Jacksonville Jaguars

29 feliratkozó

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dande2 Philadelphia Eagles Penn State Nittany Lions 41 106 — Így remélem megfelelek nektek.....
Akkor Bortles punter lesz? 😉 😊
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Halloren vasárnapi jegyzetei:
Dwayne Gratz’s chance to be a starting cornerback for the Jaguars has disappeared. When training camp begins next month, Gratz will face a new challenge: Simply making the team.

“It’s going to be big,” Gratz said. “I have to understand it’s not a given and that if I don’t do my job, I won’t end up on this team, which I would like to be a part of because a lot of special things are going to happen. I understand the situation I’m in.”

The situation: Since Gratz was a third-round pick from UConn in 2013, the Jaguars have added Aaron Colvin (fourth round, 2014), Davon House (free agency, 2015), Prince Amukamara (free agency, 2016) and Jalen Ramsey (first round, 2016).

Gratz has three interceptions in 37 games (25 starts) and has been moved from his usual outside spot inside to cover the slot receiver. Colvin is likely to be the No. 1 choice when he returns from his four-game suspension. Gratz could secure at least an opening-day roster spot if he looks at home inside combined with the coaches not wanting to put too much on Ramsey’s figurative plate.

“It’s a whole new learning process,” Gratz said of playing inside. “I haven’t made any plays yet, but they’ll come when I start to feel more comfortable playing the position.

“I’m finding that things happen faster in there, but not really that much. It’s a great opportunity for me to get on the field and find my niche on this team.”

After starting 21 of 25 games in 2013-14, Gratz was a back-up last year (457 of 1,099 snaps).

Gratz, who is in the last year of his contract, has been getting a steady amount of practice snaps over the slot receiver because of Ramsey’s knee injury.

“I think with Gratz, the biggest thing is turning it from where he’s analyzing the position to where he’s just playing the position,” coach Gus Bradley said. “As many reps as he can get is important for him just so he can play ball.”

Weight shift for RB Robinson

Running back Denard Robinson fell down the depth chart in March when free agent Chris Ivory was signed to team with T.J. Yeldon.

Robinson will enter camp battling Corey Grant for the kick return spot and maybe the third tailback position.

“I think I’ve had a pretty good off-season,” Robinson said. “I’m working on a little bit of everything — blocking, getting better with my stop-and-go and ball security is the biggest thing.”

Robinson again has chosen to a new weight to play at this year.

“Last year, I was 215-218 and I came in here [in 2013] at 197 so that was a big difference,” he said. “I’ll probably be in the 205-210 area this year.”

New drills for Armbrister

Thurston Armbrister, who made the Jaguars last year as an undrafted free agent, missed the first six OTAs with a hamstring injury. Back on the field last Monday, he was doing pass-rushing drills with fellow strong-side linebackers Dan Skuta and Ryan Davis.

“There are new drills for me so I’m trying to get used to them,” Armbrister said. “The coaches think I can really develop that [pass-rushing] skill and it would be really good to add to my repertoire.”

This and that

■ Jaguars guard Mackenzy Bernadeau was among those inducted into the Northeast-10 Conference Hall of Fame last week during a banquet in Providence, R.I. Bernadeau played at Bentley, a Division III school in Waltham, Mass. He started all 37 games in college and was a two-time conference Offensive Lineman of the Year (2006-07). He will be honored in an on-campus ceremony this fall.

■ The Jaguars haven’t publicized their target date for left tackle Kelvin Beachum (knee) to begin practicing during camp. “I can tell you this — everything’s very positive,” Bradley said.
Egy csomó játékosunk fog más posztokon játszani idén (Linder, Ryan Davis, Sample, Armbrister)
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Mike Kaye mai edzésriportja

2 interjú máról


Doug Marrone bemikrofonozva - még dalra is fakad benne!!!

2 ex-jaguár talált magának csapatot a héten. A tavalyi preseason sztárja(3 sacket csinált) Cap Capi a Falconsba, Damian Copeland a Lionsba írt alá camp bodynak.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Utolsó OTA edzés hírek:
Sen'Derrick Marks ha limitáltan is, de ma edzett. Egyéni drilleket csinált elsősorban.

Az ok, hogy a tegnapi és nem a mai OTA lett törölve roppant prózai. Myles Jack ma már edzhetett. Jövő héten főleg MLB poszton fogjuk majd bevetni.

A 9 OTA alatt 12 picket szedett a D Gus elmondása szerint. Az egyik egy Gipson pick six volt Bortles ellen. Old habits die hard I guess. 😊

Mind Lee, mind Fowler végigbírta a 9 OTA-t gond nélkül. Örülünk Vincent.

A-Rob nem valószínű, hogy végez bármilyen munkát jövő héten a minicamp alatt.

A ma nem edzők névsora:
*Not practicing: Receivers Tony Washington (quad) and Allen Robinson (hamstring), linebacker Dan Skuta (groin), strong safety James Sample (knee), cornerback Jalen Ramsey (knee), safety Earl Wolff (hamstring), right tackle Jermey Parnell (hand) and tight ends Nic Jacobs (hand) and Marcedes Lewis (personal) in addition to the center Luke Bowanko (hip), defensive end Jonathan Woodard (Achilles’) and left tackle Kelvin Beachum (knee).

*Sample and Skuta were new to the list – they had participated in the first eight OTAs. Skuta had off-season sports hernia surgery and took the day off to stay inside and receive treatment.
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Maka Jacksonville Jaguars Tulane Green Wave 2 757
Bocs az off-ért fiúk, csak az lenne a kérdésem, hogy aki megy meccsre Londonba tud már valamit a jegyekről, mert Január óta síri csönd és hullaszag van.
Ez nem para, vagy esetleg megkezdhetem az aggódást! 😊
Én a 49ers ellenin voltam kinn, többször írtam nekik, hogy mi a náthás faszom van már, mert a meccs előtt 4 nappal mentem ki Londonba és kezdett aggasztani pár héttel előtte, hogy 4 és fél hónappal a vétel után nem küldték még, aztán végül az indulás előtti délutánon (kvázi 5 nappal a meccs előtt) hozta a DHL-es faszi, aki amúgy egy csengetés után már szállt is vissza a teherautóba, az utca végéig rohantam utána, hogy álljon már meg.

Azóta ha tudok, mindent e-ticketbe veszek, noha a Jaguars mintás (beszarsz, Justin Blackmon feszít rajta) jegy azóta is ereklye.

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Wyatt New England Patriots 26 306
Nekem asszem két héttel előtte jött tán anno 😊

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dugo93 Indianapolis Colts 4 198
Bocs az off-ért fiúk, csak az lenne a kérdésem, hogy aki megy meccsre Londonba tud már valamit a jegyekről, mert Január óta síri csönd és hullaszag van.
Ez nem para, vagy esetleg megkezdhetem az aggódást! 😊
Azt mondják, hogy pár héttel a meccs előtt fog megérkezni. Persze akinek van benne rutinja megnyugtathat engem is, mert én is várom 😀

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Stoki Jacksonville Jaguars 2 787 — Einhorn és Finkle...Finkle és Einhorn
Bocs az off-ért fiúk, csak az lenne a kérdésem, hogy aki megy meccsre Londonba tud már valamit a jegyekről, mert Január óta síri csönd és hullaszag van.
Ez nem para, vagy esetleg megkezdhetem az aggódást! 😊
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Csütörtökön edzés helyet kórházlátogatás volt a mai program. Szerencsére nem sérült játékosoknál jártak a fiúk!

Pár érdekesség az eddigi OTA-kről.
LG-ben a kezdőkkel csak és kizárólag Mackenzy Bernadau kap sanpeket, egyelőre úgy tűnik ő lesz az új LG. Joeckel csak és kizárólag LTben van fent a kezdőkkel, tehát nem számolunk vele LG-ben. Ha majd Beachum kiszorítja, akkor megy padozni.
Linder centerben olyan jónak tűnik egyelőre, mint guardban.
Az offense sztárja egyelőre Marqise Lee, aki nagyon fickándozik, és még egészséges. Nagyon kihasználja, hogy Hurns és A-Rob erősen limitáltan edz, ha edz.

Gipson jelenléte baromi jó hatással van az egész D-re, de nem tudni, Cyp vagy Sample lesz-e safety párja. Az SS csata a TC egyik nagy csemegéje lesz.

És íme majdnem a teljes roster web 2.0-ás elérhetőségének táblázata.
Werner és Linkenbach mondjuk nincs benne feltüntetve. 😊
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Asbee New York Giants California Golden Bears 6 771 — OL- és Afrika szakértő
Amukamara nekem továbbra is nagy kedvencem maradt attól függetlenül, hogy a sérülések miatt eddig nem tudott kibontakozni. Ha egészséges tud maradni akkor jó szezonja lehet és korrekt szerződést kaphat valakitől jövőre. Persze az is benne van, hogy ismét megsérül és itt sem lesz olyan jó mint várják, de remélem lesz végre kis szerencséje.

Magyar Giants Blog a Facebookon és a Twitteren is! 2018-as FA TRACKER
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ozibozi New York Giants 16 729
Csak maradjon egészséges.
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Az FTU-s Hays Carlyon cikke Amukamaráról és mennyire illik a rendszerünkbe | (úgy tűnik nagyon) |
Jaguars cornerback Prince Amukamara a natural fit in defensive scheme

Any free-agent signing can be doomed from the start if the player is a bad fit schematically with his new team.

That won’t be a problem for first-year Jaguars cornerback Prince Amukamara.

Amukamara, who turned 27 on Monday, has been playing the style Jaguars coach Gus Bradley employs dating back to his college days at Nebraska and through his first five years in the NFL with the New York Giants.

“The technique is what I’ve been doing since college,” Amukamara said. “I also did it in New York, so that was one of the reasons why I came here. It’s been easy for me to adjust to it.”

Jaguars general manager Dave Caldwell signed Amukamara to a one-year contract worth $5.5 million with $3 million guaranteed in March. Bradley and his staff believed Amukamara would have an easy transition.

“That’s one the things we liked on film, because he did play a lot of press coverage,” Bradley said. “There are little nuances in how we teach it, but he’s picked up on it real quick.”

Amukamara has had a chance to show his skills through the last four practices of organized team activities. He was held out of the first four practices with a hamstring injury.

“One thing I really like about him is he can play bump and run,” Jaguars defensive backs coach DeWayne Walker said. “That’s something that’s standing out already. He’s going to have to continue to learn the rest of the defense and just get comfortable with our style. The bump and run part of it is real good so far. That was something I was very attracted to watching on tape when he was being evaluated and it’s carried over.”

Amukamara might be a natural fit in the scheme, but there are other challenges to getting acclimated to a new team.

“It’s going good and I’m excited to finally be out here and getting reps,” Amukamara said. “It’s weird at first, different colors and different jersey with all new guys -- a new playbook. It’s like going to a different country in a sense, because everything is different. You’re learning a whole new culture, but I’m slowly getting used to it.”

The 6-foot, 207-pound Amukamara is the Jaguars most experienced cornerback. He started 45 games for the Giants, recording 261 tackles with seven interceptions, three forced fumbles and 45 pass break-ups.

Amukamara will team with Davon House, first-round rookie Jalen Ramsey and Aaron Colvin as the Jaguars try to fix their defensive woes.

House (29 career starts) intercepted a team-high four passes last season, the only cornerback on the team to pick off a pass. Ramsey was drafted with the fifth-overall pick. Colvin’s days as a starter on the outside will likely end after one season. The third-year veteran will return to his nickel back role once he returns from a four-game suspension to start the season.

Amukamara has been able to make strides in not only fitting in with his new teammates, but making an impactful impression on them.

“I’ve never been in a room like we’re in now because of Prince,” House said. “Everyone seems a lot closer. We’re hanging out after practice for just 45 [minutes] to an hour just talking, laughing.”

Free safety Tashaun Gipson is in the same situation as Amukamara as a new addition on the team. He feels like Amukamara can help his transition as well.

“He’s just a technician and that’s the kind of cornerback that I want when I’m in the middle of the field,” Gipson said. “I want a cornerback like Prince. He’s an old-school football player. You have to respect that. He’s going to bring everything. He’s physical, he can run, he can play press. He can do everything that you want in a cornerback.”

Amukamara’s skills have been evident during OTAs. However, the biggest success is his participation. Amukamara has missed 22 games in his career with injuries. The four practices have given him a head start with a mandatory three-day minicamp next week before the team breaks until training camp starts in late July.

“I’ve seen him jump out and make some plays,” Bradley said. “I don’t know if he’s fully 100 percent. He’s working through it, but it’s good to see him out here competing. His big thing now is just getting reps. He’s building up his own confidence and gaining our trust out here. That’s good to see.”
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Malik Jackson a Broncos csapatával Obamánál járt hétfőn, erről mesélt itt.

A QB coach Hackett az irányítóink eddigi munkáit értékelte.

Bortles és ő is nagyon dicsérte Brandon Allent. Mike Kaye cikke A 6: körös Qb pickünk eddigi szerepléséről és fejlődéséről.

És itt egy Bortles interjú is
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
5 veterán, akiknek eléggé ingatag lehet a helye a keretkijelöléskor.
A look at Jaguars who could be on bubble

A look at Jaguars who could be on bubbleAs the Jaguars went through their offseason program the last three years, the educated guess of which players would be on the roster bubble would be fairly accurate.

Sure, an undrafted free agent would emerge or a player locked into a spot would sustain an injury, but it was mostly easy to guess who was safe.

Not this year.

The Jaguars are four drafts and four free agency periods into this administration. Players drafted since 2013 will continue to be cut. Players signed as free agents could be released. Players who made the team as undrafted free agents might get whacked.

As the organized team activity workouts roll on, a look at the six returning players who could be on the bubble, C-3


Years with team: Seventh — a first-round pick in 2010. Alualu, 29, has not missed a game in six years, totaling 340 tackles, 15 sacks and two fumble recoveries. He is in the final season of a two-year, $6 million contract, his second deal with the Jaguars.

Why’s he on the bubble: The Jaguars keep stockpiling defensive linemen and that could squeeze out Alualu. Last year, he lost his strong-side end starting spot when Jared Odrick was signed in free agency. Alualu carved out a role as a swing linemen, subbing for Odrick at end and playing tackle when called upon. But the Jaguars signed Malik Jackson to start at tackle ahead of Sen’Derrick Marks and drafted tackle Sheldon Day.

How he makes the team: Alualu has a solid camp to keep his No. 2 strong-side end spot and then outperforms Abry Jones and/or Michael Bennett during his tackle reps to force the Jaguars to cut one of those younger players.


Years with team: Fourth — a sixth-round pick in 2013. Evans, 25, has started 37 of 47 games and totaled 196 tackles and three fumble recoveries. He has outlasted Dwight Lowery, Winston Guy and Sergio Brown the last three years. Evans is entering the final year of his rookie deal.

Why’s he on the bubble: The Jaguars signed Tashaun Gipson from Cleveland to solidify the free safety position. But Evans could be in trouble because the Jaguars then moved Peyton Thompson from cornerback to free safety. Thompson can play multiple positions, which Evans hasn’t been asked to do.

How he makes the team: Thompson proves ill-equipped to play free safety in the preseason games and the Jaguars have no choice but to stick with what they know (Evans) as Gipson’s backup.


Years with team: Second — an undrafted free agent in 2015. Grant played in six games last year (six rushes for two yards and eight kick returns for a 27.5-yard average) before sustaining a season-ending hip flexor injury.

Why’s he on the bubble: The Jaguars signed free agent Chris Ivory to team with T.J. Yeldon at the tailback position, Denard Robinson still has the support of the decision-makers, and Jonas Gray flashed during a short audition in last year’s final two games (14 carries for 54 yards). Do the Jaguars really need five tailbacks?

How he makes the team: Grant shines as a kick returner and shows enough at tailback that the Jaguars make room for him.


Years with team: Fourth — a third-round pick in 2013. Gratz, 26, has started 25 of 37 games, intercepting three passes and making 114 tackles. He is entering the final year of his rookie contract.

Why’s he on the bubble: The Jaguars signed free agent Prince Amukamara and drafted Jalen Ramsey fifth overall. That moves Gratz to at least sixth on the overall cornerback depth chart, behind, in order, Ramsey, Davon House, Amukamara, Aaron Colvin and Nick Marshall, a player the coaches are higher on than outside observers.

How he makes the team: The Jaguars have moved Gratz inside this offseason to cover the slot receiver. If the coaches don’t feel comfortable moving Ramsey inside on passing downs and don’t feel Amukamara is the right fit there, either, Gratz would be the guy during Colvin’s four-game suspension to start the year with a good camp.


Years with team: Fourth — a seventh-round pick in 2013. McCray, 25, has started 16 of 46 games, but is still looking for his first interception. He has 73 tackles and six pass breakups. McCray is in the final year of his rookie deal.

Why’s he on the bubble: The same reason Gratz is — the Jaguars signed Amukamara and drafted Ramsey. The Jaguars moved Gratz inside, leaving McCray as the fourth outside corner behind Ramsey, House, Amukamara and Marshall.

How he makes the team: McCray creates turnovers in training camp practices and preseason games combined with Marshall showing he’s not ready to trusted to play cornerback.


Years with team: Third — an undrafted free agent in 2014. Shatley appeared in one game as a rookie and 14 last year (no starts). He is entering the final year of his rookie contract.

Why’s he on the bubble: The Jaguars have stashed Shatley on the active roster since September 2014, when they were sure other teams would have claimed him on waivers. But this offseason, they moved Brandon Linder to center and signed Mackenzy Bernadeau, the current first-team left guard, and veterans Jeff Linkenbach and Patrick Omameh.

How he makes the team: Shatley shows enough to make the team as the backup center to Linder and outplays Linkenbach and Omameh, among others, for an interior swing-man position.
Alualu helye szerintem biztos, Shatleyé is,a többiekre elég nehéz TC vár
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Mike Kaye keddi edzésriportja:
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Greg Jones(a remek FB, nem az egykori Michigan State LB, aki szintén volt itt) visszatért a Jaguarshoz, mint scout!

Mellette még 6 ember került új pozícióba nálunk:

The Jaguars also announced the hiring of Mindy Black as director of performance nutrition and five promotions: Hamzah Ahmad (director of football operations), Kirsten Grohs (manager of football administration), Mike Stoeber (director of football systems), Zach Beistline (football database analyst), Antonio Robinson (college scout) and Leslie Ladd (coordinator of scouting administration).
Fowlernek egyre jobban megy az edzés saját elmondása szerint

Defensive end Dante Fowler has participated in every OTA, somewhat surprising considering the Jaguars figured to manage him a year after his knee injury.

“The reps they do give me, I try and take advantage of,” he said. “My job is to show that whatever they put on my plate, I can handle. The more they give me, the more I can show that I can be accountable.”

Fowler has certainly flashed during the individual (whipping through a gauntlet of tackling dummies) and team drills (showing speed to get around the offensive tackle).

Slideshow: Jaguars take the field for the final week of OTA's

“I’m happy,” Fowler said of his two-plus weeks. “I’m just trying to keep progressing every week.

“I feel like every day, I play faster and faster, especially when I’m able to get into the film room with my coaches and go over the plays.”

Fowler said he has benefited from watching himself on tape running through the plays instead of projecting his role like he had to last year.

“That’s helped me a lot,” he said. “Sometimes, I just watch to see myself out there. It’s just really good to see myself running around out there and then I look at the things that I have to do better.”
Tegnap nem volt az edzésen Malik, Ivory, Odrick, a WR Shaq Evans és az LB Sean Porter

Limitáltan edzett Earl Wolff, A-Rob és Tony Washington

Jalen Ramsey ott volt az edzésen, és akik látták, azt mondják, teljesen normálisan sétálgat, nem biceg, tehát tényleg rendbe jöhet TCre.

Nic Jacobs és Parnell limitáltan, de edzett már.

Armbrister és Gipson is visszatért edzeni, előbbinek ez volt az első OTA edzése idén.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Most hogy Paulo Sergio nincs már a keretben,
Ki fog akkor gólt rúgni?
több mint 8 éve
Wyatt New England Patriots 26 306
Na mondjuk abban egyetértek veled, hogy magam részéről én is sokallom azért ezt a pénzt. De öt évre tekintve egyrészt már nem annyira para, másrészt amennyire emelkedik a satyi, sajna egyre több lesz a túlfizetés, ami miatt persze az elit játékosok megint még többet kérnek majd. Viszont a Jaxnek így is volt vagy 53 milla helye, aztán így legalább nem egyszerre kell mindenkivel tárgyalnia. Ettől függetlenül valóban opció lehetett volna az is akár, mint amit nálunk felvetettem Butlernél, hogy gyakorlatilag kevesebb mint 20 millióért három évre gond nélkül meg lehetett volna tartani (persze utána már kérdés, hogy a kövi két évet megoldanák-e 20-ból). Amúgy meg Butler írjon szépen alá 5/40-45-ért max és jóvan 😀

több mint 8 éve
peterk2005 udvari bolond Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 23 685 — The only discipline that lasts, is self discipline
De nézheted úgy is, hogy 5 év 40.6 millás szerződés 😊
Áh, persze. Sőt, akkor miért nem nézzük 7 év 41.5 millásnak, úgy még jobban mutat. 😀
Igen, csak ez hülyeség lenne. Ellentétben azzal, amit én írtam. Mert ez valójában egy négyéves kiterjesztés az idei fizuja mellé pluszban, szóval öt évre kötelezte el most magát, amennyi idő alatt 40.6 millát kereshet. Mellesleg te sem tudod már eldönteni, kinek a párján vagy. Amikor Gronk van, akkor szegény játékos de szarul járt, amiért csak 54 millát kereshet a hat éve alatt, amivel a legjobb szerződést kapta meg a posztján húszezer sérülése után, most pedig Hurnsnél 3 év 36 millát írsz, és szegény csapat 😀
1. Ha Hurns szerződését 5 évesnek írod, mert, szerinted az a logikus, akkor Gronkét miért 6 évesnek írtad? Merthogy a logikát követve akkor Gronk 8 éves contractot kötött, Hiszen nála a hosszabbítás ideje volt hat év. (2012 nyarán írta alá, és a szerződés 2019-ig érvényes)

2. Ha úgy számolnánk, ahogy te számolsz, akkor Gronk nem 6 évre kapott 54 milliót, hanem 8 évre 57.5-öt (hozzávéve a rookie contractja utolsó két évének pénzét is). Ez évi átlagban picivel 7 millió fölé jön(ne) ki, ami kevesebb, mint az akkor már létező, KORÁBBAN KÖTÖTT elit TE fizetések - pl. Wittené - évi átlaga. (Witten pár évvel korábban 7.5 millás átlagút kötött. De Vernon Davis, vagy Antonio Gates szerződésének akkori átlaga is magasabb volt ennél). Persze senki nem így számolja Gronk contractját - még te se. Csak Hurnsét számolod így.

3. Ha mégis így számolunk, akkor Hurns 5 évre 8 fölötti összeget kap, ami az IDEI FA piacon is teljesen megállná a helyét a #2 elkapók között (lásd Jones, Sanu friss contractja). Ellentétben azzal, hogy ha Gronk fizetését számoljuk hasonló logikával 8 évre.

3. A logikád szerint akkor, ha Butler (aki hasonló helyzetben van, mint Hurns) most kapna a Pats-től egy 4 éves, 53-60 millió körüli kiterjesztést (ez felel meg Hurns contractjának, számolva 4 évvel és a CB poszton az elit játékosok 13-15 milla/évével), akkor is azt mondanád, hogy a Pats nem fizette alaposan meg? Mert én biztos vagyok benne, hogy sokallnád.😊 És abban is biztos vagyok, hogy akkor is sokallnád, ha 5 évre osztva "csak" 11 körülre jönne ki 😊

Egyébként amikor Gronk aláírta a szerződését, akkor nem volt ezernyi sérülése. Az első két évét végigjátszotta, egy meccset se hagyott ki. A második év playoffjában szenvedett bokahúzódást, amivel - bár nem teljesen egészségesen, de - végigjátszotta a playoffot, egészen a Superbowl-ig. A sérülés-kálváriája a szerződéskötés utáni idényében indult, előbb a Colts meccsen eltört karjával, majd a többivel, elfertőzés, ACL, stb.

(Elnézést Jags fanok, hogy floodoltuk a topicot, a magam részéről befejeztem. Csak annyi volt a szándékom, hogy leírjam: szerintem más oka is lehetett, hogy ilyen "bőséges" contractot kapott Hurns, Olyan ok, amiről nem tudunk.)

Szerkesztette: peterk2005 udvari bolond

“Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing.” (Peyton Manning)
több mint 8 éve
Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 723
Most hogy Paulo Sergio nincs már a keretben,
Ki fog akkor gólt rúgni?

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
több mint 8 éve
Wyatt New England Patriots 26 306
De nézheted úgy is, hogy 5 év 40.6 millás szerződés 😊
Áh, persze. Sőt, akkor miért nem nézzük 7 év 41.5 millásnak, úgy még jobban mutat. 😀
Igen, csak ez hülyeség lenne. Ellentétben azzal, amit én írtam. Mert ez valójában egy négyéves kiterjesztés az idei fizuja mellé pluszban, szóval öt évre kötelezte el most magát, amennyi idő alatt 40.6 millát kereshet. Mellesleg te sem tudod már eldönteni, kinek a párján vagy. Amikor Gronk van, akkor szegény játékos de szarul járt, amiért csak 54 millát kereshet a hat éve alatt, amivel a legjobb szerződést kapta meg a posztján húszezer sérülése után, most pedig Hurnsnél 3 év 36 millát írsz, és szegény csapat 😀

több mint 8 éve
peterk2005 udvari bolond Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 23 685 — The only discipline that lasts, is self discipline
De nézheted úgy is, hogy 5 év 40.6 millás szerződés 😊
Áh, persze. Sőt, akkor miért nem nézzük 7 év 41.5 millásnak, úgy még jobban mutat. 😀

“Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing.” (Peyton Manning)
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
A-Rob Hurnsy új szerződéséről #88 jótékonysági rendezvényén
Tényleg jó látni, hogy a 2 Allen mennyire drukkol egymásnak.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Yeldon Ivory érkezéséről és az RB depth chartról.
Despite missing four games last year, Jaguars running back T.J. Yeldon finished 24th in the NFL with 182 carries and 22nd with 740 rushing yards.

The Jaguars responded by signing New York Jets free agent Chris Ivory, who was fifth last year in yards (1,050) and sixth in attempts (247).

Well, T.J.?

“I felt like it was a good signing to help us out and get a 1-2 punch going on,” Yeldon said in the Jaguars locker room after Tuesday’s practice. “It will help us stay fresh just like at Alabama with me and Eddie [Lacy]. We can go all out on every play and then come out when we need a break and the other guy can go in and do his thing.”

So is Yeldon the 1 or the 2 of the punch? He laughed and said: “We’ll see how it goes when the season gets here.”

What needs to happen when the season gets here is a better Jaguars’ running game.

“I felt like the run game went down throughout the season,” Yeldon said. “We need to all pick it up and get a lot better this year.”

The Jaguars’ rushed for 774 yards in the first eight games and 699 in the final eight.

But the point Yeldon doesn’t want to make so I will: When he was unavailable, the Jaguars’ running game was broken.

Yeldon’s 12 games: The Jaguars averaged 100.6 yards and went 5-7.

Yeldon’s four missed games (including the final three with a sprained medial collateral ligament): The Jaguars averaged 66.3 yards and went 0-4.

To help increase his yards-per-carry average of 4.1, Yeldon spent the off-season training with Alabama strength and conditioning coach Scott Cochran while finishing his degree.

“I’m at 225; it’s a better 225,” Yeldon said. “I’m still going to try and lose five more pounds before camp. I feel like I’ve gotten a lot stronger to hold off the bigger guys [on defense].”
Most hogy Paulo Sergio Brown nincs már a keretben, és Sample-re SS poszton számítunk, Peyton thompson lett átképezve FSnek idén, és ő lesz Josh Evans 1. számú kihívója, mint Gipson 1. számú cseréje.
Thompson’s ‘best chance’

Cut six times by four teams since entering the league in 2013, Peyton Thompson may finally be carving out a niche in the Jaguars’ secondary after being moved from cornerback to free safety.

“I feel like this is my best chance [to make an opening-day roster],” Thompson said during the first week of OTAs. “The amount of special teams I can play and being somebody they can interchange from cornerback to nickel to safety and know the whole defense no matter where I am, that definitely gives me an upper hand.”

Thompson played in 15 games last year and is competing with Josh Evans to be Tashaun Gipson’s backup.

“I was back there [at safety] a couple of times in high school, but I never had to play it in college [at San Jose State],” Thompson said. “It’s something I’m comfortable with and confident enough to play. I actually like it because it gives me a different perspective and I’m able to see the whole play.”
Úgy tűnik Linkenbachra elsősorban tackleként tekintünk.
Linkenbach catches up

Reserve offensive lineman Jeff Linkenbach signed May 17 and was on the field six days later for OTAs, but he said the transition has gone well.

“Playing in the league for a few years now, football is football and it’s just learning the terminology,” he said. “I jumped in late, but got in before the first OTA so I’m feeling comfortable.”

Linkenbach was crash-coursed by assistant offensive line coach John Benton, his position coach last year with Miami.

Linkenbach, a self-described “Jack of all trades,” is working at tackle during OTAs. He lives full-time in Indianapolis, where he said the key was “sticking to my [off-season] routine,” even though he was a free agent.

“It was a little longer than I hoped for, but better late than never,” he said. “I just kept plugging away [while] waiting for the opportunity.”
A héten még AJ Cann(!) is megfordult RT poszton, mivel Parnell a kéztörése miatt erősen limitált.

A-Rob azt mondta, hogy minicamp és TC közt lesz önszorgalmú közös edzés a QBk, WRek és TEk között.

Jövő héten jön az utolsó 4 OTA edzés (hétfő-kedd, csütörtök-péntek), bár Gus mindig lemond az utolsó napról valami közös programot szervezve a csapatnak az edzőpályától messze.
több mint 8 éve
Wyatt New England Patriots 26 306
De nézheted úgy is, hogy 5 év 40.6 millás szerződés 😊