokban.

A meccsre visszatérve: a jó hír: Jonas Gray úgy tűnik lehet 2. számú RB majd az új szezonban. Grant meg Denard felőlem lehetnek 3. és 4. számú RBk.

A rossz hír: a 2013as Jaguars draft class már-mér Gene Smith-i szinteket karcolgat, annyira szar. Szerencsére a 2014es (Hurnst is odavéve) felhozatal legalább annyira jónak tűnik 2 év után, mint amilyen szarnak a '13as.

És a legszomorúbb az egészben az, hogy az a Texans, aki 2014ben 1/1es pickkel rendelkezett és még mindig nincs meg a franchise QBjuk megnyeri az AFC South, miközben nekünk megvan, és megdöntött minden jelentősebb rekordot idén, 2 db 1000 yardos WRrel és így zártunk 5-11el... Abba már bele se kezdek, hogy a tavalyi csapat a 17. héten ugyanitt a győzelemért támadott a legvégén, most meg kapott egy sima zakót, úgy hogy a Texans meg se erőltette magát..
Mert a győzelem nem a rekordokon múlik...
Sobri Jóska
Nem mindig. Amikor Brady összehozta az űr statjait 2007ben, 18-0val ment pl. Superbowlba a Pats.
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Őszentsége Sobri Jóska Jacksonville Jaguars 32 058 — #NoStress
És a legszomorúbb az egészben az, hogy az a Texans, aki 2014ben 1/1es pickkel rendelkezett és még mindig nincs meg a franchise QBjuk megnyeri az AFC South, miközben nekünk megvan, és megdöntött minden jelentősebb rekordot idén, 2 db 1000 yardos WRrel és így zártunk 5-11el... Abba már bele se kezdek, hogy a tavalyi csapat a 17. héten ugyanitt a győzelemért támadott a legvégén, most meg kapott egy sima zakót, úgy hogy a Texans meg se erőltette magát..
Mert a győzelem nem a rekordokon múlik...

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ezt Clemons figyelmébe ajánlanám(Young mostantól JJ Watt-tal fog rémálmodni...)...

5 kérdés az offseasonnal kapcsolatban DiRoccotól
Itt is leírja DiRocco, hogy Marcedes és Henne is visszajönne, ha hosszabbítani akartunk velük(Hennevel biztosan hosszabbítani akar a Jags Halloren szerint).
Marcedesnek az a hosszú elkapása, és ahogy megcsinálja mutatja, hogy ő még hasznos lehet itt.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Clemons agyára ment a túl sok veterán pihenőnap:

Clemons reakciója:

Halloren válasza erre

Ez a "beszélgetés" biztos érdekes lesz:

Amúgy a pályán ma is "remek" volt

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner

4428 passzolt yard, 355 sikeres passz és 35 TD az új Jaguars franchise szezonrekordok.

Sajnos Bortles dobta a legtöbb INTet is idén. 😕

A-Rob kereken 1400 yardot szerzett idén. Ez a 2. legtöbb elkapott yard egy Jaguars WR által. 1999ben Jimmy Smithnek 1636 elkapott yardja volt. Hurns 1031 yarddal zárt.

Hosszú évek után volt valami pozitív jövőkép idén. Jövőre a rájátszás a cél.
Sajnos tartok tőle nincs meg hozzá a megfelelő HC (és DC).

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ilyen szánalmas meccset. Gus imádkozhat, hogy Khan ne gondolja meg magát az állásával kapcsolatban. Mondjuk az egész csapat szarul játszott, élen a 2013as draft classal.
Joeckeltől (és Youngtól) ilyen rossz meccset még nem láttam. Bortlesen még soha nem volt ekkor nyomást mint ma. Soha.

És a legszomorúbb az egészben az, hogy az a Texans, aki 2014ben 1/1es pickkel rendelkezett és még mindig nincs meg a franchise QBjuk megnyeri az AFC South, miközben nekünk megvan, és megdöntött minden jelentősebb rekordot idén, 2 db 1000 yardos WRrel és így zártunk 5-11el... Abba már bele se kezdek, hogy a tavalyi csapat a 17. héten ugyanitt a győzelemért támadott a legvégén, most meg kapott egy sima zakót, úgy hogy a Texans meg se erőltette magát..

Remélem legalább ez a vereség elég ahhoz, hogy Jalen Ramsey ide tegye át a székhelyéét Tallahasseeből majd tavasszal.

Nagy változások kellenek/kellenének ide. Szerintem sajnos Gus nem alkalmas arra, hogy itt playoff csapat legyen a következő szezonban.


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Maka Jacksonville Jaguars Tulane Green Wave 2 757
Hosszú évek után volt valami pozitív jövőkép idén. Jövőre a rájátszás a cél.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Az utolsó inaktív lista a szezonban számunkra:
Telvin Smith
Chris Smith
Parnell nincs, úgy hogy Sam Young néz majd farkasszemet Watt-tal... Ajjaj.
Chris Smith megint inaktív...
Ma Gratz akítv, McCray nem.
Pullard tudta vállalni a játékot (mondjuk én megnéztem volna ott Trippet).

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
(brought to you by Los Pollos Hermanos! Los Pollos Hermanos: where something good is always cooking.)

1. Vigyázz az értékeidre! Bár fontos ma is a helytállás/esetleges győzelem, Gus és csapata előtt ott kell legegjen Sen'Derrick Marks ACL szakadása a Texans ellen a múltkori szezonzárón, és hogy az a sérülés milyen hatalmas nyomot hagyott idén a védelemben. Jó volna kisebb sérülésekkel lehozni a meccset, amik maximum 3 hét múlva már be is gyógyulnak.

2. De azért menj rá a rekordokra! Bortlesnek nem csak a passzolt yardok frachise csúcsa lehet meg vasárnap, hanem a sikeres passzok rekordja is. Az elsőhöz 179 yard, a másodikhoz 17 jó átadás kell. Egyik sem megoldhatatlan. Plusz még harcban van Bradyvel és Palmerrel, hogy övé legyen a legtöbb dobott TD idén. Segítsük hozzá. És ha léhet ezek a passzolt TDk A-Rob kezében landoljanak, aki Doug Baldwinnal holtversenyben vezeti az elkapott TDk listáját (OBJ és Brandon I Marshsall 1el van a duó mögött)

3. Küld Jonást a bika gyomrába! Jonas Gray üde színfolt volt múlt héten, és mivel exkluzív jogú FA lesz, ideje lenne megtudni, hogy lehet-e rá számítani a következő szezonban, mint Yeldon cseréje. Ha ma beválna egy jó Texans D ellen, akkor egy needdel máris kevesebb lenne.

4. Játszd újra House! Az első meccsen Davon az 1. félidőben megfogta Hopkinst, a másodikban DeAndre annyira hülyét csinált belőle, hogy Gus padoztatta a Bills ellen(ami majdnem a Wbe került...). Itt a lehetőség a revansra. És mivel Cecil sincs, gyakorlatilag csak rá kéne figyelni, amikor a TExans O lesz fent a pályán.

5. JJ ne legyen MegaWatt!Bortles testi épsége miatt ma különösen aggódni kell, mert valószínűleg az amúgy egész jó szezont produkáló Parnell ma nem lesz pályán. Sam Young már párszor összecsapott Watt-tal, tehát nem ismeretlen számára JJ, de ettől függetlenül nem ártana Marcedest 6. falemberre alakítani, biztos ami biztos.

Tipp: Texans 24 - Jaguars 20(3 passzolt TD + egy elrontott XP vagy 2 pontos és így 1 lépéssel közelebb kerülünk Jalen Ramseyhez. De ha nyerünk, akkor sem leszek szomorú. 😊 )

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Íme a teljes játékoskeret helyzete 2016ra, fizetésekkel, FAkkel együtt. És pár latolgatás egyes FAink jövőéről.

Here is a position by position look back — and ahead — at the Jaguars.

Player Age 2016 cap

Blake Bortles 24 $5,633,128

Total $5,633,128

Free agents: Chad Henne (unrestricted).

/b]Analysis[/b]: General manager Dave Caldwell’s best decision — drafting Bortles third overall in 2014. Coach Gus Bradley’s best decision — playing Bortles in the third game of 2014. Bortles’ 35 touchdowns are second in the NFL and 12 clear of the previous club record. He has at least one TD pass in every game this year, leads the league with 68 completions of at least 20 yards and is durable (hasn’t missed a snap since taking over the spot). We’ve put Bortles on the hook for 12 of his 16 INTs and four of the team’s 43 sacks. … Henne turns 31 in July and expect the Jaguars to offer him a multi-year contract (maybe averaging the same $3.5 million he made this season). Henne would then have to decide between the comfort of the Jaguars and possibly signing elsewhere to back up an older, injury-prone quarterback and getting to play. If Henne re-signs, the only move to make is adding a third quarterback to help the Jaguars get through the off-season/training camp.


Player Age 2016 cap

Toby Gerhart 29 $3,500,000

T.J. Yeldon 22 $1,344,040

Denard Robinson 25 $728,403

Joe Banyard 27 $675,000

Corey Grant 24 $526,666

Total $6,774,109

Free agents: Bernard Pierce (unrestricted) and Jonas Gray (exclusive rights).

Analysis: Yeldon had 740 yards with three games remaining but hasn't played since sustaining a sprained MCL Dec. 13. The Jaguars thrust him into a do-everything role — run it, catch it and pass protect — and he made strides in all three areas. Yeldon wasn’t a home-run hitter — only 12 of his 182 carries (6.6 percent) were “explosive” (at least 12 yards) — and he had only two touchdown rushes. As a pass protector, Yeldon was on the books for seven pressures and 31/2 sacks. But the biggest positive for Yeldon was he often gained what was available – assertive when the blocking was there and able to scramble to the line of scrimmage when he was hemmed in. … Robinson has a place on this roster, but not as the No. 2 tailback. In the three games Yeldon has missed, Robinson has totaled only 80 yards on 27 carries (2.9 average). … Finding a backup for Yeldon, one who can excel on third down, is a priority. … It would be stunning if Gerhart is back and cutting him would create $3.5 million in cap space. Signed to be the starter in 2014, he couldn’t stay healthy (foot/knee last year, groin this year) and was never productive; his four failed rushes from the 1-yard line against Buffalo defined his Jaguars tenure. … There is no reason to bring Pierce back, whose play against Tampa Bay, blocking a Buccaneers player while on punt coverage, is one of this year’s memorable moments. He couldn’t stay healthy and gained 11 yards on six carries. … Grant posted a 27.5-yard kick return average on eight attempts before sustaining a hip flexor injury Oct. 18. He must produce on special teams to stay on the roster. … Gray is intriguing. He’s shown he can produce in the NFL; the Jaguars should re-sign him to compete in training camp. … Overall, the Jaguars want to be more to have more rushing attempts — they’ve run on 35.5 percent of their plays, making them the fourth least-balanced team in the NFL. But they need to run it better. Only 7.1 percent of their rushes (24 of 340) gained at least 12 yards.


Player Age 2016 cap

Marqise Lee 24 $1,411,097

Allen Robinson 23 $957,510

Bryan Walters 28 $785,000

Arrelious Benn 27 $675,000

Allen Hurns 24 $601,668

Rashad Greene 23 $585,984

Neal Sterling 24 $525,000

Tony Washington 25 $525,000

Damian Copeland 25 $451,668

Total $6,517,927

Free agents: None

Analysis: Nobody should have an issue with the Jaguars starters next season with their top six receivers being Robinson, Hurns, Greene, Lee, Walters and Sterling. … The Jaguars enter Week 17 third in catches of at least 25 yards (37), fourth in red zone catches (46), fifth in yards per catch (12.4) and are one of only two teams (Jets) with two players with double-digit touchdowns. … Robinson (75 catches-1,292 yards-14 TDs) and Hurns (61-1,013-10) represent two of the sport’s best bargains. … Robinson has set the franchise TD catch record and his 28 receptions of at least 20 yards lead the NFL. He’s become a Pro Bowl caliber player, able to out-jump a cornerback 40 yards downfield and turn a 15-yard crossing pattern into a long gain. … Hurns is the position group’s leader and is just steady, capable in every situation (downfield, third down, red zone). … This is a critical off-season for Lee (12-161-1). If he makes it through Sunday, that’s eight straight games without an injury hiccup. He can run, but he needs reps, both in practices and games. Can he stay available to become a regular part of the game plan? We’ll see. … Greene (18-88-2) will be the slot receiver and figures to have an expanded role. … A back injury derailed Walters’ season (32-368-1), but if he’s active on game day, he’s a player who can convert on third down. … Sterling’s best ticket to a roster spot is by playing well on special teams. … The Jaguars pursued multiple veteran receivers last year but don’t need to anymore.


Player Age 2016 cap

Julius Thomas 28 $7,300,000

Total $7,300,000

Free agents: Marcedes Lewis (unrestricted), Clay Harbor (unrestricted) and Nic Jacobs (exclusive rights).

Analysis: A broken hand sidelined Thomas for the first four games and he spent the next month getting up to speed with Bortles. His numbers are (44-443-5) are semi-acceptable considering his injury but bigger things will be expected next year. A key for getting Thomas more involved is making him a red zone priority and also developing routes that have him moving up the field so he can do post-catch damage. … At this time last year, we figured Lewis would be gone, the same for when he took a $4 million pay cut before this year. But the thin tight end free agent class and Lewis’ acceptance of his role (15-181-0) likely result in his return. … Harbor re-signed with the Jaguars after 2013 and wants to return. … Jacobs and Ben Koyack, if he’s signed to a futures contract, could compete for the fourth tight end spot. … When Olson was hired, the Jaguars envisioned the offense being a predominant “12 personnel” ( 1 RB-2 WR-2 TE) team. But the emergence of the receivers could see Olson drawing up more plays in “11 personnel” (1 RB-3 WR-1 TE).


Player Age 2016 cap

Luke Joeckel (LT) 24 $6,745,963

Jermey Parnell (RT) 30 $6,500,000

Zane Beadles (LG) 29 $5,000,000

A.J. Cann (RG) 24 $785,399

Brandon Linder (RG) 24 $745,400

Luke Bowanko (C/G/T) 25 $623,513

Tyler Shatley (G/C) 25 $601,668

Josh Wells (OT) 25 $526,000

Total $21,527,943

Free agents: Stefen Wisniewski (C, unrestricted) and Sam Young (OT, unrestricted).

Analysis: The biggest decisions on offense come with this group. Do the Jaguars re-sign Wisniewski? He didn’t give up a sack in the first nine games but has seemingly hit a wall down the stretch and has had several bad shotgun snaps. … Do they pursue Alex Mack if he opts out of the Cleveland contract the Jaguars constructed via offer sheet two years ago? That would require a contract in the range of $8-9 million per year. … Do they stay in-house and have Bowanko and Shatley compete for the job? … At left guard, do they keep Beadles? He hasn’t missed snap in 31 games here, but cutting him would create $5 million in cap space and a spot for Cann. Don’t think Beadles’ departure is a slam dunk. The Jaguars need guard insurance because of Linder’s October surgery and they can afford to keep a high-priced backup. … Joeckel is eligible to have his fifth-year option picked up (the Jaguars could use that time to sign him to an extension), which we expect to happen because serviceable-to-solid left tackles like Joeckel are tough to find. … At right tackle, Parnell had six penalties in the first six games, but only one in the last nine games. … The Jaguars have to figure out their in-house depth. Chiefly, are they good enough? … Wells (thumb surgery) was lost for the year in August but is the projected favorite to back up the tackle spots. … The Jaguars have cut their sacks down from a league-high 71 to 43 (seventh-most) this year, but the communication needs to improve to prevent the number of unblocked blitzes that result in sacks. And the run blocking must be better. … But considering the state of the offensive line at the end of last year, this wasn’t a one-season fix. Progress was made.


Player Age 2016 cap

Jared Odrick (DE) 28 $8,000,000

Dante Fowler (DE) 21 $5,338,691

Sen’Derrick Marks (DT) 29 $4,675,000

Chris Clemons (DE) 34 $4,000,000

Roy Miller (DT) 29 $3,975,000

Tyson Alualu (DE/DT) 29 $3,000,000

Chris Smith (DE) 24 $600,000

Michael Bennett (DT) 24 $559,675

Total $30,148,366

Free agents: Andre Branch (DE, unrestricted), Abry Jones
(DT, restricted) and Ryan Davis (DE, restricted).

Analysis: Let’s get the book-keeping out of the way. Clemons (three sacks in 618 snaps) is likely to be cut to create $4 million in cap space, Branch (four sacks in 542 snaps) will probably be allowed to walk, Jones has a role as a reserve tackle and Davis is a special teamer/situational pass rusher. … The run defense, which is third in fewest yards allowed per carry (3.6), has improved. Odrick stabilized the strong-side end spot and also has a team-high five sacks. He was a quality addition. ... Alualu provides valuable versatility (end and tackle) and durability (hasn’t missed a game in his career). … Inside, Miller (34 tackles) has had his best year since joining the Jaguars in 2013. Expect him to again play 30-35 snaps a game (all in base-defense situations) and be disruptive. … Marks is a question mark and the Jaguars will likely add a three-technique tackle (which lines up off the guard’s outside shoulder). An ACL tear last December and a triceps tear this November limited Marks to four games. Do the Jaguars still view him as an every-down player after the injuries? The guess here is they will conserve him so he’s full-go on third down to provide an interior pass rush. … Now about that pass rush – HELP! … Requirement No. 1 for this defensive scheme is a consistent four-man rush. It didn’t happen this year. The Fowler injury was a big blow, but he won’t be a miracle worker next season. In addition to Fowler, the Jaguars need to add two “Leos” (weak-side defensive ends) so there is a three-man rotation. … A reason why the Jaguars rank last on third down is the lack of a pass rush (only 12 of their 34 sacks are on that down). … We can probably close the book on Smith, who was scratched eight out of nine games and did nothing in his two-game audition. … The coaches like Bennett’s potential and he’ll get a shot in training camp to earn a larger role. … To boost the pass rush, Miami’s Olivier Vernon (24 years old) should definitely be on the Jaguars’ radar and should he get released, Buffalo’s Mario Williams is worth a pursuit.


Player Age 2016 cap

Paul Posluszny (MLB) 31 $4,666,666

Dan Skuta (OLB) 30 $3,600,000

Joplo Bartu (OLB) 26 $675,000

Telvin Smith (OLB) 25 $652,763

Jordan Tripp (MLB) 25 $600,000

Thurston Armbrister (OLB) 23 $529,166

Hayes Pullard (OLB) 24 $525,000

Total $11,248,595

Free agents: None.

Analysis: The starting trio of Posluszny (middle LB), Smith (weak-side LB) and Skuta (strong-side LB) are expected to return. But after them, the depth needs to be addressed. The Jaguars need to find a middle linebacker they can groom to replace Posluszny in 2017 and outside backers who can rush the passer and cover tight ends. … The Jaguars should focus on the draft to address this position. … Posluszny has played 13 games, missing the Tampa Bay loss (calf) and the Indianapolis win (broken hand). He has 123 tackles and shares the team lead with three INTs. As long as he’s with the Jaguars, he’ll be a three-down linebacker. … This defense is designed for Smith to have a lot of tackles and his 128 lead the team and are tied for fifth in the league. But besides his pick-six against Buffalo, do you remember one impact play? Creating more takeaways is the next step for Smith. … Skuta said last week he was surprised to not get more snaps as a pass rusher and this should be a priority; as it stands, he plays only in base personnel (about 35 percent of the snaps). … Tripp, Armbrister and Pullard could all be in camp next year but they’ll face competition from the additions.


Player Age 2016 cap

Davon House (CB) 27 $6,000,000

Sergio Brown (FS) 28 $2,250,000

Johnathan Cyprien (SS) 26 $1,740,170

Dwayne Gratz (CB) 26 $964,470

Aaron Colvin (CB) 24 $713,288

Josh Evans (FS) 25 $707,205

Demetrius McCray (CB) 25 $691,741

James Sample (FS) 24 $662,145

Peyton Thompson (CB) 25 $600,000

Craig Loston (SS) 25 $600,000

Nick Marshall (CB) 24 $526,666

Total $15,455,685

Free agents: None.

[/b]Analysis[/b]: The Jaguars need to get more plays from their secondary, period. House has three INTs and 21 pass break-ups, but the only other pick is by Cyprien. … Right this way, Florida cornerback Vernon Hargreaves? Welcome to the party, Florida State free safety Jalen Ramsey? … The Jaguars’ search for a free safety will stretch into a fourth off-season. … The Jaguars signed Brown hoping he would be a one-year stop-gap; he was benched after four games and was a part-time player in the season’s second half. Cutting him creates $2.25 million of cap space. … There will be a lot of chatter about San Diego’s Eric Weddle, but he turns 31 on Monday and that hasn’t been the age-group the Jaguars have pursued. … A more realistic option could be Cleveland’s Tashaun Gipson, who has 14 interceptions in 49 games and would be 26 on opening day. … At cornerback, St. Louis’ Janoris Jenkins (age 27) could be a fit. Signing a cornerback would allow the Jaguars to move Colvin to the slot on a permanent basis; it would cut down on his playing time, but would allow him to focus on one position. … House’s 21 pass break-ups are tied for the single-season team record. … Cyprien is eligible to sign an extension, but the guess here is that won’t happen and he’s allowed to play out his contract. We would draft or sign a free safety and move Sample back to his natural strong safety spot to challenge Cyprien. ... Gratz and McCray could be phased out; they’ve both had multiple chances to earn a starting and/or expanded role and haven’t capitalized. … We’re not sold on Marshall in any role, but obviously the Jaguars are so he’ll be back.


Player Age 2016 cap

Carson Tinker (LS) 26 $675,000

Jason Myers ( K ) 24 $525,000

Total $1,200,000

Free agents: Bryan Anger
(P, unrestricted).

Analysis: Anger’s 39-yard net average ranks 24th in the NFL and the Jaguars aren’t expected to re-sign him. That would lead to a two-player punt-off during training camp and preseason games. … Tinker signed a three-year extension before the season. … How the Jaguars really view Myers will be interesting. He has made 24 of 28 field goals (including his last 11) and has 52 touchbacks (fifth-most), but it’s hard to overlook his league-high seven missed extra-points (out of 39 attempts). Do they sign a kicker to be a camp leg or as even competitor? The guess is they go the camp leg route. … Had Greene had the necessary punt returns (1.25 for each of your team’s game), he would be among the NFL’s best; he has a 17.9-yard average on 14 attempts. … At kick returner, the Jaguars have used Grant, Marshall, Walters and Denard Robinson. Grant is the early bet to win the job.
Szóval Henne és Marcedes is meg lesz kínálva úgy tűnik egy szerződéssel az offseasonban. Henne lehet több évre megkaphatja a mostani pénzét, én a helyében elfogadnám. Lewis is visszajöhet, és jó lenne legalább egy olyan Jags veteránt itt tartani, akit játszott még playoff meccsen Jaguars mezben.
A TEk közül Harbor és Jacobs is szintén FA. Sterling helyében én önként jelentkeznék, hogy TE akarok lenni jövőre... Gerhart és Clemons 100%, hogy megy. Remélem Beadlest is viszik magukkal.
Sam Youngot, ha olcsó, és ma jól teljesít, akkor visszahozhatnánk Parnell cseréjének. .
Graynek fontos meccse lesz a mai, ha jól teljesít egy új szerződést érhet neki.
A falemberek közül mind Ryan Davist, mind Abry Jonest visszahoznám. Anger ügy tűnik mehet isten hírével. Caldwell helyében én nézném majd az FCS döntőt, Ben LeCompte a North Dakota State puntere nagyon jó kis játékos, én szívesen látnám majd őt itt jövőre.

Marcedes úgy beszélt pénteken, mint aki vissza szeretne jönni jövőre is ide:

Kulcsok a Texans meccsre majd kora délután várhatóak!

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
mukijoe Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 1 041
Ha minden igaz, ez itt Shao Khan új yachtja Miami partjainál.

Ez akkora, hogy a hazai meccseket simán rendezhetnék a fedélzeten.
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Jövőre az Allen Robinson - Allen Hurns duó $1,559,178t fog nálunk keresni. Ketten együtt összesen. 😊

Dave Caldwell szerint 1-2 emberre a free agency legelején be fogunk majd ruházni. Ez nálam azt jelenti, hogy ezek Top kategóriába tartozó FAk lesznek majd.
Jaguars general manager Dave Caldwell didn’t need to wait until the end of the season to equal parts analyze and lament where his team’s major opportunities were squandered.
“Those three games we were ahead in the fourth quarter,” he said in a Dec. 23 interview with the Times-Union.

At Indianapolis in Week 4: The Jaguars led 13-10 but lost 16-13 in overtime. Against Houston in Week 6: The Jaguars led 14-10 but lost 31-20. And at Tennessee in Week 13: The Jaguars led 32-28, but lost 42-39.

Win those three and the Jaguars would likely be playing an AFC South title game Sunday at Houston. Heck, win only the first Texans game and the re-match could be for the division crown.

But the Jaguars’ eighth straight non-playoff year will in part be defined by an inability to start (35 first-quarter points) or finish (120 fourth-quarter points allowed).

“The Tampa Bay and Tennessee games were fumbles [returned for] touchdowns, but it’s also where we look at our defense and say, ‘How do we close these games out?’ ” Caldwell said.


That will be the main focus of the Jaguars’ offseason efforts. They need help at defensive end, free safety and cornerback and depth issues to address at defensive tackle and linebacker.

And before he uses his eight draft picks, Caldwell has money available … again.

Per several industry data, the Jaguars have $105,805,753 on their 2016 salary cap and that figure will decrease once veterans such as running back Toby Gerhart ($3.5 million) and defensive end Chris Clemons ($4 million) are released. The cap is projected to be in the $147-155 million range. The Jaguars have space, but so do a lot of other teams.

“I think it’s going to be tough,” Caldwell said of the market. “But for us, we can really start to narrow down our needs. In the past, we were just trying to get guys come in and plug holes. Now, we can focus on what our 4-5 areas of needs are and be aggressive instead of saying, ‘Shoot, we have 16 or 18 needs so let’s see who we can get.’”

Caldwell said the Jaguars “would probably have 1-2 targets the first day,” of free agency in early March.

Year 4 of the Caldwell/Gus Bradley administration will have to be season of great strides — owner Shad Khan made that clear Tuesday in his statement announcing Bradley’s return.

Draft class értékelés Gustól és Caldwelltől- már azokról, akik játszottak is (Fowler és Koyack nem lépett még pályára, utóbbi még mindig a practice squadban van)

Round (selection): Second (No. 36).

Key statistics: In 620 snaps, leads the Jaguars with 182 rushes for 740 yards (4.1 average), but only two touchdowns. … Caught 36 passes for 279 yards and one TD. … As a pass protector, gave up seven pressures and 31/2 sacks.

Caldwell: “Very pleased with T.J. I don’t think he could have done more if we asked him. He would have been on target for 1,000 yards, but he’s also excelled in pass protection and catching passes out of the backfield. What we were looking for in a three-down back, we’ve found in T.J.”

Bradley: “How fast T.J. has picked things up [has been impressive]. His instincts — everything we thought. His toughness — everything we thought.”

Our view: Yeldon ranks third among rookie running backs in rushing yards despite missing three games. San Diego may wish it took Yeldon instead of Melvin Gordon.

2016 predicted role : Starting running back.


Round (selection): Third (No. 67).

Key statistics: Since taking over for Brandon Linder (shoulder) in Week 4, has played all 804 offensive snaps. … Been flagged for three penalties. … Responsible for nine bad rushes (gain of less than two yards, not including short-yardage situations) and only one sack.

Caldwell: “He hasn’t given up a sack [by losing a physical matchup] and when you’re a rookie guard, that’s a good sign. He uses his hands very well. He’s strong. He’s stout. He can stop a bull rush. He has very good awareness of stunts and games. And I think just his base and his ability to anchor and gets his hands on people and lock them down [is impressive].”

Bradley: “He’s brought a toughness to the [offensive line] group. And he’ll become more aggressive.”

Our view: Cann has only one debacle of a game, when he had four bad run plays against Indianapolis in Week 14. A solid player for the present and future.

2016 predicted role Starting left guard.


Round (selection): Fourth (No. 104).

Key statistics: Played 130 snaps in three games (Weeks 2-4) and started against Miami. .. Had 13 tackles and one missed tackle. … Hurt in the loss at Indianapolis Oct. 4 and placed on injured reserve Nov. 18.

Caldwell: “He went through a lot of practices and what we’ve seen of him, we really like. We feel pretty confident he’s going to be a good player for us.”

Bradley: “What I would say about him is that, though he was limited, you did see good instincts from him. … But he does need reps. We need to find out what is the best position for him.”

Our view: Sample simply hasn’t played enough football — at the college or pro level — to figure out what he can or can’t be for the Jaguars.

2016 predicted role : Backup strong safety.


Round (selection): Fifth (No. 139).

Key statistics: Played 155 snaps in eight games. … Has 18 catches for 88 yards and two touchdowns and 14 punt returns for a 17.9-yard average and a 73-yard touchdown.

Caldwell: “He’s done more from a punt return aspect and were it not for the thumb injury, he would have done more from a receiving aspect. He’s going to be a very good player. He plays bigger than he looks and he has an exceptional ability to separate and break routes off and is just a very smooth pass catcher.”

Bradley: “Very pleased. One, he’s really added to our special teams. He has really good instincts, those stand out, on punt returns and he’s tough. I don’t know if we knew he was quite as sudden as he is as a receiver.”

Our view: A steal for the Jaguars. Remarkably effective in the red zone in terms of route-running and angles for a young player.

2016 predicted role : Both slot receiver and punt returner.


Round (selection): Sixth (No. 180).

Key statistics: Played 275 snaps in 12 games and has 10 tackles (three missed tackles) and a half-sack.

Caldwell: “We like him as a three-technique and because he’s strong, he has some flexibility and can play the nose, too. We think there is a large arrow pointing up for him.”

Bradley: “He played more consistently against Atlanta [in Week 15]. His pass rush is good. It will be interesting to see where he is a couple years from now and what he develops into.”

Our view: Bennett won't be a 55-snaps-per-game player, but could find a role that has him playing 30-35 snaps.

2016 predicted role: Backup defensive tackle.


Round (selection): Seventh (No. 220).

Key statistics: Hasn’t played an offensive snap. … Has played 96 special teams snaps (one tackle).

Caldwell: “I like him as a receiver; I could like him as a tight end. But we haven’t discussed it. What he’s done is a nice job playing special teams. I think there is probably a role in our offense for him, as a hybrid receiver/tight end and you’ve seen it around the league.”

Bradley: “It will be intriguing to see what takes place with him. He has the skill set to be a receiver, he has the skill set to maybe be a [tight end].”

Our view: The Jaguars drafted him as a project with good size (6-foot-4/240 pounds) for a receiver. But Sterling’s best route to a lengthy NFL career is moving to tight end.

2016 predicted role: Core special teams player/back-up tight end.
Összességében nem tűnnek rossznak az '15ös srácok, de az picit aggaszt, hogy Cannt leszámítva mindegyik több meccset is kihagyott. Jövőre remélem a többség 16 meccsen is bevethető lesz, Fowlerrel az élen.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ha minden igaz, ez itt Shao Khan új yachtja Miami partjainál.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Marronen nem véletlenül van sok helyen listázva, mint esetleges HC (OC?) jelölt. Az O-line idén sokkal jobb. A sackek száma 1 meccsel a vége előtt 43nál áll, tavaly 71 jött össze.
Don’t forget about line

The Jaguars offense set multiple passing records this season.

Quarterback Blake Bortles has 35 touchdown passes entering Sunday’s finale at Houston, breaking the previous record by 12.

Receiver Allen Robinson produced the team’s first 1,000-yard season since Jimmy Smith in 2005 and broke the receiving touchdown mark with 14.

The two deserve credit, but don’t forget about the offensive line.

“For an offensive lineman, you always want the backs and receivers to be successful,” Jaguars left guard Zane Beadles said. “When that happens, you’re doing your job, for the most part. That’s definitely exciting. We’re happy for those guys and happy to be a part of it.”

The Jaguars allowed a franchise-worst 71 sacks last season. This year, under first-year offensive coordinator Greg Olson and first-year offensive line coach Doug Marrone, that number has dropped to 43 with one game to play.

“They’ve done a good job,” Jaguars coach Gus Bradley said. “I think at the beginning of the season we were talking about the number of sacks. That number is drastically down. So I think vast improvement there in our protections.”
És ha azt vesszük, hogy ebből mennyi volt az RBk és főleg Bortlesé, azt kell mondjam, olyan nagy O-line gondjaink pass protectionben annyira nincsenek (tehát holnap Watték szarrá sackelik Blaket...). Főleg ha a gyenge láncszemnek számító Beadles is megy.
Az más kérdés ki fogja edzeni jövőre az alakulatot. George Yarnoról nem sokat hallani(ő lenne elméletben az O-line edzője).
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Parnell meccs napjabeli döntés lesz majd holnap.

A-Rob megkapta az nfl.comtól az év fanatsy breakout player játékosa címet!

És a New York Times írt egy cikket Bortles fejlődéséről:
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Trivia a ma az 53ba felhozott DTről, Richard Ashről. Volt 2 szerelése a 2014es Híres Idahói Krumpli Bowlon! 😊

A Texansnál nem lesz Cecil (ki nem találjátok miért sérült - | hamstring, ami miatt itt is sok baja volt | ) és Clowney, aki még soha nem játszott a Jaguars ellen, pedig már 4 alkalma is lehetett volna.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Richard Ash már ott is van az 53ban. Abry Jones ment IRre.

Telvin és Yeldon biztos nem játszanak vasárnap.

Parnell és Pullard játéka kérdéses. Ha nem tudják vállalni a játékot, akkor Parnell helyett Sam Young, Pullard helyett Bazzani kedvenc Jags játékosa, Jordan Tripp játszik majd.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
Höri Indianapolis Colts West Virginia Mountaineers 32 136 — bútor
DT poszton érdekes lesz a helyzet vasárnap. Az ott bevethető embereink közül csak Michael Bennett és Ryan Davis (aki inkább DE) teljesen egészséges. Mondjuk Alualu szerintem játszani fog őt ismerve. De ez 3 ember... Szerintem Richard Ash fel lesz hozva a practice sqaudból vasárnapra az aktív keretbe.

több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Tegnapi sérüléshelyzet:
DNP: Abry Jones (knee), Jermey Parnell (hamstring), Telvin Smith (shoulder), T.J. Yeldon (knee), Roy Miller (knee)

Limited:Hayes Pullard III (hamstring), Tyson Alualu (ankle), Jared Odrick (quad), Allen Hurns (thigh)

Full: Luke Joeckel (knee/back),Allen Robinson (shoulder), Demetrius McCray (non-injury), Johnathan Cyprien (thigh), Chris Clemons (rest)

DT poszton érdekes lesz a helyzet vasárnap. Az ott bevethető embereink közül csak Michael Bennett és Ryan Davis (aki inkább DE) teljesen egészséges. Mondjuk Alualu szerintem játszani fog őt ismerve. De ez 3 ember... Szerintem Richard Ash fel lesz hozva a practice sqaudból vasárnapra az aktív keretbe.

Babich úgy gondolja, hogy jövőre rendbe tudja hozni a Dt.
Én szeretném ha jövő héten ilyenkor már nem dolgozna nálunk....

A 2 Allen elég speciális szezont fut idén:

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Boldog új évet Jaguars fanok és Bowl.hu/one fórumozók!

Made... Laid... Paid
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Hurns bezsebelt egy újabb díjat, ezúttal a helyi médiától:
Remélem a 2 Allen 1; továbbra is az NFL egyik legveszélyesebb WR párosa lesz nálunk. 2; mindketten megmaradnak 2 lábbal a földön álló, nem primadonnáskodó játékosoknak.

Halloren Bortles eddigi 35 TDjéről. A kezdő passzus nem semmi stat.
Ben Roethlisberger, Philip Rivers, Carson Palmer, Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco have never done it.
Blake Bortles has.

The second-year Jaguars quarterback has thrown for 35 touchdown passes this season, an accomplishment only a handful of quarterbacks in the league have achieved in their careers.

“You can’t say enough about the job he’s done this year,” Jaguars tight end Julius Thomas said. “I think it goes unnoticed how tough it is to have this kind of success for a quarterback in Year Two. You see that touchdown number. There are a lot of good quarterbacks that it took a long time for them to throw 30 touchdowns.”

Thomas has a point. Tom Brady and Drew Brees each needed seven seasons to reach 30 touchdown passes. The 23-year-old Bortles can add to his total in Sunday’s finale when the Jaguars (5-10) travel to face Houston (8-7). He’s already shattered the franchise record for touchdown passes in a season by 12.

Bortles is second in the NFL in touchdown passes this season behind Brady, who has 36.

“I think that any time you’re over 30 touchdowns as a quarterback that’s pretty impressive,” Jaguars coach Gus Bradley said. “It’s very impressive what he’s done.”

Bortles has thrown for 22 touchdowns with nine interceptions since a 31-20 loss to the Texans on Oct. 18.

“I think he’s an excellent player,” Texans coach Bill O’Brien said. “I think he’s playing at a really high level. You can tell that he really understands their system. He’s reading coverages. He’s very astute at knowing what’s going on defensively. He’s a dangerous guy when he runs. He makes a lot of plays when he breaks out of the pocket.”

Jaguars general manager Dave Caldwell selected Bortles with the third-overall pick in 2014. Eighteen months after being picked, Bortles could also own the franchise’s single-season yardage record in addition to the touchdown mark.

Mark Brunell’s record stands at 4,367 yards and Bortles needs 179 yards on Sunday to break it. He’s thrown for at least 182 yards in every game this season and had 331 yards in the first meeting with Houston.

Bortles has come a long way from his rookie season under the direction of first-year offensive coordinator Greg Olson. He threw for 2,908 yards with 11 touchdowns and 17 picks last season.

“I think from where he was at a year ago, I think he’s shown great promise in development this season,” Olson said. “There are a lot of things that he needs to work on in his game, but we’re happy with the progress where he’s at right now. … He still has a high ceiling.”

Now, Bortles will get to work with Olson for a second season after Jaguars owner Shad Khan announced Tuesday that he’s retaining Bradley in 2016.

“I’m super excited about working with [Olson],” Bortles said. “I think the system is awesome in that it will only allow guys to continue to grow and get better. They say the second year in the system is usually where you see the most growth.”

The Jaguars’ roster still has several holes, mostly on the defensive side of the ball. However, as Caldwell and Bradley build the 2016 roster, they have the biggest NFL luxury. They have a franchise quarterback in place. Bortles’ name will never be linked to draft busts like JaMarcus Russell, Joey Harrington and Akili Smith, all selected in the top three of the draft.

Bortles has proven he’s the centerpiece to the franchise’s future.

“I think that’s cool,” Bortles said. “One thing that Gus and Dave have done that’s been awesome is stood strongly by me through struggles. They have been unbelievable. To have that affirmation feels really good, and I think that it will hopefully only continue to grow and get better. I can’t get complacent and say I’m the guy and can do whatever. I think you’ve got to continue to try and do things better each year.”
Blake tegnap azt mondta, hogy ő sohasem nézi a saját statjait, illetve egész pontosan azt, hogy hol áll a listákon vele, úgyhogy nem izgatja különösebben, hogy 1. is lehet idén TD passzokban.

Csak 5,5 sackre van a megszokott húszasától, ezt a matchupot egyenesen neki találták ki 😊
Young azért RTben nem rossz(ez az ideális posztja) és már játszottak egymás ellen párszor az elmúlt években. Szerintem 2 engedett sack vagy az alatt lehozza a meccset. 😊.

Watt egyébként ezt mondta tegnap Blakeről

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 039 — Jaguars fan
Jó esély van rá, hogy az Abry Jones, Parnell, Telvin , Yeldon négyes kihagyja a meccset. Ha így lesz, Sam Young nézhet újra farkasszemet Watt-tal vasárnap.
Csak 5,5 sackre van a megszokott húszasától, ezt a matchupot egyenesen neki találták ki 😊
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
akkor van Hard Knocks esély 😛
Sőt, akár 1 újabb Senior Bowlra is lehet egy esetleges vasárnapi vereséggel....

Mai sérültlista:

DNP: Chris Clemons (rest), Allen Hurns (thigh) Abry Jones (knee), Jermey Parnell (hamstring), Telvin Smith (shoulder), Yeldon (knee)

Limitált: Pullard III (hamstring), Alualu (ankle), Odrick (quad), Robinson (shoulder), CB McCray (non-injury), Cyprien (thigh)
Teljes: OT Luke Joeckel

Jó esély van rá, hogy az Abry Jones, Parnell, Telvin , Yeldon négyes kihagyja a meccset. Ha így lesz, Sam Young nézhet újra farkasszemet Watt-tal vasárnap.

Halloren 8 gondolata Gus megtartásáról:

Eight points about Jaguars owner Shad Khan’s decision Tuesday to retain coach Gus Bradley for a fourth season:

1. Khan deserves credit for getting ahead of the story.

The story of Bradley’s job status would have gained momentum this week and certainly Sunday if the Houston Texans rolled to a lopsided win.

If Khan wanted Bradley to return, why wait to announce it? This way, Bradley and general manager Dave Caldwell can work with the training staff to determine which players can be held out of the finale with the understanding that it’s not a win-or-everybody-gets-canned game.

With his status secure, Bradley should sit players with existing injuries (T.J. Yeldon, Telvin Smith, Jared Odrick, Allen Hurns and Jermey Parnell) and either deactivate or limit the playing time of Blake Bortles, Julius Thomas, Allen Robinson, Roy Miller and Paul Posluszny.

2. The Jaguars’ offensive resurgence saved Bradley his job.

I can’t imagine Khan would have stood still if the Jaguars finished with a 5-11 record and were still terrible on offense because that would mean regression or no progress from Bortles.

But Bradley deserves credit for firing offensive coordinator Jedd Fisch and going through an exhaustive, month-long process that ended with Greg Olson being hired as the play caller.

Under Olson, the Jaguars have jumped from 32nd to tied for 10th, a remarkable increase of 9.1 points per game.

The key for Bortles and the offense to make another leap — which good players do in their third year as pros — is staying in the same system. If Khan fired Bradley but wanted to keep Olson, he would have had a difficult time finding a quality replacement because any offensive coach wouldn’t have been interested and most defensive coaches would have wanted to bring in their own man.

What’s best for Bortles entering 2016 is continuity.

3. If Caldwell/Bradley set a four-year plan upon their 2013 arrival, it’s Must-Win Time next year.

Khan’s statement included saying “we have high ambitions.” That means the Jaguars had better sniff .500 next year or a major house cleaning is in order, period.

The non-AFC South schedule does the Jaguars no favors: Denver, Oakland, Minnesota, Green Bay and Baltimore at home; Kansas City and always-an-issue San Diego on the road.

4. In his meeting with Bradley and Caldwell, it would be shocking if Khan didn’t ask them for their plans to tinker with the coaching staff.

The Jaguars’ defense enters Week 17 ranked 25th in yards allowed (373.2), 29th against the pass (269.9), last on third down (opponents converting 46.2 percent), tied for 27th in interceptions (eight), tied for 18th in sacks (34) and second-to-last in points allowed (27.9).

If Bradley was on the ball, he had a list ready for Khan that included defensive coordinator candidates to replace Bob Babich, free agent targets and scheme changes.

Gene Frenette: In return for Khan's patience, Bradley better deliver special season in 2016

Bradley always says he does what is in the “best interest” of the organization and not himself. What’s best for both the team and himself is giving the defense a new voice.

5. Don’t be surprised if Bradley takes over the defensive play calling.

That’s my bold prediction for the week. It’s what Bradley should do, partly because it would allow him to promote a new coordinator from within if he decides to move on from Babich, a longtime friend/former boss and partly because it would give him a larger hand in his success/failure as the head coach.

Bradley calling the plays would show he’s taking extra initiative to fixing this defense . It’s worked for Minnesota coach Mike Zimmer, who calls the Vikings’ defense.

6. Khan is banking on the 2016 defense showing the kind of improvement that the 2015 offense has made.

The Jaguars have $103,494,087 in 2016 salary commitments, which could give them more than $40 million in cap space come early March. They need specific help at free safety, cornerback and pass-rusher and because they don’t have many offensive needs, defense can be prioritized.

The cap space, a likely top-10 draft pick, seven other draft selections, the fresh eyes of a new coordinator and the return of Dante Fowler and Sen’Derrick Marks could trigger a quick turnaround. That’s what Bradley needs.

7. Surveying the available pool of candidates to replace Bradley, Khan likely wasn’t blown away.

Josh McDaniels and Hue Jackson are the top candidates these days, but that would have meant a new offense.

Khan could have promoted offensive line coach Doug Marrone, but that would have been a tough sell to the fan base.

8. Khan is showing remarkable patience.

Sticking with Bradley is again Khan’s way of telling fans how big of a dumpster fire the team was in 2012, his first as owner.

Caldwell and Bradley inherited a total build. The Jaguars had to get worse, clearing cap space and dead weight off the roster, before starting the process of getting better.

It doesn’t mean this year hasn’t been a disappointment (it has), but with a few tweaks, there should be some hope for 2016.
több mint 8 éve
Höri Indianapolis Colts West Virginia Mountaineers 32 136 — bútor
akkor van Hard Knocks esély 😛

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 409 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Khan kijelentette, hogy Gus Bradley marad a head coach 2016-ban.
Babich remélem megy.
Itt van a teljes szöveg:

Akkor tényleg van egy 4 éves terv. Amúgy Gus szerződése amúgy is lejár majd 2016 végén, tehát el se kell küldeni, ha nem akarjuk megtartani.

Vasárnap Gus kísérleti jelleggel igazán átvehetné akár 1 meccsre is a D playcallingot. Ha beválik, akkor 2016ban lehet folytatani, ha nem, akkor vannak más opciók is.

Szerkesztette: iktriad