Jacksonville Jaguars

29 feliratkozó

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Maka Jacksonville Jaguars Tulane Green Wave 2 755
A reverse jinx működött.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Julius Thomas hozzánk tart!
Two sources indicating TE Julius Thomas is just about done/signed in Jacksonville(Jason Cole)
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Öööööö nem vágom így hirtelen, hogy ez minek lenne jó nekünk...
Multiple NFL sources: Ndamukong Suh deal imminent w/ Dolphins, Jaguars are turning their attention to Jared Odrick. Good shot to get him.
De persze lehet, hogy csak Charles Robinson trollkodik velünk.

Update: Visszavonom, amit az előbb írtam. Egész jó DT rotációnk lenne vele. HA nem túl drága.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Suh aláír Miamiba, vele se hoznak többet hírbe minket. Idén majd meccselünk vele is egyszer.

Közben egy másik DL Suh draft classából is aláírta az új szerződését.

Caldwell: “This was a priority for us before free agency officially opened. Tyson is a durable player who has the ability to play multiple positions along the line and is a great teammate. We feel like he is continuing to improve as a player.”

Bradley: “Tyson was really healthy last year for probably the first time and it showed with his consistent play throughout the season. He understands what is expected [of him] and has played a large part in the culture we’re trying to establish here.”

Alualu: “It was important for me to be here as we turn this franchise around. … I want to keep raising the bar with my play and strive to the best player I can possibly be for this group of guys.”
Még hír, hogy idén majd csak csütörtökön utazik a Jags Londonba, hogy így minél kevésbé zökkentsék ki a játékosainkat a megszokott meccsrutinból.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Tom Silverstein, a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel irója szerint mi is erősen érdeklődünk Bulaga íránt.
One of the sources said the Packers had no intention of paying Bulaga $7 million per year. The sources indicated that the teams showing the most interest in Bulaga were Jacksonville, Washington and Tampa Bay, all of whom have great need on the offensive line.
Ő vagy Parnell szerintem itt fog kikötni. Előbbinek persze jobban örülnék mondjuk.

A BCC szerint a már tavaly is általunk megkörnyékezett Maclin lehet a B terv WR poszton.
Maclin mondjuk kb annyit akar majd, mint Cobb(tehát évi 10 milliót).
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Ennyit a shitload of money-ról, meg a faken medencéről. Kutyám nem akar itt játszani.Maka
Várjuk meg a kedd estét ezzel a kijelentéssel. Addig felesleges pánikolni.
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Maka Jacksonville Jaguars Tulane Green Wave 2 755
Ennyit a shitload of money-ról, meg a faken medencéről. Kutyám nem akar itt játszani.

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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
2 infó Charles Robinsontól Jerry Hughes és Julius Thomas ügyben:
The two outside suitors for TE Julius Thomas are Seahawks (who tried to get him at trade deadline) and Jaguars. Jags can pay more.

Bills are expecting to keep Jerry Hughes. Jaguars are his richest outside suitor, but it sounds like Buffalo is intent on getting it done.
A Bills és a Seahawks tűnik a 2 fő konkurenciánknak.
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deyell Las Vegas Raiders 11 643
Wisniewski 6 millióról indul.Amadeus91
A pénz nálunk nem probléma, csak kérdés, hogy akkor Bowankoval akkor mi lesz. Elég jó kis ookie szezonja volt, gondolom összeszokott a Linder-Beadles-Bortles trióval.
Persze tény Wisniewski agy Hudson jelentős upgrade lenne a poszton.iktriad
Nálunk sem gond a pénz, mègsem adunk érte 6 milliót. Teljesen beteg gondolat ez az ő részéről.Amadeus91
azt vedd figyelembe, hogy az elmúlt két évben meghozott $20 milliós capemelés az átlagfizetéseket megemeli $1-2 millióval évente a közép- és felső kategóriás játékosoknál, Wisniewski is simán igényt tarthat évi $6m-re, és meg is fogja kapni gyaníthatóan. meg fognak itt lepődni páran, milyen dealek mennek majd, példának okáért a legutóbbi, a Kareem Jacksonnak adott évi $8,5 millió is elég WTF kategória első ránézésre, mert messze nem elit CB-ről beszélünk.

choose life
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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 704
Wisniewski 6 millióról indul.Amadeus91
A pénz nálunk nem probléma, csak kérdés, hogy akkor Bowankoval akkor mi lesz. Elég jó kis ookie szezonja volt, gondolom összeszokott a Linder-Beadles-Bortles trióval.
Persze tény Wisniewski agy Hudson jelentős upgrade lenne a poszton.iktriad
Nálunk sem gond a pénz, mègsem adunk érte 6 milliót. Teljesen beteg gondolat ez az ő részéről.

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Wisniewski 6 millióról indul.Amadeus91
A pénz nálunk nem probléma, csak kérdés, hogy akkor Bowankoval akkor mi lesz. Elég jó kis ookie szezonja volt, gondolom összeszokott a Linder-Beadles-Bortles trióval.
Persze tény Wisniewski agy Hudson jelentős upgrade lenne a poszton.
több mint 9 éve
Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 704
Idén max akkor lesz egy Cobb a rosteren, ha visszahozzuk a tavaly nálunk járt RB Terrance Cobbot, mert Randall Cobb már biztos nem lesz jaguár. Évi 10 millióért aláírt Green Bayben.

Ryan O'Halloren helyzetjelentése a szombati nap után
Before they began the process of negotiating with other teams’ free agents Saturday, the Jaguars locked up one of their own, agreeing to terms with defensive end Tyson Alualu.

Alualu, who turns 28 on May 12, will sign a two-year, $6 million contract ($4.25 million guaranteed) once he passes a physical Sunday.

The Jaguars have prioritized re-signing Alualu since the end of last season. It leaves the team with 11 unrestricted free agents. The team hopes to re-sign linebacker J.T. Thomas.

The 72-hour negotiating window for teams opened Saturday — they can talk with agents (not players) about the parameters of a contract. Teams can also extend invitations for free agents to visit, but can’t book the travel arrangements until Tuesday at 4 p.m., when the signing period begins.

As expected, the Jaguars have been connected with free agents Julius Thomas and Randall Cobb. But by 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Cobb was off the market, agreeing to stay with the Green Bay Packers on a four-year contract worth a reported $40 million.

Cobb's decision to stay put leaves Philadelphia's Jeremy Maclin and Baltimore's Torrey Smith as the top remaining receivers and Cobb's contract sets a baseline for their potential paydays.

In addition to receiver, the Jaguars are also expected to pursue a strong-side defensive end. Does that mean taking a run at Carolina’s Greg Hardy? Things will be clearer later this week.

One player drawing interest Saturday night was Kansas City safety Ron Parker. It was unknown if the Jaguars were one of the seven teams who made contact. If the Jaguars come up empty on New England safety Devin McCourty, Parker could be an option.

Parker, 27, played 1,037 snaps for the Chiefs last year (84 tackles, one interception and one sack) and one source said Parker would be a good addition at free safety.

If free agency was the Jaguars’ desired way to find a new right tackle, meanwhile, the market dwindled when Dallas re-signed Doug Free (three years/$15 million/$6 million guaranteed) and Houston re-signed Derek Newton (five years/$26.5 million/$10 million guarantee). Newton and Free set the market for Green Bay’s Bryan Bulaga, who was allowed by the Packers to enter the negotiating period.

Back to Alualu. In December, he expressed a desire to remain with the Jaguars, saying he was comfortable with the city, coaching staff, defensive scheme and teammates.

Drafted No. 10 overall in 2010, Alualu sustained a knee injury early in his first training camp (during the prehistoric “Oklahoma Drill,” that pitted player vs. player in a head-on collision/leverage battle), but didn’t miss any regular season time.

Alualu has never missed a regular-season game, playing in all 80 contests (314 tackles and 13 sacks). He was a starter for each game in his first four years.

In 2013, the Jaguars’ new coaching staff moved Alualu from defensive tackle to end, and he posted one tackle every 16.8 snaps played (44 in 742). Last year, Alualu was a backup end after the signing of Red Bryant and he had one tackle every 15.4 snaps played (30 in 463).

The impressive part about Alualu is he seems to be getting healthier with age. In 2012, he sat out four early-season Wednesday practices for a veteran’s day off, but the last two years, he has missed no practices and been limited for only one workout. The move to DE has lessened the wear and tear on Alualu’s knees.

Alualu took the anticipated pay cut — his rookie deal averaged $4.4 million per year.
Egyre inkább úgy tűnik, hogy Julius Thomas lesz az 1. számú célpont kedden. Meg talán egy pass rusher.

Mondjuk annak örülnék, ha vagy Bulaga vagy Parnell is itt kötne ki.
Előbbi évi 7-8 milliót akar fizetésnek. Utóbbi pedig Mike Garafolo szerint a Jags egyik célpontja.
One other OL note: Continue to hear Cowboys OT Jermey Parnell will do well. Redskins, Jags and Bucs for him.
Egyre több helyről hallom, hogy esetleg egy C is kiköthet nálunk, Rodney Hudson (Chiefs) vagy Wisnieswki(Raiders) személyében. Szerintem Bowanko nem volt rossz tavaly, szóval annyira nem látom értelmét, hogy ide is igazoljunk valakit jó drágán.

Cobb szerződésének annyi előnye van, hogy nagyjából belőtte az árakat WR poszton. Maclin vagy Torrey Smith kb 7-9 millió körül fog kapni. Maclin mondjuk évi 11 milliót akar...iktriad
Wisniewski 6 millióról indul.

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A Yahoos Charles Robinson szerint mi is érdeklödünk Jerry Hughes iránt.
What teams are you hearing are in on Hughes?
Bills, Bears, Jets, Giants, Jaguars.
Micsoda meglepetés. Ja nem.

A 3 pass rusher, akik közül 1 itt köthet ki Orakpo, Hughes és szerintem -Halloren egy-két megjegyzése alapján- Greg Hardy lehet.

Megjegyzem, ha Hardy vagy Hughes ide kerül, nem nagyon hiszem, hogy pass rushert vinnénk 1/3ra...Orakpo szerintem inkább OTTO lenne nálunk, mint LEO.
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Idén max akkor lesz egy Cobb a rosteren, ha visszahozzuk a tavaly nálunk járt RB Terrance Cobbot, mert Randall Cobb már biztos nem lesz jaguár. Évi 10 millióért aláírt Green Bayben.

Ryan O'Halloren helyzetjelentése a szombati nap után
Before they began the process of negotiating with other teams’ free agents Saturday, the Jaguars locked up one of their own, agreeing to terms with defensive end Tyson Alualu.

Alualu, who turns 28 on May 12, will sign a two-year, $6 million contract ($4.25 million guaranteed) once he passes a physical Sunday.

The Jaguars have prioritized re-signing Alualu since the end of last season. It leaves the team with 11 unrestricted free agents. The team hopes to re-sign linebacker J.T. Thomas.

The 72-hour negotiating window for teams opened Saturday — they can talk with agents (not players) about the parameters of a contract. Teams can also extend invitations for free agents to visit, but can’t book the travel arrangements until Tuesday at 4 p.m., when the signing period begins.

As expected, the Jaguars have been connected with free agents Julius Thomas and Randall Cobb. But by 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Cobb was off the market, agreeing to stay with the Green Bay Packers on a four-year contract worth a reported $40 million.

Cobb's decision to stay put leaves Philadelphia's Jeremy Maclin and Baltimore's Torrey Smith as the top remaining receivers and Cobb's contract sets a baseline for their potential paydays.

In addition to receiver, the Jaguars are also expected to pursue a strong-side defensive end. Does that mean taking a run at Carolina’s Greg Hardy? Things will be clearer later this week.

One player drawing interest Saturday night was Kansas City safety Ron Parker. It was unknown if the Jaguars were one of the seven teams who made contact. If the Jaguars come up empty on New England safety Devin McCourty, Parker could be an option.

Parker, 27, played 1,037 snaps for the Chiefs last year (84 tackles, one interception and one sack) and one source said Parker would be a good addition at free safety.

If free agency was the Jaguars’ desired way to find a new right tackle, meanwhile, the market dwindled when Dallas re-signed Doug Free (three years/$15 million/$6 million guaranteed) and Houston re-signed Derek Newton (five years/$26.5 million/$10 million guarantee). Newton and Free set the market for Green Bay’s Bryan Bulaga, who was allowed by the Packers to enter the negotiating period.

Back to Alualu. In December, he expressed a desire to remain with the Jaguars, saying he was comfortable with the city, coaching staff, defensive scheme and teammates.

Drafted No. 10 overall in 2010, Alualu sustained a knee injury early in his first training camp (during the prehistoric “Oklahoma Drill,” that pitted player vs. player in a head-on collision/leverage battle), but didn’t miss any regular season time.

Alualu has never missed a regular-season game, playing in all 80 contests (314 tackles and 13 sacks). He was a starter for each game in his first four years.

In 2013, the Jaguars’ new coaching staff moved Alualu from defensive tackle to end, and he posted one tackle every 16.8 snaps played (44 in 742). Last year, Alualu was a backup end after the signing of Red Bryant and he had one tackle every 15.4 snaps played (30 in 463).

The impressive part about Alualu is he seems to be getting healthier with age. In 2012, he sat out four early-season Wednesday practices for a veteran’s day off, but the last two years, he has missed no practices and been limited for only one workout. The move to DE has lessened the wear and tear on Alualu’s knees.

Alualu took the anticipated pay cut — his rookie deal averaged $4.4 million per year.
Egyre inkább úgy tűnik, hogy Julius Thomas lesz az 1. számú célpont kedden. Meg talán egy pass rusher.

Mondjuk annak örülnék, ha vagy Bulaga vagy Parnell is itt kötne ki.
Előbbi évi 7-8 milliót akar fizetésnek. Utóbbi pedig Mike Garafolo szerint a Jags egyik célpontja.
One other OL note: Continue to hear Cowboys OT Jermey Parnell will do well. Redskins, Jags and Bucs for him.
Egyre több helyről hallom, hogy esetleg egy C is kiköthet nálunk, Rodney Hudson (Chiefs) vagy Wisnieswki(Raiders) személyében. Szerintem Bowanko nem volt rossz tavaly, szóval annyira nem látom értelmét, hogy ide is igazoljunk valakit jó drágán.

Cobb szerződésének annyi előnye van, hogy nagyjából belőtte az árakat WR poszton. Maclin vagy Torrey Smith kb 7-9 millió körül fog kapni. Maclin mondjuk évi 11 milliót akar...
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Megvan Alualu szerződésének a számai
Jaguars are paying DL Tyson Alualu $6M over two years with $4.25M fully guaranteed, source says.

Ez a PFFtől van:
Returning to JAX on a 2yr deal former #10 pick Tyson Alualu earned the best run D grade of his career in 2014.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Hm... Halloren 2 DE jelöltje között nem volt ott Hughes...
Orakpo viszont úgy tűnik köztük van.

Bár ez érdekes megjegyzés szintén Hallorentől
Caldwell values durability -- Alualu has never missed a game. Be interested to see how that impacts pursuit on FA who have injury history.
Orakponak elég sok sérülése volt mostanság...
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Alualu marad 2 évre.Beki
Remek! 😀
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Törölt felhasználó
Alualu marad 2 évre.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Úgy tűnik DEt mindenképpen akarunk igazolni:
The Jaguars have two defensive end-types in particular they're interested in.
Charles Robinson ‏
Multiple league sources: #Jaguars, #Bears and #Giants have all opened free agency placing calls for defensive end visits.
A tippem a 2 emberre akiket Halloren említett: Orakpo és Jerry Hughes
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Charles Robinson a Yahoo Sportstól ezt tweetelte az imént.
Sounds like Jaguars will miss on DeMarco Murray, Ndamukong Suh & Randall Cobb. Which means someone down the line stands to get WAY overpaid
Az első 2 név nem meglepő, Cobb már inkább.
Szóval minden figyelmünket és erőnket McCourtyra és Julius Thomasra összpontosítjuk?
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Most hogy Doug Free aláírt Dallasban, egyre inkább úgy tűnik, hogy a cseréje, Parnell lehet a mi emberünk RT poszton. Legalábbis biztos, hogy bepróbálkozunk nála.
Itt is elhangzik, hogy agresszívek akarunk lenni, de ész nélkül költeni.
Mozgalmas lesz az a nap 😀Húsrágó
Inkább hét. Bár kedden már várok tőlünk komoly akciózást. 😀
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Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 039 — Jaguars fan
Itt is elhangzik, hogy agresszívek akarunk lenni, de ész nélkül költeni.
Mozgalmas lesz az a nap 😀
több mint 9 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Nagyon érdekes FA piacnyiitás előtti irás Caldwellel és a terveinkkel kapcsolatban az FTUban:
At 4 p.m. Saturday, the Jaguars can begin calling the representatives of free agents they feel can help boost them toward NFL respectability.
It’s what general manager Dave Caldwell has been waiting for, right?

“Not really, no,” he said.

At 4 p.m. Tuesday, teams are allowed to sign free agents, and the Jaguars are perfectly positioned to win the Offseason Championship Belt.

It’s what Caldwell has been plotting for in terms of saving up salary cap space, right?

“No, not necessarily,” he said. “We’re still going to build through the draft.”

That’s the right strategy to have, but for the next week, it’s all about free agency.

The Jaguars have the money (more than $64 million in available cap space, most in the league as of Friday) and the needs (particularly playmakers to help spark an impotent offense).

And they should be desperate. Year 3 is generally the Win Or Else Season. The Jaguars’ sense of urgency has already been on display by the hiring of four new offensive assistant coaches, led by coordinator Greg Olson.

Caldwell and coach Gus Bradley have consistently brushed off questions about the pressure being acute this year, but owner Shad Khan expects more than seasons of 4-12 and 3-13.

“At some point, the honeymoon is over,” said ESPN NFL analyst Louis Riddick, who previously worked in the Washington and Philadelphia front offices. “The building-this-thing-for-the-future mantra starts to become the we’re-building-this-thing-to-try-and-win-now [in the third year]. There’s no question that Dave or anyone else in that position would start to feel that right now.”

The choices Caldwell and Co. make starting Tuesday will go a long way in defining the success or failure of this regime. Sign tight end Julius Thomas and receiver Randall Cobb and the Jaguars improve to seven wins next year? That saves jobs and earns contract extensions. Sign lesser players who can’t help the Jaguars climb the AFC South standings? At some point, Khan’s patience will wear thin … or out.

“All of us have expectations and are trying to find ways to take this team to another level,” Bradley said. “[The amount of cap space] is exciting. That’s one of things Dave and I and Shad talked about [in January 2013] – let’s get us back in great shape with the cap. That was one of our objectives.

“Now we do have some money. We’ll see what happens.”

Aggressive, but selective

The Jaguars have spent most of the last month evaluating the free agent class — days of lengthy discussions. But when Tuesday rolls around, things move quickly — decisions will have to be made in minutes.

“There are going to be some players you want to make your mind up on [rapidly] because you don’t want to miss out on the second player at that position,” Caldwell said. “If you have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday, players 2 and 3 have probably committed by then.”

The Jaguars need player 1-type guys at tight end (if they choose to ultimately cut Marcedes Lewis), slot receiver (to create a middle-of-the-field versatile threat), running back (there isn’t a bell-cow on the roster), free safety (to lead the young secondary), right tackle (to close that revolving door) and strong-side linebacker (ditto).

It would be terrific for the Jaguars if they could procure Thomas, Cobb, New England free safety Devin McCourty and Green Bay right tackle Bryan Bulaga, allowing them to address running back and strong-side linebacker in the draft.

The Jaguars want to be aggressive, but also smart. If the price for a player 1-type guy goes off the rails, Caldwell will bow out and move on to the next option.

“We have a breaking point for every player,” Caldwell said. “Any year is a good year to have cap space, but you have to be wise so you don’t mortgage your future. There isn’t a sense of urgency for us to go out and spend for the sake of spending. But we’ll be aggressive. If there is a player we want, we’re going to do what we need to do to get him.”

Translation: The Jaguars will have plans B through, oh, F, in place.

If they can’t get McCourty, does Philadelphia’s Nate Allen fit better than Denver’s Rahim Moore or Houston’s Kendrick Lewis?

If they can’t get Thomas, do they sign Miami’s Charles Clay to an offer sheet (the Dolphins would have the right to match)?

If they can’t get Cobb, do they shift their focus completely away from receiver?

And what about right tackle? Bulaga has broken down physically twice in the last three years so maybe the Jaguars go in another direction, like signing a veteran center.

Critical week

Sitting in his EverBank Field office on Monday, Caldwell took a break from watching video of a Big Ten offense to review his current roster position by position. The highlights:

Caldwell’s “hope” is Marqise Lee or Allen Robinson can “grow into a No. 1 this year or the following year.”

More production from the tight end position is, “important … and it’s equally important in the running game. We have to be able to run the ball and a lot of that hinges on the tight end position.”

Finding an Otto (strong-side) linebacker is “challenging,” because it’s a “unique fit.”

Cornerbacks Aaron Colvin, Demetrius McCray and Dwayne Gratz provide the Jaguars with a “good core. I think we’d like to add somebody along the line, whether it’s free agency or the draft.”

And solidifying the free safety spot is “very important.”

The chance to address those issues starts Saturday with the talking and Tuesday with the signing. And let’s not be naïve. For all the talk about the Jaguars’ culture, it will be about one thing — guaranteed money. The Jaguars need to offer a lot of it to secure players who can help win games.

“They have a lot of cap space. That’s all well and good,” Riddick said. “But at the end of the day, it’s about picking the right players and building your program in such a way that it’s starting to show results on the field. Dave and Gus are two people that I like a lot, but it’s a big year for them, for sure.”
Kiváncsi vagyok, melyik Big Ten offenset nézte Caldwel...
Itt is elhangzik, hogy agresszívek akarunk lenni, de ész nélkül költeni.
Ha Allen Robiinsonból vagy Marqise Leeből akar 1. szintű WRt látni Caldwell, az sugallhatja azt, hogy akarunk hozni WRt, de nem feltétlenül valami Cobbot.
FS, TE és RB poszton várható új érkező - talán ezért is lett Todman kvázi elengedve
CB posztra biztos jön valaki depthnek (Ha FA, akkor Devin House a jelöltem, Walker volt a HCja, a New Mexico Staten).
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Úgy tűnik megvan az 1. új érkező neve:
Jags not tendering RFA FB Will Ta’ufo’ou… Expect the Jaguars to have Jerome Felton in once free agency hits. That’s Adrian Peterson’s guy(Ian Rapoport)
Toby Gerhart biztos jól ismeri.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 357 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Damarious Randall, az Arizona State FSe biztosan jön majd vizitre hozzánk is
Damarious Randall said he has 11 visits lined up. Mentioned Seahawks, Patriots, Buccaneers, Jaguars and Panthers.(Adam Stites)
MJD és Gus Bradley interjúk tegnapról a 1010XLen - baromi jó, ahogy Gus egyszer csak bekapcsolódik a beszélgetésbe(nagyon ajánlott!):

Örülök, hogy MJD itt vonul majd vissza. Itt lesz az OTAk alatt, és szeretne majd talán szakértőként dolgozni a médiában.

Hank Joness írása MJDről:
Ez a mondta nagyon igaz:
For a 2nd generation Jaguar fan, MJD is the greatest player in franchise history that I have ever seen.
Érdekes helye/megítélése van a franchise történetében. Az all-time Top 3ban szerintem nincs benne (ott Fred, Jimmy Smith és Boselli van), de a Del Rio éra magasan legjobb játékosa.