Jacksonville Jaguars

29 feliratkozó

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phylos Jacksonville Jaguars 1 161 — Duvááááál
Ha valakit érdekel, idén is lehet a BoldCityBrigade-hoz regisztrálni 😊

Made... Laid... Paid
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
El kéne gondolkozni, hogy ki átkozta meg a csapatot.
Derrick Harvey, Dan Marino és én, azzal hogy nekik szurkolok. .

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
Matthew99 New Orleans Saints 9 588 — Invisible man
Komolyan el kéne gondolkodnia a Jagsnek a rookiecamp megszüntetésén..
A pats a draftot, a jax a camp-et, mi marad a holtszezonból?
Jól látom hogy kihagytad a Packerst? 😀

A baseball 90% fejjáték. A másik fele fizikai. Nincs ez elbaszva, csak másra lesz jó. A legrosszabb, mikor a hülyeség szorgalommal párosul.
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Giowa Jacksonville Jaguars Boise State Broncos 534 — Pocsék ST-nk van ma is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Komolyan el kéne gondolkodnia a Jagsnek a rookiecamp megszüntetésén..
A pats a draftot, a jax a camp-et, mi marad a holtszezonból?

több mint 8 éve
peterk2005 udvari bolond Indianapolis Colts Stanford Cardinal 23 685 — The only discipline that lasts, is self discipline
Egy frászt. Florida egy rossz hely, ki kell bérelni a Seattle edzőtáborát.

“Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing.” (Peyton Manning)
több mint 8 éve
Stez SMU Mustangs 43 248 — Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
El kéne gondolkozni, hogy ki átkozta meg a csapatot.
És ja, nem szabad felkészülést tartani.

több mint 8 éve
ParadSEC New England Patriots Georgia Bulldogs 3 069 — Patriots fan
Komolyan el kéne gondolkodnia a Jagsnek a rookiecamp megszüntetésén..

„Elmehetsz több pénzért játszani meg ilyenek, de ha minden héten vesztesz elég nyomorultul érzed majd magad. Itt akarok maradni, nyerni akarok, segíteni akarok a csapatnak és továbbra is jó és megbízható játékosnak maradni." - Rob Ninkovich
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Jövő héten lesz másodvélemény Ramseyről, addig

Oesherék elemzése a helyzetről, benne a Jaguars közleményével
 www.jaguars.com/media-gallery/videos/Inside-the-Jaguars-Jalen-Ramsey-update/3af88fee-2258-45ae-8c7a-ac26309de40f" class="embed">" class="embed">

Nem csoda hogy Dr. House ide igazolt.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Annyiból ez fasza, hogy lehet Ctrl+c - Ctrl+v-zni a tavalyi Fowleres kommenteket. Pl.: Sebaj, jövőre lesz kvázi két elsőkörös pickünk.
Elvileg nem komoly a sérülés, elképzelhetőnek tartják, hogy akár a minicampre is mehet már.
Nekem elég lesz ha TC-re rende jön.
több mint 8 éve
undisputedly Seattle Seahawks 11 933 — SuperBowl Champions 2013/2014
Annyiból ez fasza, hogy lehet Ctrl+c - Ctrl+v-zni a tavalyi Fowleres kommenteket. Pl.: Sebaj, jövőre lesz kvázi két elsőkörös pickünk.
Elvileg nem komoly a sérülés, elképzelhetőnek tartják, hogy akár a minicampre is mehet már.
több mint 8 éve
Törölt felhasználó
Sztem ez már direkt van. Szabotázs. Vagy nem tudom
Szerk. Iktriad meg sehol, sztem belátta, hogy nincs más megoldás, elment piáért... 😀
Vagy csak szimplán törölte magát mindenhonnan. 😀
több mint 8 éve
peach Atlanta Falcons 14 676 — a new hope (again)
Sztem ez már direkt van. Szabotázs. Vagy nem tudom
Szerk. Iktriad meg sehol, sztem belátta, hogy nincs más megoldás, elment piáért... 😀

Szerkesztette: peach

...nem , nem tündérke. A kívánság az kívánság. Térdelj csak le szépen...
több mint 8 éve
Giowa Jacksonville Jaguars Boise State Broncos 534 — Pocsék ST-nk van ma is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Annyiból ez fasza, hogy lehet Ctrl+c - Ctrl+v-zni a tavalyi Fowleres kommenteket. Pl.: Sebaj, jövőre lesz kvázi két elsőkörös pickünk.

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Amadeus the Young Las Vegas Raiders West Virginia Mountaineers 32 722
De egy szerencsétlen csapat ez....

criminal lawyer or criminal lawyer?
több mint 8 éve
Klaci79 Pittsburgh Steelers Pittsburgh Panthers 21 935
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Janek Philadelphia Eagles Florida Gators 15 828 — Apu ökölbeszorított keze

több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Björn nem kért sokat.

Vegasnál már 7,5 lett az idei over/under győzelemek tekintetében a Jaguars szezonjára. Nem olyan régen még 5,5 volt ez a szám.

Tervezett kezdőink az NFL network szerint. Azt hiszem valami hasonló lehet a legjobb felállásunk, ha nem sérül meg senki.
Esetleg Ivory előzheti meg Yeldont és Marcedes lesz Lee helyett.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Chad Wilt, a Maryland egykori, az Army jelenlegi védőfal edzője Ngakoueról

Coach: Speed is strength for Jaguars rookie Yannick Ngakoue

Through his first two years at Maryland, Yannick Ngakoue had started only 11 of 26 games, posting 47 tackles and eight sacks. Underwhelming for sure. But the Terrapins’ switch to a 4-3 defense moved Ngakoue from outside linebacker to defensive end and into Chad Wilt’s meeting room.

The partnership lasted only a year, but it was beneficial for Ngakoue, whose 131/2 sacks were second in the Big Ten and tied for second nationally, and he had 38 tackles. Ngakoue left school and was drafted by the Jaguars in the third round.

The good news for the Jaguars?

“He’s still learning and developing,” said Wilt, now the defensive line coach at Army.

Wilt talked recently about his year coaching Ngakoue.

Did he have a go-to move to get his sacks last year or had he developed a good set of moves?

“It was varied, and that’s one of the things to Yannick’s credit. He doesn’t have a single move. He has a repertoire. In the Indiana game, he beat Jason Spriggs [second-round pick by Green Bay] with a pure speed rush for a strip-sack. But then he beat [Michigan State’s] Jack Conklin [first-round pick by Tennessee] with a violent, violent outside chop move — speed-to-power — that left Conklin falling on his face. Those are two high-level offensive tackles and good players. And against Penn State, he used a beautiful inside spin move on the offensive tackle, but he didn’t get the sack because it was a three-step drop. But he got a great hit on [Christian] Hackenberg [second-round pick by the Jets]. What Yannick does a good job understanding is that his best asset is his speed, so he uses that to set up the other things. I told him, ‘Use your speed to make the offensive tackle uncomfortable and then work your other moves off that.’ We spent a lot of time on that last year.”

As last year went along, did you see opponents devoting more attention to Ngakoue?

“He did get growing attention, but we were fortunate that we had a pretty good defensive tackle — Quinton Jefferson, who was drafted in the fifth round by Seattle. We kept those two guys opposite of each other in our pass-rush situations because then teams couldn’t slide or overload to block Yannick.”

Initially, the Jaguars view Ngakoue as a third-down player. How did he play against the run last year?

“He got better, but that’s where he has to improve his game the most. It’s not from a lack of willingness. It’s more about consistency. That’s in the fundamentals — the foot work he needs, the pad level he needs, the hand placement he needs in taking on a base block. And it’s not a toughness issue. He’s a tough kid.”

You coached him for just the one season after the scheme change — was it an enjoyable experience?

“It was. He’s got a personality. He’s a hard-working kid. He’s a coachable kid. If I would tell him something in a position meeting and say, ‘In practice, I want you to focus on your hand placement in the drills against the offensive linemen,’ we would get into the drill and if I pointed out something about his footwork or takeoff, he would say, ‘Coach, I got you. How were my hands?’ He’s going to try and do what you ask him to do. The Jaguars’ coaches will like working with him because he’s going to do what they want him to do. He’s going to go out there, work hard, put the effort in on the field and in the classroom and do things on his own — extra work and extra film study. And on top of it, he’s a good, young man. He’s got a good heart and wants to do the right things. If you invest in him, he’ll return the investment.”

What was his best game last year?

“He had a really good game against Michigan State. He didn’t play great the previous week against Ohio State — Taylor Decker is obviously a great player [first-round pick by Detroit], and Yannick knew he didn’t play really well. He took that to heart, and he had a chance to redeem himself against Conklin. And he worked that week with a great purpose. He made sure he was going to be aggressive. He made sure he was going to be on the attack. We got after [quarterback] Connor Cook and knocked him out of the game. Yannick had a couple of hits on him as did other guys. The level of competition we were facing, that Michigan State game solidified the type of player Yannick could be at the next level.”
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iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
volt már?

Ez a cikk konkrétan nem, de arról már írtam, hogy a UCLA-n lesz az OTAk ideje alatt-
több mint 8 éve
Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 040 — Jaguars fan
volt már?

több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Phylosnak lett igaza. Chris Ivory és nem Bortles az a Jaguars játékos, aki Malik, A-Rob, Hurns és Telvin mellett a Top 100-as listára került:

Itt nézhető meg a filmecske róla:
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Az UDFA kicker Jaden Oberkromot, akit Linkenbach miatt kiraktuk claimelte a Browns. 😊 😊 😊

Az nfl.com-os felszopás folytatódik. Gil Brandt szerint a Jaguarsé volt a legjobb offseason idén.
Jaguars, Titans, Raiders among teams with best offseasons
The Texans made a flurry of roster improvements, including landing a new QB (Brock Osweiler). But in his ranking of the six best offseasons, Gil Brandt puts one team far ahead of Houston.

Egy másik NFL Networkös elemző, Charley Casserly szerint pedig az Allen tesók az NFL 4 legjobb WR tandemjének egyike!

Kelvin Beachum beszélt a térde állapotáról és a beilleszkedésről is többek között. Parnellel elég jóban van már.
A fókusz számára az, hogy a Packers ellen teljese mértékig bevethető legyen. Bowanko élő adásban tweetelt rá. Egyre többen mondják, hogy elég nagy karakter (pozitív értelemben) lett a csapatnál.

Oesher Linderrel beszélt az új posztjáról.
Brandonnak még elég furcsa a dolog, de igyekszik megszokni. Remélem, hogy a posztváltással nem gyengülünk.

Oesher Björn Wernernel is beszélt, aki reméli, hogy a 4-3 jobban illik majd a játékstilusához, mint a 3-4.

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Egyre nagyobb a hypeunk, már az MMQBs-ok is beszálltak a felszopásunkba:
Ebből szokott nagy pofára esés lenni, mikor eljön az alapszakasz...

A UCLA LB edzője Scott White Myles Jackről. Nem meglepetés, hogy szerinte óriási steal volt a tanítványa 2/5-ön.
When linebacker Myles Jack free-fell during last month’s draft and the Jaguars traded up two spots to take him 36th overall, it was unanimously viewed as a heist.
UCLA assistant coach Scott White agreed.

“Jacksonville taking Myles in the second round was an incredible steal,” he said. “He’s just exceptional. He’s one of the best players I’ve ever been around and is as special as they come.”

White worked with Jack during his Bruins career, two years as a defensive quality control coach and last year as linebackers coach after Jeff Ulbrich left for the Atlanta Falcons.

Here are the highlights from an interview with White:

Jack’s reputation during the pre-draft process revolved around his passion for and knowledge of football. How noticeable was that when he arrived at UCLA?

“The kid is a football junkie. He was very raw when he got to us, but how he picked up things so fast and quickly was rare. He set himself apart from the other freshmen. He was just unique in his ability to apply the learning and apply the coaching right away. And then, obviously, he had the physical gifts to go with that and that made him different, too. He didn’t start his first game but as soon as we put him in, we said, ‘Man, there’s no way we can take him off the field.’”

Especially in 2013, when he was Pac-12 offensive and defensive freshman of the year, how much did Jack split up his time in practice between running back and linebacker?

“He didn’t really practice offense — all of the things you saw him do (267 yards and seven touchdowns), it was off the cuff. He would get in the game and [quarterback] Brett Hundley would just tell him, ‘Go right or go left.’ The offensive staff stayed away from a lot of the read-option plays where it could have gotten cloudy for Myles. Whenever he was in, they made sure the call was a designed run.”

In UCLA’s defensive scheme, what was his best position?

“He can play any linebacker spot, honestly. He played [strong-side] in our base defense, and he played [weak-side] in our sub packages. Based on the matchup, we were able to sometimes put him at corner, and in one game against Stanford, we had a ‘big’ base defense, and he went back and played safety. He gave us the ability to do a lot of different things from a coverage standpoint and a front standpoint. [Middle linebacker] is ideal for him because he did that for us. He’s a guy that won’t have to leave the field.”

What was involved in the decision by the coaching staff in 2014 to put Jack on USC’s Nelson Agholor — a receiver and future first-round pick?

“Here’s what we felt with that: We had just watched Nelson just absolutely torch Cal (16 catches, 216 yards, two touchdowns), and as we were watching him and seeing how he was their go-to receiver and the focal point of their passing game, we saw that he was given free access — the corner played off and that allowed him to get right into his route. We said, ‘Myles, go irritate this guy. Get up on him. Disrupt him. Bump him. Be around him.’ And it worked.” (Agholor had three catches for 24 yards.)

Jack played only three games last year before his knee injury, but in that short amount of time, what kind of strides had he made?

“A huge leap. Something we really emphasized with him was to become more of a complete linebacker — be more physical and be more consistent. Those were the two biggest things and then keep pushing the envelope. He took it very well. He kept working on his physicality in terms of getting off blocks and not jumping around them. In the Virginia game, he put on a clinic on how to get off blocks [at the line] and then take on blocks at the second level. He’s a kid that wants to be coached hard and doesn’t get defensive when you correct him. That’s what I love about him — he truly wants to be great.”

When you watched the Jaguars work Jack out in Los Angeles last month, did you see him back to being at full speed?

“Early in the workout, when he was fresh, I could see that Myles Jack electricity and I yelled out, ‘That’s the guy I know.’ He had the quickness, the burst and the change of direction.”

Szerkesztette: iktriad
több mint 8 éve
Húsrágó Jacksonville Jaguars 3 040 — Jaguars fan
Linkenbach kezdései az NFLben eddig:
2010: 3 RG/1 LT
2011: 12 RT/4 LT
2012: 4 LG/4 RT
2013: 4 LG/1 OT
2014: 3 LG
Kíváncsi vagyok melyik poszton számolunk vele elsősorban TC alatt.

Ja és szegény Scobeet máris kirakta teljesen váratlanul a Saints. :/
Végigszaladtam a PFF-es értékelésein, hát a 2011-es szezon, ahol kezdett folyamatosan: -28,3-as értékelésre futotta (és "elnyerte" a worst player címet abból a falból) , utána a -8,1 és -6,1 szóval mondhatni, hogy fejlődik, vagy inkább az látszik, hogy egyre kevesebbet játszik... legkésőbb 75-re való szűkítéskor menjen amerre lát!
több mint 8 éve
iktriad Jacksonville Jaguars 79 415 — GoT Survivor, GM Game 2018, NBA Fantasy 2020 winner
Linkenbach kezdései az NFLben eddig:
2010: 3 RG/1 LT
2011: 12 RT/4 LT
2012: 4 LG/4 RT
2013: 4 LG/1 OT
2014: 3 LG
Kíváncsi vagyok melyik poszton számolunk vele elsősorban TC alatt.

Ja és szegény Scobeet máris kirakta teljesen váratlanul a Saints. :/

Szerkesztette: iktriad