A Jets kirúgta Robert Saleh főedzőt!

Jacksonville Jaguars

29 feliratkozó

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
(brought to you by Los Pollos Hermanos! Los Pollos Hermanos: where something good is always cooking.)

1. Just sling it baby! Mivel Yeldon megint nem lesz, és láttuk Denard mire képes egyedül, inkább tegyünk azt, amihez viszonylag a legjobban értünk, és ahol a legjobb játékosain vannak, és próbáljuk szétpasszolni a Saints. Ezt a meccset úgy sem a védelmek fogják hozni.
2. Be his pusher! Enyhén átalakítva egy 2000es Scooter szám címét, ha Brees játszik ellenünk, tegyük pokollá az életét, amennyire lehet. Nem csak neki, de mindkét OTjének a játéka kérdéses. Ha Branch vagy Clemons akar még jövőre valahol játszani az NFLben, legalább egy fél lábbal játszó vén csontot csomagoljanak már össze!
3. Rekordokra fel.Bortles 547 yardra van Mark Brunell szezon franchise csúcsának megdöntésétől passzolt yardokban. Jó lenen egy 300+ yardos meccset összehozni, hogy a sokkal keményebb diónak ígérkező Texans D ellen legyen esély meg is dönteni azt. Hurnsek már csak 93 yard kell neki az 1000hez és csak 51, hogy ő legyen a legtöbb yardot elkapó UDFA 2 szezon után 1970 óta. 2 TDvel a legtöbb hatpontost is ő szerezné ez idő alatt. És persze ott van A-Rob, aki megléphet picit OBJtől és Eifertől, és ahogy Russell Wilson és Doug Baldwin játszik kelleni is fog 2-3 TD még, hogy ő legyen az idei 1. ebben a műfajban!
4. Vegyetek repülőrajtot. A A Jaguars 31. az első negyedben szerzett pontokban. Legalább egyszer próbáljunk ne beragadni a startnál. Az ellenfél védelme tök utolsó a ligában egy rahedli rookieval kezdőposztokon. Egyszer egy évben használjuk már ki az adódó alkalmat, ha lehet!
5. No presure A meccs idejére már tudni fogjuk, van-e sansz még a playoffra egy esetleges Wvel. Ha elmegy, tényleg minden teher nélkül próbáljunk játszani, és évezni a játékot, ez főleg az offensenek szól. Ha netán a Titans megveri Weedenéket, akkor is próbáljuk meg ezzel a mentalitással hozzáállni a találkozóhoz. Ne görcsöljünk! Élvezzük a játékot, amennyire lehet.

a; Ha Brees végigbírja Saints 33 - Jaguars 27 (4 TDnk lesz, de Myers megint XPt ront);
b; ha Brees nem bírja végig Saints 24 - Jaguars 27 (lásd feljebb)
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Yeldon és Telvin is kétséges besorolást kapott, és idén sohasem játszott senki ilyen státusszal vasárnap. :/ Mindenki más bevethető(valószínű besorolással).

Brees játéka kérdéses vasárnapra.
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mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 091 — Chalk Dawk fan
#Agent88 elég classy megint


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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Gene Frenette az FTUtól Mustaine kedvenc NFL játékosáról írt egy nagyon jó cikket.
Humble beginnings led to thankful Allen Hurns

This Christmas will be like no other for Allen Hurns, the soft-spoken, anti-diva receiver who remains grateful for every waking minute he spends in the NFL.

Many people know about Hurns’ football exploits, an undrafted player who had an instant impact for the Jaguars. His first two catches in his pro debut went for touchdowns against the Philadelphia Eagles, an unprecedented feat. His six touchdowns and 51 catches in 2014 were the fourth-most in history by an undrafted rookie.

But those numbers, or being on track for a 1,000-yard season this year, aren’t even close to being the best part of Hurns’ defying-the-odds story.

No, if you want to get a true appreciation of why No. 88 and his family are feeling overwhelmingly blessed this holiday, it’s essential to go back a decade or two and relive Hurns’ childhood.

The 24-year-old receiver spent his wonder years living in small apartments in some rough Miami neighborhoods, from Carol City to Miramar. Sitting quietly at a conference table at EverBank Field, he especially recalls one jarring night at his grandmother’s house.

“Across the street, two men got shot, one of them 72 times and the other 68,” Hurns said. “That’s the most violent thing I can remember.”

Toughness is in the family DNA, and it’s not defined just by the willingness of a Jaguars’ receiver to catch passes while absorbing big hits. Hurns’ mental strength is a byproduct of Erica Wilson, who overcame being a single mother of two sons from different fathers as a teenager (she had Allen, her second child, at age 19, and Daryl Wilson at age 15) to provide a stable, loving environment.

“It was difficult,” Wilson said Tuesday night from her Southside home. “I did my best to get what they needed. I couldn’t always get what they wanted.

“My kids were everything. That’s what I had to focus on.”

Erica admittedly put herself in a tough spot as a teenager. But she refused to let the lack of a high school diploma, severe financial hardships, or Hurns’ father, Allen, being in prison on drug charges for the first six years of his son’s life, get in the way of properly raising her kids.

Oh, life is good now, a far cry from all those years of juggling two jobs — running a childcare service during the day, then working nights at Winn-Dixie, Wal-Mart or Burger King to make ends meet. Erica eventually went back to high school and graduated, then obtained an AA degree from Broward College while her son Allen Hurns was attending the University of Miami.

She moved to Jacksonville with her mother, Mary Wilson, and Daryl (who owns an automobile paint-chipping business) in February after Hurns bought her a four-bedroom house on the Southside. On Tuesday, the Jaguars receiver took Erica to a Mercedes-Benz dealership in Jacksonville to purchase an early Christmas present, a fully-loaded C300.

Hurns predicted his mother would “cry for sure,” and it finally happened as she was signing the papers.

“My nights aren’t as restless anymore,” said Erica. “I don’t have to worry about taking care of my kids. They take care of me. It lets everyone know I raised some men. It’s a great feeling.”

The soft-spoken Hurns, who rarely initiated any conversation until his shyness began to erode as a college senior, was forced to become a man long before the typical maturity timeline.

Not every Christmas was like 2001 when Hurns received what remains one of his all-time favorite gifts, a University of Miami football helmet with player signatures, among them his idol and mentor, Indianapolis Colts receiver Andre Johnson. Hurns’ mother obtained it through a lifelong connection with then UM assistant coach Randy Shannon, who played high school football with her brother.

“As a kid, that was the best Christmas present,” said Hurns. “Miami was always my dream school.”

But as time wore on, and that 10-year-old boy grew into adolescence, Christmas took on a new meaning. Hurns started to understand the toll of trying to provide for two kids on a meager income was taking on his mother. Suddenly, any gift he received became secondary to wanting to ease Erica’s burden.

“As a kid, you want, you want, you want,” Hurns said. “You don’t really know the value of money. Once you get in high school, you start to realize your parent doesn’t have [money]. So when she asks you what you want for Christmas, you say you really don’t want anything because you know she doesn’t really have the money.

“I started realizing there’s bigger things that come first like paying for rent, paying a bill, providing food. That’s a lot on my mother. I didn’t want her to feel like we weren’t happy because we weren’t getting certain things.”

The thing is, before last week, when Erica posted it on social media, Hurns had no idea how financially strapped his mother became at one point. Erica had put it out of her mind until she found herself passing out blankets recently to some homeless people near EverBank Field.

Suddenly, the tears came tumbling out. It brought back memories of one of the worst times in Erica’s life — her family was temporarily homeless — which she kept hidden from Allen and his brother all these years.

“What I never told my kids was when I let them go sleep one time with [Allen’s] father at his place for two or three days, I slept in my car that I had outside a storage unit,” Erica said. “I had lost the apartment because I couldn’t make the rent.

“A nice lady let me move into a place she owned without a down payment. A week later, she saw that my car was repossessed and she gave me $3,500 cash so I could get it back because she knew I needed it to get to work. This woman was a complete stranger, and all she asked in return [for her generosity] was for me to do right for my boys. When I was giving out those blankets to the homeless, I just broke down.”

Few people in the Jaguars’ organization have greater admiration for the path Hurns’ mother has traveled than receivers coach Jerry Sullivan, a former Miami Jackson High quarterback who was raised in foster care until age 13.

“I told Allen’s mother that she ought to go on the Oprah Winfrey show and tell America how to raise a child as a single mother,” said Sullivan. “What a great person she raised in Allen.”

Erica doesn’t take all the credit. She acknowledges the support system she had from her mother and Allen’s paternal grandmother, Anna Mae Hurns.

“Some people think there’s never a way out of trying times,” said Erica. “Looking back on it now, I’m overwhelmed and grateful that I never lost my boys to the streets. They never pushed me about wanting more. They made it easier on me.”

Hurns doesn’t run away from his humble beginnings. Instead, he embraces it, reminding himself to stay grounded and never take for granted an NFL life paying him a $510,000 salary in 2015.

That’s why he relished the opportunity last week to give out Christmas toys that he purchased for about 40 boys at Jacksonville’s Valor Academy. Hurns performed the same good deed for boys and girls from low-income families at Sunshine Elementary in Miami.

As much as his life revolves around football and pushing the Jaguars to become a winning franchise, Hurns wants to do what he can to bring joy to people, especially kids, who face trying circumstances.

“It makes me feel good to be a blessing to others, to see a smile on a kid’s face,” said Hurns. “[As NFL players], we have the money to do whatever we want, but things like that really stand out to us. So any way I can help, I’m going to try to help.”

As much as anyone in the Jaguars’ locker room, Hurns always has a Christmas-type spirit about him. It’s not just having the financial means to splurge on his mother, including a recent birthday present of a two-day weekend in Jamaica. What really keeps Hurns striving for football excellence is knowing his story could inspire someone else through difficult times.

He doesn’t want to forget the hardship of not having a relationship with his father — now living in Iowa, and they communicate every day — until he was about 16. Or wondering if his scholarship to Miami would be pulled after a knee injury sidelined him most of his senior year at Carol City High. Or the bitter disappointment of not hearing his name called in the NFL Draft.

When it ended, Erica said her son “broke down crying in my arms.”

It turns out, that was just another in a long line of obstacles that inspired the Jaguars’ receiver to reach his NFL dream.

“At the end of the day, it all gives you motivation,” said Hurns. “I feel like there’s nothing I can’t overcome. God puts things in our way to see how we respond to adversity. I’m just a firm believer of showing that people who are less fortunate or are going through things, you can overcome.”

For Allen Hurns, whether it’s Christmas or not, that might be his greatest gift.
Nagyon tetszik, hogy a fiatal alapembereink egytől egyig rendes, normális, allűröktől mentes embereknek tűnnek a nyilatkozataik, viselkedésük alapján.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A-Rob a (majdnem) Pro Bowl kiválasztásról:
Meg kell mondjam, nagyon tetszik, hogy a a 2 Allen mennyire a földön tudott maradni a sikereik ellenére is.

Telvin továbbra is azt mondta, hogy lehetséges, hogy vasárnap tud majd játszani
Mondjuk ahogy itt kinézett az interjúban nagy összeget nem tennék arra, hogy játszik.

Babich azt mondta elsősorban Breesre készülünk vasárnap. Most úgy tűnik, hogy ő fog majd játszani vasárnap. Babich azt is elmondta, ha Telvin nem tud játszani, biztos benne, hogy Pullard meg fogja tudni oldani a feladatát.
Olvasgatva Pullard életrajzát(többször is a legtöbb szerelést csinálta meg a USCn, volt, hogy 100 fölött volt a tackljei száma), érdekes, hogy sokak szerint ennek a nyílt levélnek, (amit 2 nappal a draft előtt írt) köszönheti, hogy idén a Browns egyáltalán draftolta a 7. körben!
Idén a Chargers ellen volt már egy blokkolt puntja. Remélem, ha ő játszik Telvin helyén, neki is olyan jó meccse lesz, mint 2 hete Trippnek. Nem lenne baj, ha kiderülne, hogy mégis van depthünk LB poszton Tripp és Pullard személyében. Bár így is az az érzésem, hogy 1 de lehet 2 LB majd érkezik az offseasonban. Egyre többet hallom, hogy bár Skutával elégedettek, az OTTO posztra kéne hozni valakit elé. Nem tudom ez mennyire jó ötlet(igaz ha ez a valaki mondjuk Bruce Irvin lenne, akkor áldásom rá).

És Lageman a múlt heti kritikus támadóhibákat elemzi, némi Poz méltatással a végén:

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A.J. Cann csuklója megsérült, remélem nem komoly. Telvin és Yeldon továbbra sem edzett.

Nem edzett: Roy Miller, Telvin Smith, Yeldon

Limitált: A.J. Cann, Ryan Davis, Allen Hurns, Dan Skuta

Teljes értékűen edzett Sergio Brown, Dwayne Gratz, Nic Jacobs, Paul Posluszny, Denard Robinson, Bryan Walters

Hayes Pullard készen áll, ha be kell ugrania Telvin helyére:
"You know that the guy has something to him," said defensive coordinator Bob Babich. "Being around him, he is a football player and he's going to do, in my mind, I'm very comfortable that he will do everything he can to put himself in position to be successful with preparing, with studying, with practicing hard, watching tape and all those types of things. I don't see that being a problem at all. He may have gotten his first play last week in an NFL regular season game as a linebacker. Now, he's starting. Guys like that, usually they show up. It'll be fun to see what he can do."
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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Boldog karácsonyt, áldott ünnepet!

Made... Laid... Paid
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner

A-Rob a majdnem Pro Bowl jelöléséről
Megatron és Fitz is 1100/1000 y 7 TD-s szezont hoz, de A-Rob a tartalék 1141y 13 TD-vel. Mekkora egy rutinbuzulás ez az egész szavazás...
Fitznek halye van idén ott. A Cardinals remek idény hoz. Megatront viszont időnként a saját csapatában is elhomályosította Tate. De mindegy, mert úgyis lesz legalább 1 WtR, aki lemondja és akkor A-Rob ott lehet.

Amúgy minden kedves fórumozóknak, különösen a Jags fanoknak boldog, békés karácsonyt kívánok!
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Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 039 — Jaguars fan

A-Rob a majdnem Pro Bowl jelöléséről
Megatron és Fitz is 1100/1000 y 7 TD-s szezont hoz, de A-Rob a tartalék 1141y 13 TD-vel. Mekkora egy rutinbuzulás ez az egész szavazás...
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Teljes értékűen edzett: Brown, Jacobs, Poz, Gratz, Denard, B Walters
Limitáltan edzett Skuta és Ryan Davis
Nem edzett Clemons(veterán pihinap), Miller, Telvin, Yeldon, Hurns

Ha Telvin nem tud játszani, Hayes Pullard kezd a helyén vasárnap.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Telvin keze fel van kötve. Azt mondta meglátja, tud-e vasárnap játszani. Remek...

Denard szerint a sérülése nem fogja hátráltatni abban, hogy játsszon. Yeldon még mindig térvédővel a bokáján sétált.

A-Rob a majdnem Pro Bowl jelöléséről

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Itt van a Lageman féle műsor, amiről tegnap írtam. Érdemes belehallgatni
A karácsony miatt nem csütörtökön, hanem ma lesz Halloren. Kíváncsi leszek, neki milyen véleménye van a Falcons meccsen látottakról, illetve a közel és távolabbi jövőről.

A-Rob mellett Poz is tartalék a Pro Bowlra, de ő a 4. számú, szemben A-Robbal, akinél csak egyvalakinek kell majd lemondania a dolgot. Mondjuk az érdekes(szokásos?), hogy Telvin | (vagy Hurns) | még csak tartalékszámba sincs véve...

Itt van John Oesher listája azokról, akinek bellehetett vvolna kerülni és akiket 1 vagy 2 (jó) szezonra vannak a Pro Bowltól.
A look at other Jaguars on Pro Bowl Tuesday:

*Paul Posluszny, linebacker. Poz is a fourth alternate, so he might make it – and if he does, the honor will be deserved. If the defense had a strength this season, it was run defense – and Posluszny plays the run as well as any middle linebacker in the league.

*Roy Miller, nose tackle. This is as a definite “shoulda.” Miller played at a Pro Bowl level this season, and with the exception of two games – at Tampa Bay and Tennessee – the Jaguars’ run defense was as good as any in the NFL. Poz was one reason. Miller was just as good, if not better. He should have made it.

*Telvin Smith, linebacker. This is another “shoulda.” He’s turning into one of the best young linebackers in the NFL – and played at a Pro Bowl level at times this season. He’s not a sack guy and that often hurts at outside linebacker. Still, as the Jaguars get better, his profile will rise. He’s too dynamic not to get recognized soon.

*Blake Bortles, quarterback. It’s not his time yet. If he cleans up the interceptions and continues to grow at the rate he’s growing, that time will come. Soon.

*Allen Hurns, wide receiver. Receiver’s a tough spot to make the Pro Bowl. Don’t tell Hurns he can’t, though – and don’t be surprised he does eventually. He has a tendency to prove people wrong.

*Rashad Greene, wide receiver. He obviously wasn’t close this season, but in five games since returning from an early-season thumb injury, he has shown signs of being a Pro Bowl punt returner. He’s a playmaker.

*Brandon Linder, guard. His Pro Bowl chances obviously ended when he was placed on injured reserve with a torn labrum, but if he stays healthy, he has as much chance as any player on the Jaguars’ roster of being a Pro Bowl-level player for a long, long time.
Köszi a Wolff elemzést Mustaine!

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mustaine Tampa Bay Buccaneers Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders 10 091 — Chalk Dawk fan
Wolff rookie szezonjában a legjobb safety volt az Eaglesben (Nate Allen, Pat Chung és Kurt Coleman volt a konkurencia, az utobbi kettő természetesen csak az Eaglesben volt szar...), majd tavaly már alig került pályára és elég homály játékot mutatott. Állítólag valami nagy gebasz volt a térdével, augusztusban meg is műtötték. Hogy őszinte legyek, nem számítottam rá, hogy a ligában marad, ha visszatér a régi formájához, elég nobrainer, hogy jobb mint Cyprien. A boxban kifejezetten jól mozog, de coverben sincs elveszve (mármint 2013-ban nem volt, 2014-ben ilyeneket csinált...)

Szerkesztette: mustaine

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Nincs Jaguars játékos a Pro Bowl keretekben, DE Allen Robinson 1. számú tartalék a WRk között(=sanszosan ott lesz).

Brees lábsérülése komolynak tűnik, lehet Matt Flynn jön szembe vasárnap ellenünk. Még így is sanszos, hogy kikapunk...

Komolyan ennyire könnyű menetrendünk nem tudom mikor lesz még egyszer. És így is 5-9el állunk....

Szerzett pontonkénti helyezésünk negyedenkénti lebontásban. A rajt nagyon nem megy. A 4. negyedben viszont elég jók vagyunk, és a Patriots meccset meccset leszámítva idén csak 1szer volt garbage time, amikor vertük a Coltsot. 😊

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Változás a practice squadban:
Ment Rashaad Reynolds, jött az Eagles 2013as 5. körös pickje, Earl Wolff. Az NFLben 18 meccsen játszott, 7en kezdett és van egy INTje, idén sérülés miatt nem játszott még. A North Carolina Statere járt.

Plusz hétfőn nálunk járt workouton, Josh Johnson (nem a QB), egy CB a kanadia ligából. A CFLben BC Lionsnál játszott az elmúlt 2 évben(21 szerelés, 2 sack , 1 INT). Anno 2013 a Chargersnél volt kis ideig kereten.

Kinek a hibája volt frissített lista a BCC szerint:
Blake Bortles 8
Zane Beadles 6
T.J. Yeldon 5
Luke Joeckel 3
Jermey Parnell 3
Sam Young 3
Stefan Wisniewski 2
A.J. Cann 0
Miscellaneous (Coverage sack, free blitzer, etc...) 12

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Egy kis trivia avagy a nap statisztikai érdekessége:
Blake Bortlesnek már most annyi passzolt TDje van 1 szezonban, mint ami Joe Montana egyéni szezoncsúcsa volt egész pályafutása alatt(Montana '87ben, karrierje 8. szezonjában dobott 31 TDt).
Tényleg változnak az idők az NFLben.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Jeff Lageman elemezi a Bortles picket és a lehetséges további opciókat.
Na ilyenekben kell fejlődnie még(a picksix mentő szerelés szép munka volt), bár meccs közben ezt megtette - lásd a TD passz utána majdnem ugyanolyan szituációban született, és ekkor helyesen döntött.

Ha este kint lesz a reklám nélküli Jaguars Todayben változat, akkor azt majd belinkelem, mert több témakörben is igen jó elemzések hangzottak el Lagemantől pl a jövő évi O-line lehetőségeinkről(keddenként ő van, csütörtökön Halloren, ezeken a napokon különösen érdemes hallgatni a műsort).

Az megvan, hogy az elmúlt 2 meccsen amúgy nem volt sikeres 3rd down kísérletünk? Igaz az 1.; 2. és néha 4. downos sikeres kísérletekből összejött 54 pont a támadóktól.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Reggie Nelsonnak annyi INTje van idén, mint a komplett Jaguars defensenek. Na az is egy jó trade volt a részünkről...
Köszi Gene(és az akkori DB edzőink)!
Ő 55 évesen is még az eltiltását fogja tölteni.
És akkor is valószínűleg a sitten lesz vagy rehabon....

Viccet félretéve, az lesz a vége, hogy ki fog nyírni valakit a következő alkalommal. :/ Az is kisebb csoda, hogy még nem sérült meg senki az eddigi 3(!) alkalommal.

Hogy valami pozitív is legyen (Alkesz szondájának eredményén kívül). Újabb franchiserekord döntés Blake részéről. Nem is kevéssel:

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
gabokocka Carolina Panthers North Carolina Tar Heels 25 282 — Keep pounding
Ő 55 évesen is még az eltiltását fogja tölteni.

Ron Rivera: We were trying to make them systematically beat us.
több mint 8 éve
Stez SMU Mustangs 43 248 — Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
Blackmon a példaképem.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Pete Prissco beszélt pár HoF szavazóval és azok alapján szerinte jó sansz van arra, hogy Tony Boselli bekerülhet a 15 jelölt közé, akik közül majd kiválasztják az idei Cantonba bekerülő embert, Jó lenne, ha Tony bejutna a végső kiválasztási fázisba.

Halloren teljes elemzése vasárnapról:
Atlanta receiver Julio Jones made his final catch with 13 minutes remaining in the Falcons’ 23-17 win over the Jaguars Sunday.

But by that time, his damage had been done. Jones was targeted 14 times and made nine catches for 118 yards and one touchdown. Cornerback Davon House had the assignment for most of the game.

When House was in man coverage, Jones was targeted nine times and had six catches. House had one pass break-up.

The Falcons used a steady diet of crossing routes with Jones, which forced House to track him through traffic.

In order, Jones caught passes on a short out (five yards), an over pattern (23), a crosser against zone coverage (14 and 14 yards), a crosser behind the line of scrimmage (11-yard touchdown, when House got caught up in traffic), an out (13), another crosser against zone (12), a straight-down-the-field route (19 yards) and a short out (five).

House had two visible errors. He got turned inside out on a 13-yard catch and allowed Jones a free release to make the 19-yard catch to convert a third-and-9.

Here is the rest of the Falcons-Jaguars review:

When the Jaguars had the ball

*Skill position playing time leaders (62 snaps): QB Blake Bortles 62, RB Denard Robinson 62, WR Allen Robinson 60, WR Allen Hurns 54, TE Julius Thomas 52 and TE Marcedes Lewis 32.

*Atlanta rushed five or more players on 11 of Bortles’ 45 drop-backs (24.4 percent). Bortles was 6-of-9 passing for 96 yards (and a one-yard touchdown run) against pressure.

*WR Rashad Greene had the Jaguars’ only dropped pass.

*”Bad run” tracker (rushing attempt of less than two yards not including short-yardage): C Stefen Wisniewski 1 1/2, RG A.J. Cann 1, LT Luke Joeckel 1/2, Thomas 1/2 and unblocked player 1.

*A tough day in pass protection for Joeckel (three allowed pressures), Denard Robinson (pressure and a half-sack) and LG Zane Beadles (1 1/2 sacks).

*Atlanta’s two sacks of Bortles: Six-man rush vs. six-man protection on third-and-10, Beadles was bull-rushed by DT Grady Jarrett and LB Justin Durant pushed back Denard Robinson. Bortles was in trouble at 2.78 seconds and the sack/forced fumble went to LB Phillip Wheeler, who had squeezed by RT Jermey Parnell. … Four-man rush vs. five-man protection on second-and-3, Beadles was cleanly beat by DE Adrian Clayborn, who used an inside swim move (2.34 seconds).

*Bortles had success throwing downfield. He was 8-of-13 passing for 185 yards on attempts that traveled at least 16 yards in the air.

*On Bortles’ second touchdown run in as many weeks, he looked for Thomas (who was covered) before tucking it and easily reaching the end zone.

*The Fourth Quarter To Forget: First drive – Bortles was off target on a swing pass to Denard Robinson, who then fumbled on second down. Third down was a sack. … Second drive – On second-and-1, Robinson fumbled again and the Jaguars gained 10 yards on third-and-16. … Third drive – Turned the ball over on downs with 48 seconds remaining.

When the Falcons had the ball

*Playing time leaders (74 snaps): CB Davon House 74, CB Aaron Colvin 74, SS Johnathan Cyprien 74, LB Paul Posluszny 73, LB Telvin Smith 68, DE Jared Odrick 61 and DE Andre Branch 52.

*DT Michael Bennett’s 33 snaps were his most since playing 38 at Tampa Bay (Week 5). Injuries at linebacker forced Hayes Pullard (six snaps) and Thurston Armbrister (five) on the field.

*The Jaguars rushed five or more players on 16 of QB Matt Ryan’s 40 drop-backs (40 percent). Ryan was 7-of-14 passing for 93 yards against pressure.

*Missed tackles: House, Colvin, Josh Evans, Dan Skuta and Telvin Smith.

*The Jaguars’ only sack of Ryan: Five-man rush vs. five-man protection on second-and-8. The Jaguars rush three defensive linemen and two linebackers. Odrick bull-rushed RG Chris Chester to gain position and a second effort resulted in the sack (3.15 seconds).

*Yikes, the Jaguars were bad on third down. On the Falcons’ final drive, Ryan threw 20 yards to WR Justin Hardy, who was open when Colvin buzzed out to cover nobody on the sideline; a third-and-5, Ryan seven yards to Hardy when nickel CB Nick Marshall was slow to close; and a third-and-13, Ryan 17 yards to WR Roddy White when Marshall was flat-footed and White simply powered past him.

Special teams

*K Jason Myers averaged 3.88 seconds on four kickoffs. Three were touchbacks and Atlanta returned one five yards deep out to the Jaguars’ 19. That kick had a 4.25-second hang time.

*P Bryan Anger averaged 4.19 seconds on his six punts. He started with net kicks of 38, 32 and 21 yards, but finished with net attempts of 42, 57 and 43.

*Atlanta’s Eric Weems caught a direct snap for a fake punt. He gained the first down but Jaguars WR Neal Sterling was held on the play.

*On Nick Marshall’s bad-decision punt return, the hang time (4.31 seconds) should have told him to take a knee. As for any communication, Joe Banyard didn’t signal him to either stay put or start a return.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A Saints D ellen ezt produkálták az ellen QBi:

1. Blake jobbat produkál, mint Weeden és Winston kétszer
2. Amit produkál az elég lesz egy Whez.

Leenek nincs baja, szóval az albínó tigris bevethető lesz vasárnap.
Az elkapása, amibe lesérült kicsit 2. lett a hét elkapásai között.

QB értékelési baromságok:
Bortles elégé középszerű tegnapi teljesítménye a PFFtől +1,9et ért. Láttam kicsit följebb vitték a múlt heti 4 total TDs 0 INTes értékét -5,6ról -2,9re(tudjátok, amikor 51-16ra nyertünk). Biztos bennem van a hiba, hogy teljesen logikátlannak látom ezt...

És hogy az ESPN sem maradjon ki a jól megérdemelt megszégyenlésből, náluk a tegnapi teljesítménye 44.7 QPR eredményezett. Az 51-16os meccsre meg kapott 3,8at... WTF?

Joeckel idén 2 sacket, 7 QB hitet, és 29 siettetést engedett eddig. Az első 2 elfogadható, a 3. már nem annyira.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 406 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Suspended Jaguars WR Justin Blackmon was arrested at 5:45 a.m. ET Saturday, and charged with DUI.
Elbaszta(?) a karrierjét szegény srác.
Felesleges a kérdőjel, ez már tény kb 2013óta.
Az új mugshot

Denard is megsérült, lassan Bortles lesz az egyedüli egészséges RB a kereten....

Snap totalok vasárnapról:
OFFENSE (62 snaps)

QB: Blake Bortles 62.

RB: Denard Robinson 62, Tyson Alualu 1.

WR: Allen Robinson 60, Allen Hurns 54, Marqise Lee 23, Rashad Greene 16.

TE: Julius Thomas 52, Marcedes Lewis 32, Clay Harbor 10.

OL: Jermey Parnell 62, A.J. Cann 62, Zane Beadles 62, Stefen Wisniewski 62, Luke Joeckel 62.

DEFENSE (74 snaps)

DL: Jared Odrick 61, Andre Branch 52, Tyson Alualu 38, Chris Clemons 36, Roy Miller 34, Michael Bennett 33, Abry Jones 24, Chris Smith 17.

LB: Paul Posluszny 73, Telvin Smith 68, Dan Skuta 36, Hayes Pullard 6, Thurston Armbrister 5.

DB: Davon House 74, Aaron Colvin 74, Johnathan Cyprien 74, Josh Evans 47, Nick Marshall 33, Sergio Brown 29.
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Coolearie San Francisco 49ers Notre Dame Fighting Irish 5 388 — . . .
Suspended Jaguars WR Justin Blackmon was arrested at 5:45 a.m. ET Saturday, and charged with DUI.
Elbaszta(?) a karrierjét szegény srác.
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